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Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

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Posted by Valmont, 30.06.2006 - 03:13
Have anyone seen this documentry about metal music? I saw it on TV it was really good. An anthrpologist guy named Sam Dunn travels all around the world to interview metal music artists from USA to Norway and some other places i guess and makes a deep analysis about metal music. Basicly he simply breaks down the subject real easily that it even catches a non-metal person or a metal hater stereotype. You should check it out. I also need info about how and where to download it urgently. Anyone?
10.09.2006 - 17:12
I saw it last night...I liked it. The best metal documentary I've seen, when comparing to some of the lame things VH1 has done. I don't see why everyone has to bitch about him not covering certaint aspects. At least he actually made something about metal that is worth watching.
13.09.2006 - 18:24
hi-fi / lo-life
Dont forget this was first and formost a sociological/anthropological study of the metal subculture, and not a "documentary on metal". I think Sam Dunn did a great job of examining the various interesting aspects of the metal culture, while at the same time showing a good deal of knowledge about the music itself. The interviews are mostly very good too, with Alice Cooper providing the most intelligent remarks, as always.
15.09.2006 - 15:42
Account deleted
Written by jupitreas on 13.09.2006 at 18:24

The interviews are mostly very good too, with Alice Cooper providing the most intelligent remarks, as always.

Dont be silly we all know Necrobutcher won that price.
18.09.2006 - 21:43
Account deleted
- What is the primary idealogy or funding ideas that fuel Gorgoroth music?
- ............................................Satan.... *sip*
- What is Satan in body, what does he represent?
- ............Freedom

Priceless xD

But I think the rest of Gaahl interview shows he knows what he's talking about. As far as Norwegian Black Metal part goes, I think he says the smartest stuff (although that doesn't say much, I know).
20.09.2006 - 21:15
Account deleted
last roskilde festival they showed it in the cinema but i fogot to see lol... (too much alkohol) but where do you think i can get it?
23.09.2006 - 22:43
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
This DVD was at Goth N' Go the last time I visited it but it was too expensive: $30-something. I know that the DVD is pretty good but, at least at the moment, I am not willing to pay such amount of money for a DVD I know I will watch only a couple of times.

Its main attractive feature would be the efforts of the creators in interviewing important figures from the different parts of Metal. I have seen a couple of videos at YouTube so I know more or less how the DVD goes.

I will see if I can get someone to upload or download it for me.
11.01.2007 - 00:45
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I love this movie so much (Sam Dunn is Canadian too, kickass!). and i see all these posts about how everyones having trouble finding it, which is wierd cus its all over the shelves here in canada.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
16.01.2007 - 16:46
Lovely Psycho
Yeah, I couldn't find it anywhere so I downloaded it. It's good. I like the black metal part and all the interviews. As the matter of fact, I should watch it again. Right now
Smash the looking glass to bits, but take care not to slash your wrists...
16.01.2007 - 18:28
Yeah the interviews were great, but the one thing that got me scratching my head is when he was listing BM in the differrent scences he listed Cradle of Filth in the Norweigan scene lol.
18.01.2007 - 05:50
I actually just watched it today! Im proud such a good thing came from Canada. I agree with many of the Norweigans, I think it has sort of a bias towards black metal, it makes the viewer only see the negative sides to it and not so much the reasoning behind it. I dont know it just made Norway seem like a bad place to live. Well thats the impression other people got anyways.

Oh yeah and I saw Sam Dunn at a dark funeral concert!!!! I was so happy =D
18.01.2007 - 13:39
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
It certainly is a good documentary. The only problem is his weird classifications of bands in the diagrams. In the accompanying director's commentary Dunn says he had help from Martin Popoff in that department. Well, I always respected Popoff for his distinctive style in reviewing, although he was off the mark quite a lot when it came to thrash and death metal and doom metal, and I guess his quirckiness shows ion the diagrams. NO doom metal, Opeth being Gothic, Sodom being death metal etc. etc.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.01.2007 - 17:53
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I recently picked this up. I saw it on VH1 ages ago and decided that I should own a copy of it. I really liked it. I don't appreciate the hard time that Slipknot gave him in the outtakes. They should get their asses kicked for that. The Mayhem interview was funny as hell. You're so right Marcel; the whole classification thing was slightly off, but the way he did it, what with the video effects and everything was really well done, I'll say...

