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Metal Storm Awards 2010 Results!

Dear Metal Stormers, in case you haven't noticed, the new layout is not the only big news of the day. The Metal Storm Awards 2010 are now closed and the results are freely available for your viewing pleasure!

Let me take this moment to thank our Staff members and Elite users for the insane amount of work that they put into compiling nominees and making sure the Awards are as successful as they are. Naturally, none of this would have been possible without our loyal member-base and all of us over at Metal Storm HQ would also like to extend our deepest thanks to them for making this edition by far the most popular Metal Storm awards ever!!

Please go ahead and visit the Metal Storm Awards 2010 page to see all the results. Also, don't forget that we will be publishing our Staff Picks of 2010 soon.

Posted: 01.03.2011 by jupitreas

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01.03.2011 - 22:32
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
@deadmeat I disagree that 2010 was a bad year for extreme metal. Black death and extreme doom had loads of great releases grindcore as well. Problem is that no big bands released anything wporthwhile which for some people is reason to call it a weak year. But in the underground where it's all happening it was a very good year.
As for thrash that has been weak for a long time now.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.03.2011 - 22:39
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by In Bone Factory on 01.03.2011 at 22:31

I've lost my enthusiasm for participating in any other MS Awards.there are many unfair and ridiculous votings.

what kind of weird mindset is that? So when it's election time and you vote for a party that doesn't win means you won't be voting the next time around?

What's this obsession with a lot of people that they only want to vote for bands that are gonna win?
Ffs vote for the band you found best. It's all about the support.
Actually the small bands that get nominated don't mind losing at all. They are actually really happy with just the nomination so that their band name gets out there to a larger public.
mar De Grises is a good example actually all their albums have been nominated over the years and finally they are getting the recognition they deserve in a small part due to the support MS has been giving them over the years.
Or take Procession last they scored, what, five vote? This year over 40 and they are climbing and their name is becoming more and more well known in the metal world in general and the doom world sp,ecifically.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.03.2011 - 23:10
X-Ray Rod
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2011 at 22:39

what kind of weird mindset is that? So when it's election time and you vote for a party that doesn't win means you won't be voting the next time around?

That's the same comparison I was thinking. It's stupid to not vote just because you know the party you will vote won't win. First of all: You never know. Second: It's about stating your opinion, givig the support to what you believe (in this case the music you like)... If you don't like to vote for the band you liked the best just ebcause you know they won't win, well let me tell you: You don't like that band as much as you say you do.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

01.03.2011 - 23:15
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by X-Ray Rod on 01.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2011 at 22:39

what kind of weird mindset is that? So when it's election time and you vote for a party that doesn't win means you won't be voting the next time around?

That's the same comparison I was thinking. It's stupid to not vote just because you know the party you will vote won't win. First of all: You never know. Second: It's about stating your opinion, givig the support to what you believe (in this case the music you like)... If you don't like to vote for the band you liked the best just ebcause you know they won't win, well let me tell you: You don't like that band as much as you say you do.

exactly! and then you actually don't really like music at all, since it's apparently a popularity contest for you and you just want to be part of what is most popular.

i am glad people, like you and quite a few others as well tbh, get what it is all about.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.03.2011 - 00:11
I listened to every band in every category for this, and I have discovered so much! In Mourning, Mar De Grises, Kvelertak, Haken, Bran Barr, Synthetic Breed, Orphaned Land, Akelei, Masterplan, Hour of Penance to name but a few. I never listened to any of them before this, so THANK YOU, Metal Storm! The placements are fine, people voted fair and square. But they don't have any effect on my newfound joy with these bands.

So quit your whining, brothers and sisters, and raise your horns for METAL! XD
02.03.2011 - 00:17
All in all msawards was fun, got to listen to a great deal of new stuff, only lame part was Borknagar - Universal in folk? wtf? i liked that album but i wont vote for an album thats not folk in the folk category.

