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New Album Recommendations 2016

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21.11.2015 - 21:19
Alex F
I already have quite a few albums to look forward to in 2016, so I figured we'd go ahead and get this thread started. The two so far are the upcoming Ctheilist and Lycus albums. Ctheilist embody all that is great with strange Lovecraftian death metal, while Lycus are an incredibly solid funeral doom outfit.

21.11.2015 - 21:27
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I really didn't like that Chthe'ilist track. The sound was fine but I found the song itself just really poorly and awkwardly written. I'm hoping it's just a dud in an album of quality.

I just heard the Lycus track though and am fairly blown away. Already better than any f-doom I've heard from this year.
21.11.2015 - 21:31
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 21.11.2015 at 21:27

I really didn't like that Chthe'ilist track. The sound was fine but I found the song itself just really poorly and awkwardly written. I'm hoping it's just a dud in an album of quality.

I just heard the Lycus track though and am fairly blown away. Already better than any f-doom I've heard from this year.

I actually quite liked the Chthe'ilist, but not quite as much as the stuff off of the demo. That Lycus kicked so much ass though. Definitely the best f-doom I've heard in a while, and if the whole album holds that quality I've no doubt it'll be a highlight of 2016. I know it's quite early to be talking about '16 releases, but that track just got me pumped
21.11.2015 - 21:32
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Written by Alex F on 21.11.2015 at 21:31

I actually quite liked the Chthe'ilist, but not quite as much as the stuff off of the demo. That Lycus kicked so much ass though. Definitely the best f-doom I've heard in a while, and if the whole album holds that quality I've no doubt it'll be a highlight of 2016. I know it's quite early to be talking about '16 releases, but that track just got me pumped

If there's 2015 out there then it justifies the thread if you ask me =P

I did spot a couple of things due for release, but I forgot what they were *shrug*
21.11.2015 - 21:59
Meat and Potatos
And I thought christmas decoration in november was a rush =p
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
22.11.2015 - 00:22
I am looking forward to new Schammasch in 2016. Also, why not a new Cobalt?
Edit: also ulcerate D:
Giving my ears a rest from music.
22.11.2015 - 03:28
Remember skaphe? They are having a new untitled album in 2016. Sounds much less asphyxiating then their previous untitled. The track on bandcamps is good enough:


The cover is already going to be one of the bests of 2016:

Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2015 - 01:32
And hey, there is a new Aluk Todolo album planed for 2016. One track on bandcamp now:


Tbh, it feels too chaotic and not subtle enough. Still good, but not as good as the bests on OR.
Wished that they reduced the bass sound here.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2015 - 01:41
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Written by mz on 26.11.2015 at 01:32

And hey, there is a new Aluk Todolo album planed for 2016. One track on bandcamp now:


Tbh, it feels too chaotic and not subtle enough. Still good, but not as good as the bests on OR.
Wished that they reduced the bass sound here.

Not 100% sure but I don't think that's the final mix. "captured live on tape at the drudenhaus in may MMXV"

Someone in the comments of their Facebook page of that post seems to think it's not the final mix either. Though actually they say "proper album quality" so they might be just talking about CD quality.

Even if it is it's still damn good, but with production akin to Occult Rock it would be phenomenal.
26.11.2015 - 01:46
Written by [user id=4365] on 26.11.2015 at 01:41

Not 100% sure but I don't think that's the final mix. "captured live on tape at the drudenhaus in may MMXV"

Someone in the comments of their Facebook page of that post seems to think it's not the final mix either. Though actually they say "proper album quality" so they might be just talking about CD quality.

Even if it is it's still damn good, but with production akin to Occult Rock it would be phenomenal.

I really did not read those things. Like I said, it is good, but not as evocative in terms of mood as OR.
Yet another very important album to wait for in 2016 I guess.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2015 - 01:48
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Written by mz on 26.11.2015 at 01:46

I really did not read those things. Like I said, it is good, but not as evocative in terms of mood as OR.
Yet another very important album to wait for in 2016 I guess.

