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Soilwork - "Stabbing The Drama" Track List

Sweden's Soilwork have confirmed via their official web site that the limited-edition European/U.S. version of their upcoming album, "Stabbing the Drama", will include a bonus track, entitled "Wherever Thorns May Grow". The Japanese edition will feature "Wherever Thorns May Grow" and an additional bonus cut by the name of "Killed by Ignition".

The follow-up to 2003's "Figure Number Five" was recorded at Fascination Street studios in Örebro and Dug-Out Productions in Uppsala, Sweden with producer Daniel Bergstrand (Meshuggah, In Flames, Stuck Mojo). A February 28, 2005 release through Nuclear Blast Records is expected.

With regards to the new material, Soilwork vocalist Björn "Speed" Strid recently said, "In my ears it sounds like a mixture between 'Natural Born Chaos' (2002) and our latest effort, 'Figure Number Five' with a slight and interesting development."

"Stabbing the Drama" final track listing:

01. Stabbing The Drama
02. One With The Flies
03. Weapon Of Vanity
04. The Crestfallen
05. Nerve
06. Stalemate
07. Distance
08. Observation Slave
09. Fate In Motion
10. Blind Eye Halo
11. If Possible

12. Wherever Thorns May Grow (ltd. edition U.S/Europe + bonus for Japan)
13. Killed by Ignition (bonus for Japan only)

Regarding the artwork for the new CD, the band write on their web site, "We have selected the cover for the album and it looks pretty different from what we've had in the past but really looks killer!!"

Band profile: Soilwork
Posted: 13.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Candlemass - The kings of doom are back!!

The kings of doom are back!!
Just when you thought it was over the corpse lives again and is resurrected
healthier, better and gloomier than ever.
Messiah, Leif, Jan, Lars and Mappe. The classic line-up refuse to die!!

We understand this is very confusing for you, since the band disbanded just 6 months ago. But hey - why bother about stupid details when you will have a brand new Candlemass album in your hand before next summer. The boys will enter the famous Stockholm Polar Studios nov 26, mix in january and bless us with an album in may sometime. Perfect for Candlemass 20 year anniversary!

According to what Leif said before, the band couldn't agree on how to proceed after the reunion, so they decided it was best to put the beast of doom to sleep. It is always the best thing when five people want the same thing. And indeed, it looks like they've overcome the individual problems for a united effort to do something great.

Leif: - I had a bunch of pretty cool songs, talked to Mappe quite a lot during the summer and we both agreed it would be stupid not to do anything with it. At Mappes wedding in august we all went up on a small stage and performed Samarithan and Solitude with pink guitars plus a really shitty sound. We were all absolutely drunk and we had suits and everything on us, but it was great fun!! I think it was that occasion that made us reconsider.
Shortly after I started to roughly demo some new tracks. I think I like did five tracks in a couple of weeks with a friend helping out.
Then we had a meeting and decided to resurrect Candlemass, book the studio, and send out a three song demo to the record companies a.s.a.p.
So we recorded "Black Dwarf" and "Spellbreaker" and put "Witches" from the previous demo on it and I think the demo is on the way to the labels right now actually.
Yes, we have two weeks in Polar booked without a deal, ha-ha!! But I'm not worried. I'm sure some smart label guy realize that a new Candlemass album can outsell most of the usual crap that is released today.
We are a unique band with a unique sound and next summer will belong to Candlemass!!

Band profile: Candlemass
Posted: 11.11.2004 by Azhidahak | Comments (0)

The Haunted Discuss about downloads

THE HAUNTED guitarist Anders Björler and vocalist Peter Dolving recently spoke to Belgium's webzine about illegal music downloading. Asked about the fact that their latest CD, "rEVOLVEr", was available for download on the Internet well before its official release date, Anders said, "In fact, we can't really stop the Internet scene. For that, you have to stop sending out promos, and then you don't get any generalized feedback anymore, and that would make it too complicated. I think, everything that comes out one month prior to release, that's OK, but it would be really devastating for the band if it was already available six months or a year in advance. If then the album comes out, it's already old news. But within a month, that's OK for me. I consider the Internet as a big radio station. You download songs and listen to them. It's a way of promotion. And if you like it, then you buy it or you go to shows or buy T-shirts."

