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Scott Danough

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21.06.2007 - 07:47
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an interesting opportunity came up, and i jumped on it... the chance to take a guitar lesson from scott of "bleeding through"... their ex guitarist... pretty cool dude. and he can play, a lot of it you dont get to see in their work, but that dudes got chops lol

we talked a little bit about why he left, and some of the things that happened in the band... i guess bleeding through wanted to go a little softer than he was willing to tolerate, he wanted to start reverting back to their original shit, maybe even a little harder... they wanted to take it a little more mellow... he said the record company had nothing to do with their decision, and apparently they dont have much to do with very many peoples decision in the undustry today at all.. i guess he will be coming back up in the world again shortly.. touring and such... said hes gettin rid of an ibanez he has for like $800... im gonna try to pick that up if at all possible... dude, that guys custom ibanez is fucking SICK... the action sits so low on that fuckin thing its rediculous... very well balanced, plays excellent... looks fabulous... even has "truth" inlayed on the 12th fret... pretty bad got to play it for a while... anyways, im kinda juiced... im not the greatest guitarist, and ive only been playing a short time... so who better than an inspiration of mine to teach me the essentials of where i want to be/go...

i know kirk of metallica was trained by joe satriani... and im sure others out there have had celebrity instructors... anyone here ever had a personal run in with a musician?
22.06.2007 - 00:47
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
yeap I have
I emailed George Kollias before he came to New Zealand with Nile, and he gave me a drum lesson when he got here haha except there wasnt any paper so he wrote it all on napkins
It was an awesome night, he gave me his signature drum sticks and introduced me to all of Nile and Decapitated. What made it cooler was that he actually came outside to sneak me in through the side door because although he had put me on Nile's guest list, the bouncers wouldn't let me in because I'm not 18 yet. The looks on people's faces as we slipped through the side door were priceless.
Yeah so the techniques he showed me help me a lot now when I'm drumming, and theres nothing more inspiring than someone that skilled believing in you.
22.06.2007 - 01:41
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yeah... for me it was more a matter of depression... lol seeing how far i have to go, when i thought i was close to being there... ya know? lol i have a long way to go... but im still better than most... but i guess trying to compare to a pro thats been playing 20+ years isnt a good way to treat your self esteem lol
24.06.2007 - 07:30
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Damn.. yeah I guess if I thought about it like that then it could make me sad... but I'd be happy being half as good as George Kollias lol so in the end I think you've just got to practice and do your own thing and try your best, it's all you can do.
Maybe you should rename this thread something along the lines of "personal run in with a musician" or something, to get people to look at this thread and post ?
- just an idea
25.06.2007 - 08:16
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eh, i dont care really... if they want to, then they will... if they dont, they wont... if the name doesnt interest them, they probably dont have anything worth hearing to say about him... lol just like anything else... the sad thing about the metal world, is that the further you go into it... the further you get sucked in... i came from disturbed, mudvayne, slipknot, soad, manson, etc... into bleeding through, trivium, all that remains, the haunted, etc.. and now that im here, people talk the same shit they did about the "mild metal" bands i used to like, about the shit i like now, that i never thought i would... seems to be sucking me in toward the more death/black metal shit... i refuse to go there, myself... too crazy for me.. lol i heard someone in here refer to bleeding through and trivium as "emo"............. wow.......... that really blew my mind, to consider bleeding through of the same genre as bands like the used, and nickelback....... that would be a major disrespect coming from someone whose opinion actually mattered... but nonetheless, its still not nice... and rather off base if you ask me... so i dont expect many people here to think of an ex band member from bleeding through as being anything special to run into... nice to know at least one person did though lol
25.06.2007 - 10:36
Savage Messiah
Metal Drummer
Written by [user id=24313] on 25.06.2007 at 08:16

eh, i dont care really... if they want to, then they will... if they dont, they wont... if the name doesnt interest them, they probably dont have anything worth hearing to say about him... lol just like anything else... the sad thing about the metal world, is that the further you go into it... the further you get sucked in... i came from disturbed, mudvayne, slipknot, soad, manson, etc... into bleeding through, trivium, all that remains, the haunted, etc.. and now that im here, people talk the same shit they did about the "mild metal" bands i used to like, about the shit i like now, that i never thought i would... seems to be sucking me in toward the more death/black metal shit... i refuse to go there, myself... too crazy for me.. lol i heard someone in here refer to bleeding through and trivium as "emo"............. wow.......... that really blew my mind, to consider bleeding through of the same genre as bands like the used, and nickelback....... that would be a major disrespect coming from someone whose opinion actually mattered... but nonetheless, its still not nice... and rather off base if you ask me... so i dont expect many people here to think of an ex band member from bleeding through as being anything special to run into... nice to know at least one person did though lol

Yeah I know what you mean.. the metal world gets quite elitest like that. I wouldn't go so far as to call Trivium emo though.. that's just lame and sad that someone on here actually said that. You just gotta think "fuck them I like what I like" and listen to what YOU like to listen to, not what other people say is the most "TR00 metal" or the most "UNDERGROUND". What really matters is what you get from the music, how you connect to it and your appreciation of it. There's no point listening to black metal if it does nothing for you. Just find friends on this site or wherever who like the same music as you, you don't need to feel pressured by the metalheads here who feel the need to compete for the most br00tal band list. - that's just sad because they don't know what music they like.
25.06.2007 - 17:47
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yeah i know, i listen to what i want... its just funny how some people take this shit to the extremes.