Reading it all again it's hard to know either way, but it could do with a little cleaning up. Of course Aluk Todolo have had plenty of very rough albums so that might just be what they're going for this time around.
26.11.2015 - 01:51
Written by [user id=4365] on 26.11.2015 at 01:48

Reading it all again it's hard to know either way, but it could do with a little cleaning up. Of course Aluk Todolo have had plenty of very rough albums so that might just be what they're going for this time around.

I really wish they don't aim back at those albums with coarse sound again. I checked one of them at it was really shit. This thing still sounds very different from that, in terms of both songwriting and also production.
This is the only band that I could give one 10 and one 2 to two of their albums
Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2015 - 01:52
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Written by mz on 26.11.2015 at 01:51

I really wish they don't aim back at those albums with coarse sound again. I checked one of them at it was really shit. This thing still sounds very different from that, in terms of both songwriting and also production.
This is the only band that I could give one 10 and one 2 to two of their albums

Just goes to show how important production and sound is!
26.11.2015 - 02:06
Written by [user id=4365] on 26.11.2015 at 01:52

Just goes to show how important production and sound is!

Sure.But I think their songwriting also was not mature back then.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2015 - 19:01
Alex F
New Aluk Todolo? 2016 is already shaping up to be phenomenal
27.11.2015 - 04:27
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
I'm actually surprised that I can already think of 5, usually it isn't even that many going into the new year!

1. Ulver: count me as a guy who prefers their "electronic Avantgarde" sound to their BM one by a long shot. Garm is one of my absolute favorite vocalists, and I'm really looking forward to this one.
2. Pensées Nocturnes: A lot of people generally seem to regard Vacuum as this guy's best, and then every subsequent album as being of a lesser quality. Grotesque is my favorite, and I didn't really mind the most recent one either, as crazy as it was. However, it did feel a little disjointed at points, so if Vaerohn continues to go in that more Avantgarde direction, I'd at least like to see it a little more refined. Very curious about this.
3. Obscura: Yeah, some people might be surprised at this pick, but back in high school before I got heavy into the BM and doom/stoner/sludge shit that I'm into now, I really liked these guys a lot (and still kinda do). Loved Omnivium, and eager to see what they do next.
4. Conan: There's something about this band that is just so mindblowingly basic and generic, yet so fucking good at the end of the day. Seeing them at Roadburn last year totally won me over. Hoping this one continues in the crushing, headbang-inducing tradition.
5. Black Tusk: Another "basic, yet really fucking good" band, plus I'm interested in seeing how the death of their bassist
may or may not have changed up their sound.

As far as things that haven't officially been announced with a date, yet have been hinted at as coming next year, Oranssi Pazuzu, Elysian Blaze, and the Meads will also be on my radar.
And as for guesstimating, according to their album pacing thus far I think we should be due for a new Terra Tenebrosa next year, and hopefully a new Blut Aus Nord full length as well. Plus you know Mories will probably drop some things as well, being the prolific fuck that he is.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

30.11.2015 - 17:16
Record Label from The Philippines (Death - Thrash - Black - Heavy)

6 tracks of pure evil Death Metal from Cebu, Philippines. Featuring 3 new tracks plus 3 live tracks of whirlwind of hellfire with track titles Ancient

Prophecies of Doom, Thy Mighty Conquest, Comatose, The Ultimate Revenge, Rivals of the Throne and Hypochristianity. Released under Dethrone Records.
Price: $4 / P150 (without courier fee). For audio samples and more information, see details below:




01.12.2015 - 00:45
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This sounds like it might be quite the good thing to me:

I recall really enjoying their demo though so not a huge surprise. These guys seem to do primitive yet highly dynamic blackened death in quite the unique way.
04.12.2015 - 03:42
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(lol Dethrone Records dosn't know what year this thread is for)

