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Scar Symmetry - Fire Bassist Andreas Holma

After roughly two years as a member of Swedish metal act Scar Symmetry, bass player Andreas Holma has been fired and removed from the band's line-up after purportedly backing out of some tour dates. Full statement from the band's guitarist Per Nilsson can be read below.

Scar Symmetry guitarist Per Nilsson has issued the following explanation: "It is with disappointment and a sense of disbelief that we announce the departure of Andreas Holma from Scar Symmetry just weeks before our tour of Finland, Japan and the Baltic Sea. Andreas recently informed us that he couldn't take part in these shows due to a scheduling conflict with another band that he's playing with, even though the Scar Symmetry shows (that he agreed to do!) have been planned for several months and he's had ample time to notify us about the situation. With this short notice, it's impossible for us to a secure a Japanese visa in time for a replacement bass player, as well as finding someone good enough to learn all the music and rehearse in just a few weeks. Also, since the flight tickets are non-refundable, we'd be forced to shell out for new ones.

"Cancelling with just a few weeks notice without a very good reason is completely unacceptable to me, it puts the tour in jeopardy and makes the band look bad, and as a consequence Andreas is no longer a member of Scar Symmetry. For our upcoming shows we won't have a bass player, instead we will use a pre-recorded bass performance (by me) on backing tracks. It might not be optimal but it'll sound really good and we'll have a little bit of extra space on stage

"As for a permanent replacement, we have a few people we're gonna talk to but since we don't have any shows beyond this tour booked we aren't in a big hurry.

"Even in our upset and disappointment, we still want to thank Andreas for the good times we had and wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

"Thank you everyone for your support and understanding, hope to see you soon in Helsinki, Tampere, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo or on the Close-Up Cruise in the Baltic Sea!"

Band profile: Scar Symmetry
Posted: 14.03.2019 by Abattoir


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Comments: 6   Visited by: 128 users
14.03.2019 - 10:19
New album now
14.03.2019 - 10:33
Per's got a point - if he can't commit to the band and stand up for his own promises and contract, the guy should be fired indeed.
14.03.2019 - 14:40
They could just hire a midget and smuggle him into Japan in a suitcase. No visa needed
14.03.2019 - 19:14
Not used to seeing this level of professionalism in extreme metal... typically one just stabs the other and walks off into a fog-shrouded forest. Bravo.
15.03.2019 - 05:09
That sucks to hear, a shame really. These are some really good, genuine dudes. Met them a few years back and they took some time after the show to meet me and take some pics. Good luck on the next tour gents.
15.03.2019 - 09:02
Their tour is ruined. Can you imagine a band playing live without a bassist? I mean, it makes sooooooo much difference...
Their old stuff is better.

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