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Crypt Of Kerberos - To Release New Material

Official press release

Crypt of Kerberos was formed in Sweden in 1990 and featured members from bands such as Macrodex, House of Usher, Tyrant, The Black, Embryo, Blood Mortized, Sophia and Arcana. The band released a number of recordings during the early 90's. Crypt of Kerberos last official release was the 1993 album "World of Myths". This album was a milestone in terms of technical and melodic death metal and it was universally praised by the critics. Since the 2005 release "The Macrodex of War" (Bleed Records, Australia) which featured previously released promotion recordings and two 7" EP's there has been rumors about the band possibly recording new material.

Sixteen years after the last recording, the time has finally come: Swedish cult death metal group Crypt of Kerberos announce upcoming 7" EP!

On Friday the 13th 12:00 Central European Time, Crypt of Kerberos will unleash brand new material upon the world. One of the tracks for their upcoming 7" EP will premiere on their MySpace page.

Two new songs have been written by guitarist Peter Bjärgö with lyrics by Bjärgö and drummer Mattias Borgh. The new material which was recorded and produced at Bjärgö's Erebus Odora Studio, can be described as a return to the groups early sound. "Think of it as a continuation of the 1992 EP. These two new tracks really reek of down tuned guitars and slow crushing riffs combined with lyrics that deal with the world coming undone. The focus has been on dirty old style death metal more than on flashy technique" says Bjärgö.

Crypt of Kerberos anno 2009:

Christian Eriksson: Vocals
Peter Bjärgö: Guitar
Jonas Strandell: Guitar
Stefan Källarsson: Bass
Mattias Borgh: Drums


Posted: 11.03.2009 by Thryce | Comments (4)

Susperia - Vocalist Suffers Heart Attack

As posted on the band's website, vocalist Pål "Athera" Mathisen was rushed into Akershus Universitetssykehus Hospital in Lørenskog, Norway on the morning of March 9th suffering from acute stomach pains and heavy bleeding. Initial tests revealed that he had suffered a heart attack caused by a damaged blood vessel. Athera is currently in the intensive care unit under close observation, while further tests are carried out. He is expected to remain hospitalised for the foreseeable future.

At this moment future plans including touring commitments remain unchanged, until a full diagnosis of his condition has been confirmed. Everyone involved with the band wishes Athera a fast and speedy recovery.

The band's manager also added some of the Norwegian gigs in the near future will probably have to be cancelled.

(thanks Sigyn)


Band profile: Susperia
Posted: 11.03.2009 by Thryce | Comments (13)

Varg Vikernes - Soon To Be Released

In a recent interview with the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet Varg Vikernes confirmed that he's soon to be released from prison. Here's what he said (roughly translated from Norwegian):

"I can confirm that I'm soon to be released" he told the paper.

The 36 year old will move to a small farm in Telemark, where his wife and 1,5 year old son has been living for the last couple of years.

"I barely haven't seen my son since he was born. Even though I hear his voice almost every day on the telephone it's really hard not to be present when he's growing up. I miss my family and I look forward to the day where I can work on the farm, make music, write books and be with my wife and child 24 hours a day - and live a normal family life."

To the question about him being ready for society, he responded:
"I'm ready for society - and I have been for many years. I've learned from my mistakes and I've become older. Now I just want to be with together with my family. My mind has never been imprisoned."

Band profile: Burzum
Posted: 11.03.2009 by GT | Comments (94)

Celesty - Two New Songs Online

Finnish metallers Celesty have posted online two new songs, "Fading Away" and "Like Warriors", on their MySpace page.

The two songs come off the band's forthcoming album, entitled "Vendetta", which will be released in Finland on March 18 via Spinefarm Records (March 20 in Japan and during May in the rest of the World).


Band profile: Celesty
Posted: 11.03.2009 by White Winter Sun | Comments (4)

Savage Circus - Writing New Material

Savage Circus have issued the following update:

"It's been a long time... and if you say too long, you are damned right! Well, there is not really one overall reason for this absence; it's more or less a combination of smaller and bigger things in the life of the individual band members. But there's been one thing for sure, that struck all of us at the same time: the separation from Thomen. This hit us right in the middle of the first songwriting process for the follow up album and - as you may imagine - was not really a boost to our creativity. This had to be "digested" for a while?

