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Crystal Viper - New Video Online

Official press release

Polish female fronted Traditional Heavy Metal act Crystal Viper, released the "one take no dubs" video to the song "Night Of The Sin". The song is taken from the last Crystal Viper studio album Legends - and this is a rare chance to hear it in its "live version", as the song was recorded without overdubs, and the recording was not mixed and mastered.


Band profile: Crystal Viper
Posted: 24.04.2011 by Bad English | Comments (5)

Noctem - New Song Online

"Invictus", a brand new song from Spanish metallers Noctem, is available for streaming at the band's MySpace page.

"Invictus" comes off the band's forthcoming album, entitled Oblivion, which will be released worldwide on June 13th through Rising Records.


Band profile: Noctem
Posted: 24.04.2011 by Abattoir | Comments (0)

Jon Oliva's Pain - Guitarist Matt LaPorte Passes Away

Official press release

It is with great heartache and sorrow that we relay the passing of our dear friend, band-mate, guitarist and brother Matthew LaPorte. Matt passed away in his home shortly after 6 pm on Wednesday. No information regarding his cause of death is currently available.

Matt was a brilliant guitar player on all levels. He understood that instrument better than almost anyone. His knowledge of music in general was just amazing. His contributions to JOP and every band he ever played with was also without measure. He was truly a one-guitar army when he needed to be and his solo performances on all the Jon Oliva's Pain cd's will forever send chills down our spines. A near 20- year history and friendship with one of the true greats has now ended and we are deeply saddened.

Matt was a fan of all kinds of music and instruments, having even embarked on a mission to conquer the hammered dulcimer... one of the hardest instruments to play. He was always trying to expand his musical horizons and influences. He marveled at the musical greats, both old and new. He was never one to rate his talents above others and often commented about the great new music and artists he had just discovered.

Criss Oliva was without a doubt his most profound influence, and anyone who saw him play Savatage songs knew that Criss was channeling his talents via Matt. Matt's attention to detail and always striving to play everything perfect is without comparison. We would sit for hours during rehearsals with him muddling over whether a guitar chord was played exactly as recorded. Sometimes frustrating, but always appreciated in the end. He was the professionals' professional when it came to his guitar skills, and the loss of such a talent will be forever felt.

Matt was a gentle soul, and would avoid conflict at all costs. He got along with everyone and greeted all with a smile on his face. There was a shyness and almost embarrassment felt by him from the adoration of his fans around the world... and he had many.

He was humbled by the love and respect music fans gave to him, but in a quiet way, that made him work just a little bit harder. He had a hilarious, twisted and often sarcastic sense of humor that was unique to him. A very funny man indeed.

We miss you terribly Matt, and we will celebrate your music and life each and every day. That great band in the sky just got a whole lot better, and you are in the most peaceful place you could have ever hoped for. Until we meet again...


Band profile: Jon Oliva's Pain
Posted: 24.04.2011 by Nefarious | Comments (9)

Borknagar - I.C.S Vortex Announces Full Engagement With The Band

Official press release

I.C.S Vortex officially announce his return to Borknagar. To mark this grand cooperation between Vintersorg and I.C.S Vortex, Inferno is announcing that Borknagar will headline the 2012 edition with both vocalist on stage.

Over the past months, there has been a wide array of rumors and speculations about I.C.S Vortex' involvement with Borknagar, so now it's time for us to bring this out from the dungeons and into the plains of clarity: Vortex is back as a permanent member of Borknagar. Vortex will handle the bass as well as doing vocals together with Vintersorg.

Inferno festival also announces that Borknagar is confirmed to next years edition, doing a rare concert with both these renowned singers on stage. You will also find the band signing autographs at this years Inferno (Saturday at 20:00) I.C.S Vortex was re- introduced to Borknagar in 2010 after a 10 year break with his participation on Universal as guest vocalist, and also stepped up to help out the band on a tour of South- America that was later canceled. After this the rumors and speculations have been many, and here is the confirmation that so many have hoped for.

I.C.S Vortex comments: "I am chuffed and proud to be part of the Borknagar universe once again. Hailing the dawn of a new era, I lionize their splendorous glare."