Also a tiny letdown that Solefald - Norønn Livskunst wasn't nominated. Solid album it is.
02.03.2011 - 00:48
Axe Argonian
I intend no offense, but, quite frankly, these user-based awards are quite a subjective popularity contest. The pattern I have noticed is that in each category only the most popular and most well-known bands win every year. Dark Tranquillity's latest album, for example, defeated its Gothenburg competition based on one factor: it was written by Dark Tranquillity. It did not win because its quality necessarily surpassed its competitors (In fact, most old-school Dark Tranquillity fans do agree that it is quite a disappointment in comparison to the band's previous work.); it won because it is obviously more popular than the other Gothenburg albums in this year's category. This 'popularity contest' principle also applies to this year's Gothic metal and Alternative metal categories, for their respective winners are undoubtedly more popular than their competitors. That the most popular bands win is quite understandable, but, at the same time, it reveals the disappointing truth that a large majority of users only care for what is most popular.

On the positive side, this year's Metal Storm Awards did expose many bands that are not widely known. Through this year's awards, I became a fan of Mar De Grisis, The Foreshadowing, Eibon, Klone, and Demiurg - all of which I would not have encountered if it had not been for these awards. According to the posts above mine, I was not the only one to encounter new bands. Though these awards may be a popularity contest, they do accomplish something positive.

Fortunately, the REAL results of the Metal Storm Awards are not the ones seen above; instead, they are the Staff Picks, which, in my opinion, appear to be objective (According to previous year's staff picks) and based not on popularity but on quality. I do look forward to seeing your choices.
"Man does at all times only what he wills, and yet he does this necessarily. But this is because he already is what he wills." - Arthur Schopenhauer
02.03.2011 - 02:20
Written by Ag Fox on 01.03.2011 at 05:02

Dear MS staff and users. Thank you for the time that you've spent on here, broadening my horizons in music, whether directly or indirectly. When I first registered here in 2009, I only voted in the Power Metal category. Two years from now, I voted in 16, excluding debut, letdown and Clandestine. I am a happy man (=
-----------------------I am a division line----------------------------
I'm just gonna share my thoughts on the votes that I've made... In case someone wants to read it XD May sound a bit whiny, but whatever... I need an exit lol
Alternative - Grey Waters. It was a no brainer choice for me as I just thought the freshness was head and shoulders above everything else in the category. Destrage was quite good actually, and Imicus grew on me quite a bit as the month progressed. Thank you staff for accepting my nomination.

Black - Agrypnie. This was tough really... I loved A Forest Of Stars, Enslaved, Deathspell Omega (all of which I rated 9), and October Falls and Nachtmystium are not far behind either! Chose Agrypnie simply because I can't choose, so I voted for the one that I figured would have less votes A shame that I did not have too much time to listen to Murder Of Jesus The Jew properly though...

Death - Demiurg. relatively sugar coated compared to the others (bar Hail Of Bullets), but it really is great, hence I had a hard time choosing b/w it and Hail Of Bullets and Fleshgod! Fleshgod apocalypse was a "discovery" for me as I tend to ignore EPs and I did not find Oracles that amazing But Mafia was fab :3

Doom - Mar De Grises. They deserve it... especially after last time. I've discovered Mourning Lenore though, and it's such an amazing album Place of Skulls was great too!

Extreme Doom - The NULLL Collective. Didn't think I would vote in this category as I'm not into it at all, but when I saw I've already listened to 3 albums already, why not try something new? Remembrance was certainly a nice album, but doesn't come across as special as say, Fungoid Stream or Cebren-Khal. I chose The NULLL Collective in the end simply because. I even bought a physical copy from the band after being shaken head to toe by it.

Gothic - Soulgrind. Discovered through the awards, never heard of the band even being mentioned before, but this album is a clear winner from the rest definitely. Because the rest were pretty weak entries, especially the winner imho. Nightfall and Lacrimose Profundere were pretty good, Darkseed and the Vision Bleak were rather average, Mandrake was inconsistent, Throes of Dawn's Great Fleet Of Echoes is nothing compared to Quicksilver Clouds )= Also, where's Dark The Suns? They were way better than say, the winner

Metalcore - Heaven Shall Burn. I liked it so much I wrote a review for it Admittedly, I should not have voted for this category, because I have not heard all the entries Other than HSB, I've only listened to Knut, Parkway Drive, Ion Dissonance and Madball. Parkway Drive was certainly the weakest...

