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Band - Video | Year | Style | Directed by | Rating | Votes | |
1 | Periphery - Marigold Progressive Math, Djent |
2016 | Progressive Math Djent |
Wes Richardson | 9 (2) |
2 |
2 | Periphery - Alpha Progressive Math, Djent |
2015 | Progressive Math Djent |
Wes Richardson | 7 (5) |
5 |
3 | Periphery - Scarlet Progressive Math, Djent |
2013 | Progressive Math Djent |
Wes Richardson | 6.4 (7) |
7 |
4 | Between The Buried And Me - Astral Body Progressive Metalcore |
2012 | Progressive Metalcore | Wes Richardson | 9.2 (5) |
5 |
5 | Periphery - Make Total Destroy Progressive Math, Djent |
2012 | Progressive Math Djent |
Wes Richardson | 8.8 (5) |
5 |