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Metal Genres: Hate/Love

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14.04.2012 - 00:46
Carrion Misery
When ever someone bashed another genre, I always wondered what genre they were passionate about. So I put this forward to find out your perspective:

1. Name only one of your favorite genres from the list below.
2. In the order of genres I have provided for you, explain with 3 - 5 sentences per genre why you hate or like that genre. I'm not getting into subgenres like brutal death, depressive black metal, etc. If you don't feel like typing a book, just say how you feel about it a few words.
3. List as many of your favorite combined/sub genres as you want like I did at the end.

Black Metal
Death Metal
Doom Metal
Gothic Metal
Heavy Metal
Power Metal
Progressive Metal

Favorite Genre: Doom Metal

Black Metal: Like
It is one of the only genres that captures anguish, violence, aggression and melancholy so well. Songs that can drone on and on to be quite soothing actually. Something I can lose myself in, bang my head to and repulse people when I'm passing in the car (though death metal is great for that too).

Death Metal: Like
Definitely one of my favorites. The raw intensity and pure display of relentless blasting and growls really fuels me up for a productive day (oddly enough). Death metal inspires and motivated me musically. Only genre that makes me yell, "FUCK!" after a sick crescendo of blasting and solos. The endurance and pin point accuracy that goes into performing death metal is nothing to be scoffed at.

Djent: Hate
Though I try not to compare this genre to genres I know as "metal", I want to know what fellow metalheads truly think of it. While most djent bands I've come across are undoubtedly musically gifted, I can't get past the repetitiveness and tough guy attitude. The vocals are the nail in the coffin for me; directionless yapping with semblance of a little shit dog turns me off, and the whining, ohhh the whining.

Doom Metal: Love
One of the first metal genres I got into. It's the only genre that can give me goosebumps, and help me through a shitty day with its beautiful melodies and rageful tendancies. Helps fall asleep quick too. An excellent source of inspiration, and great background music to draw to.

Gothic Metal: Neutral
Though it blends well with many doom metal bands, I suppose I'm only neutral on this genre at this point. I used to be big into it, and it doesn't bother me when it comes on a random play list. I feel its slightly whiny and over dramatic, but some days it's the perfect stuff to listen to.

Heavy Metal: Like
What's not to like? As cheesy as it can be, heavy metal fuckin rocks; and its fun to listen/sing along to. Perfect workout music, and great for BBQs.

Metalcore: Hate
Plastic middle school training-wheels of fail. Honestly I liked this back in 1999, and I'm not afraid to admit it. When I fell more into doom, death and black, I found no originality, passion or depth in metalcore. I don't need it, it is obsolete. What valuable lesson I learned from this genre: If you love a band instantly, you will most likely stop liking it 6 months down the road and even dread them, but the bands you can't seem to get into right away have potential to be your favorite music of all time.

Power Metal: Like
I'm actually pretty big into power metal. At first, I didn't like it since it's on the opposite side of the metal spectrum compared to doom metal, but I've learned to dig it throughout the years. The singers have tremendous talent and vocal power, and the band is usually fun to listen. It's futile for me to not sing along. I never got the whole "flower" metal thing because that's definitely not the impression I got from it.

Progressive Metal: Love
Put progressive in front of almost any genre, and I'll probably like it if it isn't overly self-indulgent. I constantly catch myself air drumming and singing a long. I am captivated and inspired by the musical/vocal talent and musical structures of bands like Darkwater, Evergrey and Dream Theater. People say Progressive is more of an accent than a genre, but I just named three bands there that I can't put another genre to other than Progressive.

Thrash: Dislike
I don't quite hate thrash, but the genre has ran into the ground for me. Slayer this, Slayer that - Slayer is the only thrash band I really need, and that's sad. I feel I've just found better music that captures not only the emotions thrash offers, but they expand on those emotions and even feature multiple, and I can't help I feel that way.

Favorite Combined Genres
Progressive Doom Metal
Progressive Death Metal
Progressive Power Metal
Blackened Death Metal
Symphonic Black Metal

Any kind of folk metal is pretty sweet too.
? Carrion Misery | Two-Man Death Doom Project
Full album streaming
14.04.2012 - 01:46
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Odd Thread... but I shall return... soon enough.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

14.04.2012 - 01:52
Carrion Misery
Sweet. Well, I thought it'd be interesting to know the reasoning behind someone who loves thrash, but hates power metal rather than hearing "it sucks" in some passing thread.
? Carrion Misery | Two-Man Death Doom Project
Full album streaming
14.04.2012 - 02:14
Carrion Misery
Written by [user id=35732] on 14.04.2012 at 02:00

I like passion metal. Meaning there should be some emotions manifested during the experience. Then comes the filter, which filters the emotions I can't identify myself with. This pretty much tells you nothing, but the truth is something like that. In general I don't like to analyze things too far. I just like what I like, regardless of the genre.