Peter added: "I think one of the reasons that there is that really strong debate about it, is that it really affects one part of the business a lot, and that is the major record companies and the major publishers because they are the ones who lose money on a large scale. If you're an artist like, for instance, Elton John, then you lose money. Paul McCartney is pissed off because he owns about 25,000 copyrights of songs. I think we'll have to accept the fact that it's there, that people want to be able to share music on a softer, easier kind of scale. Then again, there's always the thing with copyright. If you think about it, it points up to the fact that it's really obscure that you can buy a copyright. The idea of copyright is that whoever wrote the song should have the possibility through his lifetime and his family's lifetime, to have certain advantages from what he or she created. I think that's fair, if you look at it from a songwriter's perspective. Sooner or later, there will be some mark or script attached to each song. But the thing is, it really is overhyped, the whole debate whether it's right or wrong. The only ones who are really affected, it's not bands like us or punk bands, because our fans, they'll buy the record anyway. They'll download the album and go then to the record store and buy the album for the artwork etc. etc. The ones who are really hurt are the larger record companies, because that are people who're not really into music, they'll pick one MADONNA song, one from BRITNEY SPEARS and put it in their big bag of goodies and they don't give a shit, because the next month, it's a completely new bag of goodies. So they just go download-crazy, with Kazaa and their computer all full of music. They're all fucked up. Not normal people. OK, now I'm going over the edge, but that's basically what's happening. So I don't think it affects the more specialised kinds of music, no."

Band profile: The Haunted
Posted: 11.11.2004 by Undercraft | Comments (0)

Death Row Productions Newsletter 11/2004

In three weeks the Czech death metal gods will start recording their third album, which is going to be named "Riven" and its release is expected for January 2005. About next year's plans, their new South American tour is already confirmed. It will begin on February 4th and it's expected to finish on April 3rd, after more than 50 shows all around the continent! The whole date-list will be announce in the near future.
Pandemia's new full length will be licenced by Hurling Metal in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia and through Hybrid Music in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. During the following weeks we will confirm the labels that will work "Riven" in Chile and Brazil.

The Uruguayan band that now is relocated in New York City is just waiting for the release of their long time awaited second album "Philosopher", which will come out on December 1st through ICorp in the US and Canada, and then on the 15th by Rawforce Productions in South America, except in Argentina where it will be issued via Orion Entertainment.
RA's "Philosopher" features Alex Hernández (Immolation) as new drummer, and was recorded and mixed at New Jersey's Big Blue Meenie studios and then mastered at Bionic Mastering... places that had been used for well known artist like Iggy Pop, Foo Fighters and Overkill among others.
This is one of the first reviews the new album has gotten: " is relatively impossible to predict what will follow after that riff or refrain, and unless you listened to the album for five-six times, you can't be sure you know the music well..." Ad Arma Webzine.

The promotional demo recorded this year, "Sin and Flesh Devotion", got the attention of some labels... but Incantation's leader John McEntee's Ibex Moon Records is the one that picked up these brutal Chileans. The debut album "Exacerbated Gnostic Manifestation" is expected to be recorded in December for being released early next year.
"Here we got a band, that simply kick's ass..." Diabolous Webzine.


For staying updated about our latest news, keep checking

Source: The newsletter.
Posted: 10.11.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Karmageddon Media - Newsletter October/November



Adimiron is currently writing new material for their 2nd album to be recorded in the summer of 2005. Furthermore the band is planning a European tour to promote their debut-album 'Burning Souls'. This tour will bring the band to countries such as France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. For more info and/or bookings contact :


Flesh Made Sin officially presents their debut album 'Dawn of the Stillborn' at the 013 (Batcave) in Tilburg on Sunday 07.11. Please notice it's an early show, so the first band (Grinning Ghoul) already starts at 16.00. Doors open at 15.00. For more info check the band's official website or surf to :


Glittertind mastermind Torbjorn Sandvik is currently working on the pre-production and songwriting of his 2nd album. Expect another record filled with ancient forgotten songs, folk-riffs, furious beats and a passion for Northern mythology, history, tales and traditions.


