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The easiest genre to get into

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Posted by The Alchemist, 22.03.2007 - 05:18
As opposite to the thread: the most difficult genre to get into, I'd be interesting to see your opinions on this issue.
Imo, getting into a genre deppends of the music we listen to, besides Metal and what we search in Metal, for example: I got really easy into Gothic Metal because I was interested in the dark side of music, life, art... and I got really interested in the gothic culture for some time.
So, imo, the easiest genre to get into would be Power or Heavy, I can't decide which is the easiest one
24.03.2007 - 01:56
The Sasquatch
I think it depends a lot
if you are some one cheazy and dont give a fuck about what other people think (me lol) its Power Metal
if you a tipcal american, who wants to listen music to be "cool" is mainstreen trash and crapy death metal
if you norowegian is black metal (dont try to run away from you roots!)
if you are a dreamer, or someone romantic its going to be Power metal or Prog
if you are "goth" but whatsoever dont have anyreal problems your gonna listen to HIM and Lacuna Coil
BUT if you are real goth with REAL problems you'll listen to Doom metal
if you are a whigger, youll listen to Nu metal (if you consider that as a type of metal)
if you are from japan you WILL listen to power metal OR gleam metal
if you are from europe you can listen to whatever the hell you want (exept for the UK, US rules aply for the UK too)
if you are happy your gonna listen to Power metal or Gleam
if you hate society you'll listen to anything that is metal
if you like classical music you'll listen to goth OR melodic/symphonic power metal
and the list goes on....
24.03.2007 - 02:06
El Vikingo
Written by AntaeusM on 22.03.2007 at 11:33

Written by [user id=19702] on 22.03.2007 at 11:24

Trash and heavy metal are definately the easiestto get into, they are the only genre I know that every metal head has an intrest in, and they the genre that got me into metal, but dont seem to listen to too much of it anymore

Well, I have difficulities enjoying both Thrash and Heavy metal. I enjoy a few bands of both genres, but most bands are really just not enjoyable for me. I can understand if heavy metal is easy to get into, since it is catchy, more accesible and it isn't messed up by ideologies and other weird side effects.

I would say, the most easy genre, the "pop" side of gothic metal, or power metal. With the pop side of gothic metal I mainly mean bands such as Charon, Poisonblack, later Sentenced, HIM etc. They are so easy to get into..for power metal. It depends. The catchier side of power metal(Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Helloween etc.) is really easy to get into. However, the power metal with a million solos and extremely fast playing (Concerto Moon, Dragonforce etc.) are horribly difficult to get into.

Bingo. I couldn't agree with you more. A lot of those types of gothic metal bands and other rather wimpy female fronted bands are where I think a lot of people are getting their first taste of metal these days. The bands are not real heavy, but they have enough atmosphere and difference that it sets them apart from most of what is super popular.
"The worst kind of death is getting eaten by someone you love."
24.03.2007 - 07:31
...hmmm....i think it's power metal...then heavy...i guess those r the easiest genres to get into metal...i can tell it because i've learned and seen so around here...they're easy listening, a little bit cheesy and sticky too hehe...
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
24.03.2007 - 15:02
Account deleted
Thrash metal is for me something so fast and agressive that I just have to like it.
25.03.2007 - 13:29
The Aryaputra
Bands like Iron maiden can easily attract some music lover (not those emo s, rap, hiphop and all those worthless shits) because their music isn't too loud and extreme (extreme metal subgenres may be intolerable to those who aren't familiar with extreme metal) and is melodic.
that which shines without names and forms...
25.03.2007 - 17:47
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 23.03.2007 at 00:51

Written by [user id=5431] on 22.03.2007 at 23:15

Written by Bad English on 22.03.2007 at 21:29

No doubt power metal because of chassy riffs and melodies and songs, its something mix between pop and metal so almoustvall like this gere
Then no doubt female frontet band like Nightwish, Epica, After Forever, LACUNA COUL because of singer persnality, lock and well even brests

Then early heavy metal, because its beggining of all metal and IMO all metalheads start whit those bands

Look's alone aren't enough to make a band popular, what about Thorr's Hammer? I tihnk it's the romantic content and memorable melodies of those bands way over the looks that gaint hem fans. Not to mention tha tmso tof their fans are female, and unless they're all lesbians it won't be the looks...

