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Egyptian Metalstormers

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Posted by Zombie, 12.07.2010 - 23:55
So, the thread that would probably be buried at the bottom of the forum considering the sheer amount of Egyptian Metalstormers
what's next? Antarctic Metalstormers thread ?
there goes nothing...
07.09.2010 - 05:15
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Haha, yeah Alexandrians (lol) rock! BUT, generally, Egyptians rock, after a bit of changes though. Government screwed Egypt up.
Anways, I would be pissed if I went to see a band, I went only to see, didn't play.
Oh well, he has the right to be pissed, but no right to insult the crowd.
07.09.2010 - 05:19
Well, Egyptians certainly do NOT rock ... or at least my fellow cairens ... robbery, sexual harrassment, pollution, traffic, everything's expensive, cairo has got to be one of the worst places in the world to live in... but i agree that alexandrians kick ass
and, i agree that hosni mubarak fucked us up, son of bitch should die already (and take gamal with him).

so, youre from saudi arabia and living in egypt.. or are you fully egyptian ?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
07.09.2010 - 05:26
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I would be pissed if I were him, but I wouldn't lose control and insult the audience. Politeness is very essential, idk why some ppl think it's cool to be badass and an offender, just no, it's disgusting he said that.
Isn't that emo trend dead?

Look on the bright side, you got to eat the legendary kebda we have. lol

Lol, double posts, I hate you.
07.09.2010 - 05:31
Emo doesnt die, they're like cockroaches, they survive nuclear holocausts
or like Tony Montana says in Scarface: Die Cock-a-roach !!

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
07.09.2010 - 17:11
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No, I'm 100% Egyptian, I just have a Saudi Arabian name. lol
100% Alexandrian and am proud of it.
But, ppl always questioned my Egyptianity (I know it's not a word.)
08.09.2010 - 04:50
No one's 100% Egyptian ... we've been invaded by so many countries throught history (especially northern parts of egypt) that the original egyptian genes are almost lost, we're all a mix of arab-turkish-greek-roman-persians !

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
08.09.2010 - 05:07
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My bad, haha

Btw, I don't think that emo trend is gonna be surviving for long. It just doesn't have enough balls to stand the test of time. (no offense)
I just hope for all those trends to just die. When they grow up, they'll realise how silly they were.
Or not. It's just a very nice thing to be yourself, not to follow some silly trend.

Btw, read this funny review, I stumbled across it while surfing.
08.09.2010 - 05:28
Written by [user id=108163] on 08.09.2010 at 05:07

...(no offense)

why would i be offended, i'm not emo ?!
so, yeah i hope this trend dies ... bunch of immature confused kids, they'll hopefully grow out of it.

anyways i agree about 'being yourself' thing... its only downside is that you'll have VERY a few friends left as no one would fully understand you or accept your different mentality ... in our beautiful prejudice society. however, its better to have two or three REAL friends than to have a dozen of fake ones.

btw, that review is hilarious .. although it pisses me off that pieces of shit like those breathe our precious air ... while they should be rotting in the sewers where they belong

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
10.09.2010 - 03:44
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Why would i be offended, i'm not emo ?!

You are obviously NOT emo, lol, I didn't mean you! I meant anyone who MIGHT get offended. For some reason, I often write no offense at the end of an offensive sentence. or kinda.
10.09.2010 - 05:00
LOL, you remind me of egyptian people when they're like "la mo2akhza ya3ny"

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
12.09.2010 - 05:33
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Haha yeah I almost always say that.

EDIT: No offense ya3ny
12.09.2010 - 06:42
La mo2akhza ya me3allem bel sala 3alnaby keda ya3ny ya she2ee2 loool ... damn maba3rafsh ab2a bee2a !!

Translation: no offence mister and praises to the prohpet, bro. damn i cannot be "nature" haha

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
12.09.2010 - 21:49
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How many active Egyptians now? I only saw 4.
13.09.2010 - 04:47
You're Ahab now ? lol ...
mmm.. there's you .. me .. roro used to be active but i dunno what happened to her .. and hossam.shuk posts occasionally.
apparently thats about it.

so, you like funeral doom ?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
14.09.2010 - 04:05
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Kinda, when I'm in the mood, I like it, when I'm not, I find it so damn boring.
And no, I am Lovecraft now! lol
H.P. Lovecraft is an amazing horror books writer.
I found Wishmaster lame.
14.09.2010 - 21:45
Written by [user id=108163] on 14.09.2010 at 04:05

Kinda, when I'm in the mood, I like it, when I'm not, I find it so damn boring.
And no, I am Lovecraft now! lol
H.P. Lovecraft is an amazing horror books writer.
I found Wishmaster lame.