Well said, man. I definitely agree with you there. I am a very detailed person, so I can see people skipping this because it's information overload. I try to take genres loosely, but I always end up with those main genres. In my mind, people still hover around a general area whether or not they denounce them. I have a wide range of musical preferences, but I know what I don't like, and I enjoy conversations about them.
? Carrion Misery | Two-Man Death Doom Project
Full album streaming
14.04.2012 - 04:06
Not a metal expert here, but I'll try this out.
Black Metal - Don't like, never really got into the genre. I'm not a huge fan of the vocals that accompany most bands in this genre. The mentioning of Satan in almost every song does get repetitive.

Death Metal - Like some stuff out of this genre. Opeth and Death are my favorites. The vocals once again are my main issue with this genre, but they are more easy to get used to.

Djent - Can't really say I have much of an opinion on the genre. Meshuggah is pretty good, but other than that I have not listened to this genre.

Doom Metal - Don't like very much, I usually get bored listening to it. I can deal with slower paced music, but this genre tends to be far too slow and droning for me to handle. There is some good things though.

Gothic Metal - Once again have not looked into the genre far enough to have a justified opinion on it.

Heavy Metal - Love. One of my favorite genres, if not my favorite. Includes the classics that I love, including my favorite, Judas Priest. I like everything about it, the style of the instruments and the vocals.

Metalcore - Don't like. I find the genre oversimplified. Every song has the same formula of screaming vocals, then clean on the chorus where it gets less heavy, then back to screamy.

Power Metal - Don't like. This is a genre that can go either way for me, but for the most part I find it annoying. Dragonforce is where I heard my first power metal, Through The Fire and The Flames. I was astounded until I realized everything sounds the same!

Progressive Metal - Love. In competition with Heavy Metal for my favorite genre. Recently got into it a lot. I thoroughly enjoy the band's mastery of the instruments and how each band is different. Adds something to metal that it greatly requires.

Thrash - Love. Many of the first metal bands I liked were thrash metal. Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, all greats in the world of metal. I like the fact that the music is extremely heavy and fast without needing growl vocals.
14.04.2012 - 20:55
It's pretty much impossible to hate or love an entire genre, there's always a few quality bands that can change your mind! Also I'm suprised you put in genres like Djent and Metalcore but left out Nu Metal, Groove etc.. but I shall have a go

Favorite Genre: Thrash Metal

Black Metal: Dislike
There's a few amazing bands but 95% of it is terrible. That 95% all sound like the same band with lyrics about Satan, terrible production and even worse vocals.

Death Metal: Like
Melodic death metal is great, death metal can be boring but I love bands like Nile, Dyscarnate, Behemoth etc who add their own unique flavour.

Djent: Meh
Don't know enough about it to have any real opinion. The small amount I do know hasn't impressed me though.

Doom Metal: Hate
I was drawn to metal initially because it's fast and fun, I think you can see why I don't like Doom

Gothic Metal: Like (I think)
This is stuff like Epica right? I quite enjoy that style but it's certainly not my favorite.

Heavy Metal: Love
Soooo many quality bands, this is THE sound of metal music in my opinion.

Metalcore: Dislike
Suffers from similar problems to black metal, 95% of the bands are indistinguishable. There are a few metalcore bands that are really good though.

Power Metal: Dislike
Damn it why are they so happy??

Progressive Metal: Love
So many talented musicians in this genre (obivously). There's almost always something new and different to listen to which is why I love it.

Thrash: Easily my favorite, just the right balance of heavyness and melody for me and like other genres I seem to enjoy the majority of bands in this style.

Favorite Combined Genres
Progressive Death Metal
Melodic Death Metal
Pretty much anything with Thrashy elements (Think Skeletonwitch, Lamb Of God etc)
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
15.04.2012 - 12:01
gloom cookie
Black Metal: neutral
I haven't played enough of its "pure" form to form a definitive opinion. So far, it doesn't bother me, but I don't particularly seek it out. I did play some ambient stuff, and some post/gaze stuff isn't bad at all.

Death Metal: neutral
Same as for black metal, no pure form. I do enjoy melodeath, but that genre is pretty limited. I also enjoy Gothenburg - the "detached" form of melodeath - but not a lot nowadays. I like proggy deathy stuff and some techy deathy stuff, so I'll dive more into those.

Djent: mild dislike
So far I've heard several bands in the style and liked only two (Chimp Spanner and Vildhjarta, Uneven Structure as well, sometimes), so I guess that's it.

