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Queensrÿche - Queensrÿche

7.4 | 157 votes |
Release date: 24 June 2013
Style: Progressive heavy metal


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01. X2
02. Where Dreams Go To Die
03. Spore
04. In This Light
05. Redemption
06. Vindication
07. Midnight Lullaby
08. A World Without
09. Don't Look Back
10. Fallout
11. Open Road

Guest review by
All right, let's bite this in the butt; I am not a Queensryche fan, in fact this was the first Queensryche album I had listened to in full (though I have since listened to more). From the first time I heard the song "Redemption" I was very excited for this album as a metal head. Obviously this is a very hyped album with a lot of expectations riding on its shoulders and basically the reputation of the name Queensryche what with Geoff Tate's Frequency Unknown being a gigantic flop; the obvious questions are going to be, "how does it meet these standards and how does it compare to the last 20 years of garbage that this band has been pumping out?"

published 17.08.2013 | Comments (1)

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Comments: 48   Visited by: 581 users
10.07.2013 - 12:50
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Tate's vocals are terrible on Frequency Unknown especially on the re-recorded songs, of which SIlent Lucidity is totally butchered, murdered, etc. by Tate.
Todd is currently miles better than Tate.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

10.07.2013 - 16:22
Rating: 2
Written by Scuzzy McDouche on 06.07.2013 at 05:20

Written by manowar-god44 on 03.07.2013 at 18:26

I have to say that Queensryche has fallen off the cliff...Chris DeGarmo had to be the driving force in the song writing dept. I'm not sure why people think that either version of Queensryche is anything like the past. This new ryche album with Todd is way too wimpy, its more like a pop album to me. Its really not just Geoff losing it, the other members have lost it too. Very disappointed in this...terrible shit.

Troll? If not, what the fuck, are you're outta your god damn mind?! This is the best album they have made since Mindcrime. Todd is a better singer than Geoff ever was...ok, stopping myself before I go into a long vicious rant on this clown.

You would have just been punched in the head about ten times if you were at my party.

Bye, have a nice day...

10.07.2013 - 16:30
Rating: 2
You are welcome to your opinion Scuzzy but I prefer heavier music they used to make rather than the poppy shit that the ryche is delivering nowadays...still love the band for what they have given the fans in the past but I expected much more...bringing in a singer that was in Crimson Glory should have helped but it didnt work for me. Listened again and cant chg my opinion....tough guyu
10.07.2013 - 16:32
Rating: 2
Geoff Tate's version didnt work for me either....he was prob the biggest prob in band for musical shift.
13.07.2013 - 18:56
Nemo Atkins
Written by Lustful Maid on 10.07.2013 at 11:12

You're very got personal feud with Tate ? Relax, everybody goes crazy sometimes, don't judge the album by his attitude. Both albums sucks, but Tate' s is better due to Tate's more expressive jazzy vocals.

With all due respect, did you actually read the first half of Nicko's Nose's comment? If you didn't, let me repeat it for you: TATE ONLY WROTE THE LYRICS TO QUEENSRYCHE SONGS! (OK, some sources also say vocal melodies as well, but you really need the rest of the music to be written before you can write them with any confidence, so I'm not counting them.) How can he have been the soul of Queensryche if he didn't actually write a single song for them? Please provide me with an answer to that, I'm curious...

My thoughts on the album: it's lacking a real killer song, was mastered too loud (someone tell the Doctor never to master an album again...(if anyone doesn't get it, a guy named Tom Baker mastered this album)) and there were two or three tracks that could have done with some extra work, but I can't say I didn't like the album as a whole. I'd maybe give it a high 7, possibly pushing it up to an 8 if I was feeling generous.
19.07.2013 - 23:07
Rating: 9
Darken Rahl
I was looking forward to hearing this. I was also not expecting it to be as good as it is. Very impressed!
20.07.2013 - 10:13
Lustful Maid
Written by Nemo Atkins on 13.07.2013 at 18:56

Written by Lustful Maid on 10.07.2013 at 11:12

You're very got personal feud with Tate ? Relax, everybody goes crazy sometimes, don't judge the album by his attitude. Both albums sucks, but Tate' s is better due to Tate's more expressive jazzy vocals.

...TATE ONLY WROTE THE LYRICS TO QUEENSRYCHE SONGS! ...How can he have been the soul of Queensryche if he didn't actually write a single song for them? Please provide me with an answer to that, I'm curious...

The amazing part is a song needs to be interpreted by the vocalist to "complete" a song, just like different story-tellers could express a same story in different ways. That's why Tate gave the soul to Queensryche.
23.07.2013 - 18:14
Nemo Atkins
Written by Lustful Maid on 20.07.2013 at 10:13

Written by Nemo Atkins on 13.07.2013 at 18:56

Written by Lustful Maid on 10.07.2013 at 11:12

You're very got personal feud with Tate ? Relax, everybody goes crazy sometimes, don't judge the album by his attitude. Both albums sucks, but Tate' s is better due to Tate's more expressive jazzy vocals.