Øystein G. Brun comments: "Even though Mr. Vortex has been absent from the band for almost a decade due to other musical endeavors, he has always remained a good, loyal and supportive friend of the band. Personally, I have always had a feeling that our paths would cross again - and now they do. I would like to welcome Mr. Vortex back in the fold, and I am really exited to get another opus done with the strongest line-up Borknagar has ever had. Just imagine the musical potential having two of the best and most renowned vocalists in the scene in the same band. This is surely a huge step forward and another exciting chapter in the musical legacy of Borknagar - and I feel like a lucky bastard being part of this. The new album will surely knock your socks off and set some new standards in the world of metal!"

Lars A. Nedland comments: "Vortex and Vintersorg in the same band! Can you imagine the possibilities here? Can you imagine the choirs? The vocal duels? The sheer musical potential? Let me tell you: If you are a Borknagar fan, these are exciting times."

Vintersorg comments: "The Vortex has made a touchdown in the Borknagar camp again. It feels very inspiring just to think about starting to shape vocal lines with this in mind. Time to make some epic music!"


Band profile: Borknagar
Posted: 24.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (22)

Lanfear - New Album Title Revealed

German metallers Lanfear have confirmed This Harmonic Consonance as the title of their sixth album, due later this year.

The band added: "Correct! This is the title of our new album and in the meantime the mix more or less has been finished! First trailer online! As alwas you'll receive more news as soon as they exist."


Band profile: Lanfear
Posted: 24.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (0)

Kamelot - Roy Khan Leaves The Band, Seek Replacement (UPDATED)

Original news, published on 22.04.2011

Despite Kamelot themselves not announcing it, Roy Khan has issued a statement on his Myspace confirming the rumors of him leaving the band:

"Dear fans & friends,

There have been a lot of speculations around why I am not touring with Kamelot and I want to make a statement although it may not prevent further guessing as to what's actually going on. It is a fact however that I told the guys in the band already last fall (well after my burnout) that I was leaving the band. Naturally enough they were shocked (as was the label and everyone else working with Kamelot). In addition to risk of dropping ticket sales they wanted to give me time to think things over, and so I did. My decision still stands; It is finished.

I am currently spending time with my family in Norway taking it easy and wondering profoundly what the future is going to bring. Communication with the outer world has been so and so, but I have had several talks with Thomas along the way although I am still called in sick. I am terribly sorry that my decision is affecting so many others and I want you to know I wish the band & associates all the best for the future and that I enjoyed every second in the spotlight. How could I not...they were nourished by the best fans in the world! I am eternally thankful for everything you and Kamelot have given me and equally sorry that it has to end here. The good news is; God was there after all...

Love you to death!

All the best & so long,
Roy Khan"

UPDATED, on 22.04.2011 (Thanks to Zhao)

The remaining members of Kamelot have released the following statement regarding the departure of the band's frontman, Roy Khan:

"With a heavy heart we can now announce that Roy Khan has chosen to leave the band. We wanted to give him ample time for this kind of decision, due to his recent burnout and also the amount of amazing times we have shared with him in Kamelot. We respectfully accept his resignation from the band and wish him the best in his future endeavors. The timing is actually good since we feel the uncertainty the fans have had can now be laid to rest and the band can move on to finding a new singer.

"The tour is going great so far and the fans have been amazing throughout this entire process" - adds keyboardist Oliver Palotai. With the new tour already in progress, Kamelot has already begun the search for a new vocalist. "I have a few guys in mind", said band founder Thomas Youngblood. "And as you can imagine, it is a very important decision. There are some amazing singers that have already contacted us on this but we will take our time to find the right person". Due to the overwhelming success of the recent shows in South America, we are pleased to announce new shows in November/December for Europe (stay tuned).


Band profile: Kamelot
Posted: 22.04.2011 by Zhao | Comments (97)

Trollfest - New Video Online

"Die Verdammte Hungersnot", the new video from Norwegian metallers Trollfest, can be viewed at this location.

"Die Verdammte Hungersnot" comes off the band's forthcoming album, entitled En Kvest For Den Hellige Gral, which will be released through NoiseArt Records on April 29th. More details about En Kvest For Den Hellige Gral were previously reported over here.