Doom Metal: neutral
One more of the genres I haven't yet cracked, I did try some "lite" bands such as Shape Of Despair and Draconian and they turned me off, but I like the early style of Paradise Lost, for example, so I'll try some more of that.

Gothic Metal: love
The classics are really to die for. The only bands I do not particularly like from the genre are bands with operatic female vocs - clean female vocs are okay.

Heavy Metal: adore.

Metalcore: don't like
I've heard melodic metalcore and so far I don't like a single band. I don't particularly like hardcore, so I probably won't like the "real" metalcore bands either. But then again, I don't hate metalcore either... cheers to you fans out there.

Power Metal: neutral in general
The power metal bands I like, I REALLY like them (Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Lost Horizon) but then again, I dislike nearly all "classics" or established bands of the genre (Helloween, Gamma Ray, RoF, Avantasia, Hammerfall, Manowar, Dragonforce) so it evens out.

Progressive Metal: adore.
Look at my album ratings lol

Thrash: neutral
Haven't heard a single thrash album in its entirety except for Sacred Ally, I always skip at least one track I can headbang to thrash, both on house parties and in live settings, but it bores me after some time and I don't desire to listen to it.

I guess most of my favorites lie in the subsubgenres of metal, but I'm particularly lazy to write them out here, sorry
7.0 means the album is good
15.04.2012 - 12:26
Black Metal: Like

This was the second metal genre I got deeply interested in back then when I got into metal, since then I have kind of fallen out of love with it, but I still like the old classics or some great new bands. I mostly like atmospheric bands.

Death Metal: Like

Old-school that is. I don't like overproduced modern death metal or brutal death metal, at least most of them. There are always exceptions though. I generally dislike the emotionless deep growls unless the harsh prodcution gives it a hellish, dark sound like it does for old death bands or new bands playing that style.

Djent: Like/Neutral

Most of the djent I listened to is actually djent-influenced deathcore bands (hi Sumerian Records) like Veil of Maya or After The Burial but I do like the sound. Also listened to a bit of Vildhjarta and Meshuggah and I intend to dig deeper in this genre.

Doom Metal: Love

Not all of it though, there are tons of doom bands that bore the shit out of me and I generally don't like funeral doom (exceptions exists) but trad/epic doom and deathdoom I really like. Also like those atmospheric doom bands like Ixion or Forest Stream.

Gothic Metal: Neutral

Can't say much, most of the female fronted bands called Goth aren't really Goth at all, and I don't know much about this.
I used to like myself some early Tristania and I like myself some Tiamat but that is it.

Heavy Metal: Like

As long as it is energetic, bring it on. Not overly interested in this genre though, it is far too stagnant and "old".

Metalcore: Love

I could write pages of how lots of shit this genre get is totally double standards and ridiculously unfair but now I won't. Good metalcore be it 'old' or 'new' is passionate and angry and I like it angry.

Power Metal: Hate

I like some early bands from when it was mostly indistinguishable from speed metal, US power metal bands and VERY few EU power metal bands (early Rhapsody, Dark Moor) but most euflowermetal bands are terrible.

Progressive Metal: Dislike

Pointless meandering. I don't hate it but, oh god, how can a genre in general be as boring as this. Powerless, pointless technical wankery for often 10+ minutes that seems to only showcase that the musicians can play their instuments but can't songwrite for shit. That is when talking about prog bands like Dream Theater. I love progressive metalcore and death metal, among others.

Thrash: Like

I tend to like thrash bands with very angry/sadistic/murderous harsh vocals. The Dark Angel/Slayer/Kreator type bands are my favourite.

Fusion genres:

Pretty much everything is a fusion genre.
Progressive Metalcore
Progressive Death Metal
Melodic Death Metal (some)

Written by Milena on 15.04.2012 at 12:01

I can headbang to thrash, both on house parties and in live settings, but it bores me after some time and I don't desire to listen to it.

You go to houseparties where they play thrash? Wow, I'm jealous. Here they only play electrohouse which is only good after drinking at least 4 dl hubertus.
15.04.2012 - 12:46
gloom cookie
Written by Uldreth on 15.04.2012 at 12:26

You go to houseparties where they play thrash?

Around 15 people in the circle of my close friends are metalheads, so it's only natural that, when some of us gather, we play metal and some of them like thrash, so a lot of thrash is played.
7.0 means the album is good
15.04.2012 - 17:55
Black Metal: neutral
The underproduction doesn't appeal to me, but black metal isn't so bad when they can get some decent production and put all the crap about religion aside.