Heavy - Ghost. Another one discovered via the awards <3 There are other retro stuff in this dinosaur of a category, including Striker and Enforcer, but Ghost just sounds way superior to me while the others sound very samey. Dream evil was pretty average, Volbeat I had no idea how it even got nominated Grand Magus and Rage were my other considerations (= Slough Feg are really stingy with their tracks on myspace.... seriously, 30 seconds???

Industrial - Fear Factory. I voted for the main winner, because I like it. I always find myself listening to the album again at sporadic times (= Absolute Dissent grew a bit old on me for some reason even though I liked it a lot when it first came out. Rather annoyed that I still can't find a good quality download of Project Failing Flesh =/

Gothenburg/melo death - In Mourning. Great album, lot's of replay value for me (= Barren Earth, Kalmah, Burden Of Grief and System Divide all did a good job though. The absence started off really nicely, but the quality just went down lol

Post / Avantgarde - Todtgelichter. super tough to choose! Alcest, Shining and Year Of No Light were all great in their own way (= Rosetta, Transcending Bizarre and Les Discrets can hold their own very well too. Don't really get Yakuza, sadly =/

Power - Seven Kingdoms. Again, found it out through the awards. How come so little votes??? Before I listened to it, I though I would definitely be voting for helloween, obviously, my mind changed by even cooler music!

Progressive - Haken. Easily the most eclectic among the nominees in Prog. Aspera is just pretty bland prog for me, nothing special. Not too sure about District 97; Echoes was good, but not that good; Kingcrow was great actually, especially the opening and closer, but the middle was not as captivating; Klone as a bit mono even though I enjoyed it a lot; Mekong Delta was a massive let down for me actually...; Shaolin Deathsquad was a great surprise and I expect a more refined album next time; Star One played it on the safe side, but the melodies are really really good, almost voted for them

Sludge / Stoner - Kylesa. was a great fan of static tensions already, and they've upped their game somehow Eibon and Ufomammut were the only two other ones that I enjoyed a lot from the category. Almost voted for Eibon, but changed my mind in the end because Kylesa is just more memorable

Symphonic - Edenbridge. Kinda sad really. I used to like this sub-genre so much and now I find even the best of the crop bland and uninspiring... But at least it made the voting easy for me as Edenbridge really have outdone themselves with this one!

Thrash - Flotsam And Jetsam. The least thrashy of all But my firm favourite. Okay, Sodom came close, then Witchery. Overkill and Exodus were all too long despite great individual songs. Death Angel was another let down for me as I loved Art Of Dying and Killing Season )= Don't know what it's doing up there. Musica Diablo is so much better!

Suck up haha
"I am not superstitious, but I'm a little 'stitious." - Michael Scott
02.03.2011 - 02:38
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by Axe Argonian on 02.03.2011 at 00:48

Fortunately, the REAL results of the Metal Storm Awards are not the ones seen above; instead, they are the Staff Picks, which, in my opinion, appear to be objective (According to previous year's staff picks) and based not on popularity but on quality. I do look forward to seeing your choices.

while the staff picks are certainly interesting, the REAL result is still what great new music you have discovered through it imo (=

pish posh... if it does come across as so, then whatevers. like I care? lol
loves 小巫
02.03.2011 - 03:05
No surprises about the final results, only one of the bands I voted for ended up winning (wintersun). One thing I thought was kinda funny was the "No write-in vote has yet managed to win any category. This must mean our staff is pretty good at nominating the right albums." So I guess bands being nominated by staff get no more exposure on the voting page than write ins, right? Its pretty obvious a lot of people vote based on name recognition, 'wanting to vote for a winner' and (as I see it) probably the fact that a band has a description and link to a myspace on the list. I happen to enjoy most of the staff picks, but as for being 'right' about albums, its not that hard to give yourself a pat on the back when most people already vote for the options displayed.
02.03.2011 - 05:32
Written by Axe Argonian on 02.03.2011 at 00:48

