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Staff picks

Leprous - Coal
23.05.2013 | Avant prog

A band you can rely on to deliver the goods each time, in a convincing and fresh way. 'Scuse me while I kiss the va-a-a-a-aalley, this valley I'm in.

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Darkside Momo, psykometal, R'Vannith, Ivor, Introspekrieg, Ag Fox, BloodTears, X-Ray Rod
Riverside - Shrine Of New Generation Slaves
04.02.2013 | Progressive

If you're looking for a band that will never do anything wrong, you've got your men right here.

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Daniell, Introspekrieg, Nefarious, R'Vannith, BloodTears, Ivor, Darkside Momo, X-Ray Rod
Ørkenkjøtt - Ønskediktet
11.09.2012 | Proggy shizz

Both progressive and extreme and original! Oh fuck, those are three things. Nevermind. Why haven't I picked this before? Because I'm an idiot, that's why.
Disclaimer: There are no actual horses playing pianos on this album.
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Thumbs up:
Nefarious, Unknown user, Ivor, Introspekrieg, BloodTears, X-Ray Rod, Troy Killjoy
Dissona - Dissona
12.03.2012 | Progressive/Avantgarde

If you're too lazy to read the awesome review that's one click away from you (shame on you!), this is what Alice heard while she was falling down the rabbit hole. You'll spend your first spin wondering what the hell is going on, and then it will grab you and never let you go.

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Thumbs up:
Ag Fox, BloodTears, Nefarious, Susan, Introspekrieg
Sentenced - Buried Alive
18.02.2012 | Finnish specialty

Buried Alive sums up the glory of Sentenced (mostly of its later years) and their special combination of lightweight, melancholic music with dark humor and authentically painful lyrics. I always mistakenly call it End Of The Road instead of its real name, because for me it's a painful reminder that Miika Tenkula is not among us anymore, and that the solo he played during the last song is the last one he ever played on stage.
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Firewind - The Premonition
29.12.2011 | Good power metal

Whenever I pick up Firewind's latest effort, Days Of Defiance, I always end up listening to this instead. Classy, polished, catchy, heavy and prog-tinged, nicely written and performed - probably as high as this band's gonna get. No cigar in 2011 for you, lads. But it's cool, this one has got enough swag in it to last for several years.

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Voyager - The Meaning Of I
16.12.2011 | Progressive awesomeness

When the year is good, awesome releases of little bands often get overlooked. But the Prog Police has deemed this worthy. Enjoy.
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GT, Dane Train