Death Metal: like
It gives me quite a rush when I'm depressed and helps me calm down when I'm angry. It's not always the best thing for me to listen to when I'm feeling really happy or cheerful. Bands like Cannibal Corpse tend to make me feel like this genre is full of cliche, but I find them funny enough to appreciate it without taking it too seriously.

Djent: neutral
I really haven't heard enough of it to make a judgement...

Doom Metal: somewhat dislike
A lot of this is way too slow and droning for me. I get bored too fast.

Gothic Metal: love
One of my favourites. It's a great balance between heavy, dark, dramatic and beautiful. I listen to a lot of metal and goth music, so this gives me what I love about both of them.

Heavy Metal: love
Is there anyone who calls themself a metalhead and doesn't like this?

Metalcore: dislike
I try to keep an open mind and avoid dismissing bands just because they have "core" in their genre, but not much in this genre really stands out to me. Some of it can be tolerable, but why go out of your way to listen to music that's just "tolerable"?

Power Metal: like
Probably the best metal genre to listen to when I'm actually in a really happy mood. I used to love power metal, but lately I've been bored with a lot of it... Maybe it's just my taste in music fluctuating

Progressive Metal: somewhat like
I know it's a great genre, but sometimes I just don't have the attention span for it lol

Thrash: love
Opposite to what I said about progressive metal, it's heavy and catchy right away while still having substance to it. It gives me the same sort of rush that death metal gives me, and I can enjoy it any time.

Written by Milena on 15.04.2012 at 12:46

Around 15 people in the circle of my close friends are metalheads, so it's only natural that, when some of us gather, we play metal and some of them like thrash, so a lot of thrash is played.

Wow, that's enough for you guys to start up a moshpit whenever you get together I only have a few metalheads in my circle of close friends, so our parties usually have dubstep or something.

I headbang to thrash as well, but the opinion among most of the people I know is that thrash metal is for moshing, not so much headbanging. I headbang to it mostly because I hate moshing but want to do something to show that I'm appreciating the music.
15.04.2012 - 20:27
Account deleted
Alternative: Neutral.
It really depends on the band.

Black Metal: Dislike.
This may be changing. I'm getting into a couple of ones like Emperor, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth and Immortal; but the murky production sound, the fact that the most of the scene now is evolving into dull French atmospheric black/shoegaze and the annoying as hell corpse paint, inverted crosses and "God sucks, Satan rules" image just kills whatever interest I try to have in the genre. This ain't the crusades, kids.

Death Metal: Like.
Aside from the cliched chugging brvtal death bands with disgusting lyrics like CC and others I can't think of at the moment, it's a good genre for me. Of course there are always exceptions.

Djent: I don't think I've even listen to a Djent band yet.

Doom Metal: Like.
Interest quicky growing. Candlemass, Warning, Ahab, and Pentagram are helping.

Folk Metal: Dislike.
I never liked Lord Of The Rings.

Glam Metal: Like.
That's right. I like Glam Metal. Fear me.

Gothic Metal: Dislike.
If I wanted dark, mysterious music with a hot girl singing about angst and forgotten love, I'd watch Phantom Of The Opera.

Heavy Metal: Like.
No point in hating the backbone.

Industrial Metal: Like.
Not sure why but I do.

Metalcore: Neutral.
Again, it really depends on the band.

Power Metal: Dislike.
I think the only power metal band I ever even tolerated was Iced Earth.

Progressive Metal: Dislike.
Boooorrriiinnnggg. So much more interesting when fused with another genre.

Stone/Sludge: Like.
Don't see the difference but I like.

Thrash: Like.
Do I really need to explain?
17.04.2012 - 19:57
Account deleted
Alternative - Meh.

A few bands are pretty okay, but never really seen a band a la what Death did for Death Metal

Black Metal - Love.

I just love everything about it, from the thrashy early days of Venom to the Anti-Religious master-blasting of Mayhem. Even now with this so called '3rd Wave' bands such as WITTR and Wodensthrone, all of them serve up something different and amazing.

Death Metal - Love.

Strangely enough this is how I first got into any metal at all. Listening to the likes of Death, Morbid Angel, Athiest and In Flames made me fall in love with Death Metal since there is always variety.

Thrash Metal - Okay.

Never really got the deal with 3 of the big four since I don't find much of their such interesting as I find other genres. Otherwise new bands such as Gama Bomb and Vektor have produced great and enjoyable albums.

Power Metal - Love.

I've always loved bands that talk about Science fiction/Fantasy. Simple as. It's catchy, melodic and ejoyable to sing along to!

Cyber Metal/Industrial - Love

The sound, the atmosphere. It has got me hooked since first listening to it.

Prog Metal - Like.