Anywho. It looks like I, Voidhanger has some really sexy album covers for 2016

Benighted In Sodom (aka Matron Thorn's band that's not Ævangelist) - Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night (can't find a good image of the cover to paste but it still looks cool)

That Skáphe album that mz posted (never heard of this band but it sounds like Misþyrming and other cavernous black/death bands, might be another mega hyped record on this site that I won't be as big on, who knows)

The Wakedead Gathering - Fuscus: Strings of the Black Lyre (love WDG, highly recommend Dark Circles and The Gate And The Key so I'm super excited for this)

Ecferus - Pangaea (never heard of this band but the fact that its primordial atmo black metal from Indiana has me excited, can't wait for the sample tracks. Plus the art is colorful)

Voidcraeft - Ἕβελ (actually a re-release of the self released 2015 album, haven't heard it yet [you can download it HERE...somehow apparently]but this cover art is MUCH better)
04.12.2015 - 17:07
Skaphe like Misþyrming ? Do not think so. Mostly like the BM equivalent of portal meshed up with darkspace. Also,Misþyrming is not cavernous, :/
Giving my ears a rest from music.
15.12.2015 - 04:09
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One of the best thrash AND South American bands of 2014 is coming back with a vengeance

16.12.2015 - 22:56
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Holy shit. This is the return to form for Aevangelist I've been waiting for. Except this time it's more of a black metal project. Self-described as "psychedelic occult black metal." Pretty much sums it up. Really evil, swirling blackened stuff. You can really tell that this is a project of one of the Aevangelist members. It has those ominous ever present submerged layers going on.

[EDIT] instrumental version of the first song is up now it seems.

And another Lycus track. Haven't heard it yet, but it's probably great.

Written by [user id=126528] on 04.12.2015 at 03:42

The Wakedead Gathering - The Gate And The Key

You suck for not promoting that album more. I had to wait 2 years to find it and now I'm having to heavily reshuffle my fave albums from 2013 to accommodate it.
16.12.2015 - 23:25
Meat and Potatos
^Sounds good. Do they album? Do they bandcamp? I hate Soundcloud
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
16.12.2015 - 23:30
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Written by Karlabos on 16.12.2015 at 23:25

^Sounds good. Do they album? Do they bandcamp? I hate Soundcloud

I think that's the only thing to the band name at the moment. There'll be a 2 track EP out at the end of January, so I assume it'll be elsewhere soon enough.
17.12.2015 - 03:10
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Written by [user id=4365] on 16.12.2015 at 22:56

You suck for not promoting that album more. I had to wait 2 years to find it and now I'm having to heavily reshuffle my fave albums from 2013 to accommodate it.

Haha sorry about that. In the future I'll just spam the stuff I find in the SB daily so that you won't miss anything
17.12.2015 - 12:44
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Written by [user id=126528] on 17.12.2015 at 03:10

Haha sorry about that. In the future I'll just spam the stuff I find in the SB daily so that you won't miss anything

It's the only way to be sure 8]
17.12.2015 - 12:48
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Written by Karlabos on 16.12.2015 at 23:25

^Sounds good. Do they album? Do they bandcamp? I hate Soundcloud

There you go, Bandcamp. There's now the other track up too, though it has no vocals yet apparently.
17.12.2015 - 14:24
Ketzer seems to have changed style to some Tribulation v2.0.

Not too bad, will check out the album when it comes out.
17.12.2015 - 19:28
Written by [user id=4365] on 17.12.2015 at 12:48

There you go, Bandcamp. There's now the other track up too, though it has no vocals yet apparently.

Yet? Like, the vocals are only included if you buy the CD?
17.12.2015 - 19:31
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Written by Zap on 17.12.2015 at 19:28

Yet? Like, the vocals are only included if you buy the CD?

He called it an "Instrumental preview of track two" on his Facebook. You'd think it would be clearer on the Bandcamp page though.