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Best of the LOTR movies

Posts: 79   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 94 users



Fellowship of the Ring
Return of the King
The Two Towers

Total votes: 83
24.11.2007 - 12:16
Valentin B
my favourite would have to be.. goddamit i love them all! but seriously now my favourite would have to be Fellowship, because there we have the whole crew and more travelling and adventures than in any other of the movies. a shame we have no gollum.
24.11.2007 - 13:26
I'd say the first one as well. It has the most intrigue and the ending is really good too. It leaves you wondering about what's going to happen in the next installments.

I didn't really like the second one, it was just filled with barren landscapes, not enough eye candy, y'know?

Anyway, my vote goes to "The Fellowship of the Ring".
Procrastinate, NOW!
24.11.2007 - 15:11
Account deleted
I can't choose one..., really, they're all great movies... But as i've watched 'The Return Of The King' about 20 times and the others 13 or 14 times (don't remember the exact numbers), my vote goes to the third (the battle scenes and the landscapes are more magnificient, Gollum looks more real etc)
24.11.2007 - 19:07
Winter is Coming
My vote goes to FOTR as well, I just love that movie, it has a great prologue, then when it starts in the Shire and takes you all the way to middle of Middle Earth, and how the fellowship was put together and then got divided, I just like it

my second favorite was TTT, followed by ROTK, they changed it a lot from the book (granted the 1st & 2nd were also changed, but it was different), it just disappointed me a little.
"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died."
Ser Jorah Mormont
24.11.2007 - 19:09
My vote landed on FOTR...even though the last one was almost as good especially in the extended DVD version

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
24.11.2007 - 20:51
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its one movie, but I voted ROTK. the ending is super
25.11.2007 - 01:31
I love all the three but I've got to say the third one was emotionally the most moving....
25.11.2007 - 08:28
Hmmmmm this one is a hard one. i cant really choose, they are all awesome and plus they are meant to be all one big movie anyway.
I really like all of them so im not choosing which part i like better
25.11.2007 - 08:47
Account deleted
I feel that ROTK was a brilliant end to the trilogy, thus, it left the best impression on me.
25.11.2007 - 13:35
Fellowship of the Ring. They visit some of the best locations there: the Shire, Rivendell, Moria and Lothlorien. I'd have to say that FotR is probably my favourite part of the book too, with which the movie was mostly faithful to, so really it couldn't be any other. TTT and RotK are close though.
25.11.2007 - 17:40
The Bard
First one definitely, I don't like other parts much (especially 2nd one) but they have their moments.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
25.11.2007 - 22:18
seems like I'm the only one who vote for "the two towers". I'm not interested in movies about my favorite books, because watching the movies destroy our own imaginations about atmospheres of story.I just watch that one because i couldn't imagine "helms deep" as well
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


25.11.2007 - 23:52
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Written by Varegan on 25.11.2007 at 22:18

seems like I'm the only one who vote for "the two towers". I'm not interested in movies about my favorite books, because watching the movies destroy our own imaginations about atmospheres of story.I just watch that one because i couldn't imagine "helms deep" as well

I agree with you. After you watch a movie based on a book it's hard to remember how you imagined the characters and the places in which the story happens. Anyway, I guess I would choose the Fellowship of the Ring as my favorite one. As most of you, I think the places they created were really well done.
26.11.2007 - 03:31
Written by [user id=6302] on 25.11.2007 at 23:52

Written by Varegan on 25.11.2007 at 22:18

seems like I'm the only one who vote for "the two towers". I'm not interested in movies about my favorite books, because watching the movies destroy our own imaginations about atmospheres of story.I just watch that one because i couldn't imagine "helms deep" as well

I agree with you. After you watch a movie based on a book it's hard to remember how you imagined the characters and the places in which the story happens. Anyway, I guess I would choose the Fellowship of the Ring as my favorite one. As most of you, I think the places they created were really well done.

but there was no "Tom Bombadil" in no one of movies.I still have my own imaginations about him and his cottage in the forst
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


26.11.2007 - 05:00
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Written by Varegan on 26.11.2007 at 03:31

Written by [user id=6302] on 25.11.2007 at 23:52

Written by Varegan on 25.11.2007 at 22:18

seems like I'm the only one who vote for "the two towers". I'm not interested in movies about my favorite books, because watching the movies destroy our own imaginations about atmospheres of story.I just watch that one because i couldn't imagine "helms deep" as well

I agree with you. After you watch a movie based on a book it's hard to remember how you imagined the characters and the places in which the story happens. Anyway, I guess I would choose the Fellowship of the Ring as my favorite one. As most of you, I think the places they created were really well done.

but there was no "Tom Bombadil" in no one of movies.I still have my own imaginations about him and his cottage in the forst