Bands like Opeth, Dream Theater and Shadowkeep just keep pumping out great albums, really nothing to hate about it.

CBA with any more, for favourite Sub-Genres/Fusion Genres

Atmospheric BM
Symphonic BM
Technical DM
Cyber Metal
Symphonic Power Metal

Also yay! for the ponyfags.
17.04.2012 - 20:30
Cynic Metalhead
Paisa Vich Nasha
Dislike-Djent and Glam Metal great.
18.04.2012 - 01:00
In rough order of preference:

Doom Metal: Love. My favorite metal genre by far, and probably in the top three musical genres overall. It's the reason I can still somewhat identify myself as a metalhead. Epic, traditional, death, blackened, funeral, it doesn't matter; as long as it's doom, I'll lap it up. Have a special place for epic doom in my heart, though. (Candlemass, Warning, Solstice etc.)

Black Metal: Like. Perhaps my second favorite of those listed, especially since I've recently gotten into modern classics such as Negura Bunget, Blut Aus Nord or Lurker of Chalice.

Metalcore: Neutral. I adore some bands (or albums, at least) like Converge, Between the Buried and Me and maybe Voir Dire, but in general I won't check out a metalcore band.

Progressive Metal: Neutral. I love some prog bands, such as Ayreon or Green Carnation, but really don't care about most. It's still a genre I'm more open to checking out if I come across something.

Death Metal: Neutral. I enjoy some grimy old school DM, especially the doomier end of the spectrum (Asphyx, Autopsy, the works). No great passions about the genre on average. I'll check out some subgenres, but leave others untouched.

Heavy Metal: Neutral. I fancy some epic stuff like Manilla Road, and I'll probably go see a heavy metal band on a festival sooner than any other neutral genre, but I'm not actively interested in it.

Power Metal: Neutral/Uninterested. I used to love power metal. Now it has mostly nostalgic and comical value. I have a hard time sitting through my old favorites, though Blind Guardian are an exception. Music for intoxicated festival days.

Gothic Metal: Dislike. I like gothic rock and can appreciate some very fundamental gothic metal like Type O Negative or Paradise Lost, but if something's labelled gothic metal I'll generally skip it.

Djent: Dislike. Have yet to hear any interesting djent. Nothing against it, but it's just not interesting at all.

Thrash: Dislike. I never could get into this genre. Kreator is cool, but it's more like the token thrash band I can say I dig. It doesn't have any of the features I like in metal, really.

Some additional favorites:
Drone (Metal)
Stoner Metal
Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal
Industrial Metal
All sorts of Avant-Garde Metal
18.04.2012 - 02:10
Favorite Genre: Grindcore

Black Metal: Love
One of the few genres of metal where I feel an artist can truly express his inner self to the fullest. I love the violent, lo-fi, DIY attitude that comes with the territory as well. I don't care for all the SATAN SATAN SATAN shit because I think it gets kinda silly, but the nihilistic, anguish, and heathen styles are so tasty.

Death Metal: Love
So much fun. I love horror movies and serial killers, so it's a no brainer for me. I also enjoy the grooves and the drum beats. Just good ol' fun music to listen too.

Djent: Stoopid
It doesn't even exist.

Doom Metal: Like
I am not an avid listener, but I do enjoy all the classics and some modern stuff. Whenever I just feel like chilling and listening to some fine musicianship, I find doom fits that need quite well.

Gothic Metal: Like
I don't like it nearly as much as I like Goth Rock, but it is still fun. I like the artists that take a light approach to it though. Much like Type O Negative. Their songs have a lot of emotion in them and you can feel the whole "creepy" vibe they have going on, but their lyrics are so tongue-in-cheek that it's great haha.

Heavy Metal: Like
It's the genre that really got me into metal. 2 things come to mind when I think Heavy Metal: Black Sabbath & NWOBHM. For me, metal starts with Black Sabbath, so nothing but respect. And NWOBHM put out some of the best tunes ever IMO.

Metalcore: HATE
I despise how people label bands with this term so loosely. I hate how every song is a 4 minute breakdown. I hate how it's more important to the guitar player that they can complete triple "around-the-worlds" than play chorded riffs. I hate how they wear girl pants

Power Metal: Dislike Heavily
Don't get me wrong...some of it is ok. But for the most part it just bores the hell out of me. I also hate all the melodic riffs ICK! I hate the high-pitched vocals. To much structure, to much competence, to much BORING haha.

Progressive Metal: Dislike Heavily
See Power Metal

Thrash: LOVE
Thrash is easily in my top 3 fave genres of metal. So goooood. I love the riffs, the blast beats, the grooves, the imagery, and the punk-influence. I also love how much the genre has influenced just about every-other genre of metal so heavily. I am a firm believer that without thrash, most of the extreme genres that we have come to enjoy and love wouldn't exist.

