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Darkthrone launch their own Label....


PEACEVILLE RECORDS is extremely proud to announce a new collaboration with the DARKTHRONE members.


Following a road trip of English and Scottish medieval castles last year with the Peaceville crew, the two members of Darkthrone - Nocturno Culto and Fenriz - expressed an ambition to expand Darkthrone operations outside of the usual 'album a year' format. With a keen musical ear and excellent positioning within the scene it seemed obvious that one way forward would be to launch their own designer label. Given that they don't have the time to run it on a day-to-day basis, the union with Peaceville was an obvious choice.

So, here we are, the label is set up and a signing has been made - Norway's AURA NOIR !!

Their label debut "THE MERCILESS" (CDTYRANT1) is a speedy head rush of old school thrash metal. The riffing will get under your skin and stay there.

Nocturno Culto of DARKTHRONE has this to say about the label:

"Tyrant Syndicate Productions is a result of a collaboration with Peaceville on the one hand and Fenriz and myself on the other. The general running of the label has fallen on me, mostly as I'm much more involved in technology than Fenriz, and besides, I want to do it. When the Peaceville people were interested in setting up a label for us, our mind began to circle around what to do with what can be called our extended music-related freedom, and we soon had a plan.

We are aiming for exclusive releases only. We want high-credibility underground bands, both known and unknown. Time is working FOR US now, and we have all the time in the world. Tyrant Syndicate Prod. will prove to the metal community that we have the ability to release what is supreme metal. The first band we have signed is Aura Noir from Oslo, with their new album "The Merciless". This masterpiece will be an indication on the quality-level we are aiming for, and therefore it's our responsibility to follow things up
after this release. Since our releases go through the usually Peaceville channels, the result will be a high-quality, well-distributed product that will have great impact wherever you can get these products. And luckily, there are still loads of great metal-acts left in the world...."

Nocturno Culto
President, Tyrant Syndicate

The label is currently in the process of setting up their own PO BOX for demo submissions. An announcement will be made in one month's time with the address.

Band profile: Darkthrone
Posted: 03.08.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime II ?

Art rock pioneers QUEENSR?CHE will perform the classic album "Operation: Mindcrime" in its entirety on the upcoming fall 2004/winter 2005 tour, which is being presented by VH1 Classic. A "greatest hits" set will open each show, and at the end of the night there will be a preview of the upcoming Sanctuary Records release "Operation: Mindcrime II", the working title of the long-awaited, eagerly desired sequel to the groundbreaking concept album. Audiences will be blown away by the Surround Sound audio setup on the tour.

Vocalist Geoff Tate, guitarist Michael Wilton, guitarist Mike Stone, bassist Eddie Jackson and drummer Scott Rockenfield will open each show with a "greatest hits" set ending with the smash "Silent Lucidity". Local orchestra string sections will perform with the band in select cities. Michael Igor Delassandra, formerly an official composer for the Vatican, will accompany QUEENSR?CHE and perform on keyboards.

"The band is so excited to be performing 'Operation: Mindcrime' in its entirety again after not having done this in 15 years," says Tate. "We are presenting it in a whole new way that finally does justice the intricacies of the story and the personalities of the characters."

"Operation: Mindcrime" will be recreated in full with enhanced production. Live actors will embody the fascinating characters of this chilling tale ? interacting both on stage and off. Vocalist Pamela Moore, who toured with QUEENSR?CHE recently, will be back to provide the vocals of the album's pivotal character, "Sister Mary". New video footage will be incorporated as well. QUEENSR?CHE also performed "Operation: Mindcrime" in its entirety in 1990-91, but this time around new and expanded video footage will be used. Fans who saw the show in 1990-91 will enjoy a more vivid experience this time.

One of the most exciting parts of each concert will certainly be the finale ? the preview of "Operation: Mindcrime II". Fans have wanted a sequel ever since "Operation: Mindcrime" exploded and earned the band critical acclaim and commercial success. In particular, fans have always asked one burning question in relation to the "Operation: Mindcrime" plot: "Who killed Sister Mary?" The new album, scheduled for release in 2005, will address that question.