I intend no offense, but, quite frankly, these user-based awards are quite a subjective popularity contest. The pattern I have noticed is that in each category only the most popular and most well-known bands win every year. Dark Tranquillity's latest album, for example, defeated its Gothenburg competition based on one factor: it was written by Dark Tranquillity. It did not win because its quality necessarily surpassed its competitors (In fact, most old-school Dark Tranquillity fans do agree that it is quite a disappointment in comparison to the band's previous work.); it won because it is obviously more popular than the other Gothenburg albums in this year's category. This 'popularity contest' principle also applies to this year's Gothic metal and Alternative metal categories, for their respective winners are undoubtedly more popular than their competitors. That the most popular bands win is quite understandable, but, at the same time, it reveals the disappointing truth that a large majority of users only care for what is most popular.

On the positive side, this year's Metal Storm Awards did expose many bands that are not widely known. Through this year's awards, I became a fan of Mar De Grisis, The Foreshadowing, Eibon, Klone, and Demiurg - all of which I would not have encountered if it had not been for these awards. According to the posts above mine, I was not the only one to encounter new bands. Though these awards may be a popularity contest, they do accomplish something positive.

Fortunately, the REAL results of the Metal Storm Awards are not the ones seen above; instead, they are the Staff Picks, which, in my opinion, appear to be objective (According to previous year's staff picks) and based not on popularity but on quality. I do look forward to seeing your choices.

Most people don't have time to listen to more music, or music really is not one of their biggest hobbies, usually a person listens their favorite bands of always, very from time to time adds some band to its repertoire, and these bands coincide usually with the most popular bands, highlighted in the music market. To this type of people sum people like you who also has popular bands like favorite bands.

Well, for a music group is not easy to gain popularity, and if you want to dedicate to it and live of it, you better gain popularity =). When you see bands with gained popularity, is for something (you live in a world where people have different tastes, but there is always something that like more to the mayority, even in the music, why? the dilemma: the system, the cultures, the bussiness, your enviroment, the customs, the music of our ancestors... the mystery of melody? why a melody likes to the mayority more than others, even if the music is not melodic likes more, it is so abstract, but well, even the melody has "popularity") hard work, believing in your music, keep your creativity, no easy, it is hard, is difficult to get there, but once you have got there, it is still more difficult to remain, to stay, welcome to the wonderful world of music. More respect for the musician who loves music, creating art is not for everyone, and I'm sure a musician is very proud of reaching to the people, sure he has earned it.

if you want to fight against that, forward, but it doesn't have much sense, enjoy your music and vote what you like, it is always fun heheh .
02.03.2011 - 10:36
Written by Vikcen on 01.03.2011 at 05:11

- I'm content to see at least in the final lists:
Thrash Metal: [URL=]Angelus Apatrida - Clockwork[/URL]

11/13 voters for Angelus Apatrida still to find...
02.03.2011 - 13:12
Written by Vykintas on 02.03.2011 at 10:36

Written by Vikcen on 01.03.2011 at 05:11

- I'm content to see at least in the final lists:
Thrash Metal: [URL=]Angelus Apatrida - Clockwork[/URL]

11/13 voters for Angelus Apatrida still to find...

Yes, 11 last position, and 13 votes, not bad hehe, happy to see it there at least, wich is for me the best album of Thrarsh Metal this year. Also the new of Annihilator deserved to be there in my oppinion.
02.03.2011 - 15:22
In Bone Factory
Written by X-Ray Rod on 01.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2011 at 22:39

what kind of weird mindset is that? So when it's election time and you vote for a party that doesn't win means you won't be voting the next time around?

That's the same comparison I was thinking. It's stupid to not vote just because you know the party you will vote won't win. First of all: You never know. Second: It's about stating your opinion, givig the support to what you believe (in this case the music you like)... If you don't like to vote for the band you liked the best just ebcause you know they won't win, well let me tell you: You don't like that band as much as you say you do.