lol , how can u change your name ? is that possible or you have to send pm to the admins and ask them to change it?

anyways, yeah i hate doom .. most boring kind of metal in my opinion .. i prefer faster stuff.
I haven't read anything for Lovercraft however, not such a 'novel' fan .. i prefer reading ... well ... regular books.. books with a certain topic either scientific or historic ones .. was never really into novels.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
15.09.2010 - 02:28
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Written by Zombie on 14.09.2010 at 21:45

Written by [user id=108163] on 14.09.2010 at 04:05

Kinda, when I'm in the mood, I like it, when I'm not, I find it so damn boring.
And no, I am Lovecraft now! lol
H.P. Lovecraft is an amazing horror books writer.
I found Wishmaster lame.

lol , how can u change your name ? is that possible or you have to send pm to the admins and ask them to change it?

anyways, yeah i hate doom .. most boring kind of metal in my opinion .. i prefer faster stuff.
I haven't read anything for Lovercraft however, not such a 'novel' fan .. i prefer reading ... well ... regular books.. books with a certain topic either scientific or historic ones .. was never really into novels.

Just click edit profile. You can edit your username. At first, I thought I couldn't.
I used to hate doom a lot. But now, some bands are growing on me. It needs some time.
I wasn't a reader until I discovered Lovecraft. I read his books online. I have no money. lol
I love reading scary stuff, especially real ones.

So, you like thrash and death I see?
15.09.2010 - 02:58
Yep, my story with 'metal' goes back to .. hmm.. well, before you were born hehe
first time i listened to metal was on the radio, on a friday morning they played "The Killing Road" by Megadeth in 1994 or 1995 i think (The year the "Youthanasia" album was released) .. i was about 8 or 9 years old.. i instantly fell in love with it... and then i discovered that my cousin (who was about 20 years old then) used to listen to metal.. so i went up to him and got some 'cassette tapes' ... Iron maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Venom, Kreator, Skid Row, Six feet Under, White Zombie, Anthrax, and alot more ..
i really got into thrash then... then the government started arresting all metalheads in egypt during the 1997 'satanism' thing.. so metal tapes weren't available in stores anymore .. and the only way you could listen to metal was through MTV... so, that got me to listen to the mainstream stuff, Nu-Metal n such ...(there was no internet in Egypt then) .. then when the internet became available in Egypt i started listening to 'decent' metal once more ... i got into death metal along with thrash ... then my friends asked me to join their black metal band and i did.. so i got into black metal for a while .. and for some reason every girl i ever dated was into doom .. so, i got into that too -by force- lol .. so, i've passed through all phases of extreme metal; black, death, thrash, doom.. well, and Nu-metal lol ...
but currently i listen to almost exclusively thrash and death, they're my favs. and they're what got me into metal in the first place.

sorry for the LOOONG post but people always seem unconvinced when i tell'em i'm into thrash and death but not into other extreme stuff .. so i usually have to point out that i DID listen to everything at different points in my life and i now settled on these two genres

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
17.09.2010 - 06:30
Written by Zombie on 15.09.2010 at 02:58

Yep, my story with 'metal' goes back to .. hmm.. well, before you were born hehe
first time i listened to metal was on the radio, on a friday morning they played "The Killing Road" by Megadeth in 1994 or 1995 i think (The year the "Youthanasia" album was released) .. i was about 8 or 9 years old.. i instantly fell in love with it... and then i discovered that my cousin (who was about 20 years old then) used to listen to metal.. so i went up to him and got some 'cassette tapes' ... Iron maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Venom, Kreator, Skid Row, Six feet Under, White Zombie, Anthrax, and alot more ..
i really got into thrash then... then the government started arresting all metalheads in egypt during the 1997 'satanism' thing.. so metal tapes weren't available in stores anymore .. and the only way you could listen to metal was through MTV... so, that got me to listen to the mainstream stuff, Nu-Metal n such ...(there was no internet in Egypt then) .. then when the internet became available in Egypt i started listening to 'decent' metal once more ... i got into death metal along with thrash ... then my friends asked me to join their black metal band and i did.. so i got into black metal for a while .. and for some reason every girl i ever dated was into doom .. so, i got into that too -by force- lol .. so, i've passed through all phases of extreme metal; black, death, thrash, doom.. well, and Nu-metal lol ...
but currently i listen to almost exclusively thrash and death, they're my favs. and they're what got me into metal in the first place.

sorry for the LOOONG post but people always seem unconvinced when i tell'em i'm into thrash and death but not into other extreme stuff .. so i usually have to point out that i DID listen to everything at different points in my life and i now settled on these two genres

loool, man the first time that i heard a real metal was 3 years ago, which make me a little newbie for you ,it was after forever , i was fond of Gothic metal back then thanks to evanescence , my first rock band to hear.........but now they are like pure crap 2 me.....then Moonspell and i discovered Opeth and then they changed my whole perspective of music ,and then Shape Of Despair and Ahab , until now my fav. genres are extrm. doom and prog metal .