...TATE ONLY WROTE THE LYRICS TO QUEENSRYCHE SONGS! ...How can he have been the soul of Queensryche if he didn't actually write a single song for them? Please provide me with an answer to that, I'm curious...

The amazing part is a song needs to be interpreted by the vocalist to "complete" a song, just like different story-tellers could express a same story in different ways. That's why Tate gave the soul to Queensryche.

...While I don't think that's enough to call him the soul of Queensryche (via your argument, every single singer in every single band interprets the song, which seems very off when you throw in covers or other vocalists performing material as part of the band that wasn't written for their voice into the mix: surprisingly, I'm not thinking of Queensryche there, but Iced Earth), I'll concede you do have a point.

I think the best way to put it would be Tate just happened to be the right vocalist for the band when they were beginning their career and when they became big, just like Rob Halford for Judas Priest. The difference between the two bands when they replaced their iconic vocalists, however, is that Todd helped revive the band, who were pretty much a sinking ship at the time he joined (no offence intended if you like the post-Promised Land stuff, but I really don't like the stuff I've heard of it), while Tim (through no fault of his own, I might add: he has no song writing credits with Priest beyond a bonus track on Demolition) got onto a boat that was about to spring a leak, to take the metaphor a bit too far (same as with Iced Earth, funnily enough).

I honestly reckon Tim would have been much better accepted had Priest's first record with him been stronger, as I've listened to it a few times and find it doesn't have the spark that made stuff like Screaming For Vengeance and Painkiller (to name two of my favourite Priest albums) so great. Had the release been as strong as this album (as much as I find it too loudly mastered, I don't think there are any filler tracks on it and I enjoy listening to it all the way through, while Jugulator usually results in boredom), I suspect Tim might still be with Priest...

(Apologies about the delay with responding: I've been pretty busy over the last few days, so I've not really had the time to answer you properly.)

EDIT: Since I realised the way my comment regarding Tate and Rob helping the bands when they began their career and got big sounded, I'll stress that I'm not implying that the singers stopped becoming the great vocalists they did after they got big. I'm more pointing out that, at least now, they aren't capable of pulling off the material that made the bands so great. Tate's voice has seriously deteriorated over the years, as a listen to the re-recordings of Queensryche classics on Frequency Unknown will prove, to the extent that I actually think it would be better for Tate's career to not sing anything Queensryche wrote before (and including) Promised Land unless he changes the arrangement up to suit his current range (let's ignore my previous point that he can't write songs for a few seconds). But to do that would require Tate to acknowledge he can't do the material like he used to, which I don't believe he ever will do. Rob's voice has deteriorated as well, but he is at least aware of it and doesn't try to reach for do some of the note he did when he was in his thirties (let alone twenties), with the end result being that watching recordings of the Epitaph DVD is actually quite enjoyable, not painful (the only real exception is "Painkiller", but he's apparently struggled live with that one since they first performed it anyway, so I'll grant mercy there). If Tate did that, then I'd be willing to at least praise him for doing that, as he'd be making the most of what he had. But, by trying to doing the songs the way he used to, he's not showing how good his voice still is: he's actually showing how much his voice has deteriorated since the original recording came out. And that's more the point I was making: their voices have deteriorated since their heydays, but Rob is at least aware of it and not letting it ruin the songs.

Hope that cleared that up.
15.08.2013 - 11:21
Lustful Maid

...I think the best way to put it would be Tate just happened to be the right vocalist for the band when they were beginning their career and when they became big, just like Rob Halford for Judas Priest...

Tons of mumbling shit !
Bad examples...
Their fates and vocal range are totally different though Rob and Tate are neck and neck.
Rob is god, performs in huge arena...Tate had been spending most of his time in small club for more than 15 years.
So...don't make unrealistic comparisons.
19.08.2013 - 10:44
Nemo Atkins
Written by Lustful Maid on 15.08.2013 at 11:21

...I think the best way to put it would be Tate just happened to be the right vocalist for the band when they were beginning their career and when they became big, just like Rob Halford for Judas Priest...

Tons of mumbling shit !
Bad examples...
Their fates and vocal range are totally different though Rob and Tate are neck and neck.
Rob is god, performs in huge arena...Tate had been spending most of his time in small club for more than 15 years.
So...don't make unrealistic comparisons. do Michael Kiske and Geoff Tate compare then?

As a quick note for you, performing in a club for two hours is still as vocally demanding as performing in an arena for two hours. At the end of the day, you're still singing for two hours. You don't need to sing louder in an arena just because it's a larger venue: it's the job of the sound engineer to make the sound suit the venue, not the band (unless a member of the band is also the sound engineer, but that's maybe getting a bit technical...). Many bands (and people not in the know) make this mistake at the start of their career and often just make the volume louder so they can hear themselves, rather than letting the sound person know. The end result of this is very similar to what you hear on very loudly mastered albums: a fatigue inducing sound that isn't as enjoyable to the listener as it would be if the volume was better handled. I know that and I've only been to two rock-related gigs (one was a Good Charlotte gig while the other was a Crashdiet gig: my sister's the Good Charlotte fan these days, although I don't dislike them now, since I spent a good amount of my early teenage years listening to their second album and I still think it's a good listen when I listen to it, despite my current tastes in music...)!