Band profile: Trollfest
Posted: 22.04.2011 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Primal Fear - 15 Songs Written For New Album

German metallers Primal Fear have issued the following update on their official website:

"Happy easter to everybody out there! Just a short Hello from the pre-production of the new Primal Fear album - We've written 15 songs so far and are thrilled and excited about the new stuff so far. But we can already promise to deliver a pure Primal Fear album with all the trademarks, heavy riffs and melodies our loyal fans want to hear, spiced with a splendid musical journey and ganished with two outstanding ballads. We will start with the drums recordings soon!

And now it's your time - the new PF album has no title so far - if you have any suggestion, write us! The best 3 options will receive a very special Primal Fear package! Cheers!"


Band profile: Primal Fear
Posted: 22.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (4)

Twisted Tower Dire - New Song Online

"White Shadow", a brand new song from US metallers Twisted Tower Dire, is available for streaming at this location.

"White Shadow" comes off the band's forthcoming album, entitled Make It Dark, which will be released on May 3 via Cruz Del Sur Music.

Make It Dark cover art] tracklist:

01. Mystera
02. Snow Leopard
03. The Stone
04. Make It Dark
05. White Shadow
06. The Only Way
07. Torture Torture
08. Beyond The Gate


Posted: 22.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (0)

Nevermore - Jeff Loomis And Van Williams Leave The Band

Guitarist Jeff Loomis and drummer Van Williams have announced their departure from Seattle-based progressive thrashers Nevermore. The following announcement was posted on the band's Myspace page:

"In a mutual decision Jeff Loomis and Van Williams have decided to leave Nevermore. The time has come to pursue our own paths from the group. Due to internal struggles and ongoing issues within the band, we feel it is our time to move on. We would like to thank all of our fans around the world for their years of love, support and enthusiasm. This was not an easy decision but a very necessary one at this point, may we all meet again someday, somewhere in time."

Loomis and Williams had been with Nevermore since the band's first album, the self-titled Nevermore from 1995. Nevermore recently announced that they would be cancelling their planned tour with Symphony X. No information regarding additional confirmed tour dates is known at this time.


Band profile: Nevermore
Posted: 21.04.2011 by Deadsoulman | Comments (82)

Shining - Part Ways With Guitarist

The following announcement was issued by Shining front man and founder Niklas Kvarforth on the band's Facbook page:

"Guitarist Fredric Gråby has left the ranks of Shining today because he no longer felt able to continue playing. Unfortunately this means that we have been forced to cancel our appearance at the Ragnarök Festival this month as there is not enough time for a new guitarist to learn the material.

We are also pleased to announce that Christian "Draug" Larsson, who has been playing bass with the band for some time on a temporary basis, has now has joined Shining as a permanent full-time member."


Band profile: Shining
Event: Ragnarök Festival
Posted: 21.04.2011 by Abattoir | Comments (3)

Legion Of The Damned - Guitarist Quits The Band

Official press release

Erik, Harold and Maurice got the shocking news that guitarist Richard Ebisch has to stop his current activity in the band Legion Of The damned.

Richard states: "I am very grateful for having achieved so much with Legion Of The Damned, but after having played in bands for so many years and having toured numerous times I decided to leave the band after careful deliberation. Because of health issues it was no longer possible for me to continue at this pace. I would like to say thank you to the fans and the Legion of the damned guys and wish them, and their new guitarist, all the best for the future."

We did not really expect this says Maurice Swinkels, who is doing the band with Richard for more than 16 years, he stated: "We recently succesful ended Sweden Rock Cruise and have alot of other great festivals planned ahead such as Graspop, Nummirock in Finland, Metalcamp, Bang your head and With Full force, we didn't really notice anything or felt like this is going to end somewhere for Richard. During Kettersach Festival last weekend Richard announced that he would still do Paaspop this upcoming weekend, but call it an end after that, it will be a great lost for us, but we accept his decision of course."

With the question in mind how Legion of the damned will continue. Maurice states: "Even though this came out of blue for us, we have no intention on cancel any of the planned festivals, who is going to replace Richard Ebisch is still a question unanswered, but hopefully we will have this answered as soon as possible as well , one thing is for sure, after Paaspop finnish metalfest Nummirock is next in line and we will be there stronger than ever!"

That it struck everybody in the band personally is no surprise, as Harold states: "It's really sad that Richard decided to leave the band, but it's his decision to end his carrier as a musician and we have to accept it as it is. I am really happy to be part of the Legion family, and shared the stage with Richard for 5 years. I have to thank him as well for all the fun and musical influences we shared. Richard is a great guitar player with an own style, and I wish him all the best with his future plans."