Other Genres....There isn't enough room to mention all the subgenres. There are wayyyyy too many, but a couple that come to mind foremost would be Bestial, Goregrind, Pornogrind, War, Lo-Fi anything, and Noise.
In Grind We Crust
18.04.2012 - 02:43
Void Eater
Account deleted
Hasn't this thread been done before? Whatevs, I enjoy reading through dumb threads like this.

Black Metal-As long as there is at least a hint of melody-and by a hint, I mean that Marduk has enough melody in it-I like it. Only bands like Infernal War that seem to literally recycle the same three riffs for an entire album I can't stand.

Death Metal-My favorite kind is the old school thrashy kind; Malevolent Creation, early Death, Monstrosity, but really I like all of it.

Djent-What little I've heard in it is good, but I don't really care enough to dig deeper.

Doom Metal-Been listening to it a lot lately. The more traditional styled bands such as Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus are my favorite, I quite enjoy death/doom (although not the melodic type of it that's been popping up a lot lately), and I've been listening to newer old school styled bands like Anguish and Misery a lot lately.

Gothic Metal-Seems like it has such a broad definition, it's hard to tell. I like Nightwish, Epica, and Draconian. I guess those are considered gothic metal?

Heavy Metal-Well duh.

Metalcore/Deathcore-Both of these have a remarkably high shit to quality ratio-pretty much every metalcore/deathcore band I've heard that hasn't received mainstream attention is utter shit, and even those that have are generally average. Trivium's Shogun and BFMV's Scream Aim Fire are pretty much the only metalcore albums I care about.

Power Metal-Well duh, anybody who doesn't like power metal hates fun.

Progressive Metal-Decent enough, but hardly ever listen to it.


Nu-Adding this in, cuz I kind of like it now :| Jam Limp Bizkit, Korn, and Slipknot a lot, although bands like Coal Chamber are complete crap.
18.04.2012 - 03:22
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Black : Adore.
God damn it Troy got me into this, and I love it, all forms, even raw.

Doom: Like, but don't know a lot about it.
Woods Of Ypres, Swallow The Sun, Ahab, Pentagram.

Death: Dislike
90% of it is boring as fuck. However old Deicide or Entombed floats my boat.

Djent: [Insert gay seal meme]

Power Metal: STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!
but srsly, it's pretty bad.

Prog: Meh.
Some bands interest me, lots don't.

Gothic metal: know too little to comment.

heavy metal: Ok
who doesn't like Iron Maiden?

Thrash: Good
Most is quality, though repetative

Nu: Hate
pretty much self explanitory.

Alternative: dislike
SOAD's fun.

Deathcore: Dislike
Bands like Despised Icon rip shit up though it is watered down too much awful shit.

Metalcore: see Deathcore, Shadows Fall is amazing.

Sludge: Dear sweet jesus yes!

Stoner: See Sludge.

and yeah, Stoner/sludge/metalcore is probably my favourite, followed closely by Black.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

02.05.2012 - 08:35
Black Metal: like. its a genre i only started getting into in the past year or so, i always liked venom but i couldnt get into any black metal bands until i got into blackened/thrash which got me into the black metal vocal style. darkthrone,immortal,hellhammer,bathory
Death Metal : like. almost the same deal with black metal, i was one of those ignorant assholes that made fun of death metal until i heard deaths spiritual healing album and then hearing bolt thrower.
Djent: neutral a genre i only heard a few bands none of which i never cared for
Doom Metal: LOVE. probably my favorite genre of metal, love traditional doom,epic doom etc candlemass,pentagram,saint vitus,altar of oblivion etc
Gothic Metal: neutral. i really havent listened to gothic metal unless you throw nightwish in that group
Heavy Metal: LOVE. i mean is there anything really to say? preist,maiden,sabbath all these bands are what got me into heavy metal.
Metalcore: HATE. really cant stand the genre. i have listened to plenty bands my friends have recommended me but i cant stand it, right up their with nu metal as my mosted hated genres of metal.
Power Metal: LOVE. it is great music to listen to when you are in a good mood and just want to sing and have fun iced earth,blind guardian,hammerfall,gamma ray.....
Progressive Metal: dislike. i have found the genre just incredibly boring IMO
Thrash: LOVE. after heavy metal this is the next genre i went to. its a genre that does have a repetitiveness to it, but you will always find some new stuff that is refreshing and will keep your interest

my favorite combined genre is definitely blackened/thrash. toxic holocaust,skeletonwitch,byfrost, deadnight etc i really love the combination of thrash riffs and black metal vocals
top 5 albums of 2012 so far.