Necropobic is currently working on new material for their 5th, yet untitled, studio album. Furthermore the band is already confirmed for Germany's Party San Open Air Festival in August 2005.


Project: Failing Flesh is also very busy working on their new album titled 'The Conjoined'. The band already revealed the following new songtitles: 'Motionless', 'Unsight Unseen', 'Eve of Demise' and 'Second Impact Syndrome'. More info about the new album to be revealed soon! Besides the band uploaded a short video clip of the studio-session of their debut album 'A Beautiful Sickness' on their website. Just surf to the '9mm Movie' section at the band's official website.


Swedish raging Thrash formation Scenteria is currently working in their homestudio on the preproduction of their upcoming second album.


System Shock recorded a video for their song 'Devil Wish', taken from the band's debut album 'Artic Inside'. Furthermore the band is planning a Scandinavian tour with some other Karmageddon Media acts. The band is also working on new material for their 2nd album, which will become a concept album based on a science fiction story, written by 2 bandmembers. Recordings are scheduled in the summer of 2005 in Tico Tico studio, Finland. Last but not least drummer George Kollias (also active in NIGHTFALL) has officially become the new drummer of NILE. As far as things look now he will still record the new System Shock album next year.

Posted: 10.11.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Gorgoroth - Riots in El Salvador

The following was posted on the band's official website:

"Gorgoroth made the headlines in the major papers in Latin America after performing a show which created big riots in San Salvador. The audience got so extatic over the presence of the first black metal act visiting their country that the situation got totally out of control. The secutity and the police could not handle the people outside the venue so they had to call in the special forces "del cuerpo de Proteccion a Personalides Importantes" (PPI). When the PPI reached the venue the masses of people not getting a ticket for the already sold out show kicked in the entrancedoor and lots of fighting between the audience began. The audience started to kick in doors and toilets, several injuries occured and major damages to the venue. The PPI decided in the end to use gas on the audience to get the situation under control. When Gorgoroth entered the stage 30 security people had to be on stage preventing the audience to enter it. The fighting maintained through Gorgoroths performance and the PPI and the police had to hold the audience inside the venue with firearms to get the band in safety. Gorgoroth came from the incident without any injuries."

Band profile: Gorgoroth
Posted: 09.11.2004 by Søren | Comments (0)

Vreid - Former Windir Members Releases Debut In US

Candlelight Records has set a January 25, 2005 U.S. release date for "Kraft", the debut album from Norway's Vreid (Norwegian for "wrath"). Formed earlier this year, the band features the surviving members of WINDIR (Hváll on bass, Steingrim on drums and Sture on vocals/guitar), disbanded due to the unexpected death of singer/founder Valfar.

"Kraft" was recorded during the summer at Hváll's Studio 1184 and was mixed at Subsonic Society Studio (Susperia, Windir, Red Harvest, Darkhrone) in Oslo.

Vreid's music is being described as a continuation of the sound and style Hváll had created with Windir and Ulcus, but with "its own personal sound ? a mixture of the ambience of Windir, the rawness of Norwegian black metal and the rocking groove of Motörhead." The lyrics are written both in Norwegian and English. Rounding out Vreid's lineup is a guitarist named Ese ? a close friend of the Vreid members for years, and co-engineer on Windir's "Likferd" album.

WINDIR, founded by Valfar in 1994, leave behind four recordings, all recorded for Head Not Found Records. The band graced stages at Inferno, Quart and Hole in the Sky European Festivals plus an appearance (and now only U.S. show) at the Milwaukee Metal Fest. The band were set to record their fifth album and first to receive worldwide release via Candlelight/Tabu Records before Valfar's death.

