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Guitar thread!

Posts: 68   Visited by: 3 users
19.05.2006 - 12:21
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Hey, the last guitar thread disapeared so i think it was a good idea to start a new one. Discuss everything you feel involves guitars/guitar playing here. You can ask for tips and exercises and so on.

Shred on!
20.05.2006 - 00:17
Account deleted
Ah, the guitar. My favourite instrument. Some months ago i bought an Ibanez RGT 42DX. Anyone tried/own it? It's really great.
20.05.2006 - 03:19
I have an Ibanez RG320FM-Amber.
And I would really like some advices concerning that DAMNED Edge Pro Bridge. It makes me suffer. It should be called DETUNER PRO Bridge. I wonder how those string-blockers do they work.
20.05.2006 - 13:02
Account deleted
Well, you have the Edge III bridge right? I think it's the standard to the RG320FM. I have the Edge Pro II, and I have little problems with detuning..
21.05.2006 - 07:30
with any floyd rose type bridge, if you want to re-tune, you have to adjust the springs in the back.....see this page for good setup tips:
22.05.2006 - 09:31
Account deleted
I have a question here, the intro on the GNR song called "Paradise City" is a clean guitar part (i think you know what i mean). I cant learn it, i dont understand why, i dont get how he plays it, is it pick or fingers? (on the videos i've seen it LOOKS like Slash use a pick). Im not used to play those kind of things, what can be good exercises to learn that kind of stuff? Man cause thats a cool intro!
25.05.2006 - 07:27
Written by ylside on 20.05.2006 at 03:19

I have an Ibanez RG320FM-Amber.
And I would really like some advices concerning that DAMNED Edge Pro Bridge. It makes me suffer. It should be called DETUNER PRO Bridge. I wonder how those string-blockers do they work.

Oh cool, I've got the same guitar in 'Transparent Lavender'!

I've not had your problems with the bridge, though. From what I've read, blocking the bridge is done by inserting a piece of wood/metal under the bridge. This means that it can't move so easily/at all. It'd be worth checking them out further if you don't like the bridge, I reckon.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
25.05.2006 - 13:00
Written by Hyvaarin on 25.05.2006 at 07:27

Written by ylside on 20.05.2006 at 03:19

I have an Ibanez RG320FM-Amber.
And I would really like some advices concerning that DAMNED Edge Pro Bridge. It makes me suffer. It should be called DETUNER PRO Bridge. I wonder how those string-blockers do they work.

Oh cool, I've got the same guitar in 'Transparent Lavender'!

I've not had your problems with the bridge, though. From what I've read, blocking the bridge is done by inserting a piece of wood/metal under the bridge. This means that it can't move so easily/at all. It'd be worth checking them out further if you don't like the bridge, I reckon.

Whoa, brigth idea you gave me here . I will look forward it and if it doesn't damage the bridge i self.
25.05.2006 - 23:10
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Written by ylside on 25.05.2006 at 13:00

Written by Hyvaarin on 25.05.2006 at 07:27

Written by ylside on 20.05.2006 at 03:19

I have an Ibanez RG320FM-Amber.
And I would really like some advices concerning that DAMNED Edge Pro Bridge. It makes me suffer. It should be called DETUNER PRO Bridge. I wonder how those string-blockers do they work.

Oh cool, I've got the same guitar in 'Transparent Lavender'!

I've not had your problems with the bridge, though. From what I've read, blocking the bridge is done by inserting a piece of wood/metal under the bridge. This means that it can't move so easily/at all. It'd be worth checking them out further if you don't like the bridge, I reckon.

Whoa, brigth idea you gave me here . I will look forward it and if it doesn't damage the bridge i self.

Doing this thing is not very smart. Because the back plart of your bridge(The one that you dont really see) Is builed in a special way(for strings,whamy abuse etc)
Puting something under the bridge is not very smart couse it can damage the brige couse there are very thin parts there.

One of my guitars is an Ibanez RG2570 I think we have the same brigde and dameging it is gonna create a seriuse problem.