To include what people thought about what should be changed about it, etc... showed just how confident in himself and the evolution of the documentary he was...
18.01.2007 - 18:09
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.01.2007 at 13:39

It certainly is a good documentary. The only problem is his weird classifications of bands in the diagrams. In the accompanying director's commentary Dunn says he had help from Martin Popoff in that department. Well, I always respected Popoff for his distinctive style in reviewing, although he was off the mark quite a lot when it came to thrash and death metal and doom metal, and I guess his quirckiness shows ion the diagrams. NO doom metal, Opeth being Gothic, Sodom being death metal etc. etc.

I agree, some of the classifications were a bit off. In the grand scheme of the film, though, I suppose it doesn't matter too much.

I found it really enjoyable - every time a band/artist I really like came on screen I couldn't help but smile. The Mayhem interview was fucking hilarious. The way he ended it was simply perfect, too.

edit - was anyone else annoyed by the Alice Cooper interview?
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
18.01.2007 - 18:12
Written by Hyvaarin on 18.01.2007 at 18:09

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.01.2007 at 13:39

It certainly is a good documentary. The only problem is his weird classifications of bands in the diagrams. In the accompanying director's commentary Dunn says he had help from Martin Popoff in that department. Well, I always respected Popoff for his distinctive style in reviewing, although he was off the mark quite a lot when it came to thrash and death metal and doom metal, and I guess his quirckiness shows ion the diagrams. NO doom metal, Opeth being Gothic, Sodom being death metal etc. etc.

I agree, some of the classifications were a bit off. In the grand scheme of the film, though, I suppose it doesn't matter too much.

I found it really enjoyable - every time a band/artist I really like came on screen I couldn't help but smile. The Mayhem interview was fucking hilarious. The way he ended it was simply perfect, too.

edit - was anyone else annoyed by the Alice Cooper interview?

Oh C'mon you know that Satanists dont love their own mother!!! He is a bit ignorant...
18.01.2007 - 18:32
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Hyvaarin on 18.01.2007 at 18:09

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.01.2007 at 13:39

It certainly is a good documentary. The only problem is his weird classifications of bands in the diagrams. In the accompanying director's commentary Dunn says he had help from Martin Popoff in that department. Well, I always respected Popoff for his distinctive style in reviewing, although he was off the mark quite a lot when it came to thrash and death metal and doom metal, and I guess his quirckiness shows ion the diagrams. NO doom metal, Opeth being Gothic, Sodom being death metal etc. etc.

I agree, some of the classifications were a bit off. In the grand scheme of the film, though, I suppose it doesn't matter too much.

I found it really enjoyable - every time a band/artist I really like came on screen I couldn't help but smile. The Mayhem interview was fucking hilarious. The way he ended it was simply perfect, too.

edit - was anyone else annoyed by the Alice Cooper interview?

No, I wasn't annoyed AT ALL by the Alice Cooper interview. What somehow annoyed me was the Slipknot interview. Corey Taylor came across as a dickhead there but when you hear him in Get Thrashed: The Story of Thrash Metal (review coming up soon) he doesn't wear a mask and comes across great.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.01.2007 - 18:54
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Slipknot pisses me off in general. I would like to see at interview of them though with their damn masks off...

I really don't understand what was annoying about the Alice Cooper interview...
18.01.2007 - 19:29
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by [user id=2084] on 18.01.2007 at 18:54

Slipknot pisses me off in general. I would like to see at interview of them though with their damn masks off...

I really don't understand what was annoying about the Alice Cooper interview...