That's right. In my opinion he's a really important character, but I guess that they had to make the story shorter in order to not bore the audience
26.11.2007 - 12:13
It would have bored me if they'd kept him in the movie. I didn't like Bombadil at all.
26.11.2007 - 13:24
Valentin B
Written by [user id=6302] on 26.11.2007 at 05:00

That's right. In my opinion he's a really important character, but I guess that they had to make the story shorter in order to not bore the audience

i agree too. it would have been totally mindfucking to have, besides the enormous amount of plot information, this guy of whom even the writer didn't speak so much. a cool moment would have been the fight in the barrow and Old Man Willow's swallowing sam(or whoever was it) though
26.11.2007 - 13:36
Dark Phoenix
For me it's Return of The King. Because of all the battles and how the story is coming to an end, it really fills me with adrenaline and nonetheless WE all know what's gonna happen, it still keeps me thrilled every time I watch it .... The Two Towers is not really my thingie, I find the Battle In Helm's deep so boring and I dunno why, so Fellowship is due to everything that occurs when starting a journey, my second fave. If we'll be discussing the books, Fellowship would be my last, because the first 250 pages of the book was literally killing me with boredom... :

I noticed you talked about Tom Bombadil - I actually totally wanted to see him in the movie. He is actually the strongest character in the whole story, but noone seem to realize that. I imagined Harrison Ford would be perfect to play him But then again, the whole saga would turn to 20 hour lasting movies I guess if it would be done directly by the book.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
26.11.2007 - 13:58
Valentin B
Written by AnGina-- on 26.11.2007 at 13:36

I noticed you talked about Tom Bombadil - I actually totally wanted to see him in the movie. He is actually the strongest character in the whole story, but noone seem to realize that. I imagined Harrison Ford would be perfect to play him But then again, the whole saga would turn to 20 hour lasting movies I guess if it would be done directly by the book.

actually i think Kramer from Seinfeld(Michael Richards) would be better for the role!
26.11.2007 - 15:10
The Two Towers for me. I love the battle at Helms Deep, always fun to watch. Plus, you get Treebeard and the other Ents marching to Isengard to kick some ass.
26.11.2007 - 16:33
Lord of the Rings(Book) is the best thing i have ever read.....
And the movies are the best representation of any book into a movie. If Tolkien is God, Peter Jackson is his angel.
For me Fellowship is the best among the three and thats not because is of some specific reason like acting, direction etc but only because when the movie starts you know that there are two more left.....
"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." - J.R.R. Tolkien, "Three Is Company," The Lord of the Rings
26.11.2007 - 17:31
Erotic Stains
I worship the first movie (I'm - or was - a Tolkien nerd) and have seen it like 50 times. It had it all.
The Two Towers was good when you where like 13 years old. Helms Deep is of course awesome, but the rest is too much "teenageish" love and shit (talking about Aragorn).
The Return of the King was too long, too many scenes with Frodo whining looking like he just shit his pants.
27.11.2007 - 01:53
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Written by Stigmatized on 26.11.2007 at 15:10

Plus, you get Treebeard and the other Ents marching to Isengard to kick some ass.

Oh yeah, i also love that part when Treebeard got out of Fangorn forest and finally aroused and then the ents marched to Isengard. Though it's a bit different from the book but well, things seem to be more interesting. When in the book Ents already decided to join the war at the Entmoot, here in the movie things are not that simple, and it's better this way i think
27.11.2007 - 22:58
It's just a movie, calm down, lol.
27.11.2007 - 23:54
Erotic Stains
Written by Ernis on 27.11.2007 at 20:55

@Warman.... Beg your pardon? It's obvious he whined....he was emotional and the task was not easy to stop bitchin bout ain't better...

Hahahaha, I forgot that Frodo is a member here!
But seriously, don't get offended... it certainly wasn't my intention. Everyone doesn't have to love the movie... and stop bitchin? I just posted it once.
And this is the second time you sound agressive when I write my opinion, it's a forum you know. You certainly don't have to think the way I do, but you don't have to be rude.
30.11.2007 - 14:49
Account deleted
Look whai I found [URL=]How LOTR Should Ended[/URL]

30.11.2007 - 15:28
Heaven Knight
Fellowship of the Ring by the mile...i cant explain exactly why, but imo only the first was really good, the second was worse and the third i almost don´t like
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

30.11.2007 - 21:17
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Written by [user id=19866] on 30.11.2007 at 14:49

Look whai I found [URL=]How LOTR Should Ended[/URL]

lol , quite funny, just watched that video yesterday
30.11.2007 - 22:55
Account deleted
Although I love them all, I think the Fellowship of the Ring was the best
01.12.2007 - 16:09
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Written by [user id=26970] on 30.11.2007 at 22:55

Although I love them all, I think the Fellowship of the Ring was the best

I agree with this statement.
Maybe it has to do with the fact, that The Fellowship Of The Ring was the
first movie... But I think most of the "magic" from the first movie got lost
in the following.