If you wanna get a D tune or a C or whatever you need to loose the bridge a bit.(Done from the back part of the guitar in the middle) Getting the strings a bit highr couse they gonna be a bit looser and you dont want them to tuch the neck.
Plus you probably wanna get 0.10 strings or even 0.11 for a D tune.
26.05.2006 - 01:29
Can't find 0.10 or thicker here in my city, but i'm tuned to D actually. I did loosened the bridge.

Anyway, how far can you abuse the whammy bar ? (it rhymes) I mean, I "tried" to push it a little bit far and got the fifth string cut out...yes, the FIFTH , but I swear I didn't pulled that much haha.
26.05.2006 - 05:42
Account deleted
Well first of all you can order some strings for the net.
Seconed do a set-up for your guitar.

Plus I had a friend with a similar problem and what he had found out that the place where the strig meets the bridge(Where he goes out of the guitar) Is a bit sharp and that's why he's string got cut off all the time.

And for your question I abuse that bridge however the hell I want I do the Dimebag stuff on it...The Hole motorcycle sounds and shit like that and I never had a probelm.
Rarely a string gets cut out and if is its only the first one.

BTW I got a Jackson randy roahds and guitar and I do the same with it and no problems as well.
08.06.2006 - 05:51
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I've got an Ibanez S470DX with a ZR bridge kinda simmilar to the Edges, and I'm having a lot of the same problems...
08.06.2006 - 08:49
Masque Of Death
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I've got a Jackson DK2 series- Dark Metallic Red
I've got a Floyd Rose and LOVE IT!
One tip, for me at least, is to use the largest strings you can find. They will eat up your tuning pegs and fingers but they improve both your sound and your overall ability.
Does anyone know any really good speed exercises, because I already know most all my scales. I'm just looking for something challenging that will increase my speed.
16.06.2006 - 10:25
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Masque Of Death is the floyd rose and the other hardware black or chrome?? I want a Jackson DXMG is it a good guitar? (i want black hardware on it)
20.06.2006 - 23:02
Valentin B
guys,i'm sorry for being such a noob,but i have a few qustions about guitars: acoustic guitars usually have nylon or steel strings?
2.what happens if you put nylon strings on a electric guitar
3.what is the thickest pick you've ever seen and does it make any difference?
4.can someone post a site where i can learn chords fast and easy,because everywhere i cold'nt understand a thing
20.06.2006 - 23:47
Written by Valentin B on 20.06.2006 at 23:02

guys,i'm sorry for being such a noob,but i have a few qustions about guitars: acoustic guitars usually have nylon or steel strings?
2.what happens if you put nylon strings on a electric guitar
3.what is the thickest pick you've ever seen and does it make any difference?
4.can someone post a site where i can learn chords fast and easy,because everywhere i cold'nt understand a thing

I'll try to help

1. Acoustic guitars have steel strings (also called folk guitars in some places).
2-If you put nylon string on an electric guitar it simply wont create any sounds for the pickup are acting like magnets, and they can't attract nylon, so, no sound.
3- Picks are VERY important imo,I've played with some really thick and some really thin ones, and both are bad, (usually thin ones are more for open chord players) I use something around 1.2, medium size, good for everything.And btw it's near impossible to play at good speed using thin picks. Or maybe it's just me
4- I don't really know but maybe ?
21.06.2006 - 03:32
The Ancient One
I've got an Ibanez 540 Sabre, a Fender 'SRV' model Strat, and a Gibson Les Paul Studio - i'm not good enough a guitarist to merit any of them, but screw it, I had the money and I bought them.

of them all, the Ibanez is the best 'shredding' guitar, the fender has the nicest 'thin' clean sound, but the mighty GIBSON is my favorite.

my friend once dubbed my Les Paul "GROND" after the massive battering ram used by the orc army in the LOTR (the animated version of Return of the King... this well predated the Peter Jackson movies).

