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Cephalic Carnage - Premier New Video Online

"Ohrwurm", the new bloody disgusting video from Cephalic Carnage off their recent work Misled By Certainty, has premiered at The video, directed by Bloody-Disgusting contributor Michael Panduro, is as NSFW as you can possibly get and you should probably not eat before viewing.

Michael Panduro states: "This is my third video for a band based on the opposite side of the planet, but it's the first one where I've gone balls in. I applaud Cephalic Carnage for going along on a concept like this and I'm very thankful for the complete freedom I've had. Even though this video was shot on a shoestring budget, everybody pitched in more than they had to and I think the final result shows the guts of the actors involved."

Band bassist Nick Schendzielos also chips in: "This has to be the most repulsive, disgusting, alluring, and captivatingly beautiful music video I've ever seen. It pushes the definition of visual art to the threshold of comfort and perhaps a little beyond. We are really blown away by Michael (Panduro)'s work. He is truly an amazing artist."

Check out the video here (NSFW!).


Band profile: Cephalic Carnage
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (4)

Apocalyptica - Present New Video Clip

Also Apocalyptica have a new video online. The clip is called "Broken Pieces" and features Lacey Mosley of Flyleaf. You can watch the "Broken Pieces" video at this location.

Another video for the track "Sacra", can still be watched here.

The song comes off the band's recent effort 7th Symphony released last month. More info about the album here.


Band profile: Apocalyptica
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (0)

Arena - Part Ways With Vocalist

After 10 years of service - and shortly before the release of the new album The Tinder Box - vocalist Rob Sowden has left UK prog metallers Arena. Here's the word from the band:

"We are sad to announce that singer Rob Sowden has decided to part ways with the band. The explanation given so many times at moments like this is "musical differences", usually as a veil for somewhat darker reasons; but actually, in this case, it is precisely the reason. Arena thank Rob for his involvement and support for the last ten years and wish him all the best for the future. In the meantime Arena will be performing their shows in November where they will be presenting their new vocalist, as well as material from their next album, The Tinder Box."


Band profile: Arena
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (2)

Monster Magnet - New Video Online

Monster Magnet have debuted a new video clip for the song "Gods And Punks" at this location. The song comes off the band's upcoming album Mastermind scheduled for release later this month. All details available here.


Band profile: Monster Magnet
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (0)

Sodom - More Album Details Revealed

Official Press Release

For Tom Angelripper, his thrash metal band Sodom is a perfect vehicle to bluntly take a stand. Like few other musicians on this scene, he personifies - along with down-to-earthiness and honesty - a healthily critical position on political authorities and decision-makers from finance and industry. On their latest album, In War And Pieces, Sodom focus on the worst excesses of power: arrogance, greed, spotlight-seeking, fanaticism, corruption, cowardice and oppression.

Tom states: "I've always written about what's going on in the world, about the injustice and mistakes that happen everywhere. I know that you can't change anything politically that way, but I would like to at least comment on the situation and generate an awareness of this deplorable state of affairs. Being a singer in a metal band allows me to voice my anger to a large audience."

This uncompromising attitude marks the eleven songs on Sodom's latest album which could hardly sound more dynamic and violent. In War And Pieces owes its bloodcurdling energy largely to producer Waldemar Sorychta (Grip Inc., Enemy Of The Sun), whose great skill and commitment were instrumental in creating the album's - as Tom calls it - "phat, brutal and open" sound. With Sorychta's support, Angelripper (vocals, bass), Bernemann (guitar) and Bobby Schottkowski (drums) succeeded in adding new impulses to their music without watering down the band's long tradition. "Waldemar is a great musician himself and has done some brilliant work, especially on the guitar sound," Tom explains. "He knows how to get the absolute maximum out of a speaker."

As brutal as the production is the diverse songwriting on In War And Pieces, a kind of tour de force through the whole history of thrash metal, featuring harsh arrangements, melodic solos and raging vocal attacks. "I feel that we sound more contemporary and structured than we did on our recent releases," Tom analyses. "At the same time, there are also references to recordings such as Persecution Mania and Agent Orange. After Venom, Sodom were the world's first angry band, and nothing has changed that." Tom lists as examples the impressive title track, as well as "The Art Of Killing Poetry" with its ultra-deep guitar atmospheres and the German-language song, "Knarrenheinz", which holds up the tradition of classics such as "Bombenhagel" and "Ausgebombt". "Knarrenheinz is the mascot on the album cover, that's why I felt he deserved his own lyrics," Tom grins. Talking of album covers: the artwork was designed by Eliran Kantor, who enjoys an excellent reputation on the scene thanks to his work for renowned acts such as Testament, Gwar and Mekong Delta.