Band profile: Queensrÿche
Posted: 03.08.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)

Info on new album and other news from Obituary

"Wow! I can't believe that this site is actually working! First off, thank you for your patience. If you have been waiting for me sorry it took a little while. I have been learning as I go along and, even though I have had fun, it has been a lot of work. I would like to thank Paul Poyntz and Trevor Peres for all their help. You guys rule! Trevor designed our other Official Web Site: Don't ask why we have two websites we just do because we want to. Keep on checking in with us because I have a lot of plans for this site and it will keep changing and updating with the more I learn about Web Design.

Secondly, it feels really good to be back writing new music and playing some shows here and there. We are playing only a few shows right now until the new CD is done. We hope to be recording it near the end of the year and hope for a release sometime early 2005! The shows we are playing are really fun for us because we are playing a lot of old songs we normally don't play live as well as some other stuff. Hopefully we will see you on the road so you can see what I mean.

I am not one to go on for too long, but I just want to say thank you to all of you for the support over the years and we hope to see you out on the road.. Please keep in touch at We try to answer as many emails as we can but occasionally the mailbox gets filled up. If this happens please try again some other time and we will do our best to keep up because we would really like to hear from you.

Thank you"

John Tardy

Band profile: Obituary
Posted: 02.08.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Månegarm set the released date for upcomings cd's

The swedish viking are going to released two new cds the first "vargaresa (wolfjourney)-the beginning" is coming out at 28 november of 2004, this consist of the 2 demos "vargaresa" and "ur nattvindar" (from the winds of night), and the other will be their 4th album called "vredens tid" (the age of wrath) the will come out at 28 april of 2005

check the cover art at:
Posted: 02.08.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

New ARCKANUM out now

New Arckanum cd "Kaos Svarta Mar" (split with Svartsym) is already out through Carnal Records, some sound clips are avaible on the arckanum website:

the songs are the following:
Hæxhamar - (Translation: Witchhammer), Eldkniver - (Translation: The flaming sword), Ætergap - (Translation: The venomous jaws), Frana (Anti-Cosmic Version) - (Translation: Resurrection), Spitælsker - (Translation: Leprous).

You can check the artwork at
Posted: 02.08.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Demonoid - Riders Of The Apocalypse

Good news from Nuclear Blast web page: Niemann brothers along with Christofer Johnsson on vocals finally released on July 26th their new project called DEMONOID - "Riders Of The Apocalypse".

"In fact, DEMONOID is nothing else but a project that features THERION members Christofer Johnsson and Kristian Niemann, Johan Niemann and former SOILWORK current CHIMAIRA drummer Rickard Evensand. Influenced by Old School Death and Thrash, the band plays solid, aggressive and pushing metal - a feast for every headbanger who's into brutal and violent sounds!
So don't expect bombastic THERION-like metal but a true Death massacre!
The musical concept of DEMONOID is not symphonic metal like THERION, in fact the band strived to go back in time and create a fresh and challenging combination of basically old school Death and violent Thrash Metal elements, also mingled with a touch of modern Black Metal. Both Kristian and Johan have gotten into the more brutal forms of metal quite lately and some of their references are CRADLE OF FILTH and DIMMU BORGIR, while Christofer - having been the growler of THERION in earlier days - has extended knowledge of the thrash and death scene from late 80's and early 90's. Thus bands like SLAYER and BATHORY as well as all the Old School Death Metal bands from those the early times rank among his main references. Those facts create a very interesting combination, featuring Kristian's more than excellent guitar work, Christofer's by far best vocal performances up to now, Richard's technical drumming and Johan's pounding bass lines.

Most of the music was written by Kristian and Johan, some minor help came from Christofer. As the captain of this ship, Kristian has been the main person responsible with arranging the songs and also doing most of the recordings in THERION's very own "Modern Art" studio.

The lyrical concept was created by Christofer: A story which is partly fantasy and partly based on theological and historical elements. It circles around the biblical characters, "The Riders Of The Apocalypse"".

On Nuclear Blast site you could also listen to an audio clip online.
More info here.