While "digesting" in Umea, Sweden a lot of things did happen. Jens and Emilio got involved in the annual House Of Metal Festival (where SC played in 2007). This is quite a lot of stuff to take care for and indeed is time consuming. Yet another quite time consuming activity can be reported from Jens: he built a house! And nevertheless Emilio has encountered the maybe by far most time consuming thing in the world: the man got married! Congratulations and welcome to the club!

But also in Hamburg time moved on. In early 2006 my 3rd (!) daughter was given birth and she's just sweet as honey. By now she is 3 years old and started kindergarten in October 2008. This finally gave me back the time I needed so bad to finish up my songwriting for SC! In the year before it has been my job to take care of the little one during the day? I thought, songwriting is best at night, so no problem. Unfortunately I forgot, how much energy such a little thing draws from you. Those of you with kids of their own know, what I am talking about. So this whole thing turned into a more or less unplanned Sabbath year for little Piet. The only thing I managed to do was to play 2 US shows with my other band Iron Savior (check for more details on this) and to come up with a handful of riffs and melodies for the SC songwriting.

At this point the whole band would like to thank all of you for your patience big time. And your patience shall be rewarded! We are in the final process of the songwriting and a good 90% of the songs are finished and ready to get recorded. But it will get even better: while I am writing this, Jens and Emilio have already started to record vocals on the first song. Once they are finished, we will load the thing up as we did with "Evil Eyes" as a proof of life. By the end of the month you can check out for yourself, if the new stuff can match up with Dreamland Manor. Official production start is scheduled for April, where Mike will lay down the drum tracks. After that it will be Yenz turn to record the bass guitar. Guitars, vocals, keyboards and backing vocals will follow. We are in good hope to start with the final mix down in early summer. The release is scheduled for late summer/early autumn. The whole band is highly motivated to keep this schedule, because we strongly believe in this album. The songwriting turned out to be really strong and powerful. See (or better listen) for yourself and check out the SC page for the exact date of the teaser song release."

Band profile: Savage Circus
Posted: 11.03.2009 by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk | Comments (8)

Deathstars - Ink N. American Deal With Bieler Bros. Records

Bieler Bros. Records is thrilled to announce the signing of Sweden's Deathstars. Their North American debut, "Night Electric Night" will be in stores on May 19th with tour dates soon to follow.

Band profile: Deathstars
Posted: 11.03.2009 by ArtiA | Comments (1)

Lacrimosa - New Album Details

Lacrimosa's new album will be released on the 8th of May 2009. The band's tenth album will be called "Sehnsucht" (=Longing) and features the following tracklist:

01. Die Sehnsucht In Mir
02. Mandira Nabula
03. A.U.S.
04. Feuer
05. A Prayer For Your Heart
06. I Lost My Star In Krasnodar
07. Die Taube
08. Call Me With The Voice Of Love
09. Der Tote Winkel
10. Koma

Check out the official Lacrimosa website for an audio teaser and for a preview of the cover artwork.


Band profile: Lacrimosa
Posted: 11.03.2009 by Daggon | Comments (9)

Evergrey - Atlanta Show Postponed

As posted on the official Evergrey site, due to unforeseen logistical issues, the Evergrey show scheduled for March 12 in Atlanta has been postponed until Friday, May 29th. Both the band and HoS Productions have explored all options in an attempt to salvage the situation. However, it was simply impossible given the constraints of the issues involved that normally are not an issue. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and frustration regarding theshow as everyone involved was looking forward to the special show that was planned.

Tickets purchased for the original date will be honored at the later date or refundable via Ticket Alternative.

Commented the band: "We are so fucking sorry for not being able to play, but the rules of USA's immigration prevents us from doing so. Normally this has never been a problem as the paperwork has always been swift enough, but now, for some reason we have yet to be approved.