Alice Cooper was cool in his interview IMO. I liked the way he slagged off those BM kiddies. (And yes I love BM)

as for Slipknot without masks, like I said wait till Get Thrashed: The Story of Thrash Metal is released and you'll see Corey Taylor giving an interview without a mask on (and it says Corey Taylor: Slipknot in the text title.)
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.01.2007 - 12:14
Yeah, the Slipknot guy was annoying. What I found annoying about Cooper was the BM bit - I agree that lots of fans and artists are ridiculous, but the way he spoke about it had a really condescending vibe that I found unwarranted and offensive (still, that's only my interpretation of it).

Oh, and the fucking Rob Zombie interview - I was EXTREMELY annoyed at how he made metal out to be "what you listen to when you're one of the weird kids at school" or whatever. Wave the flag, Rob, wave the flag.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
19.01.2007 - 12:28
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Rob Zombie had a lot of sane things to say. He didn't say "what you listen to when you're one of the weird kids at school" maybe it came across to you as such but what he hinted at imo is that people listening to metal were/are CONSIDERED weird at school. And you certainly can't deny that. So metal not being mainstream and something you're into for just one summer (the Slayer example he gives).
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

18.04.2007 - 02:02
Account deleted
Written by Hylia on 18.01.2007 at 05:50

I actually just watched it today! Im proud such a good thing came from Canada. I agree with many of the Norweigans, I think it has sort of a bias towards black metal, it makes the viewer only see the negative sides to it and not so much the reasoning behind it. I dont know it just made Norway seem like a bad place to live. Well thats the impression other people got anyways.

I don't dare go out at nights anymore, satanists tries to kill me just 'cos I don't listen to BM.
And we only got like 1 church left in norway, and it's made of rock, and has police priority nr.1 (or it would've if the police wasn't satanists )
And parents tries to make their children asap, so they don't get sacrificed =(

ok seriously.
I remember when I introduced myself to an Italian guy, he was all "oh my god! you come fra satan-ville!? I remember what your ppl did in the early 90ies!!"..
and I asked him if they don't have any satanists in Italy?

"ofc not! we play football!"

I don't hope that people believe that Black Metal is the "nr.1 thing" in norway though, 'cos it isnt.
even though when it's one of our largets exports, we barely see any BM dudes/dudettes on the streets anymore :/
only thing "scary" with norway now is the scary increase of hip-hoppers and bimbos :/

and on topic:
Love the movie, going to buy it as soon as I get money for it
18.04.2007 - 09:16
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=20369] on 18.04.2007 at 02:02

Written by Hylia on 18.01.2007 at 05:50

I actually just watched it today! Im proud such a good thing came from Canada. I agree with many of the Norweigans, I think it has sort of a bias towards black metal, it makes the viewer only see the negative sides to it and not so much the reasoning behind it. I dont know it just made Norway seem like a bad place to live. Well thats the impression other people got anyways.

I don't dare go out at nights anymore, satanists tries to kill me just 'cos I don't listen to BM.
And we only got like 1 church left in norway, and it's made of rock, and has police priority nr.1 (or it would've if the police wasn't satanists )
And parents tries to make their children asap, so they don't get sacrificed =(

ok seriously.
I remember when I introduced myself to an Italian guy, he was all "oh my god! you come fra satan-ville!? I remember what your ppl did in the early 90ies!!"..
and I asked him if they don't have any satanists in Italy?

"ofc not! we play football!"

I don't hope that people believe that Black Metal is the "nr.1 thing" in norway though, 'cos it isnt.
even though when it's one of our largets exports, we barely see any BM dudes/dudettes on the streets anymore :/
only thing "scary" with norway now is the scary increase of hip-hoppers and bimbos :/

and on topic:
Love the movie, going to buy it as soon as I get money for it

I didnt get that impression from the movie at all, youll notice he wasnt focusing on entire cultures, just the metal in those cultures, and in the metal community Norway is best known for its BM. And isnt that evil scary image what Black Metallers want?
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
18.04.2007 - 13:28
Account deleted
Written by Doc G. on 18.04.2007 at 09:16

Written by [user id=20369] on 18.04.2007 at 02:02

Written by Hylia on 18.01.2007 at 05:50

I actually just watched it today! Im proud such a good thing came from Canada. I agree with many of the Norweigans, I think it has sort of a bias towards black metal, it makes the viewer only see the negative sides to it and not so much the reasoning behind it. I dont know it just made Norway seem like a bad place to live. Well thats the impression other people got anyways.