Band profile: Demonoid
Posted: 02.08.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Extol entering in the studio

News taken from the extol website:

"On Monday the 2nd of August we enter Toproom Studio to record our fourth full-length album, bearing the working-title GLORIANA. As many of you may know, this is the same studio we used for SYNERGY and so we´re once again looking forward to work with Herr Børge Finstad. The new material demands a different sound approach than the detailed SYNERGY concept. In order to create a heavier and more atmospheric Extol sound, we will bring the recorded material from Toproom to Antfarm Studio (the Haunted, Heaven Shall Burn, Hatesphere) in Aarhus, Denmark to mix it there. We will do our best to keep you updated on the recording-process the next couple of weeks, posting pictures and news on the Extol website.

We are aware that many of you have been dying to know who the new guitarists have not been waiting in vain, but we ask you to have just a little more patience with us. Complete line-up and BRAND NEW band-pictures will be revealed shortly after the New York photo-shoot....we promise!!!

-peter, david and john-"

Band profile: Extol
Posted: 02.08.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Green Carnation: Festvial, DVD and new album

Taken from the official site of the band:

Green Carnation goes camping....

Green Carnation is confirmed for the Metalcamp festival, Slovenia. The band
will perform on the main stage on August 21st.

Green Carnation DVD....

Was shipped out on the 14th of June. Click HERE to see the list of distributors,
bringing the DVD to a store near you!

Tchort reveals to band members....

that he started working on ideas for what might become Light of Day, Day of Darkness part II and III. Tchort said "that I never thought about continuing on the path set with Light of Day, Day of Darkness - until now. Lately I have gotten new ideas that excites me alot. It might just be the weather and all the lite-dressed girls outside lately that makes me feel this way, but it also might be a rush of genuine inspiration that such work as making a second and third part would require".

New material...

to be recorded for the 4th full length album, starting directly after Summer Breeze festival in late August. The recording will take place in Sound Suite Studio in France with producer Terje Refsnes

More information:

Band profile: Green Carnation
Posted: 02.08.2004 by wrathchild | Comments (0)

Stratovarius: A reunion on it's way??

During yesterday's concert on Gates of Metal festival in Hultsfred, Sweden, Mr. Tolkki and Mr. Kotipelto appear to have buried the battleaxe.

Timo and Timo were actually talking to each other, and no hard feelings between the two were shown.
And the fact that Tolkki even played (and preformed it for the first time with Koti) "Beauty has Come" from Kotipelto's first solo effort, for a totally unwitting Kotipelto, doesn't make the odds any worse.

So is this the beginning of a new era with Kotipelto behind the mic in Stratovarius, or is it just a "show" for all of us that have a chance to see them live for the last time?

However, it's at least seems a little brighter in the Strato camp.

Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 01.08.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Masterplan: new album delayed to 2005

After 8 month of songwriting Masterplan is ready to record the second album.

"We are really happy and proud of the new material!"

The new CD will contain about 11 songs. This time all bandmembers appeared as songwriters. Songwriting took place in Hamburg, Aachen, Los Angeles, Slovakia and Norway.

Roy Z. was helping as a good friend and for a couple of songs he was an "inspirator / arranger". Once again Andy Sneap and Masterplan are producing the new Album together in the "Crazy Cat" Studio in Hamburg. The mixing will be done at "Finnvox Studios" in Helsinki by Mikko Karmila. Mastering by Mika Jussila.

The album is scheduled to be released in the end of January 2005 through AFM Records and Marquee (for Japan and South East Asia).

Band profile: Masterplan
Posted: 01.08.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Rage: Greetings from Victor Smolsky, and DVD

Taken from the official site:

"Hallo. First I would like to say thanks a lot to all, who visited me in hospital during my illness. Also all the inquiries of friends and fans, who were worried about my health, helped me, to get better quicker. My blind gut was bursted and infected other organs. After 2 operations (one during dangerous situation to life) and loss of 15 kg weight in 2 weeks, I often thought about the fate of Jason Becker, what a horror thought...

After 1 1/2 months in hospital it's a great feeling, being home again. Now I do sports every day to get fit again. Next week I already fly to Korea again to play a concert together with Black Hole at the International Busan Rock Festival, where also Steve Vai & Band is one of the participating bands.

Best regards"

Victor Smolski, Rage's guitarist.

