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Abske Fides - Abske Fides
Oct 02, 2012
Beneath Brasil's beaches with topless goddesses and tropical drinks, behind the mask of Carnival, you have rampant poverty, crime, and slums. A dark side concealed under the sheen of tourist hotels and beaches. In other words, a great breeding ground for some awesome doom... enter Abske Fides.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, Susan, Marcel Hubregtse, Nefarious, Dane Train, X-Ray Rod, Abattoir, BloodTears
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, Susan, Marcel Hubregtse, Nefarious, Dane Train, X-Ray Rod, Abattoir, BloodTears
Kong - Merchants Of Air
Sep 23, 2012
I wonder why I haven't heard of Kong before as this mostly instrumental outfit apparently goes back a while. The music of Kong blends influences from electronica and industrial with prog metal. Some of it packs a punch. Oh, those riffs and those rhythms!
Listen to the whole album on their Bandcamp page. If you're looking for a recommendation, take "Astral Calls."
Listen to the whole album on their Bandcamp page. If you're looking for a recommendation, take "Astral Calls."
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Marcel Hubregtse, Darkside Momo, Dane Train, !J.O.O.E.!, Ag Fox, X-Ray Rod
Endorsed by: Marcel Hubregtse, Darkside Momo, Dane Train, !J.O.O.E.!, Ag Fox, X-Ray Rod
Midnight - Complete And Total Hell
Sep 21, 2012
A compilation of blackened Motörhead-worship from an Ohioan outfit that completely destroys.
Click here for the tunes.
Click here for the tunes.
Ancestors - In Dreams And Time
Sep 16, 2012
I don't delve deep into either stoner or doom. But albums such as this make the occasional forays so much more worthwhile. Doomy atmosphere with a drive of a stoner rock is how I like it to be served. This is no less than a stellar release.
Just listen to "On The Wind" here.
Just listen to "On The Wind" here.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, Daniell, wormdrink414, Marcel Hubregtse, Dane Train, X-Ray Rod, Susan, !J.O.O.E.!, BudDa, Introspekrieg
Endorsed by: Ag Fox, Daniell, wormdrink414, Marcel Hubregtse, Dane Train, X-Ray Rod, Susan, !J.O.O.E.!, BudDa, Introspekrieg
Threshold - March Of Progress
Progressive metal
Sep 15, 2012
This is how it should be: long, nice and easy, and sinewy. I'm talking about good prog, of course. And that is exactly what you'll find in March Of Progress. No big tricks, just good songs really.
Hooded Menace - Effigies Of Evil
Sep 12, 2012
Perhaps a tad weaker than their older releases, but still a joyride full of creepy melodies that creep out from between heavy-as-lead riffs.
Ørkenkjøtt - Ønskediktet
Proggy shizz
Sep 11, 2012
Both progressive and extreme and original! Oh fuck, those are three things. Nevermind. Why haven't I picked this before? Because I'm an idiot, that's why.
Disclaimer: There are no actual horses playing pianos on this album.
Disclaimer: There are no actual horses playing pianos on this album.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Nefarious, !J.O.O.E.!, Ivor, Introspekrieg, BloodTears, X-Ray Rod, Troy Killjoy
Endorsed by: Nefarious, !J.O.O.E.!, Ivor, Introspekrieg, BloodTears, X-Ray Rod, Troy Killjoy
Sunn O))) - Rehearsal Demo Nov 11 2011
Drone Doom
Sep 08, 2012
Meat and potatoes Sunn O))). Stripped down, roughly-cut drone in its purest form with some curious Russian film samples (Posetitel muzeya) scattered here and there, giving it a strangely Soviet edge.
Unipolar Manic-Depressive Psychosis - Psychodelicus Decibeli
Avantgarde / Extreme Prog
Sep 06, 2012
Staff pick by:
Aug 30, 2012
I don't know German, but I'm pretty sure "freiheit macht frei" means "fuck you and your ears." This is death-infused, loud-n-noisy grind done all chunky-like and right.
Necrovation - Necrovation
Aug 22, 2012
Swedish death that's to-the-point, Entombedish, and stripped down, yet isn't overly simplistic and heard-it-before. It's unique stuff that isn't up its ass with the fact that it's unique.
Click here if you enjoy good music.
Click here if you enjoy good music.
The Machine - Calmer Than You Are
Stoner / Psychedelic
Aug 15, 2012
It's stoner. It's got rolling guitars to rock your socks off. It's tripping. The Machine are second only to an out of body experience.
Need more convincing? Try the teaser here or better yet the full 12 minute track off the album here.
Need more convincing? Try the teaser here or better yet the full 12 minute track off the album here.
Murder Construct - Results
Aug 11, 2012
Who's up for some filth and violence?!
Viðr - Hedensk Skikk Og Tro
Aug 07, 2012
New and true Norwegian black metal. Got more evil sounding tunes to spare than most LPs manage to pack in to begin with.
Click here to listen (to "Ild" in particular).
Click here to listen (to "Ild" in particular).
Staff pick by:
Elysian Blaze - Blood Geometry
Hell on Earth
Jul 31, 2012
Everything bleak and awful in the world beautifully compiled into more than two hours of torturous melancholy.