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Musicians corner

Request For Backing track... 3
What do you think of this? 3
Immanis - new scottish metal act 6
Vocal Programming 5
Demos 16
Help Getting New Guitar 10
Lightspeed triplets 19
Grade 5 Guitar 4
Brass/woodwind/classical instruments. 12
A pop punk song I've written and recorded with my band... 33
Altering the cosmetics of a Peavey 6505 6
Electronica 4
Scott Danough 7
Moloch 1
Fingerpicking Songs 12
Guitar and Bass Tricks 9
Requesting a logo for a project of mine. 7
Classical guitars? 4
Hateflood, a project of mine (Duality) 8
Chords help 4
Cymbal manufacturer 11
Scale thread! 33
Guitar thread! 68
Looking for a Windows equivalent of Garage Band 6
Floyd Rose Bridges... 22
For People Buying A Guitar 16
Art From A Metal-Lone Newfie 6
Buying an electric guitar - tips and precautions 19
Starting Over 9
Two Handed Guitar tapping (Adam Fulara and others) 19