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Alright kiddies, go throw out your copies of Breathing The Fire. You won't need them anymore.

This renders 90% of the other thrash albums released this year unnecessary.
Staff pick by: Doc G.
Endorsed by: wormdrink414, Daniell, X-Ray Rod
Atmospheric Sludge metal
Two years after the release of the gem Isolations Songs, Until Fear No Defines Us marks the return of Finnish metallers Ghost Brigade.

The recipe remains the same (and I would say it is not a bad thing), leading once again to a really solid album. So, check Until Fear No Defines Us out and do not miss this piece of melancholy!

Reminder: as appetizer, you can download for free a new track, entitled "Clawmaster", on the Season Of Mist's website over here. Enjoy!
You're either going take a rusty, shit-covered hook to your ears or get your dance on to this. Either way, check it out.
Staff pick by: wormdrink414
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, GT
the great southern black metal
GB are a French BM outfit that have allowed exterior influences in to their music... No, not from the Scandinavian north, but from the American south of all places. Raging, dissonant black metal is paired with murky sludge elements to create an awesome earful. This is what I had hoped Meet Us At The Southern Sign would be.

Viva la France, y'all!
Depressive black metal / dark ambient
Go find a tree to hang yourself from.
Staff pick by: Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, !J.O.O.E.!, Marcel Hubregtse, KwonVerge, White Winter Sun, X-Ray Rod
I know this is, like, hella old now, but goddamn it's fun for a black metal album.
Staff pick by: wormdrink414
Endorsed by: Troy Killjoy
Textured Goodness
As technical and progressive as Silhouettes, but this time violence and wildly evolving song structures left some place for finely crafted melodies and atmospheres.

A new Textures album, a new wonder to immerse oneself in. Simple as that.
Staff pick by: Darkside Momo
Endorsed by: Introspekrieg, Ag Fox, Nefarious, jupitreas
Earlier this year Rising won the inaugural "Clandestine Cut" MSA... since then they done got signed and now have their first full-length slated for an October release*. The band were kind enough to shoot me a promo and it is more of the same. And by that I do mean MORE. Instead of a two or four song tease, now you get ten tracks worth of the visceral pounding and crushing riffs that earned them your choice as the 2010 CC Messy.

*sadly this will not be out in the US until January 2012. let me again repeat how thankful I am that Rising sent me an advance.
Staff pick by: BitterCOld
Endorsed by: !J.O.O.E.!, Troy Killjoy, White Winter Sun, X-Ray Rod
Progressive Metal
They're back, and with only a year since their spectacular debut, Visions oozes with enthusiasm. There is not enough space here to describe all the greatness offered in this effort, but trust me it's good. It'll keep you on your toes with surprises and the unexpected forays into different musical hemispheres. The tempo and mood changes flow seamlessly between emotive ballads and instrumental breaks. These moments of showmanship actually *cough* have a purpose in developing the song *cough*. The journey ends with an eccentric 22 min+ epic of dauntless proportions that will leave you craving repeat listens. So make a dramatic turn and pick this one up instead...
Staff pick by: Introspekrieg
Endorsed by: Ivor, Nefarious, BloodTears, Ag Fox, Daniell
Prog/blues rock
Pretty sure all you cats need to put away Opeth's latest attempt at recapturing the spirit of classic progressive rock and give Pain of Salvation's latest a spin or two. Expect plenty of bluesy grooves, catchy harmonized melodies, and a vocal performance by Daniel Gildenlöw that will tear out your heart strings with no remorse.
Staff pick by: Fat & Sassy!
Endorsed by: BloodTears, Nefarious, Ivor, Daniell, Milena
2011 and thrash are going together like pizza and beer. We've had the crust, sauce, cheese, and the IPA for a while now; this is the pepperoni and sausage to go on top.
Staff pick by: wormdrink414
Endorsed by: BitterCOld, Ag Fox, Doc G., Nefarious
Energized energetic energy
The songs are still too long at times, but the irressistible enegry that squirts from every note of this album is truly overwhelming. Machine Head have just released what could possibly be their best album since the classic Burn My Eyes.
Staff pick by: Daniell
Endorsed by: Nefarious, Marcel Hubregtse, hanna of steel
black metal
Wolves In The Throne Room are back and, somehow, despite adjusting their standard song structure from epic to more conventional length, they have managed to recapture some of the magick of their earlier albums that was absent on Black Cascade. A swell album that manages to capture and combine the ugliness of black metal with the majestic beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
Hellbilly Hardcore
Hereby celebrating the 1 year, 1 month, and 12 day anniversary of possibly one of the most entertainingly obnoxious listens of all time. Despite being a pretty ancient album, it still sounds as furious as it did way back in 2009.

Here's to praying for part II from Hank III.
Staff pick by: Doc G.
Endorsed by: Fat & Sassy!, wormdrink414, BitterCOld

Yob - Atma

Yob is back and crushing skulls with undeniably groove-laden thunderous riffs and Dalekian vocal shrieks. Atma would make a swell soundtrack next time you and your sweetie want to enjoy the changing foliage with a nice picnic lunch... and ensure no one else gets within earshot of your blanket. Oh, and Yob spelled backwards is Boy. As in "Boy is this good!"