New Production company:
From now on DRAGON Productions, a daughter company of A.S.S. Concert & Promotion GmbH, will look for the booking of RAGE concerts. They are already planning a 20th anniversary tour for November 2004, where RAGE will promote the upcoming 20th anniversary DVD (expected release date: 25.10.04).

More information:

Band profile: Rage
Posted: 31.07.2004 by wrathchild | Comments (0)

A group of news from Bal-Sagoth

The writing of the long awaited sixth BAL-SAGOTH album is now at last nearing completion, and additionally some preliminary recording has commenced. The majority of the recording phase is scheduled to commence in full during the early autumn. A detailed press release concerning the sixth album will be unveiled exclusively at the Official Bal-Sagoth Website and to coincide with the official commencement of principal recording. Expect a release through Nuclear Blast during the first quarter of 2005.

BAL-SAGOTH are pleased to announce the recruitment of new drummer Dan Mullins, who will forthwith be assuming all drumming duties with the band. Dan's first appearance with BAL-SAGOTH will be the Wacken Open Air festival in August.

BAL-SAGOTH are appearing at this year's Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany. Details of the BAL-SAGOTH appearance are as follows.DATE: 7th August. TIME: 12:00-12:30 PM. STAGE: Black Stage. For further information on the event, visit

New items of BAL-SAGOTH merchandise currently available from Rock Bottom include: Bal-Sagoth logo t-shirts and longsleeves (featuring both solid and hollow logo variations), two versions of the Bal-Sagoth logo "girlie" fit shirts, Bal-Sagoth logo hotpants (a truly essential garment for the discerning female Bal-Sagoth fan), string tangas & "spaghetti" tank tops, Bal-Sagoth logo hooded tops, and Bal-Sagoth logo embriodered baseball caps (a much requested item now finally being made vailable). dditionally, garments featuring exclusive new full colour designs by artist Martin Hanford will be released to coincide with the launch of the sixth album. Visit for details.

Band profile: Bal-Sagoth
Posted: 30.07.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Sonata's autograph session

Wednesday, the 18th of August, SONATA ARCTICA will have an autograph session in the Nuclear Blast shop in Donzdorf, from 6-7 pm. Attendants will also get the chance to have a listen in advance to their upcoming single "Don't Say A Word".

Band profile: Sonata Arctica
Posted: 30.07.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Jag Panzer - new album's artwork

The cover artwork for JAG PANZER's new album, "Casting the Stones", has been posted online at the web site of acclaimed artist Mattias Norén. Check it out:

"Casting the Stones" is scheduled for release on October 19 through Century Media Records. Said to be "a more aggressive version" of 2001's "Mechanized Warfare", the new album was recorded in part at Tampa's Morrisound Studios with producer Jim Morris. Download two complete tracks from the upcoming CD: "Battered & Bruised" (mp3) and "Legion Immortal" (mp3).

"Casting The Stones" track listing:

01. Feast Or Famine
02. The Mission (1943)
03. Vigilant
04. Achilles
05. Temptest
06. Legion Immortal
07. Battered & Bruised
08. Cold
09. Starlight's Fury
10. The Harkening
11. Precipice

Band profile: Jag Panzer
Posted: 30.07.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Lamb Of God - A new album in August

The new LAMB OF GOD album "Ashes of the Wake" will be released on Tuesday, August 31, 2004.

The Epic Debut "Ashes of the Wake," is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2003 independent release on Prosthetic Records, "As The Palaces Burn" which Revolver Magazine calls "Album of the Year" and Rolling Stone praised "a meticulously crafted metal assault."

Produced by Machine, the new Album" Ashes Of The Wake" includes guest appearances by Megadeth's Chris Poland and Testament's Alex Skolnick.

As this goes to press all basic tracks have been laid down -Drummer Chris Adler tells us: "The tracking sessions have been very intense and the vibe in the studio is exciting to say the least. My drum tracks were done in Jersey in May and Randy is done as of today. It's been a giant sonic puzzle and as Willie, Mark, John and Randy have layered onto the basic drum mix - you can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It's like feeling the ground as a train approaches, you can tell how massive it is - and its coming fast. It's surreal at times - I think everyone involved knows we have a monster on our hands."

Band profile: Lamb Of God
Posted: 29.07.2004 by Jeff | Comments (0)