he hypthosized that if I plugged into a big marshall stack, punched up the distortion and just struck an E5 power chord it would level nearby buildings.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
21.06.2006 - 07:12
Account deleted
Do you mean the 520EX? If so, I want that guitar sooo bad- I've got a saber myself [see earlier post] and LOVE it. The only problem is the stock pick-ups are horrible [I want a set of EMG 81 and 85], and it has this useless single coil in the middle that only gets in the way of my trem picking. Outside of that- perfect fit, style, neck, finish, everything.
22.06.2006 - 19:20
Weeping Heart
people I have a really stupid question but its really killing me:
I want to know how I can sound the artificial harmonics while I'm playing sumthing
The older I get.........The faster I was

Smurfilator -- back when Smurf Metal existed :'(
22.06.2006 - 19:46
The Ancient One
no, a 540 Sabre I picked up in 1992 or so. ridiculously thin neck - really easy to get around. too bad i've had massive problems with the humbucker at the base - the connection has gone out about three different times now - meanwhile the two single coils have functioned without issue.

it's the dark maroon model in the pic.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
22.06.2006 - 19:51
Account deleted
The guitar. Ive been playing two years, and I cannot seem to master the art of sweep-picking. If someone could post an exercise and explain it to me, it would be greatly appreciated.
22.06.2006 - 19:57
Weeping Heart
Written by [user id=3104] on 22.06.2006 at 19:51

The guitar. Ive been playing two years, and I cannot seem to master the art of sweep-picking. If someone could post an exercise and explain it to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

I guess if you check the Sweep picking thread you could get some excersises
The older I get.........The faster I was

Smurfilator -- back when Smurf Metal existed :'(
22.06.2006 - 20:14
Account deleted
Theres a sweep-picking thread? I will check it out. Thankls, dude.
22.06.2006 - 22:24
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Woah! I know S's have been around for some time, but not that it a stock pick-up or what?
23.06.2006 - 23:11
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I have an Ibanez RX170.. It's my first guitar.. Now that it's summer time, I'll have lots of time to learn how to play it. ^_^
25.06.2006 - 13:40
You guys all have such nice guitars! I've got a Yamaha Pacifica 112 (my first guitar) and an Epiphone Les Paul Classic (in bird's eye maple =D). I've managed to make a floating trem on the Pacifica, 'cos I kinda used to leave the trem in when i put it in the case... Whammy bars are so much fun! But the Les Paul's my main guitar, and although it's "only" an Epiphone, it's got an amazing tone, and is so great for metal! I also use really thick picks, 2 or 3mm depending on what i can get hold of, so i dunno if that helps.

But does anyone know where I could get a guitar with a decent trem relatively cheaply? (Apart from eBay)
And remember kids, don't play with matches - flamethrowers are much more fun!
26.06.2006 - 06:48
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Written by TimmyPix on 25.06.2006 at 13:40

You guys all have such nice guitars! I've got a Yamaha Pacifica 112 (my first guitar) and an Epiphone Les Paul Classic (in bird's eye maple =D). I've managed to make a floating trem on the Pacifica, 'cos I kinda used to leave the trem in when i put it in the case... Whammy bars are so much fun! But the Les Paul's my main guitar, and although it's "only" an Epiphone, it's got an amazing tone, and is so great for metal! I also use really thick picks, 2 or 3mm depending on what i can get hold of, so i dunno if that helps.

But does anyone know where I could get a guitar with a decent trem relatively cheaply? (Apart from eBay)

Hmm.. Used section of a music store? If they sell used things.
28.06.2006 - 20:38
Account deleted
can somebody tell me how to do a pinch harmonic. Im haveing a lot of trouble with it:banger2:
30.06.2006 - 01:14
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
Written by [user id=14624] on 28.06.2006 at 20:38

can somebody tell me how to do a pinch harmonic. Im haveing a lot of trouble with it:banger2:

you can pinch an harmonic playing the chord and after pull it like turning keys of the door or the car. Somebody have Marshall amplificators? zoom pedals?
07.07.2006 - 19:08
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Written by [user id=14624] on 28.06.2006 at 20:38

can somebody tell me how to do a pinch harmonic. Im haveing a lot of trouble with it:banger2:

Check this video out!