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Forbidden - To Reunite For Select Shows

According to the band's MySpace page, Legendary San Francisco Bay Area thrashers Forbidden will reunite for several shows in 2008. Russ Anderson (vocals), Craig Locicero (guitar), Paul Bostaph (drums), Matt Camacho (bass) and Glen Alvelais (guitar) will bring something that so many of their peers, old-school fans and especially the younger generation of fans that never got to see Forbidden live have been asking for: a true Forbidden reunion!

Craig Locicero stated , "We want to show everyone what we used to do was as relevant and powerful as anybody else of that era. The gravity of our influence is really dawning on us now and we're very humbled. We owe it in turn back to those who supported our influenced us in the past. We'll be concentrating mostly on Forbidden Evil and Twisted Into Form material to give the people what they want. The time is right and it's gonna be a lot of fun. 2008 will also be the 20th anniversary for the release Forbidden Evil. It'll be VERY HEAVY and we're all excited to get started."

Added drummer Paul Bostaph (ex-Slayer, Testament): "Though out the years I've been asked about Forbidden by many people. Fans and friends alike have been wanting to see us play live again. I'm very happy to see this become a reality! I've been honored to play in some great bands. To play with Craig, Glenn, Matt and Russ (a truly great vocalist) again will be a longtime wish come true. I hope Forbidden fans get a kick outta this as much as I will!"

Forbidden is looking to book one Bay Area show for late January early February and look into some festivals in Europe, Japan and Australia starting in late May. These will all be exclusive gigs and there are no plans for a full-fledged tour, at least not in the immediate future. Locicero says, "We'll put our blood and guts into it and give it all we've got! Get ready to have your heads ripped off, motherfuckers!!!"

Any promoters and booking agents that need to get a hold of the band can reach out to them at


Band profile: Forbidden
Posted: 05.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (6)

Vanden Plas - Explain ProgPower Cancellation

As posted on the German Progressive metallers' website, here's a message from the band about the cancellation of today's ProgPower show:

"Dear Fans and people who wanted to see us play at PP 2007!

We feel deeply sorry about what happened and that we couldn't make it this year. Unfortunately we couldn't pass the immigration control when we arrived in Detroit on Wednesday October 3rd. The immigration service told us that we had the wrong papers. We don't understand the problem because we did it in the regular way. They were sending us back home after six hours of questioning. We had no chance to go to Atlanta. Now that we're back home after 40 hours of non-stop travel we are sad and empty to face this disappointing situation. We've been really looking forward to PP VIII for such a long time. Nevertheless we whish you a great festival in our absence with all the other great bands."

Band profile: Vanden Plas
Event: ProgPower USA
Posted: 05.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (5)

Shores Of Sheol - Release New Demo

Austrian Black Metal band Shores Of Sheol have sended us the following news:

"The "Forlorn Realms" demo is now finished. All tracks will be made available on in the next hours. Further news about professional pressing, etc. will follow."

"Forlorn Realms" Tracklist:

01. The Return To Gaia
02. Dreams Of Eternal Torment
03. A Collection Of Guilt
04. Acheron


Posted: 05.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (4)

Aborted - Working On New Album

Belgian Deathmetal butchers Aborted sign in from the european tour with Kataklysm and Behemoth: vocalist Sven comments:

"Hey everyone, its been a fucking pleasure & an honour to share the stage each day with our friends from Kataklysm and Behemoth, both monstrous acts on stage & very down to earth people off stage, the tour has been doing phenomenal so far & we'd like to thank all our friends out there who came & supported us & the other bands, keep on showing up, you guys are the reason this is all possible for any of us.

We'd also like to announce that we have started the songwriting for the follow up record to Slaughter & Apparatus, the album title will be revealed in due time & should be recorded early 2008 & set for a summer release which will coincide with lots of touring activity in the US. Which couldn't make us happier cause we are dying to get out there & play for all of you out there sta tewise who have had to wait since our last tour with Suffocation to come over. We also promise we will be extensively touring the US for the next record so you will get plenty of chances to catch us live then!"

The band also just uploaded their second episode for the Slaughter & Apparatus TV series, which contains on & off stage shenanigans from the current tour, a second part will be uploaded during the tour as the band gets more (and more retarded) footage, for now , check it out at the official youtube, here.

The band has also changed their myspace adress recently to to make it easier on everyone including theirselves


Band profile: Aborted
Posted: 04.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (7)

Darkmoon - New Album Details

Switzerland's Darkmoon have revealed the following album details on their website:

"Very great thanks go to all the maniacs who supported us in the Kultik. You have driven us to the point of exhausting. On December the 2th we will play our first show in France. For details look at dates section.

And now we show you the artwork and tracklist of our upcoming record "Apocalyptic Syndrome" (click here)."


