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Iron Maiden - Unveil New Music Piece With Animated Video

Today, the indestructible Iron Maiden present their brand-new track, "The Writing On The Wall", with an eagerly anticipated global YouTube video premiere. The song was written by Adrian Smith & Bruce Dickinson, produced by Kevin Shirley and co-produced by Steve Harris.

Bruce Dickinson initially had a concept for the video which came to fruition in collaboration with two Award-winning former Pixar executives and long-standing Maiden fans Mark Andrews & Andrew Gordon. With partners lining up to get involved with the project they chose BlinkInk, a London based animation studio.

In BlinkInk director Nicos Livesey, another long-time Maiden fan & kindred spirit, they found a man who shared the collective vision for the track - resulting in the final film which features the very first glimpse of a stunning new incarnation of Eddie.

Bruce comments: "I had a pretty clear idea of the concept to accompany the song and when I met Mark and Andrew, on Zoom, it quickly became clear we were all very much on the same wavelength, and this was reinforced with the addition of Nicos and his young BlinkInk team. Our weekly team Zoom meetings were then usually both highly creative and a lot of fun!

"I'm very proud of the way the video turned out, it's more like a mini-film really. I knew it was going to work out as soon as Mark brought my treatment to life with his incredible storyboards - I thought we could make something very special together. I think we did and hope our fans will agree. In fact it it's pretty much created by Maiden fans!"

Director, Nicos Livesey takes up the story: "We quickly found the expertise we wanted, and people were literally throwing themselves at me to work on a Maiden video - we had more than 60 people in 13 countries from Brazil to France, & Romania to the USA to add something to the clip and I'd say their love, passion and understanding of the band shines through every frame."

Band profile: Iron Maiden
Posted: 15.07.2021 by Abattoir


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Comments: 36   Visited by: 314 users
16.07.2021 - 00:22
At best deranged
What a nice surprise! Though they were already hinting at a new song (and album), we finally get a first part of the puzzle.

I quite like this one. Has a pretty groovy riff and it invokes a type of style (Wild West) I haven't really heard from them yet. If it turns out to be like with The Book Of Souls, where I found the released single (Speed Of Light) one of the weaker tracks of the album (and I still like it) then that's a good sign for the new album (at least for me).
16.07.2021 - 00:26
Nocturnal Bro
Wow! That video was badass! And Eddie is a samurai now!
16.07.2021 - 00:38
SoUnDs LiKe PoP
I'm just gonna say it: One of the most overrated metal bands of all time. This song doesn't really do anything for me, cool video, though.

Pioneers, yes. Can't deny that.
I lift weights and listen to metal
16.07.2021 - 00:46
Wow, it's hard to believe that one of the most influential bands with a stellar catalogue is able to release such quality music 40 years into their career.

The song is amazing and includes new elements for Maiden's sound (the lead southern rock/country style riff), Bruce's vocals sound as good as ever, the solo is beautiful and the video is badass as fcuk!

Samurai Eddie is a dope evolution and the merch with him will be off the chain!
16.07.2021 - 00:59
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
What is this? does it means new album is ommixning? Before they diue I want hear last IM album and also BD solo one. same time this sounds better as last 2 IM albums
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
16.07.2021 - 01:16
The animated video is nice - I'd love to see more of the old Eddie drawings being brought to animation, but the song is yet another boring piece, too long and repetitive without ever being catchy. Sure, if they play it live, everybody will sing the chorus and have a good time but else it's very meh.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
16.07.2021 - 01:42
Darkside Momo
That clip, for sure, was excellent
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
16.07.2021 - 01:43
At best deranged
Written by Bad English on 16.07.2021 at 00:59

What is this? does it means new album is ommixning? Before they diue I want hear last IM album and also BD solo one. same time this sounds better as last 2 IM albums

They have been writing on a new album since the end of 2019 I think. Most likely we'll see its release in 2021.
16.07.2021 - 02:30
Lord Slothrop
Very promising. I just hope the new album has some shorter tracks. As much as I loved Book of Souls, I felt it was rather bloated at times.
16.07.2021 - 03:22
Aries Rising
A bit too long and repetitive, but overall a decent song.
16.07.2021 - 03:42
Didn't really bother watching the video, the song was okay, solos kinda saved it but they will need more then solos to catch my full attention
16.07.2021 - 04:18
An average song
Μέτρον Άριστον
16.07.2021 - 08:24
Cool video but after a couple of listens I think it's kind of weak, except for a cool intro and pretty nice guitar solo it's not in my taste... both the verses and chorus are very anonymous and sadly I think Bruce is pushing his voice way above his capacity. Maybe it gets better when you hear it in a album context
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands
16.07.2021 - 09:57
Written by SoUnDs LiKe PoP on 16.07.2021 at 00:38

I'm just gonna say it: One of the most overrated metal bands of all time. This song doesn't really do anything for me, cool video, though.

Pioneers, yes. Can't deny that.

I have to agree. I'm not going to say they are terrible but they are no where near as good as people like to claim.
16.07.2021 - 11:40
I love the song, but I was expecting a release date of a new album.
16.07.2021 - 11:52
I like the song but I strongly suspect that one of the millions of stoner bands out there has used those riffs already. Very cool solo, outstanding video.

Like Daniell above, I want to say: "give us a release date already".
16.07.2021 - 12:06
Written by nikarg on 16.07.2021 at 11:52

I like the song but I strongly suspect that one of the millions of stoner bands out there has used those riffs already.