Also, Rob Halford left Judas Priest in 1992 and didn't return until 2003, during which time, to the best of my knowledge (which isn't a lot, considering I didn't hear about Judas Priest until 2011), he wasn't performing arena venues either.

(Make your response count: I'm very tempted to just start ignoring you.)
25.08.2013 - 21:38
Lustful Maid
Quote: do Michael Kiske and Geoff Tate compare then?...
As a quick note for you, performing in a club for two hours is still as vocally demanding as performing in an arena for two hours....
Also, Rob Halford left Judas Priest in 1992 and didn't return until 2003...

You're King of Deviation ! very much off topic.
In order to be polite, I still reply your question as follows :
Andi Deris (in) vs Michael Kiske (out)
Rob Hafford (in) vs Tim Owens (out)
Geoff Tate (in) vs Todd La Torre (out)

The results are :
1) Rob Hafford
2) Geoff Tate
3) Andi Deris
4) Tim Owens
5) Todd La Torre
6) Michael Kiske
25.08.2013 - 22:34
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Aha brain dead moron boy who thinks whatever he says is the law is back again.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

26.08.2013 - 09:30
Lustful Maid
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 25.08.2013 at 22:34

Aha brain dead moron boy who thinks whatever he says is the law is back again.

Not a law just a personal opinion, I did not try to force you to follow anything i have said...( I haven't got the black magic yet )
Only an Old Idiot Dog like you would take people's opinon(s) so seriously and misjudged it as a law !
31.08.2013 - 00:52
Nemo Atkins
Written by Lustful Maid on 25.08.2013 at 21:38 do Michael Kiske and Geoff Tate compare then?...
As a quick note for you, performing in a club for two hours is still as vocally demanding as performing in an arena for two hours....
Also, Rob Halford left Judas Priest in 1992 and didn't return until 2003...

You're King of Deviation ! very much off topic.
In order to be polite, I still reply your question as follows :
Andi Deris (in) vs Michael Kiske (out)
Rob Hafford (in) vs Tim Owens (out)
Geoff Tate (in) vs Todd La Torre (out)

The results are :
1) Rob Hafford
2) Geoff Tate
3) Andi Deris
4) Tim Owens
5) Todd La Torre
6) Michael Kiske

How observant of you to notice I raise a lot of points there. You only answered one of them, though (and, even then, you didn't so much answer it as just list the vocalists in the order you prefer them, which isn't what I consider answering my question).

Answer every question put to you next time.

(And, because I can't be bothered to respond to you twice: yes, you do seem to treat your opinion as the law. I still remember your posts as mcm on the Dedicated To Chaos and Time I threads. Not once did you give the other side's point the slightest consideration when you answered them, preferring instead to insult them and avoid answering the questions directly. The point of responding to posts is to discuss your thoughts on the album being discussed in the thread, consider what the other side says if/when they respond, give a valuable discussion that isn't just treating the other side as a brain dead moron who you automatically are more intelligent than and, if you honestly do not believe you can give a valuable discussion, agree to disagree. It's in the rules of posting, so this isn't something the site put in recently: they've been there since I joined in 2011 and have possibly been around since the site was created. Go read them, then start following them. I'm not a mod, so I can't enforce them upon you, but, since Marcel is and he clearly remembers you...)
20.09.2013 - 13:57
Lustful Maid
How observant of you to notice I raise a lot of points there. You only answered one of them, though (and, even then, you didn't so much answer it as just list the vocalists in the order you prefer them, which isn't what I consider answering my question)......
Answer every question put to you next time.

Why so serious ? Are we having debate in the parliament ? or fighting for the liberty and justice for the people...? Relax !
06.04.2015 - 02:04
Pvt Funderground
I just wish that this has a better production. Other than that, this is a very good album and a return to form for the band. I'm eager to listen new stuff from this guys.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
06.06.2019 - 15:58
Rating: 8
Mountain King
K i K o
I recently started listening to the post Tate albums. I know 8 is probably too high, but this song is amazong "In This Light". And this one is also great "Open Road". Really surprised that there are great songs, and what's weird is that I like the dark melancholic slower songs than the metal ones. In this case, I actually prefer some really good songs than just a solid non-memorable album.
30.12.2022 - 11:21
Rating: 6
I've listened through all Queensryche albums the recent weeks and now entering the Todd era. Listening through their period post Promised Land is a chore, all those albums suck in some degree. And I was confident that the Todd albums would feel like "masterpieces" compared to all those. And sure this is their best since Promised Land but it's not by a landslide. While there are good songs here most of the songs are kind of average and the production is also not the best, the guitars are way too low. I have heard this album several times and it's possibly my favourite of the Todd albums but IMO Queensryche hasn't managed to crawl back to their greatness.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands

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