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How Do You Write Lyrics

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Posted by Hangar XVIII, 28.04.2008 - 21:36
One of the biggest things I have trouble with when writing music is how to go about writing lyrics. Do any of you have any good tips for writing good lyrics that match with the music?
03.04.2009 - 02:40
Erotic Stains
Being the vocalist of me and my friends band, they let me handle all the work on the lyrics. I've never found it that hard to write lyrics (whether it's especially good or not is another question). I just listen to the song closely, see what it says to me, what I think the melodies are about. And then I just mix it with something I feel I need to say.
28.04.2009 - 02:58
Written by Throne Dweller on 02.04.2009 at 10:21

Make sure you have a concept.

Nothing harder than writing lyrics with no inspiration at all, no theme, no concept, no anything but the will to write.

Just write a small storyline very briefly, say 'The grand conjurer destroys his army of mindless slaves because he simply has the ability to do so', and then work that down into some lyrics.

this is what i do write a story then get with your guitar player and rewrite the story to the riffs. the other thing i do is just write a story then improve it to a song every time at practice till it sounds right both methods work well as long as you write the story first
01.05.2009 - 10:00
For me it works to write about somthing. Like this:
I look around. I see book. It is Stephen King´s Salem´s Lot. "Wait a minute", I think. "In Salem´s Lot, what a name!" Prechorus is born: Ancient Evil / Rising From the Graves / Ancient Evil / Shadows in the Dark

So pic a subject, then a name and your ready to go!
Look, The old Bitch is back!
11.06.2009 - 22:43
Account deleted
There is a short story running in my head, when I start to write lyrics. And then there is all to do, then put them into words. Sometimes it comes easier, sometimes it takes sooooo much from me to have them right.
12.06.2009 - 05:09
el parcero
Written by [user id=1206] on 11.06.2009 at 22:43

There is a short story running in my head, when I start to write lyrics. And then there is all to do, then put them into words. Sometimes it comes easier, sometimes it takes sooooo much from me to have them right.

that's the tricky and key thing when writing whatever you want write, whether it's lyrics, a poem, a short story, novel... it's not what you want to say, but how you want to say it.
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
12.06.2009 - 05:33
I find it a lot easier to write a catchy chorus first then the verses i like to write lyrics before the music
12.06.2009 - 05:52
el parcero
Written by kkktookmybaby on 12.06.2009 at 05:33

I find it a lot easier to write a catchy chorus first then the verses i like to write lyrics before the music

friends of mine that have a band do it the other way around, which i agree, because it's easier having the music first and then try to arrange the lyrics to it so they sound good, and not the other way. trying to arrange music for already written lyrics is harder. but i wouldn't know from personal experience since i'm no musician
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
12.06.2009 - 06:00
Written by tulkas on 12.06.2009 at 05:52

Written by kkktookmybaby on 12.06.2009 at 05:33

I find it a lot easier to write a catchy chorus first then the verses i like to write lyrics before the music

friends of mine that have a band do it the other way around, which i agree, because it's easier having the music first and then try to arrange the lyrics to it so they sound good, and not the other way. trying to arrange music for already written lyrics is harder. but i wouldn't know from personal experience since i'm no musician

yeah well i guess it just depends on your style. i like to have strong meaningful lyrics and when i try to put it to music it sort of holds back my ability and limits the lyrics in a way. But again, its your style
14.06.2009 - 16:33
The lyrics part is something really important in a song but be aware: GOOD MUSIC > GOOD LYRICS.

there are 2 ways in writing lyrics. 1) to write them after writing the music, 2)to write the lyrics and then try to write your music based on them. IMO the 2nd is simply stupid.

so first of all write good music and then:

i write the lyrics for my band with 2 ways: a) i write many lyrics with different themes when i think them. when we write music for a new song i choose the lyrics that fit better and then i change them a bit in order to fit nice to them song. b) we write a new song and i write the lyrics after that. but you know something??? the best way it's the 1st. cause you don't have to try hard for it. you have some songs/themes ready and you just choose.

so first of all write the lyrics you like and then put them in the right music..
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
14.06.2009 - 16:36
Written by kkktookmybaby on 12.06.2009 at 06:00

i like to have strong meaningful lyrics

you will. but you'll just change some words in order not to change your music...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
13.07.2009 - 10:46
Written by Throne Dweller on 02.04.2009 at 10:21

Make sure you have a concept.

Nothing harder than writing lyrics with no inspiration at all, no theme, no concept, no anything but the will to write.

Just write a small storyline very briefly, say 'The grand conjurer destroys his army of mindless slaves because he simply has the ability to do so', and then work that down into some lyrics.