1. wintersun- time I
2. woods of ypres- woods V grey skies and electric light
3. agalloch- faustian echoes EP
4. the slow death- II
5. kreator- phantom antichrist
04.05.2012 - 03:14
Nu Metal: Love.
Too many legends on this metal genre! From the spooky chords of KorN, to epic clowns of Slipknot, DJs and Limp Bizkit's originals like "Behind Blue Eyes"

Deathstep: Love
Believe or not but this new metal genre is the next generation of metal (hipsters come here). I can see the decade of 10's being dominated by this genre

Metalcore/Deathcore: Hate
This genres are for posers, cmon what are they doing giving bad name to all of true metalheads like me

Gothic Metal: Like
xxxxxxxxxxxxx EvAneScEncE iS So CooL, tHe ChiCk is VerY Hot anD ITs the BesT SingEr EvEr xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thrash: Dont Like
I used to headband to "Nothing Else Matters" but Metallica released St Anger and LULU.

Death/Black Metal: Hate
Why there is different names for this genres anyway? All I year is a bunch of guys choking (fetish anyone?) playing guitars and drumming , this genres sounds a lot like Deathcore .

All other genres are lies
/m\ METAL /m\
04.05.2012 - 03:34
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by MetalicIron on 04.05.2012 at 03:14


Why do you still post here?
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

04.05.2012 - 14:27
Account deleted
Written by Boxcar Willy on 04.05.2012 at 03:34

Written by MetalicIron on 04.05.2012 at 03:14


Why do you still post here?

On the contrary, I like it when he posts.
Makes me laugh everytime.
04.05.2012 - 14:27
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by [user id=101272] on 04.05.2012 at 14:27

Written by Boxcar Willy on 04.05.2012 at 03:34

Written by MetalicIron on 04.05.2012 at 03:14


Why do you still post here?

On the contrary, I like it when he posts.
Makes me laugh everytime.

Too true
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

04.05.2012 - 15:47
Uh, if it makes you laugh, why do you wonder why he's posting? It's a troll account, that's the whole point. He probably even has a real account here. :
04.05.2012 - 16:51
Au Pays Natal
Ok, I'll play.

Black Metal - Enslaved is about all I like because they are accessible. Maybe it's because of all the makeup and Sam Dunn's documentary. I bet I own some sub-genred black metal.
Death Metal - Not into it much anymore but back in the day did I have a collection!
Djent - Still trying bands out. Meshuggah is ok, and I am digging Uneven Structure's debut.
Doom Metal - I say no in general but other doom sub-genres I dig a lot: atmospheric doom and sludge/doom for example. Wolves in the Throne Room and Esoteric I like.
Gothic Metal - But yet I like this shit, alot! Radio friendly, pop rock structured and usually with emmaculate production. I want me some Comalies!
Heavy Metal - This is where it all started for me: Iron Maiden.
Metalcore - Aside from Killswitch Engage? Nope, bands labeled in this genre don't cut it for me, although I am sure there is metalcore sprinkled around in my collection.
Power Metal - Nope. Sorry, I have tried it many times, too over-the-top. And no, Amorphis is not power metal.
Progressive Metal - Yessir. My second favorite genre. I love it. Fates Warning, Circus Maximus, Riverside. I could keep going...
Thrash - Like Death Metal, thrash has taken a back seat. I used to be a BIGTIME thrash fan, all I ever listened to.
04.05.2012 - 17:11
Koen Smits
Written by MetalicIron on 04.05.2012 at 03:14

Nu Metal: Love.
Too many legends on this metal genre! From the spooky chords of KorN, to epic clowns of Slipknot, DJs and Limp Bizkit's originals like "Behind Blue Eyes"

I respect your choice but "originals like Behind Blue Eyes"??
That's not even their own song!

Deathstep: Love
Believe or not but this new metal genre is the next generation of metal (hipsters come here). I can see the decade of 10's being dominated by this genre

Mmm, yeah...

Metalcore/Deathcore: Hate
This genres are for posers, cmon what are they doing giving bad name to all of true metalheads like me

Bad name to all true metalheads like you. Where's your "true" in this post?

Gothic Metal: Like
xxxxxxxxxxxxx EvAneScEncE iS So CooL, tHe ChiCk is VerY Hot anD ITs the BesT SingEr EvEr xxxxxxxxxxxx

Ok, your opinion

Thrash: Dont Like
I used to headband to "Nothing Else Matters" but Metallica released St Anger and LULU.

If you don't like thrash, ok, but headbanging to "Nothing Else Matters" like it's thrash? That never will be thrash.