01. Apocalyptic Syndrome
02. My Misery
03. The Hate Still Burns
04. Caravan Of The Dead
05. Black Domain
06. I Am The End
07. Falling Down
08. Human Plague
09. I Will Be The Last
10. Before The Storm

The album is due via CCP Records on November 9th.


Band profile: Darkmoon
Posted: 03.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (2)

Biomechanical - Announce New Bassist

Following the completion of their new album "Cannibalised" Biomechanical have also completed their line up, with the addition of ex-DragonForce bassist Adrian Lambert.

A blog posted on the band's MySpace page goes as follows:

"We are very happy to announce that the Biomechanical line-up is now complete with the addition of bassist Adrian Lambert! Adrian also plays with Son of Science and has also played for Dragonforce and Intense. His fast and furious bass style is exactly what the band was looking for! The band will get together soon and will get ready for touring the new Biomechanical album Cannibalised (out Feb 2008)."

Biomechanical frontman John K commented the following:

"Its no secret that its a bit of a bitch to find good bass players and I was thrilled when Adrian contacted me. I also had people from Europe and the UK applying for the job and some of them were of very high standards . But after checking Adrian's playing I realized the logical next step would be to welcome him to the band!"

Adrian stated:

"Its really exciting to be playing with a world-class act like Biomechanical. I've been into the band since I got The Empires of the Worlds album back when I was still playing in DragonForce, so it's quite incredible for me to be playing with Biomechanical now. John K's assembled an insanely talented new line-up - he's had to get the best because of the complexity and scope of the new album Cannibalised."

Commenting further on the band's third album, which is set for a February 2008 release date, Adrian states:

"You've got the bombastic film score stuff, you've got the crushing extreme metal riffs and solos? Hell, you've even got some heart-breaking vocal melodies in there as well as John's trademark screams! I think there's more of a groove to this album than 'Eight Moons' and 'Empires?.' but it's also even more extreme and brutal than previous releases. I feel that Biomechanical are breaking a lot of boundaries with Cannibalised and I'm proud to be a part of the team taking this album out on the road".

You can check out an advance track here.


Band profile: Biomechanical
Posted: 03.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (1)

Black Metal Documentary - Online For Free This Friday

"Murder Music: A History of Black Metal", an in-depth documentary about the history of black metal, the most controversial and misunderstood arm of heavy metal's complex genealogy, will be free to view for the first time since its release on Rockworld.TV from Friday, October 5.
(To watch it, click here:

"Murder Music: A History of Black Metal" is a 64-minute documentary eschews much of the tabloid sensationalism that shrouded the genre in the early to mid-'90s, focussing instead on the music itself ? an element thus far overlooked by the mainstream media.

Written by well-established rock journalist and radio DJ Malcom Dome and directed by David Kenny, "Murder Music" is presented and narrated by Rockworld.TV's own Rene Ackermann, boasting over 20 exclusive interviews with band members, journalists, authors and other scene affiliates and experts. The production team travelled all across the U.K. and to black metal's spiritual home of Norway to research their subject and to conduct interviews.

Among the bands featured in "Murder Music" are the legendary, trailblazing likes of Mayhem, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth, Satyricon, Venom and Sabbat ? each of whom provide revelatory insights into the complex, creative and fascinating world behind the hearsay.

The documentary debuted online at on April 13, 2007.

To watch the "Murder Music: A History of Black Metal" trailer, click here.


Posted: 03.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (21)

Forest Stream - Sign To Candlelight Records

Official Candlelight Records press release:

Forest Stream was founded in 1995 by Sonm (drums, keys, vocals) & Omin (guitars, bass) in a small Russian town called Chernogolovka, 40 km north-east of Moscow. From the very beginning their goal was to create the music that would capture the beauty and magic of existence at the same time showing its triviality, misery, and despair.

The duo worked only together at the beginning, but soon other members started to join and an embryonic full band started to take shape. Silent Anth began to help Forest Stream as bass player, and he quickly became a permanent fixture.

In 1999 this line-up recorded the first demo, "Snowfall". Influenced by the pioneers of the UK doom scene, but complete with a blackened edge, their music expressed deep sorrow and hopelessness of the existence on this pitiable planet.

The second demo, "Last Season Purity" was recorded in 2000 and subsequently uploaded to Thus Forest Stream was introduced to the foreign listeners for the first time.

The year 2002 was marked by serious rearrangements in the line-up: Elhella joined to play drums and Berserk joined as guitar player. Forest Stream also got a record deal for four albums from Elitist records. To get the first album, "Tears of Mortal Solitude", done the band had to withstand quite a number of unpleasant events such as equipment theft, destruction of their rehearsal rooms, and the least expected?Sonm's departure to the Netherlands where he enrolled to a Ph.D. course in physics. Despite all difficulties, the album was still recorded and released at the beginning of 2003 to universal plaudits from press and public alike.

