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Lightspeed triplets

Posts: 19   Visited by: 6 users
26.07.2007 - 22:02
Valentin B
just listen to iced earth's "pure evil" from their live album from 0:25 to 0:40 or so.. can anyone reccomend me some exercises/good songs to practice to get to that demonic speed and accuracy?
27.07.2007 - 15:13
get a metronome, set it really, really, so painfully, anguishingly slow, start playing pure evil, and as hours and days go by and you grow weary, increase the speed one click at a time, and you will get there. no pain, no gain my friend, i know it hurts, but nothing comes for free.
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
28.07.2007 - 06:10
Metronome practicing is the only way to go if you want to start playing blistering fast rhythms like Jon Schaffer that guy fiends his fast rhythms he's practically a machine.
01.08.2007 - 03:03
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Triplets are key to any musicians practice regiment, and practicing them correctly is a great thing. People are right, metronome work is a great way to learn how to do this fast. However you need not set it to any painfully slow setting, were I you I would actually put it on a fairly fast seting and try to keep up. If you can't set it slower untill you reach your maximum potential, and work on that untill you can play faster. I suggest doing the same thing with scales and arpegios.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
01.08.2007 - 11:53
Yeah, that's a good ideea 2, but playing it really slow allows you to build up other things like balance and good technique rather than just endurance. It's not just about how fast you play damn it, it's about how correct you play and how much you express yourself through that fast playing. It's not a sport, it's just a way of expressing things you couldn't express at a slow speed. (sorry for the express abuse )
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
01.08.2007 - 15:27
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Well yeah, but if you wrok at higher speeds and really concentrate on your overall technique, then you shouldn't have to set it slow. If you are sloppy, you know you are going too fast and need to set it slower.

I guess we just have a difference in technique and method
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
01.08.2007 - 16:16
Oh, don't worry. Everybody should work the way they see fit (or get a teacher ).
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
01.08.2007 - 18:54
Mr. Noise
I'm afraid all threads that are about certain techniques are going to end up with the answer: metronome & practice..
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
01.08.2007 - 23:36
Yeah well, the truth is I tried to learn a song today using a metronome...I took the notes, I set at half speed...but it was too damn hard so I ended up just listening to the song and going along and I managed to do it.
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
02.08.2007 - 21:15
Valentin B
Written by NECURATU on 01.08.2007 at 23:36

Yeah well, the truth is I tried to learn a song today using a metronome...I took the notes, I set at half speed...but it was too damn hard so I ended up just listening to the song and going along and I managed to do it.

that works quite well(tried that a lot of times) imo, though i never used a metronome extensively(only like in guitar pro 5 to set the speed lower and then higher and each time play along)

btw what song was it?
02.08.2007 - 21:38
N.I.B. by Black Sabbath. Anyhows, the fact that I couldn't play it at half speed just point out how much I suck at feeling the rhythm...and I play bass
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
03.08.2007 - 17:05
Written by NECURATU on 01.08.2007 at 11:53

Yeah, that's a good ideea 2, but playing it really slow allows you to build up other things like balance and good technique rather than just endurance. It's not just about how fast you play damn it, it's about how correct you play and how much you express yourself through that fast playing. It's not a sport, it's just a way of expressing things you couldn't express at a slow speed. (sorry for the express abuse )

I agree you should work on accuracy before you want speed. By lightspeed do you guys mean a triplet of 64th notes? Because I tried that speed on the bass, but it doesnt sound very nice on the lower octaves, because sounds muddy to me at least. In general I dont play triplets that fast...but its interesting
04.08.2007 - 11:55
Yeah, my bass sounds muddy 2 when I play fast. I asked some guys with more experience about the matter, they told me it's because the wood doesn't support middle frequencies. Cheap bass, cheap wood, crappy sound hahaha. Lightspeed to me is something like Lack of Comprehension by Death. I think there's enough lightspeed for everybody on that song. And then again, the whole album is like that
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
04.08.2007 - 16:43
Written by Valentin B on 26.07.2007 at 22:02

just listen to iced earth's "pure evil" from their live album from 0:25 to 0:40 or so.. can anyone reccomend me some exercises/good songs to practice to get to that demonic speed and accuracy?

Actually, somewhere in the middle of "Dante's Inferno" there might be some even more insane trips...

Anyway, i try to play a little guitar on the side and i'm really bad - can't sweep, can't alternate pick fast, can't play scales but one thing i can do is these Iced Earth type triplets. Don't know how but the first time i tried playing "The Coming Curse" i got it down right. I guess the metronome thing is probably the best way to go but some people are inclined towards these things.

A friend of mine can't shred to save his life but he's a "natural" sweeper, just nails it after a couple of tries!

But yeah, i guess slowing the riff down might work - if you can hear/understand it, you should be able to play it!
Procrastinate, NOW!
07.08.2007 - 12:45
The insane fucking triplets in 'Armada' by Keep of Kalessin are driving me out of my mind. I hate my metronome haha.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
13.08.2007 - 09:00
I beleive "insanly fast triplets" are generaly sextuplets(6/beat). my advise for those is convert them to triplets and practice insanly slow. remember to get the triplet feel in your head. otherwis you may mess your self up.
14.08.2007 - 07:02
There's some good triplets on "Vengence Unleashed" by Dying Fetus it's easy once you've gotten tremelo down for quite a while, at least that's how it worked for me.

Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05

People are always at their very best when they're dead.

14.08.2007 - 11:01
Written by Hyvaarin on 07.08.2007 at 12:45

The insane fucking triplets in 'Armada' by Keep of Kalessin are driving me out of my mind. I hate my metronome haha.

Yeah dude, the whole album is just nuts...F'ing A man, F'ing A.
11.09.2007 - 18:53
Weeping Heart
you want triplets, you should take a look at Sonata Arctica's "Revontulet" it just scares me to think of playing it.
The older I get.........The faster I was

Smurfilator -- back when Smurf Metal existed :'(