@ lovecraft : same thing here about Ahab , when i wanna headbang Ahab isn't my first option at all, but most the time they amaze me
19.09.2010 - 03:06
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Haha, I love Ahab! I also love Shape Of Despair!


At least you started the pathway any metalhead should've started. I am jealous!

My music-listening journey is probably the worst!

Teen pop -> Pop/Rock -> Electronic/Trance/Disco -> Alternative Rock -> Nu metal/Post-Grunge (6th grade!) -> Punk Rock/Pop/Punk ->
Post-Hardcore/Metalcore/Deathcore -> Gothic/Symphonic/Folk/Death/Black/Thrash/Doom/etc.... (I started with bands like CoB and Nw)
Well, their older stuff are better, but now nooooooo!

Oh yes, and Evanescence was an experience...ughh
Linkin Park, too and oh my god, how much they suck! I just hate them. I can't believe I ever listened to them!

Advent, if you are a noob compared to him, then what am I?
I started the good metal (at least for me) last year. A year ago!

Saw the crappy sequence? Really crappy! lol
19.09.2010 - 04:15
Lol, its not about'who started listening to metal earlier' .. the important thing is that both of you were unique and independent enough to develop your own taste in music, not influenced by peer pressure or culture .. and you managed -eventually- to listen to good metal. i'm very impressed .. my journey with metal was alot more 'simple' than you guys, i had my cousin who was into metal and he helped me all the way.. you just discovered metal by yourselves.. now I'M impressed

anyways i was always open minded about good music.. even though i listened to almost exclusively metal since i was about 8 or nine.. i listened to some rap too that has a message behind its lyrics (mainly 2pac), and some pop too but more like classic pop, not the crappy boy-band girl -band teen crap (mainly Elton john) .. and that was besides metal

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
19.09.2010 - 05:08
Account deleted
I listened to all types of music, almost. The suckish, and the good ones.

Peer pressure is really getting into me.

A lot of my friends listen to suckish music, so I'm always exposed to it.
I hear lyrics like "you're so hot, I wanna ---- you", and all that crap. They make me laugh. I told them to try metal, but, they say metal is for posers and stuff like that.

A lot of the mainstream music now is just pure piss, easy to make, and easy to sell.

I really hate Ke$ha, Owl City, Brokencyde, and all that crap.
I read comments like "They are so talented, you are just jealous" Really? I just lol and not take them seriously.
Sometimes, you shouldn't take certain people seriously.
19.09.2010 - 05:23
Written by [user id=108163] on 19.09.2010 at 05:08

I really hate Ke$ha, Owl City, Brokencyde, and all that crap.

LOL who the hell are those ? .. are they famous? .. i only know about Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber, Rihanna, and katy perry.
thank god ya3ny lol

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
19.09.2010 - 05:26
Account deleted
Good thing you don't know them! I get to listen to them everyday, almost, by force!
19.09.2010 - 05:48
@lovecraft : same journey i went through , but the beautiful thing about it that we always getting deeper into the music , different lyrics and explore a whole dimension, at least we heard everything and you know now what is pure crap/ mediacore stuff and what is profound music , and i have same problem you have with your friends , even more seriously as my male friends prefer rap & 50 cent crap, gang stuff , and my female friends prefer tamer hosni (yes i know it's disgrace to mention him ) and Avril , Amy Lee shit stuff, even Indian music stuff

I guess i will just have a heart attack soon

@ ezz_zombie : Yes it's differnt when u discover urself , because you will capture the essence of it when u go through the experience of listning it, if some one tell u what it how would it feels or anything else he will just ruin it.

i noticed on your profile that u r architect, wanna share some agony with one of ur own kind
19.09.2010 - 06:30
The agony ends soon -i hope so- coz i'm leaving the fucking country
if you wish to work as an architect you too should seek a career abroad... or, stay here and change careers. there's practically no hope in ever working as an architect in Egypt.

@Lovecraft: my brother always listens to trance and house crap all day long with loud volume, i have a chronic headache coz of him

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
19.09.2010 - 07:09
Tell me about , it's all doing cad, max , working drawings things , but u can;t not involve in anything serious concerning any designing process .....really depressing thing
03.10.2010 - 14:27
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*clicks the revive button*

How is everyone doing in here?
04.10.2010 - 01:49
Lol ... we (which means advent and myself) are fine -i guess- .. how about ? ... any new album recommendations?

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
04.10.2010 - 02:24
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Hmmm the Pharaohs thread seems interesting!