With the release of the full-length album the band got more opportunities to play live and that is when the line-up problems had to be solved. Elhella was shifted to play keys, Kir joined to play drums and T.Moloch was the new bass-man. This coincided with band's morphing towards more aggressive touches in their music due to growing influences of the dark Masters?Emperor; as well as getting more technically advanced following the example of Sweden's Opeth.

Around this time, among various headline concerts throughout Russia and the Ukraine, Forest Stream played a show with Cradle Of Filth and joined Katatonia during their tour in Russia.

Four years passed since the release of their first album. Unfortunately, Elitist records ceased its existence so Forest Stream were looking for a new deal parallel to working on the new material. When Forest Stream were thinking over several offers, Candlelight records suddenly proposed a three-album deal and Forest Stream happily accepted it.


Band profile: Forest Stream
Posted: 03.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (7)

Edenbridge - Looking For Guitarist Again

According to a posting on the Austrian Symphonic Metallers' website, Robert Schoenleitner is not able to continue in Edenbridge due to his profession which doesn´t go along to the long time touring plans of the band.

For your application as a guitar player: Please send a mail with your curriculum vitae, photos, mp3´s and/or videos to

In the meantime, on September 19th, the production of the new Edenbridge album at the Wild One Studios in Vienna began. Threshold guitar mastermind and Thin Ice Studios chief Karl Groom came over from England to watch over the
Sebastian Lanser's drum recordings. Karl will also do the mix of the record which is scheduled for January. Recordings will continue on October 1st at Farpoint Station Studio in Austria, where vocals, guitars, basses and keyboards will be recorded.

The orchestra recordings for the new Edenbridge album will take place in Prague on October 12th. Edenbridge will be supported by the 65 piece Czech Film Orchestra (consisting of musicians from the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and the Czech State Opera Orchestra). The orchestra will be heard on nine out of ten songs plus the intro and did recordings for renowned Hollywood productions in the past. Lanvall's (guitars/keyboards) orchestral arrangements are currently put into the final score by famous conductor/composer/accordion virtuoso Enrique Ugarte.


Band profile: Edenbridge
Posted: 01.10.2007 by Thryce | Comments (3)

Darkane - New Album In The Works

Darkane drummer Peter Wildoer has posted this message on his website: "This coming winter we will start recording Darkane's fifth record. We have about nine songs ready. We were hoping to enter the studio earlier but in typical Darkane bad luck, our studio got flooded and badly damaged. So now we're looking for a new location for the studio and as soon as we find that we need to rebuild the studio which takes a lot of time. Hopefully we will start recording around Christmas (fingers crossed). In some weeks, we'll start working on the mix of the upcoming Darkane DVD. I just hope the DVD will be released early next year".

Darkane´s upcoming DVD was shot in May 2006 in the band's hometown of Helsingborg, Sweden.

Band profile: Darkane
Posted: 30.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (11)

Negura Bunget - Join Forces With Lupus Lounge

Romanian band Negura Bunget and Lupus Lounge have agreed upon an encompassing collaboration. Among other things, Lupus Lounge will re-release "From Transylvanian Forests" as well as the albums "Zirnindu-Sa", "Maiastru Sfetnic" and "Sala Molksa" with extensive bonus material. The band is also planning a new recording of the album "Maiastru Sfetnic" featuring a traditional Transylvanian orchestra. Negura Bunget are going to fulfil their contract with the label Code666, but have voiced their trust in Lupus Lounge in that a contract on future releases after the cessation of the cooperation with Code666 has already been signed. In its music, this ambitious and challenging (their listeners as well as themselves) band unites original Black Metal atmospheres with many-layered arrangements deeply inspired by local Transylvanian spirituality and folklore. The band garnered much praise for their last two albums, "'N Crugu Bradului" and "Ôm", and their concert audience agrees that Negura Bunget's music is a law unto itself.

Band profile: Negură Bunget
Posted: 30.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (2)

Mar De Grises - New Album In The Works

Chilean Doom Metal band Mar De Grises have updated their website with the following news statements:

"After a long period of silence we are glad to announce the recording of the new album!

We have just entered the same studio we did on the last album, with the same sound engineers: Carolina Desbordes and Raphaël França (Poema Arcanvs, Six Magics, etc), so the mixing process should take place by mid-september.

We are taking everything with calm, having the chance to experiment some different stuff. For the guitar recording sessions we are counting with the technical assistance of our friend Igor Leiva from Poema Arcanvs.

At the moment we are taking care of some details regarding the lyrical and artwork concepts of the album and although the title is not officially decided yet we can assure that it will consist on nearly 60 minutes of specially intense music. Some song titles: "To Sleep Just One Dawn," "Summon Me," "Deep Seeded Hope Avantgarde" and "Kilómetros de Nada".