By saying that statement I dont mean that I wont Vote.I will always support the less famous but good bands.anyway you've mentioned good points and I'm agree with them
The End Is Nigh ...
02.03.2011 - 18:24
Well to start none of my fav won any of the categories, plus i didnt vote on all the categories, and well i can't be analizing all the winners cuz i didnt listen most of it.
In this days we seem to be limited by scientific knowledge
"I'm a good man... while that don't interfere with my interest" Anonymous , taken from the low moderm and post-moderm consciences
02.03.2011 - 18:56
Account deleted
The fanboys have again made it a huge popularity contest
02.03.2011 - 19:33
I love this MS Awards. I would like to see the Belus album nominated, but I really discovered a great great album, and a fucking great band... I'm talking about "A Forest of Stars", I'm very excited with them. I don't really catch Enslaved... so sorry, but I don't like them in any form. Mar de Grises... I just can only say: WOW. And of course it was very difficult to me to choose an album in the postmetal category. I had choose the Shining Album, because, before I met the MS net, I discovered that band accidentally, searching for the Shining (swe) and just for that and his incredible music, I get amazed by them.
02.03.2011 - 20:36
Written by X-Ray Rod on 01.03.2011 at 21:56

I completely disagree with this. Mar De Grises started as NOTHING and thanks to MS and their awards they kept getting more attention and they are now one of the most respected band sin the genre.

IMO, you're only partially right. Yeah, I did discover some great bands that I would never have otherwise (Forest of Stars, October Falls, The Foreshadowing, Ankhagram etc.) and MS Awards are great at doing that. However, my point still stands. The victory of Mar De Grises can easily be explained: Candlemass didn't release an album this year. I can assure you that if Candlemass had released something this year, even if Mar De Grises' album was much, much better, Candlemass would still win (unless the difference in quality was absolutely colossal). I don't know much about traditional Doom, but I don't see any really big names on the list of nominees this year (other than Mar De Grises).
Tristania winning Gothic Metal category is living proof. Call it bitching, I don't care, it's a fact that there were at least 3 albums that completely destroy "Rubicon" in terms of quality.
02.03.2011 - 21:07
X-Ray Rod
Written by Slayer666 on 02.03.2011 at 20:36

IMO, you're only partially right. Yeah, I did discover some great bands that I would never have otherwise (Forest of Stars, October Falls, The Foreshadowing, Ankhagram etc.) and MS Awards are great at doing that. However, my point still stands. The victory of Mar De Grises can easily be explained: Candlemass didn't release an album this year. I can assure you that if Candlemass had released something this year, even if Mar De Grises' album was much, much better, Candlemass would still win (unless the difference in quality was absolutely colossal). I don't know much about traditional Doom, but I don't see any really big names on the list of nominees this year (other than Mar De Grises).
Tristania winning Gothic Metal category is living proof. Call it bitching, I don't care, it's a fact that there were at least 3 albums that completely destroy "Rubicon" in terms of quality.

Youa re still missing the point of the awards and I'm aware of Mar De Grises being the msot popular in the nominated bands in Doom Metal this year, but it seems like you dismissed the explanation I gave about how that band turned out to win... It was a process that took years... And all thanks to the awards. If you ask any band that was nominated here, they will tell you they are really happy just for being nominated.

Just so you don't miss the point again:

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2011 at 23:15

Written by X-Ray Rod on 01.03.2011 at 23:10

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2011 at 22:39

what kind of weird mindset is that? So when it's election time and you vote for a party that doesn't win means you won't be voting the next time around?

That's the same comparison I was thinking. It's stupid to not vote just because you know the party you will vote won't win. First of all: You never know. Second: It's about stating your opinion, givig the support to what you believe (in this case the music you like)... If you don't like to vote for the band you liked the best just ebcause you know they won't win, well let me tell you: You don't like that band as much as you say you do.

exactly! and then you actually don't really like music at all, since it's apparently a popularity contest for you and you just want to be part of what is most popular.