Death/Black Metal: Hate
Why there is different names for this genres anyway? All I year is a bunch of guys choking (fetish anyone?) playing guitars and drumming , this genres sounds a lot like Deathcore .

Answering your question: because they ARE different genres. And yes, you hear a bunch of guys playing guitars and drumming, and no, these genres don't sound a lot like Deathcore

All other genres are lies

Yeah, stupid me, I needed to see that sooner

RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
04.05.2012 - 17:17
Account deleted
Aside from royally messing up the quotes there you're quoting someone who was deliberately trolling for humour purposes. Time wasted.
04.05.2012 - 17:29
Koen Smits
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.05.2012 at 17:17

Aside from royally messing up the quotes there you're quoting someone who was deliberately trolling for humour purposes. Time wasted.

The quoting thing doesn't seem so easy for me
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
04.05.2012 - 17:31
Account deleted
Written by Koen Smits on 04.05.2012 at 17:29

The quoting thing doesn't seem so easy for me

Quoting someone multiple times is a pain. I try to avoid it whenever I can.
04.05.2012 - 18:10
Black Metal
I like the Black Metal influenced bands...I'm not a fan of the True Norwegian Black Metal...But bands like Imperium Dekadenz, Frostseele, October Falls, Thränekind and so on... I also like some of the Post Black Metal bands

Death Metal
I use to listen to countless of Melodic Death Metal bands...But I've grown a bit tired of them..I still listen to the master bands of that genre like: Insomnium, Omnium gatherum, Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquillity, Mors Principium Est, Solution 45. And so on...I'm also a fan of Progressive Death Metal...Like Opeth and also In Mourning, Barren Earth and Ikuinen though they could be considered progressive black too

? what the fuck is that?

Doom Metal
I like the Doom/Death kind..I do listen to a few old school Doom bands..But I mainly listen to Doom/Death genre. Big fan of Saturnus, Draconian, Swallow the Sun, Forest of Shadows, Doom Vs. I also like 40 Watt Sun and Funeral

Gothic Metal
If you're thinking of female fronted bands! Then the answer is no. I don't mind female guest vocals, but I think that the female fronted gothic metal bands are quite boring. I like some male fronted gothic metal bands like: Paradise Lost, The Foreshadowing, Type O Negative, Moonspell

Heavy Metal
Yeah...DIO rules forever

No! I think they are too much about being an angry teenager ...that and I just don't like the way it sounds...

Power Metal
It's fun to listen too sometimes..but It's not I genre I invest too much time in...but bands like Manticora (Old) or Dream Evil can be fun to listen too

Progressive Metal
I like bands that have Progressive elements...but I don't listen to pure Progressive metal bands

I can listen to it...but I'm not a huge fan of it...Testament is pretty good..and I do Listen to Kreator sometimes
09.05.2012 - 22:26
Black Metal: Absolutely adore, if there's one thing I love, it's black metal that is furious and chaotic while having a great evil sounding melody to accompany. Also I really like anguish-filled luciferian shrieks. The songs that I think define this is The Last Ritual by Dark Funeral and Black God Aftermath by Naglfar. As much hate as I hear for this band (not everyone, though) Goatwhore also does a great job of this on their latest album.

Death Metal: Definitely by far my favorite genre of music entirely. I like everything from progressive stuff like Opeth and Obscura to the more brutal and destructive stuff like Defeated Sanity and Devourment, I love it all. I especially like the vocals, nothing else would fit anyways.

Doom Metal: Nonchalant about that genre, I don't like it or hate it. The closest thing to doom that I really actually can tolerate is Novembers Doom

Gothic Metal: Cradle of Filth's new stuff is fucking terrible. . . that is all. . . . okay no it isn't. Honestly except for CoF's newer stuff I really don't give a crap about this genre, either, it doesn't really appeal to me at all. Some of it I actually hate depending on the band.

Djent: If Meshuggah is considered to be Djent then I guess I enjoy one band from this genre.

Heavy Metal: I like it, just not love it. I like Motorhead and Iron Maiden most, but I hardly ever listen to it all. But when I do, those're the bands I listen to.

Metalcore: Fuck that genre. . . all of it

Deathcore: I listen to a select amount of bands, mostly the progressive and bdm inspiried stuff. If Beneath the Massacre is considered deathcore then I like them, I like Veil of Maya, Ease of Disgust and Impending Doom's first album. I never venture towards anything that sounds more core than death pretty much, like Emmure or The Acacia Strain.

Thrash Metal: I only like the harsher styles of thrash, like Kreator and Sodom. Stuff like Megadeth or Testament with singing instead of harsh shouting doesn't really do much for me.

Nu Metal: . . . . .