Yeah, dude I agree thats how it should be done concept first, then i just do music and let it help bring out emotion of whats happening somtimes the music can find the words u want
07.02.2010 - 10:56
Well it sounds to me like you are writing lyrics after the song has the basic guitar groundwork. When I write lyrics for a song that someone else has written about guitar I listen through the track with a completely focused mind and think of all the emotions that the song evokes. Is it powerful? Is it angry? Is it soothing? Is it a driving force or a lilting melody? After I write down all of my first impressions I start humming along to the track. I do this several times and record each one. Then I take the parts that I like and put them together like a Frankenstein's monster from the different tracks I have recorded. If you aren't singing and you are just screaming or growling I would recommend finding rhythms that complement the song. Once you have either a melody or rhythm to work from start finding phrases to piece together that evoke the same emotions you felt. A story might come to you or just a general concept. Lyrics don't always have to make complete sense as long as they are communicating the emotive qualities of the song accurately. Also if you feel stuck look up words in a Thesaurus or Rhyming Dictionary for help. Get inspiration from bands you love and the stories they tell. Good luck!
05.03.2010 - 01:58
I write whatever comes to me at the time, and then change it to fit the context or make sense.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
05.03.2010 - 18:13
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
I write the chourus first then the first line then the next verses so on...
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

05.03.2010 - 18:14
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Throne Dweller on 02.04.2009 at 10:21

'The grand conjurer destroys his army of mindless slaves because he simply has the ability to do so',

thats really good... have you wrote that into a song? if so write it in the lyrics forum
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

11.03.2010 - 18:44
Hi everybody!

I write all lyrics in my band, and most of times I create the chorus melody with "good sounding english words without conection" just for setting a cool vocal melody. Sometimes these words (you know " fire, destruction, death..." ) give me the key for the entire song
30.06.2010 - 21:47
Elodie Artour
I personally can't play any instrument (even though I'm good at piano improvisations and such stuff but that has another explanation. ) Neither am I able to compose music. However, I do sing and write lyrics, as well. A very important advice I think I should give you is that you should be aware of the fact that not every single musician is able to write good lyrics (or lyrics at all) . I have many friends who are good musicians but unfortunately, don't have the right skills to create such lyrics, too. I guess it's a bit harder to create lyrics for a song that has already been composed. In such cases, you can just think of a concept and a few words you'd like the lyrics to contain. Afterwards, you can also include a few whole sentences and start to mix them somehow, adding new stuff to the lyrics. I know it sounds weird but I'm sure it will work out. Otherwise, all words and phrases should come from the bottom of your heart. Make them seem and sound sincere, true, deep... Just express yourself in the best and most appropriate way.

However, if you find yourself incapable of dealing with such a process, feel free to contact someone who is good at it.
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
13.08.2010 - 12:12
Account deleted
Being I do Death Metal no one ever understands what I'm saying anyway so it's not a hard process. Just lay down some sick rhymes. With sittin' under the wind chimes. My vocals are random but it doesn't matter because the mane focus of Perverse Imagery is the musical area.
27.10.2010 - 09:45
Written by Deadmeat on 14.06.2009 at 16:33

i write many lyrics with different themes when i think them. when we write music for a new song i choose the lyrics that fit better and then i change them a bit in order to fit nice to them song

Right on, this tends to be how it happens for me most of the time too.

I usually think of a specific message or issue that I'm pissed off with and try to write different individual lines or verses that express that and try to fit them together. Also, write twice as much as you'll use, that way you can cull out the weaker stuff.
For Metal!!!
27.10.2010 - 12:11
I consider song lyrics poems -with music added later. First the lyrics and music follows-i prefer more that way. This indicates that the artist (lyricist) has something to say. The rest of the band mates will have the huge task to accept / add/ discuss/ make changes if they wish. The whole process is very interesting and varies;

And music will follow, riffs, melodies, pace, inspirations /adaptations and so on. An experienced guitar player or keyboardist etc. should bring up some ideas, hopefully the songs' concept should guide them somewhere imo...
Instrumentals are just "orphan" songs - a result of the artists' abundant talent.
27.10.2010 - 21:43
Account deleted
Lyrics have always been a problem for me. Whenever I wish to write something epic, it turns out cheesy. Whenever I try to write something deep, it turns out retarded. In the end I usually just go for plain nonsense, because writing something serious isn't going to work anyway:

A bunch of ninjas pass like shadows in the night
Their blades are sharp and their pants are very tight
I saw a woman and she had a yellow skirt
Look! There's a dead man laying face down in the dirt


If you're not like me and you can actually write lyrics, then I suggest you carry around a small notebook, because good lyrics might pop into your head at any time. I once came up with a name for a song while driving home from work - "Remnants in the sky". Doesn't really mean anything, but sounds cool. Didn't write it down, but luckily, I remembered it. Also, look at the way some of the most epic lyrics are born. Blind Guardian for example write songs about Fantasy novels, Tuomas Holopainen draws a lot of inspiration from poets like Walt Whitman. You should also write about your own feelings and thoughts, but make it symbolic. Turn feelings into people, people into atmospheric disturbances and so on and then you might just end up writing something better than my ninja song:

Gaia bleeds under a darkened sky
Too late to run away, too soon to die
Witnessing the end with my naked eye
Accompanied by the comedian Stephen Fry