The vocal line in verses reminds me of Metallica's rendition of "Turn the Page".
16.07.2021 - 13:10
The solo is nice, the song overall is a bit pedestrian but listenable enough. I know some friends of mine have a lot of issues with the drum production sound, and I tend to agree
16.07.2021 - 13:29
Rufus Valentine
Account deleted
As some hip hop dude said once: haters gonna hate. The amount of money I have spent on this band down the years is mental. And, if I had the chance I wouldn't have spent a single penny differently.

Still love Maiden and this is a quality track.
16.07.2021 - 14:59
At best deranged
Written by musclassia on 16.07.2021 at 13:10

The solo is nice, the song overall is a bit pedestrian but listenable enough. I know some friends of mine have a lot of issues with the drum production sound, and I tend to agree

Seems like a continuation of the production on TBOS. It's Kevin Shirley and Steve Harris producing an Iron Maiden album, so It's a bit hit and miss between the albums they have done. "Brave New World" and "A Matter Of Life And Death" have amazing production imo. Dance Of Death and "The Final Frontier" were quite underwhelming in terms of production (especially the latter one, the drums on that often felt way too weak) imo. TBOS kind of fell in the middle. Biggest issue with that production is that Nicko's china often sounds like a hi-hat (I think even he mentioned it in an interview). If you listen very closely you can hear a small distinction. But to give an idea, I think I had listened through the album about 5 or 6 times before I noticed the difference. That should never be the case.

That said, there are things that I do like about Shirley's productions. With headphones on it's always nice to hear the distinction between left and right so clearly. Same with the blending and flow from one ear to the other. And I know a lot of people also complained on the production of The Book Of Souls, but I really appreciate the dynamics and soundscape on songs like "Empire Of The Clouds". The symphonic touches in there are smooth and subtle and really add to the epic nature of the track. Doing that without it being way too much in your face is a pretty hard thing to do. The vibes I do get from Kevin's productions though is that they do feel distinct (probably also the reason why some are a hit for me and others a kind of a miss). I have the complete opposite problem with some other producers (Andy Sneap is probably one of the more notable ones). A lot of the time they have very clean and polished productions, but they feel a bit soulless to me. It's one of the things that bothered me on Judas Priest's latest album. I like that album a lot (some really good music on that one), but the production feels and sounds like something I've heard dozens of times before. Luckily the music has more than enough personality, because if it were for the production alone I feel like you wouldn't be able to distinguish it from any of the other Sneap productions.

But yeah, it always seems to be the drums that suffer first on Shirley's productions. I don't dislike it (has a bit of a live vibe to it), but I much prefer the production (of the drums) they had going on "Brave New World" or "A Matter Of Life And Death". That last one also had a strong "live" vibe to it, but the drums were so much more powerful and grandiose. Here it sounds like the typical Iron Maiden drum recording. Lots of room mics and then squashing the sound in the mix. Lots of distinction between the different parts of the drumkit (a big plus in my book), but at times maybe a bit too "roomy" sounding which gives that muddled effect. (The spotify version seems to be a bit better though).

I don't know, I'm not an expert tbh. Maybe I'm just a bit too forgiving. And maybe I shouldn't be writing a novel about it (like I seem to have done)
17.07.2021 - 06:31
Free as a.. Fish
Always exciting to get new music from these legends. Eagerly awaiting the new album.

Good song too. I already found myself humming it today.
17.07.2021 - 10:27
The song is so low energy, isn't it ? I don't think I will listen to it again. The video was not bad though.
Ride a horse that's cleaving through the air and space of dreams.
17.07.2021 - 11:30
Duck Dodgers
Every album they released after Brave New World is just average and only sells on the fact it is Iron Maiden.
I can not imagine arenas screaming "Play The Writing on the wall".
18.07.2021 - 10:37
I'm not impressed. Iron Maiden should really get a better producer, this sounds way too weak. There are a few good riffs, but the verses and chorus are nothing special. Way too long and repetitive. And it saddens me to say, but Bruce Dickinson just doesn't have it anymore. Would be refreshing with a new lead singer.
18.07.2021 - 16:50
When I heard it's song by Smith and Dickinson I expected something more rockish. Nice solo, but it's more like basic song dedicated to some motorcycle gang. IM can do better.
18.07.2021 - 21:26
Very strong release by the GOAT of all metal bands. 40 years and still kicking ass! This is one of the coolest song video's I've seen in a long time, maybe ever. Extremely well done. Cannot wait for the next track to drop and of course I will buy the dekluxe version of this album. UP THE IRONS!!!!
19.07.2021 - 01:48
At best deranged
Written by nikarg on 16.07.2021 at 11:52

I like the song but I strongly suspect that one of the millions of stoner bands out there has used those riffs already. Very cool solo, outstanding video.

Like Daniell above, I want to say: "give us a release date already".

It kind of dawned to me today when I was humming the riff that it does remind me a bit of Mother Russia. I don't know what it is, but I do get that vibe. Maybe it's just the tempo or guitar phrasing of it, not really sure.
19.07.2021 - 10:09
Written by tominator on 19.07.2021 at 01:48

It kind of dawned to me today when I was humming the riff that it does remind me a bit of Mother Russia. I don't know what it is, but I do get that vibe. Maybe it's just the tempo or guitar phrasing of it, not really sure.

It's not just you, I thought the same thing from the first time I heard it.
19.07.2021 - 11:21
Written by Duck Dodgers on 17.07.2021 at 11:30

Every album they released after Brave New World is just average and only sells on the fact it is Iron Maiden.

A few albums before Brave New World were just average too.

If you take any random legendary band whose career spans several decades, you will notice a pattern: a few classic albums early in their career, then a slew of average ones with a few good songs here and there, and live sets are always based on old hits. Releasing new albums is just a pretext to go on the road again and play old hits (with some new songs to justify the tour), which is what fans expect anyway, so no harm done.
19.07.2021 - 17:17
So overrated...

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