If you find pointless to vote for the band you like just because they won't win... I repeat, you don't like them nearly as much as you say you do because like Marcel says: It is a popularity thing for you in that case.
People who think it's pointless to vote because of the popularity of other options: STAY AWAY from voting in real life... There's nothing worse that someone who don't feel like representing his views in subject.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

02.03.2011 - 21:15
Oh, I see where the problem is.
I did not mean "it's pointless for me", I meant to say that you shouldn't even expect the band you voted for to win, as in, your single vote will not make a difference in the sea of fanboy/fangirl votes when the time to choose the winner comes.
I don't really care that much who wins, but it would be nice to see some bands get the actual recognition they deserve (like winning, and not just being nominated).
02.03.2011 - 21:25
X-Ray Rod
Written by Slayer666 on 02.03.2011 at 21:15

Oh, I see where the problem is.
I did not mean "it's pointless for me", I meant to say that you shouldn't even expect the band you voted for to win, as in, your single vote will not make a difference in the sea of fanboy/fangirl votes when the time to choose the winner comes.
I don't really care that much who wins, but it would be nice to see some bands get the actual recognition they deserve (like winning, and not just being nominated).

In that case there was a misinterpretation from my part, sorry for that.
Trust me, I did NOT expect Fungloid Stream to win AT ALL, but I still voted for them in the Extreme Doom category because I liked them the most, It's as simple as that and I think everybody here should have the same simple way of thinking when it comes to the awards, don't vote because you want them to win, vote for them because you like them.

I mean, bands like Kylesa and Mar De Grises started in a very shy way, kylesa got barely 80 votes last year and this year it got second with 140. Mar De Grises had in their debut only 20 votes...
OK.... I do agree with you that part of that it's because the more well-known bands weren't making albums that year.... but like I said: A PART OF THAT.
Another part of those two bands and other bands getting more votes is because they do get some attention (that's actually the price)... It's a small one compared to the SEA of fanboys/girls as you say... That is undeniable... But they still get a price: new fans, the bands that won don't really get a price (those who are already famous that is).
The small (very small unfourtunately) part of the MS users who actually check out EVERY myspace of the categories they are voting are the ones who make it all better.

So in my theory.... If Fungoid Stream releases a new album and if it gets nominated again... It will get more votes than the last time.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.03.2011 - 00:40
I was hoping Exodus would win thrash metal.

Oh well, at least Immolation got the death metal award.
Hello, my name is Mr......Snrub and I think it would be a capital idea to invest the money back in the nuclear plant.
07.03.2011 - 22:00
Well, looks like I'm completely out of touch (or is it out of style?) with the metal scene: only one of the bands I voted for actually won (prog).:wall: Never mind: I actually got to know a lot of new bands...but I still find it a pity Winter in Eden didn't win in the symph category and where the hell is Ex-Deo?
Cthulhu for President! Why settle for the lesser evil?
08.03.2011 - 03:23
Troy Killjoy
Written by metalwolf on 07.03.2011 at 22:00

...and where the hell is Ex Deo?

Not anywhere near a list of best metal albums.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
08.03.2011 - 11:24
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Troy Killjoy on 08.03.2011 at 03:23

Written by metalwolf on 07.03.2011 at 22:00

...and where the hell is Ex Deo?

Not anywhere near a list of best metal albums.

And that album was also a 2009 release
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

08.03.2011 - 14:10
Troy Killjoy
Of course it was! Man it's hard to keep up with all these non-2010 candidates.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
08.03.2011 - 21:02
2009? hmm, it seemed like yesterday...must be getting old...
Cthulhu for President! Why settle for the lesser evil?
11.03.2011 - 06:58
No drama!? Dimmu Borgir had a blog war and lost the 2 best members of the band!
11.03.2011 - 13:44
Thanks for the sharing this great information
15.03.2011 - 19:24
Written by In Bone Factory on 01.03.2011 at 22:31

I've lost my enthusiasm for participating in any other MS Awards.there are many unfair and ridiculous votings.

Haha, me too. I get what BC is saying about the exposure of smaller bands but future voting is pointless to me.

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