"Kraft" track listing:

01. Wrath of Mine
02. Raped by Light
03. Helvete
04. Unholy Water
05. Eldast, Utan Å Gro
06. Evig Pine
07. Empty
08. Songen Åt Fangen

Band profile: Vreid
Posted: 09.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Flowing Tears - Two Founding Members Dead!

On October 20, two founding members of the German goth metal band FLOWING TEARS, Björn Lorson and Christian Zimmer, died in a tragic car accident, according to a posting on the group's web site. "Even though they already left the band in '95 and '96 (Björn after the first demo tape 'Bijou' and Christian after 'Swansongs'), FLOWING TEARS may never have existed if they hadn't been," the band write. "We will keep you in our minds and hearts. These days we take a breath to listen to the tunes of songs such as 'Flowing Tears & Withered Flowers' or 'Waterbride' ? while mourning about two young people who had to die much too early. Rest in peace guys ? we will never forget you!"

FLOWING TEARS kicked off a European tour with SAMAEL late last month. The band are touring in support of their new album, "Razorbliss", which was released in March through Century Media Records. The follow-up to 2002's "Serpentine" was recorded at Woodhouse Studios in Hagen, Germany with producer Waldemar Sorychta (THE GATHERING, LACUNA COIL, SENTENCED, MOONSPELL) and is the band's first to feature vocalist Helen Vogt, who replaced Stefanie Duchêne last year.

Source: Blabbermouth
Band profile: Flowing Tears
Posted: 08.11.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Turisas - A New Video Online

A video clip of the Finnish "pagan battle metal" act Turisas performing the song "Battle Metal" live at the Tuska Festival 2004 in Helsinki, Finland has been posted online at the German Metal Hammer web site. Check it out at

Posted: 08.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Thunderstone - Recording A New Album

Thunderstone has begun recording the follow-up to the highly acclaimed self-titled debut album and last year's "The Burning". The recordings take place at the familiar Sonic Pump Studios in Helsinki and will last until the end of the year. The mixing will take place in the beginning of 2005, at a yet-undecided location. The planned release date for the album is in April 2005.

Expect hard riffs combined with rich melodies and brilliant musicianship - the Thunderstone trademarks! Also look forward to possible surprise guests and covers. Stay tuned!!!

Band profile: Thunderstone
Posted: 07.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Sonata Arctica - A Statement About Cancelled Shows

Statement about current events:

"On November 2nd we had a show in Paris, La Locomotive.
During the sound check everything was ok, and the day went by as usual, without any worries. When the starting act played, the air ventilation system we did not know about was turned on, blowing REALLY chilled air on the middle of the stage.
Tony complained about this from beginning of our show.
Sweating under the hot stage lighting and getting a cold air blowing at you for 1 1/2 hours will get you a flue, 100% sure. Despite the efforts of our own crew, the local people were unable or unwilling to turn this "wind" off. And it was not on during the soundcheck, so...The soldout house saw the first time anyone in Sonata has gone off stage between songs to get a longsleeve, because he's on goosebumps 'cause he's freezing on the stage...indoors...
On the following day Tony woke up with no speaking voice...

When we yet one more day later on Nov 4th arrived in Madrid, the situation felt a bit better, but before the soundcheck Tony started feeling he had fever. We tried a song in the soundcheck, but it was obvious we cannot play that night...this was a deep shock for the whole band. A local doctor checked out Tony and gave him something for the fever and his infected throat. The remaining members made a statement on stage about the situation, while Tony was sleeping in the bus.

Next morning in Barcelona we decided to play no matter what. Can't leave Spain without one single show! Pulling a show with medication on would propably mean cancelling the next show in Montpellier. We agreed on risking this after weighting all the pros and cons. There was no guarantee we could play in Montpellier anyway...The show was pure pain, but the fans were fantastic and it felt a good decision.

