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Paradise Lost - Start Working On Material For Next Record

It's been three years since British metal veterans Paradise Lost released its most recent album Obsidian, but frontman Nick Holmes confirmed in a recent interview with Portugal's Metal Global that the band has been making progress on new material for their next album for a tentative 2024 or 2025 release.

Holmes said: "We started working on some songs. Then we started the summer festival season, and it just got kind of lost in the festivals. It's nice to allocate a period of downtime when you can write because it's hard to keep your head on one thing when you keep having to pack a bag and then get on an airplane and go and do a gig and you've gotta rehearse for the shows. It's just nice to scratch some time for that. So hopefully at the beginning of next year, we can have a few months downtime so we can actually get working more on the album. But we've got a few songs done. I think we've got a few songs done; we need to review them. So, yeah, we'll hopefully write an album next year, anyway. Whether it's gonna be recorded [next year], I don't know, but hopefully at least written."

Band profile: Paradise Lost
Posted: 18.11.2023 by Metal God


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 61 users
18.11.2023 - 16:26
Probably it will be at the same high level as the last albums, since nick and greg have released all their electro demons with host
18.11.2023 - 23:10
Bring it.
19.11.2023 - 04:17
Best metal news of the year.

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