Band profile: Sodom
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (11)

Facebreaker - New Song Online

Cyclone Empire Records has uploaded a new Facebreaker song, called "Reanimating The Dead". The brand new track is available for streaming over at this location. The song comes off Facebreaker's upcoming output simply entitled Infected. The album is scheduled for a release on 29th October.

Infected cover art] tracklist:

01. Creeping Flesh
02. Cannibalistic
03. Torn To Shreds
04. Epidemic
05. The Return (Bonustrack)
06. Bloodshed
07. Mankind Under Siege
08. Waiting For The Pain
09. Into The Pit
10. Bloodthirst
11. Reanimating The Dead
12. Infected


Band profile: Facebreaker
Posted: 02.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (0)

Saxon - To Tour Australia Next Year

Saxon has announced that they will be playing at the Soundwave Festivals in February/March 2011 in Australia.

Here are the dates:

26.02.2011 Brisbane - RNA Showgrounds
27.02.2011 Sydney - Eastern Creek Raceway
27.02.2011 Melbourne - Showgrounds
05.03.2011 Adelaide - Bonython Park
07.03.2011 Perth - Steel Blue Oval


Band profile: Saxon
Posted: 01.10.2010 by BudDa | Comments (2)

Leaves' Eyes - Cancel Remainder Of North American Tour

We saw this coming and the band has confirmed it. Leaves' Eyes has decided to cancel the remainder of their North American Tour after their Co-Headliners Kamelot pulled out earlier this month due to Roy Khan's Illness. The band writes:-

"Dear Fans & Friends, We regret to announce that the remaining dates of our North-American Tour will not take place. This also includes the show in Mexico City. As a result of Kamelot's last-minute cancellation of their headlining tour, Leaves' Eyes still tried their best to play as many dates in the USA and Canada as possible. The big gap between the cancelled Kamelot tourdates and our own headlining dates is just to big to overcome. This made it impossible to continue any further.

We are feeling terribly sorry for having to release this statement as we put an immense amount of energy and effort to make a full North-American tour happen. Everybody was very excited to play in North America and Mexico again. However, the power to decide was not at all in our hands. We deeply regret that we now had to stop touring and return to Europe.

We are very greatful to our fans, friends, Blackguard, the radio stations, all the promoters who made it possible for us to play the shows we did so far. We will never forget these fantastic moments. We really hope that we have better luck when touring North America next time."


Band profile: Leaves' Eyes
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (6)

Falconer - Announce New Album Title

Guitarist Stefan Weinerhall of the Swedish metal band Falconer has issued the following update:

"Recording time is coming up. Most songs Falconer album] are written and rehearsed. Studio time is drawing nearer, starting to feel a bit stressed!! The album will be mixed at the end of January, so I'd guess we're up for a late spring release. The title of the new album will be Armod and will be completely sung in Swedish except for the bonus tracks that will simply be an English versions of the best (according to us) new songs.

This time we have concentrated on the traditional folk side of our music including more traditional folk songs (the majority of the material is still our own), more fiddles and flutes. Be calm, the horrid sound of accordions will firmly be left behind!! This is a way to finally devote an entire album to the influence and getting that out of our system, so to speak, and to do the thing some have asked for ten years. This is not a new direction but just the sound of THIS album.

We are prepared for nagging about lack of speed and the full use of the Swedish language and, of course, the cynical opinions that we lack inspiration and thus use more traditional folk songs. The next time we take another step; I wonder what that can be."


Band profile: Falconer
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (18)

Edenbridge - To Play In Vietnam

After the successful release of their latest studio effort Solitaire Edenbridge is now set to play in Vietnam come December for the first time ever. The show will take place on the International Sailing Festival 2010; Therefore Sabine and Lanvall were invited to Hanoi in the beginning of October to make promotion for the festival and do an acoustic performance on the Chao Ha Noi International Festival.