So today, on Saturday, November 6th we arrived to Montpellier, the show we had already announced we'd be forced to cancel. Tony needs to rest and recover before the last show together with Nightwish in Amsterdam and the four other headlining shows we have on the row after that. Playing in Montpellier would have been a BIG risk and we do not want to cancel any more shows!! A doctor checked Tony again, ordered medication and adviced not to do the show, but rather stay quiet and rest as long as possible.

We sadly apologize our fans and friends that had to leave Madrid and Montpellier venues without a show. It broke our hearts to see so many teary eyes...

We all think our fans deserve none less than 100% from us, and we are not able to deliver that currently. Hopefully everything will be ok when we reach Amsterdam.


Band profile: Sonata Arctica
Posted: 07.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Black Sabbath - A Cover Competition For The Fans

Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi's official message board has launched a competition inspired by a topic started by Nero Kalem. This is how it will work:

1. Design an album cover picture related to Black Sabbath in some way, whether it be a song title, an alternative album cover or a new Black Sabbath album cover.

2. Upload your picture to the web, send the URL through a PM, it will be posted on the message board for all to see. Another way of doing it is to upload it to the "Ideal Black Sabbath Album Covers" thread saying that you want it as a competition entry, and it will be added to the competition thread.

One entry per member, please.

The prize is a copy of "The 1996 DEP Sessions" signed by both Tony Iommi and Glenn Hughes. The competition will be judged by Tony Iommi himself.

Band profile: Black Sabbath
Posted: 07.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Gorgoroth - A Closest Gig To The U.S This Friday

Norwegian black metalllers Gorgoroth will be playing the only show anywhere close to the U.S. only minutes from San Diego at Box Underground (1500 Revolution Ave.) in Tijuana, Mexico on Friday, November 12. Also appearing on the bill will be Sadistic Intent, Infinitum Obscure and Sumeria. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 day of show, and are available at Dark Realm Records (Downey, CA), Blue Meannie Records (El Cajon, CA) and Last Temptation (Tijuana, Mexico). A flyer for the show can be viewed here .

Band profile: Gorgoroth
Posted: 07.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Elvenking - Band News Update

After the long wait, we can officially confirm Damnagoras' return in the band. The singer who left ELVENKING two years ago, has joined his fellows back in order to re-create the original heathen spirit and essence that bound every single member to each other. The band, after the release of their last album WYRD (recorded with a different singer, Kleid) entered a difficult period due to various reasons related to the musical direction to take, personal relations, business affairs, etc. Put in front of this situation, there was no choice for EK to keep on expressing themselves still being faithful to what the band was born for. Now that the original line-up is still together, things are going great and the songwriting process for the third album has been nearly completed!

After the release of Wyrd the contract between Elvenking and AFM records was about to end, but following the amazing results both for sales and critcs of the two albums, we're happy to announce that the band and AFM will keep on working together also for the next one!

The band has just finished recording a 6-track promo of the songs that will be included in the next Elvenking album, for pre-production and for future decisions.
Damnagoras about the songs: "This is the most incredible material I have ever heard and Elvenking will be back with strength and magic!" while Aydan states "I've never been so satisfied when it was to write new songs! This material will probably become the best ever written by the band!"

Band profile: Elvenking
Posted: 06.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)

Within Temptation - The Silent Force Track List

Holland's Within Temptation will release their new album, "The Silent Force", on November 15 via BMG. The complete track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. Intro / See Who I Am
02. Gillean
03. Stand My Ground
04. Pale
05. Forsaken
06. Angels
07. Memories
08. Aquarius
09. It's The Fear
10. Somewhere
11. A Dangerous Mind (bonus track)
12. The Silence (bonus track)

Audio clips of all the album cuts can be heard online at and

As previously reported, "The Silent Force" will be released in three formats: a limited digibook version with a DVD bonus, a regular jewel case version, and a version without the booklet, at a special price.

Band profile: Within Temptation
Posted: 06.11.2004 by Angelique | Comments (0)