Even more frustrating (if possible) is that we will be there, in Atlanta but not be able to perform, We have all our shit with us and everything as we are also going to Mexico BUT WE CANT PLAY: We are so terribly sorry for this, as we are not and have never been a band that cancels, anything. However this is out of our hands? we are looking to make this up by returning in May to perform for you guys and also try to fit some more gigs in there. (We have lost a major amount of money due to connecting flights to Mexico that are already bought and payed for and the petitions we still have to pay even though we arent even approved!)

But at the same time of course understand and appreciate that some our fans loss are hitting them harder. Once again we are as sorry as we can be, but we are a band of our word and will return to compensate, in one way or another. For those of you who are interested we can share the same bench out in a park somewhere before our flight to Mexico takes off on the 13th? Drowning our sorrows in imaginary beers."

Band profile: Evergrey
Posted: 11.03.2009 by Ulv | Comments (1)

SIG:AR:TYR - Update From The Band

Posted by frontman Daemonskald on the official MySpace site:

"I've been busy the last few months and have completed two songs already for the next album. I will release more details on the new album as things become more concrete. I hope to get it out fairly quickly before the end of the year, as "Beyond The North Winds" has done very well and received great reviews, and I want to capitalize on the momentum.

I also took the time to record a cover song (after I swore I would never do one, never say never I suppose...). It is for the Valhalla Productions Bathory tribute, which is only viking-era Bathory songs. I decided to do "Song to Hall Up High", as I don't think its a song that's really been covered much, and I was able to do something a little different with it. There is no point in doing a cover song if all you are going to do is re-do the original. I have no idea what's going on with Valhalla, and if this tribute will see the light of day. If not, I'm sure the song will get MySpace'd here or tagged on to the next album or a re-release of my older albums.

A lot of people have been writing about the availability of "Sailing The Seas of Fate" and the demo "The Stranger". Only a 1000 of "Sailing..." were made, and only 100 of "The Stranger" and you can find them at the odd distro here and there. We are hoping to re-release "Sailing The Seas of Fate" this year, as long as finances permit because of all the requests. Such is life in the underground!"


Band profile: SIG:AR:TYR
Posted: 11.03.2009 by Daggon | Comments (3)

Cain's Disnaty - News About The French Tour

Hi all Cain's fans out there!!

Cain's Dinasty is in france for 9 shows. We upload everyday on Youtube videos from the french tour!

Here are the links of the recorded songs until now. Hope that you'll like it!

Taking a Look, Lyon 6 march 2009 at Double Six

Tears of Pain, Marseille 07 march 2009

we play evernight in france with french band Black Rain have a a lot at the band their on myspace here :

See you soon on the road!

10 mars 2009 20:00
Heretic Club w/ Lyre Bordeaux
11 mars 2009 20:00
Floride Nantes
12 mars 2009 20:00
Mondo Bizarro Rennes
13 mars 2009 20:00
Pacific Rock Cergy-Pontoise
14 mars 2009 20:00
La Chimère Lille

Cain's Dinasty album Legacy of Blood Available on Melodica Records

And rock on!!!!!


Band profile: Cain's Dinasty
Posted: 10.03.2009 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Gorgoroth - Infernus Wins Trademark Case

The ongoing battle Infernus has been pursuing against Gaahl & King Ov Hell regarding trademark rights of the name "Gorgoroth" appear to have come to an end. A message posted on Infernus' myspace website reads as follows:

"Oslo City District Court has today delivered a verdict on the main question in the Gorgoroth trademark case, which took place at the end of January 2009. The court has decided that King ov Hell's trademark registration # 243365 of the band name Gorgoroth is NOT valid and shall therefore be deleted. The court states that King ov Hell and Gaahl excluded themselves from the band Gorgoroth when they tried to fire Infernus in October 2007. The court further states that Infernus cannot be excluded from Gorgoroth, unless he himself decides to quit. Infernus is very pleased, but not surprised, by this verdict. The remaining issues concerning financial matters and such are yet to be decided upon."

