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Do you want to be famous?

Posts: 94   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 170 users

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Posted by BADDEST MEMBER, 22.09.2009 - 01:33
Please make a vote and then explain why. Only either Yes or No. And then, discuss.

PS: definition of being famous: Fame,


Do you really want to be famous?


Total votes: 97
30.03.2010 - 15:52
I would hate being famous. I don't want people knowing about my personal life. I swear if paparazzi started following me I would end up with a homicide case on my hands.
Just another cog in this infernal machine....
30.03.2010 - 17:31
Mr. Noise
Only if it comes with a big pile of money. Or lucrative contracts that promise a big pile of money in the near future. Or fans that blindly idolize me and send me all their money. In short: money.

Or, perhaps, I'd rather not be famous.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
30.03.2010 - 19:57
I would like to win the lottery and fade into odscurity...
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
30.03.2010 - 22:08
Account deleted
No I don't want to have any kind of fame around me, I do like the way I'm currently. Going into the mass. As fame can ruin your live by some means, the paparazzi who're sometimes able to live the life for you as has been done in an extremely way with princess Diana and even Wacko Jacko.

If that's one cost of the fame, I'd rather life anonimously.
31.03.2010 - 04:11
I wouldlike to be famous, but sort of in an obscure way. eg. if i were to go into music, i'd be in an underground band that is still famous and has a following, but doesn't have legions of mainstream paparazi and magazine interviewers everywhere i go.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
04.04.2010 - 23:57
Account deleted
Well depends what I'm famous for. Certainly not anything for anything that would make me a celebrity. And either being the first person to kill a human on-stage or winning the nobel price in physics will totally solve that paparazzi problem...
05.04.2010 - 10:46
Written by I_Die_Often on 30.03.2010 at 19:57

I would like to win the lottery and fade into obscurity...

Best. Smiley. EVER!

No fame for me. I'm touchy enough about people who invade my personal life as it is now.
VICTORY!!!!! (They love it in France)
18.04.2010 - 02:48
Yes, but not just for the sake of it. I would want to be famous because of something I've accomplished. Because I did something that contributed to society or art or whatever.
*insert something deep and profound*
18.04.2010 - 21:49
Cookie Mistress
No, definitely not. There are times when I need to be alone and I don't want anyone to disturb me. That wouldn't be possible if I was famous. Not only would it ruin my life, but also the lives of my family members.

The only way I could ever accept being famous would be if I had done something good for the world and society. That's unlikely since I don't want to become a researcher. I just want to lead a normal life. I don't have any respect to those people who want publicity by any means. Only idiots participate in for instance reality tv.
You'll never walk alone.
18.04.2010 - 23:06
Not really. I rather enjoy my privacy and my time alone. I don't need people violating my space. The only reason that could tempt me to be famous is the amount of money cuz Money is Power or for something I would be proud of.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
18.04.2010 - 23:59
I hate being followed and I strongly dislike people who don't respect my personal space if I could say so. I already hate when somebody shows up at my doorstep without giving me a warning. What would I do with 10 reporters who'd want me to give them an interview?

Though, I'd like to be well-known in some certain area because of a good job or something like that.
19.04.2010 - 23:15
Thanks but no thanks. I would prefer being totally unknown and happy than being famous and have people following my every move. No amount of money can be worth that.

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
20.04.2010 - 21:12
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by GT on 19.04.2010 at 23:15

Thanks but no thanks. I would prefer being totally unknown and happy than being famous and have people following my every move. No amount of money can be worth that.

Well Blondie Nielsen and Jimm Thindaan such kind a popularity people be afraid of following but cops be on tail .... whatv they are doing nowdays?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
31.05.2010 - 08:23
Fire from Above
IF it happens it happens.... I'd rather deal with fame than infamy.
31.05.2010 - 12:03
No, I would not like to be famous, however if let's say, I started a band and it gained a sort of cult following in my country or region, that wouldn't be a problem. But full blown fame with constant gossip being spread about you, no...
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31.05.2010 - 15:13
Angelic Storm
Absolutely not. While a part of me would love to make a living from playing music, I definitely would not everything that comes along with that. Im an intensely private person, and have a distrust of people in general. Me and fame wouldnt mix well at all.
31.05.2010 - 15:32
I would like to make a solid living from music and/or music production although mass fame doesn't really appeal to me. I'd much rather have a devoted underground following than be in the eye of the public 24/7.
12.06.2010 - 18:53
How about a middle answer, which should be: I don't really give a ***?
25.06.2010 - 23:32
Maybe, but in a wierd way lol
29.06.2010 - 15:53
Written by Archetype on 31.05.2010 at 15:32

I would like to make a solid living from music and/or music production although mass fame doesn't really appeal to me. I'd much rather have a devoted underground following than be in the eye of the public 24/7.

This is it.
*insert something deep and profound*
04.07.2010 - 16:30
Being famous in terms of discovering something scientific .. sure
"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
05.07.2010 - 16:47
Written by Kasper on 04.07.2010 at 16:30

Being famous in terms of discovering something scientific .. sure

But why scientific ? Is that your interest ?
05.07.2010 - 17:00
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 05.07.2010 at 16:47

Written by Kasper on 04.07.2010 at 16:30

Being famous in terms of discovering something scientific .. sure

But why scientific ? Is that your interest ?

Well, right now I'm headed to become a researcher - or atleast in like 5 years or so, if everything goes well.
"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
05.07.2010 - 21:23
Pierre Tombale
After all the shit, being fdamous would really make a difference.
Ok, you have to go through a lot of crap, but where don't you?
For myself I can say, YES I want to be famous.
06.07.2010 - 03:39

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
06.07.2010 - 21:04
Famous as in mainstream famous? Not a chance. To get mainstream famous nowaday you have to look the part, and be something for teen girls to drool over and scream at. This would be fine except it probably means you would have to look about as manly as the guys from Tokyo Hotel, or ypou would have to be an actor in a bunch of really crappy mainstream movies (and look about as manly as said *things*).

Not interested. I want my beer belly, long hair and beard intact like a real man.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
25.07.2010 - 15:50
No. If I made a contribution to society, that's all good and great. I'll take my wealth and possibly a mention in the history books, but I would hate having to deal with people drooling over the ground I stepped on. I've never been an attention whore, and besides, who wants to end up like Jessi Slaughter?
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>
25.07.2010 - 19:27
Yeah, why not but for the right reasons.
Mark Steal said "Most people who are famous Arn't famous for
anything there done, but just being on things", ain't that true?
I guess eventually it does not matter to me.
25.07.2010 - 23:30
Written by Piro on 25.07.2010 at 15:50

No. If I made a contribution to society, that's all good and great. I'll take my wealth and possibly a mention in the history books, but I would hate having to deal with people drooling over the ground I stepped on. I've never been an attention whore, and besides, who wants to end up like Jessi Slaughter?

Who's right or wrong on this case, the kid or 4chan. etc ?
26.07.2010 - 14:57
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 25.07.2010 at 23:30

Who's right or wrong on this case, the kid or 4chan. etc ?

Well, if you want my opinion, I think they're both wrong. Jessi because she's 11, an attention whore, dresses slutty, and acts like a total bitch that you just want to slap. 4chan because they're harassing a little girl. Regardless, I hope this "Jessi" character learns her lesson and grows up a bit, instead of living the rest of her life as the two-faced girl that clearly believes she was totally innocent and that people are doing this for no reason.

Regardless, I still find the entire scenario hilarious.
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>