I don't dare go out at nights anymore, satanists tries to kill me just 'cos I don't listen to BM.
And we only got like 1 church left in norway, and it's made of rock, and has police priority nr.1 (or it would've if the police wasn't satanists )
And parents tries to make their children asap, so they don't get sacrificed =(

ok seriously.
I remember when I introduced myself to an Italian guy, he was all "oh my god! you come fra satan-ville!? I remember what your ppl did in the early 90ies!!"..
and I asked him if they don't have any satanists in Italy?

"ofc not! we play football!"

I don't hope that people believe that Black Metal is the "nr.1 thing" in norway though, 'cos it isnt.
even though when it's one of our largets exports, we barely see any BM dudes/dudettes on the streets anymore :/
only thing "scary" with norway now is the scary increase of hip-hoppers and bimbos :/

and on topic:
Love the movie, going to buy it as soon as I get money for it

I didnt get that impression from the movie at all, youll notice he wasnt focusing on entire cultures, just the metal in those cultures, and in the metal community Norway is best known for its BM. And isnt that evil scary image what Black Metallers want?

Yeah it is, but the thing is, even though if Norway is mostly known for its BM and Gothic metal, we barely see those people anywhere o.0
it's truly underground to say the least :p (which they want it to be ^^)

But its good that you didn't get that impression, I know many did, some people were almost scared of me, even though I talked to them through a game >.<
19.04.2007 - 09:50
Written by [user id=2084] on 18.01.2007 at 17:53

I don't appreciate the hard time that Slipknot gave him in the outtakes. They should get their asses kicked for that.

What did they say/do?
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
19.04.2007 - 19:27
Yeah, I'm curious to know. I don't remember the Slipknot interview. I've seen interviews with them on TV, and Corey was always a dick and the drummer was always a really nice guy.
20.04.2007 - 04:19
Daru Jericho
What I really liked about this DVD was that when they were discussing the black metal incidents in Norway they didn't give the whole Vikernes thing all the attention. Usually, that part is given so much attention that a lot of other things get ignored.

It was an alright DVD, considering it was as long as it was. Sure they missed out so much and that geneology chart was off in many places and some of the interviews were somewhat fruitless, but it was an interesting watch, even if I didn't learn anything.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

20.04.2007 - 05:19
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I forget...I think Corey said something to the effect of 'hey, I have a question, fuck you' or was something like that...
20.04.2007 - 15:58
Erotic Stains
I love this documentary. I'm actually going to show it to my class next week as it's strongly related to my Sociology essay about Metal as a culture phenomenon and it's connections with social change.
One thing though, Sam Dunn apparently had over 120 hours of material for this documentary... so why the hell did he choose to include the useless Mayhem interview?
20.04.2007 - 16:26
Sam Dunn is currently working on another documentary called "Global Metal" which will look at the metal scenes in different countries, continents
20.04.2007 - 16:29
@warman: I think he included it (Mayhem interview) as a bit of a comic relief......LOL..."Fuck you, fuck them, Germany sucks!!" hahaha
23.04.2007 - 14:13
Metal Master
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 18.01.2007 at 19:29

Written by [user id=2084] on 18.01.2007 at 18:54

Slipknot pisses me off in general. I would like to see at interview of them though with their damn masks off...

I really don't understand what was annoying about the Alice Cooper interview...

Alice Cooper was cool in his interview IMO. I liked the way he slagged off those BM kiddies. (And yes I love BM)

Yeah, that was really funny. "Oh mr Cooper, can i have your autograph" or somehow likely...:)

Written by Warman on 20.04.2007 at 15:58

One thing though, Sam Dunn apparently had over 120 hours of material for this documentary... so why the hell did he choose to include the useless Mayhem interview?

Just to show that band Mayhem is a couple of too overwise noobs.