Also Erik who is doing the band with Richard for more than 16 years stated: "Bandmembers leaving the band was always something that happened in other bands, not with Legion of the damned, we are like brothers, shared joy and happiness as well as dissapointment and sadness together, it was always the four of us, but thats also part of being in a band that it might end somewhere or that someone leaves at a certain point, we have to accept it. We will miss Richard and I wish him all the best in the future."


Band profile: Legion Of The Damned
Posted: 21.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (4)

Poisonblack - Entire New Album Streaming Online

Drive, the forthcoming album from Finnish metallers Poisonblack, is available for streaming in its entirety on the band's Facebook page. Simply click "Like" for your chance to hear the CD.

Drive will be released on April 27 via Hype Records. The CD was recorded at Antfarm Studio in Århus, Denmark with producer Tue Madsen (The Haunted, Moonspell, Dark Tranquillity, Gorefest).

Drive cover art] tracklist:

01. Piston Head
02. Mercury Falling
03. A Good Day For The Crows
04. Maggot Song
05. From Now-Here To Nowhere
06. Sycophant
07. The Dead-End Stream
08. Futile Man
09. Scars
10. Driftwood


Band profile: Poisonblack
Posted: 21.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (4)

Testament - To Enter The Studio This Summer

Famed British producer Andy Sneap (Megadeth, Arch Enemy, Nevermore, Exodus) has revealed to Radio Metal that he will enter the studio this summer with San Francisco Bay Area metal veterans Testament to begin work on the follow-up to 2008's The Formation Of Damnation. A late 2011/early 2012 release is expected.

"The new album will most likely be a culmination of The Gathering (1999) and The Formation of Damnation, but we're definitely not going to forget who we are or our roots. I think we've found a comfortable spot in our writing style," Testament vocalist Chuck Billy stated in a 2010 interview.


Band profile: Testament
Posted: 21.04.2011 by Ahto | Comments (13)

Omen - Sign With DSN Music

Official press release

The legendary hard rock and heavy metal group Omen has signed an exclusive digital distribution deal with DSN Music, featuring their latest release Hammer Damage. The new album will be the 11th from the veteran rockers, who consist of Matt Story on vocals, guitarist and founder Kenny Powell, bassist Andy Haas, and Wampa on drums.

"We are extremely excited about signing with DSN Music" said Omen's Kenny Powell. "This release will be a ride straight into the glory days of Metal, no compromises, take no prisoners!"

Omen was formed in Los Angeles, California, in 1983, by lead guitarist Kenny Powell; previously with the rock group Savage Grace and signed on with Metal Blade Records in 1984, and released their debut album Battle Cry. In 1985 the second album Warning Of Danger followed, building up Omen's reputation as one of the forefathers of power metal acts, such as Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer. In 1986, Omen's successes lead to the release of the blockbuster album The Curse on Capital Records. The hit single Thorn In Your Flesh from their release Escape To Nowhere topped the metal charts in 1985.

Omen continued releasing an incredible collection of heavy metal masterpieces over the years, as well as building a loyal fan base via successful worldwide tours.

"We are pumped to have Omen join the DSN family" said DSN Music President Guy Giuliano. "Omen was one of the pioneers of the power metal genre and we're proud to give them a global platform for their latest offerings."

Omen enjoyed national broadcast airplay from the famed rock radio network Z-Rock, thanks to the devotion of high profile jocks like Madd Maxx Hammer, Wild Bill Scott, and Jason Lee Tipton. "Omen's "Thorn In Your Flesh" was getting a lot of airplay and their sound created a lot of excitement and generated great phones!" said Tipton. Records sales soared in markets where the Z-Rock network was carried, fueling a national following for the group.

"We are seeing a new generation of rockers worldwide discovering Omen via digital technology and other forms of entertainment media" said Giuliano. Omen's classic single The Axeman from their debut release Battle Cry was recently featured on the soundtrack for the heavy metal themed video game "Brütal Legend".

Omen's Hammer Damage is scheduled for a summer release and will be available via online and mobile stores such as, iTunes,, Verizon, and hundreds more worldwide.


Band profile: Omen
Posted: 21.04.2011 by White Winter Sun | Comments (1)