As an advance, we have uploaded a complete demo version of a new song in our Myspace site -, song that you can also find in the last compilation of our label Firebox Records.

The release in edition and distribution will be again in charge of Firebox Records from Finland and its net of distributors in Europe, USA, Asia? and maybe this time we will have the album edited also in our country Chile and to Southamerica.

On another hand, the release of the album will be followed by a new european tour the next year by mid-April and May. Once again, we will be visiting Germany, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium and probably some places for Scandinavia, Portugal, UK...

Now, for a better and more methodical way to work, we have reached an agreement with our manager Adrian de Buitlear and his agency Lugga Music. So now you know, for a further tour, sales, edition or distribution licenses of our albums, merchandise or any kind of question, comment, offer, etc... don't doubt on contacting us to info luggamusic com or to the band's e-mail mardegrises gmail com."

Some recording pictures can be found at this location.

All info about the band on and


Band profile: Mar De Grises
Posted: 25.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (1)

Kekal - Working On New Material

Official Press Release:

"Hi, I'm Jeff.. I'm releasing this update news on behalf of KEKAL, the band you either LOVE or HATE..

Kekal have gone through some very tough times since last year, mostly due to the geographical factors, and we also have our own personal struggles that needed to be taken care of as first priorities.. I am living in Canada now, make it really hard to communicate with rest of the band members in Indonesia, and if we have time to talk, we prefer to talk more on personal things as close friends, rather than talking about Kekal and all the crap and utter nonsense that happens in the music business and music scene in general..

But, however, after sooo many times considering for possible options whether we should quit the band or put the band under eternal hiatus, or maybe even worse than those two, I have decided to persevere and keep the passion alive by continue working on the new material for Kekal's next album, all by myself unfortunately, which I planned it to be released sometime in 2008.. Please note that Azhar Levi Sianturi and Leo Setiawan ARE STILL official members of Kekal up to this point, and we have decided to keep Kekal as a trio, even though they couldn't contribute to this new material due to a lot of reasons.. We understand that it is better to keep it that way..

I've already recorded some new songs last winter as the first material from me that was written down, constructed, and recorded in Canada during wintertime and cold temperature (some external factors that made the musical atmosphere really dark), and after all this year's spring-summer-fall long break, I plan to continue working on more songs this coming winter (depending on the financial situation), and put them together and master them as an album once they are finished.. The new material is very dark, extremely isolated, sorrowful, emotional, and introspective in nature, but yet they are heavy, and also marks as the most explored music I've ever done so far, although it isn't as complex, progressive and abstract as "The Habit of Fire"..

Last but not least, we need all your support by buying "The Habit of Fire" CD/digital.. It will help us a lot financially to keep the band going.. If you wish to support us that way, please do not download the album illegally or buying the used CD from eBay, as those things won't help the band financially..

I will continue to put the latest news on Kekal's myspace Blog.."


Band profile: Kekal
Posted: 24.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (1)

Dimmu Borgir - Schedule Signing Sessions

From the Nuclear Blast Newsletter:

"All fans of Norway's finest, Dimmu Borgir, should already be trembling with excitement: for last weekend marked the start of "The Invaluable Darkness Tour" over Europe! If seeing the guys live isn´t enough for you, you will be happy to note that Silenoz and his merry men have just announced a bunch of signing sessions - so don't miss out! More to come soon!"

Sep 25th, Cologne, Music Store Info]
Sep 26th, Brussels, A Pips Music Info]
Oct 22nd, Hamburg, Amptown / Just Music Info]
Oct 23rd, Wiesbaden, Musik Schmidt Frankfurt Info]
Oct 25th, Munich, Music Shop / Just Music Info]


Band profile: Dimmu Borgir
Event: Dimmu Borgir + Amon Amarth: The Invaluable Darkness Tour
Posted: 24.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (3)

Death Angel - Enter The Studio

Rob Cavestany, guitarist and vocalist of Bay Area Thrashers Death Angel has announced the following statement:

"Greetings Fellow Earthlings!

I am thrilled to announce that Death Angel will enter the studio to begin tracking our new album on September 16 with producer Nick Raskulinecz (Foo Fighters, Rush, Velvet Revolver, Shadows Fall, Stone Sour) in Los Angeles.

Nick came up and did pre-production with us at our studio in Oakland and we had a BLAST. The vibe is certainly ON and we are beyond excited to start tracking with him! Recording should be complete by the end of October and mixed by November. This will undoubtedly be our best sounding record ever!

This album is gonna be insane. The songs are so fuckin heavy and wicked! Musically brutal. Brutally musical. This shit will wake you up!

Here we go into the beautiful twilight zone of recording the album? See you on the other side!"


Band profile: Death Angel
Posted: 24.09.2007 by Thryce | Comments (5)