Band profile: Edenbridge
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (9)

Van Canto - Another New Video Online

A cappella metal band Van Canto have a new video out. The track is called "Magic Taborea" and comes off the bands most recent effort Tribe Of Force; released early this year.

Magic Taborea takes place in the fantastic world of Taborea of the MMORPG "Runes of Magic". Enjoy!


Band profile: Van Canto
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (6)

Spawn Of Possession - Original Vocalist Returns, Working On New Material

Last week Spawn Of Possession announced they have re-joined with the band's original vocalist Dennis Röndum (ex-Visceral Bleeding). Dennis parted ways, not so amicably, with the band back in 2006. This is what he had to say about his return to Spawn Of Possession:

"I've been quite disconnected from the band for a long time now so when Bryssling got in touch with me it felt kind of surreal. But none the less amazing when he started to describe his visions for the next Spawn Of Possession record and that he wanted me to handle the vocals for it. Now, mind you, it's been over four years of silence between us and we parted on a somewhat bad note but that's in the past. The focus is now on the new material, which Bryssling has invited me to get involved with and after listening to the temp tracks, all I can say is that I'm in for a serious ride. Although my presence have been lacking in the scene I've been busy writing and recording with my new band. It's still all under wraps but hopefully I'll be able to share it with you in a not too distant future. With that said, I'm really excited to be back in the Spawn Of Possession camp and I can't wait to join the others to complete what I believe will be a masterpiece of unparalleled proportions."

Guitarist and song writer Jonas Bryssling adds: "Yes, Dennis is back in the band, where he belongs. We would like to thank Chalky for the time he was a part of the band, He helped us bringing SoP back to life for a moment and without him we could not have done the Australian tour. So we are thankfull for everything he did for us and whish him the best of luck.

We have too many songs, and some of them are a tad bit long, 7-10 min each. So we have decided to cut down the amount of tracks from twelve songs to ten. We are now finishing up the last songs, polishing the arrangements and practicing the material. We are in the process of signing to a new label and booking a studio.
More info about that when we have worked out the details."


Band profile: Spawn Of Possession
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (5)

Sole Remedy - Album Available For Streaming

Friendly reminder; Apoptosis, the second effort of Finnish metallers Sole Remedy is still streaming in its entirety on the band official MySpace page. The album was released earlier this week, September 27th to be precise, through the Aftermath Music label.

Further album details, including a review by Troy Gallant, can be found here.


Band profile: Sole Remedy
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (0)

Imagika - Seeking New Vocalist

Last week the news got out that Norman Skinner, vocalist of US metallers Imagika, has left the band. Skinner posted the following message:

"After 6 Years, 4 Albums, festivals, tours & countless shows today I announce that I am officially leaving Imagika. This decision was not made lightly and has been a constant thought throughout this last year. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea as I have no animosity towards any of the members of Imagika. They are and will continue to be my very good friends. My decision to leave is purely one of musical direction differences and an overall career choice. I feel that I have contributed and done all I can within the band but my heart is no longer in it.

I have finished all commitments and obligations to the group in regards to our last release and think I would be doing the band and the Imagika fans an injustice by half-heartedly continuing the writing process for a new album. I will be making the Imagika show on October 16th, with Armored Saint my farewell performance with the group. I am sure it will be a very bittersweet event for me as my chapter with here.


Band profile: Imagika
Posted: 30.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (0)

Vektor - Writing New Material

US Thrashers Vektor are in writing mode for a yet untitled album tentatively penciled in for a 2011 March/April release. The band states:

"Our main focus right now is writing for the next album (while two of us finally get school out of the way in December). We're working hard with new material and a lot of it is coming out awesome so far. Once it gets tightened up, tweaked, and finalized, our aim is to get in the studio some time in the winter. Probably early 2011, putting the album out around March or April. Don't hold us to that, it's just an estimate. Might be earlier, might be later.

After that we head to Europe for Keep it True and a few weeks of shows out there (TBD), then probably some VERY extensive touring after that. Once school is out of the way we're going to go pretty all out as far as touring goes, and we hope to take it as far as we can. We do need all the help and support we can get from YOU though.

So since we are sort of in writing/rehearsing mode, don't expect a lot of major updates until November or December. But keep in touch! We can't wait for everyone to hear the new material and to see everyone out on tour again."

The full band update can be read here.


Band profile: Vektor
Posted: 28.09.2010 by BudDa | Comments (7)