The Infernus Gorgoroth line-up is:

Infernus - guitar, bass, drums, vocals
Pest - vocals
Tormentor - guitar
Frank Watkins - bass
Tomas Asklund - drums


Band profile: Gorgoroth
Posted: 10.03.2009 by Baz Anderson | Comments (50)

StoneLake - Sign To 7Hard

Official press release

7Hard is proud to announce the signing of the Heavy Metal Band StoneLake from Sweden.

All the people who used to listen to Heavy Metal during the 80-90s will like the new album "Shades of Eternity" for sure. Release date May 2009! All the recordings are done, just the final mixing and mastering are left. The album is recorded/Produced/Mixed and mastered at Unlimited Music Production Studios in Furulund Sweden by Jan Åkesson. Artwork will be done by Carl André Beckston.

More about the band here or on MySpace.


Band profile: StoneLake
Posted: 10.03.2009 by Thryce | Comments (0)

Mens Rea - Another New Video Online

Mens Rea, the Israeli Hard Rock/Grunge group, have filmed another new video. The new video clip for the band's 2nd single, entitled "Talentless", is now available. The video consists of live photos of the band's shows over the last year and a half. The video was created by Itay Miron and features pictures of Sigal Izak.


Posted: 10.03.2009 by Thryce | Comments (0)

Autumn Hour - Set To Release New Album

Autumnhour - featuring vocalist Alan Tecchio (Hades, Watchtower, Non-Fiction, and Seven Witches), drummer Dave Lescinsky (Hades), bassist Clint Arent (Painmuseum, Seven Witches), and guitarist Justin Jurman - are set to release their new CD "Dethroned" via Rock Ridge Music on May 5th.

"Dethroned" tracklist:

Part I: Singularity In The Making
01. Oblivion
02. End User
03. Techcceleration (The Machine Speaks)
04. Here Comes the Rain Again

Part II: Endgame
05. Fade Out
06. Unbelievable (The Mind Speaks)
07. Dethroned
08. How Were We Supposed To Know?

Part III: The Machine Kind
09. Every Day (The Body Speaks)
10. Transcend
11. The Past (The Heart Speaks)

Already garnering attention for their cover of the Eurythmics "Here Comes The Rain Again" Autumnhour combines a unique blend of metal, hard rock, and progressive music with a lyrical concept about a mechanized future.

Check out "Here Comes The Rain Again" along with other tracks at


Posted: 10.03.2009 by Thryce | Comments (0)

Nachtmystium - Team Up With Jarboe For European Tour

American avantgarde black metallers Nachtmystium team up with experimental vocalist Jarboe (ex-Swans) for the "The Mahakali Assassins Tour", in support of their latest albums "Assassins - Black Meddle Part I" and "Mahakali" respectively. The itinerary of this tour, featuring 17 dates in 12 European countries with more to be announced, reads as follows:

22.05.09 - BEL, Antwerp, Hof Ter Lo
23.05.09 - FRA, Paris, Festival TBA
24.05.09 - NED, Tilburg, Little Devil (+ Bunkur)
25.05.09 - GER, Frankfurt, Batschkapp (+ Secrets Of The Moon)
26.05.09 - GER, Essen, Turock (+ Secrets Of The Moon)
27.05.09 - GER, Berlin, Kato (+ Secrets Of The Moon)
28.05.09 - GER, Hamburg, Markthalle (+ Secrets Of The Moon)
30.05.09 - NOR, Oslo, Betong
04.06.09 - RUS, Moscow, TBA
05.06.09 - POL, Warsaw, No Mercy
06.06.09 - POL, Wroclaw, Firlej
07.06.09 - CZE, Prague, Rock Café
09.06.09 - AUT, Vienna, Szene
11.06.09 - ITA, Piacenza, TBA
15.06.09 - POR, Lisbon, Santiago Alquimista
19.06.09 - FRA, Clisson, Hellfest
20.06.09 - GBR, London, Underworld Camden


Band profile: Nachtmystium
Event: The Mahakali Assassins Tour
Posted: 10.03.2009 by Promonex | Comments (4)