Ahh, you're right. That sucks...
28.10.2010 - 16:47
Written by [user id=105293] on 27.10.2010 at 21:43


A bunch of ninjas pass like shadows in the night
Their blades are sharp and their pants are very tight
I saw a woman and she had a yellow skirt
Look! There's a dead man laying face down in the dirt


Good verses! Lordi can easily sing this. And if they make a video it'll be completely surreal- Can you imagine the scenery? wow hmm good!
30.10.2010 - 04:12
Angelic Storm
When I write lyrics, its basically just me writing my feelings. Im quite literal, and not very good at wordplay, so I pretty much suck at a lyric writer. lol The words are always very honest, and from the heart, but they wouldnt make very good lyrics IMO.
28.11.2010 - 05:10
Alex Smith
Written by kkktookmybaby on 12.06.2009 at 05:33

I find it a lot easier to write a catchy chorus first then the verses i like to write lyrics before the music

I agree. That's how I usually write lyrics.
28.11.2010 - 05:21
Alex Smith
Written by [user id=105293] on 27.10.2010 at 21:43

Lyrics have always been a problem for me. Whenever I wish to write something epic, it turns out cheesy. Whenever I try to write something deep, it turns out retarded. In the end I usually just go for plain nonsense, because writing something serious isn't going to work anyway:

A bunch of ninjas pass like shadows in the night
Their blades are sharp and their pants are very tight
I saw a woman and she had a yellow skirt
Look! There's a dead man laying face down in the dirt


If you're not like me and you can actually write lyrics, then I suggest you carry around a small notebook, because good lyrics might pop into your head at any time. I once came up with a name for a song while driving home from work - "Remnants in the sky". Doesn't really mean anything, but sounds cool. Didn't write it down, but luckily, I remembered it. Also, look at the way some of the most epic lyrics are born. Blind Guardian for example write songs about Fantasy novels, Tuomas Holopainen draws a lot of inspiration from poets like Walt Whitman. You should also write about your own feelings and thoughts, but make it symbolic. Turn feelings into people, people into atmospheric disturbances and so on and then you might just end up writing something better than my ninja song:

Gaia bleeds under a darkened sky
Too late to run away, too soon to die
Witnessing the end with my naked eye
Accompanied by the comedian Stephen Fry

Ahh, you're right. That sucks...

The most important thing in songwriting is practice. Just keep writing, don't worry what do others think of your lyrics. Be honest to yourself and your listeners. They always appreciate it. Don't compare yourself with others - it's not a competition. Just keep writing what you feel.
23.12.2010 - 03:41
Since I'm a singer, it somehow comes naturally for me to write lyrics.
First I pick up the atmosphere of the song, then I try to visualize what it could be about. And when the idea strikes I try to put it in semi abstract formulations based on images I created in my imagination
'Proud forest rises towards the sky,
in awe I stand silent
Green path of life amalgamates
With my own belief'
12.03.2011 - 07:53
With my band, either myself or my vocalist will write the lyrics completely independent of the music, and then we all get together and we write music that suits the lyrics and the writer's vision. I find it not only to be significantly less limiting as far as structure and flow are concerned, but also as far as mood and feel of the music go. It really pushes everyone to musically explore new territory all the time, and gives the writer the freedom to write something unique.

With death metal, it is easy to just write lyrics that sound cool and don't really have a deeper meaning, in which case fantasy books are a great source of inspiration.
Sonorous Odium...
...Embrace the consonance.
20.05.2011 - 01:46
Most of the time I compose the music first and then write the lyrics...and I usually write about whatever comes to mind. For me, stream of consciousness tends to produce some decent lyrics. I actually write more lyrics than if I happen to compose some music and for some reason have writers' block, I'll go back through my lyrics and look for something that fits the music at least thematically. If I have to rewrite them, that's fine.

Recently I've actually been able to come up with both music and words in my mind and then physically compose them the next time I'm near my guitar and some paper and a pen.
"Bullshit! You didn't convince me!"
20.05.2011 - 01:49
I don't have too many songs with lyrics, I don't have that much to say. lol
"Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute." G B Stern
"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum float u
16.06.2011 - 06:39
I've been trying to write some lyrics for a while now. It sucks, especially when I want to record some vocals on a few tracks my forming band (my brother and I lol) and I have to think of some shitty lyrics on the spot. Anyways, I had a cool philosophical concept I thought about today and started writing some lyrics. Its about people who dedicate their lives to something that doesn't make any sense in the long run, and believe themselves to be one of the only sane people on earth when in fact they have really lost sight of anything logical. In the end, they have wasted their lives and they may possibly realize how much time they have wasted, and how little time they have left. Their life has all been a joke in a way, and their misconceptions may have even done harm to people. I'm probably gonna call it "Delusion of Sanity". I've never really written lyrics before, and I sort of doubt myself here even though I'm kinda digging the idea. Any input would be great lol.