Thorr;s Hammer - its underground and doom metal band but I atlking about those popular bands what I mention who has soem palce in radio and comercial thinks

but well Luminaria, Ashes You Leave, and many namy more bands whit female voice are low know, its becaus eog gernre and Thorr's Hammer are doom, and get into doom are werry hard

Exactly, look are nto a factor in who likes metalbands, for example Angtoria are extremely popular and Sarah Jezebel Deva isn't good looking at all. The only case wher eI can say the inclusion of female looks has an effect is Arch Enemy, and that's more because of the fact that Mellodeath si very easy to get into and a woman growling is so novelty to most people. Thorr's Hammer have a far prettier and more brutal vocalist but as you said being doom it's alot less accessible.
25.03.2007 - 17:51
Account deleted
Written by AntaeusM on 22.03.2007 at 11:33

Written by [user id=19702] on 22.03.2007 at 11:24

Trash and heavy metal are definately the easiestto get into, they are the only genre I know that every metal head has an intrest in, and they the genre that got me into metal, but dont seem to listen to too much of it anymore

Well, I have difficulities enjoying both Thrash and Heavy metal. I enjoy a few bands of both genres, but most bands are really just not enjoyable for me. I can understand if heavy metal is easy to get into, since it is catchy, more accesible and it isn't messed up by ideologies and other weird side effects.

I would say, the most easy genre, the "pop" side of gothic metal, or power metal. With the pop side of gothic metal I mainly mean bands such as Charon, Poisonblack, later Sentenced, HIM etc. They are so easy to get into..for power metal. It depends. The catchier side of power metal(Hammerfall, Rhapsody, Helloween etc.) is really easy to get into. However, the power metal with a million solos and extremely fast playing (Concerto Moon, Dragonforce etc.) are horribly difficult to get into.

You'd be suprised, here Dragonforce are the msot popular power metal band by a long way because people are easily fooled that a little bit of cheese and fast playing = good music. The band themselves are friends with metalcore acts such as BFMV and Tiriviuma nd are entirely removed from the power metal scene. Conversly no one except dedicated metalheads int he UK listens to Helloween.
25.03.2007 - 19:06
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
For me the easiest genre to get into was Either NWOBHM or Power Metal. When I first stated listening I was Into Maiden Like a Fiend, and I also grew to love Blind guardian and for a while was a self proclaimed power metaler (now I'm an everything metaler). Thrash was also easy for me to get into courtesey of Megadeth, and Shadows Fall got me hooked on Metalcore, though it took me a while to become Accustomed to the harsh vocals. Their Vocals are weak compared to what I listen to now still one of my favorite bands though.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
26.03.2007 - 18:29
Power? It took me some time to get into europower. In the beginning it was too soft, I was like, hey, where are the dark heavy riffs, this is some happy hippie music and its way too fast. Now I like it quite much.
27.03.2007 - 00:19
Bitch Boy
Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2007 at 01:56

I think it depends a lot
if you are some one cheazy and dont give a fuck about what other people think (me lol) its Power Metal
if you a tipcal american, who wants to listen music to be "cool" is mainstreen trash and crapy death metal
if you norowegian is black metal (dont try to run away from you roots!)
if you are a dreamer, or someone romantic its going to be Power metal or Prog
if you are "goth" but whatsoever dont have anyreal problems your gonna listen to HIM and Lacuna Coil
BUT if you are real goth with REAL problems you'll listen to Doom metal
if you are a whigger, youll listen to Nu metal (if you consider that as a type of metal)
if you are from japan you WILL listen to power metal OR gleam metal
if you are from europe you can listen to whatever the hell you want (exept for the UK, US rules aply for the UK too)
if you are happy your gonna listen to Power metal or Gleam
if you hate society you'll listen to anything that is metal
if you like classical music you'll listen to goth OR melodic/symphonic power metal
and the list goes on....

I don't know if this is completely true, but it made my laugh
27.03.2007 - 05:30
Xtreme Jax
Thrash Metal

If you actually look and the bands that you grew up with and started listening to first, its hard to not to say Thrash Metal. Take a look at Metallica, I'd say atleast 50% or more of us metalheads (here and in general) got into this band as their sole reason for breaking into the metal scene inside of music. Then from there, band names from the style that were closely linked with Metallica would popup - Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and others from the German Thrash Metal scene.

Hellcunt Smurf
29.03.2007 - 00:33
Account deleted
Written by Judas on 23.03.2007 at 13:18

I'm agreeing with the majority, Heavy and Power Metal are definitely the easiest paths into Metal for the uninitiated. Almost everyone has heard at least one song by Motörhead, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or Judas Priest, but many stop there, with their tastes more focused on other genres (hence the live shows of these bands attracting a really wide range of people). However, if someone listened to Maiden then Saxon then Dio and so on, they'd eventually get hooked. The same goes for those who hear Sonata Arctica (probably the wimpiest and most pop-sounding Power Metal band around that everyone still loves) and then Rhapsody or Nightwish, these bands are so friendly on the ears that it's obvious why they're also some of the most popular bands in their genres.

There are some people I know who thought of Metal solely as 'Death, Blood, Kill, Scream' music, who then heard some Sonata Arctica and Helloween, and now say Power Metal is their favourite music! It's to do with these genres being those closest to the mainstream tastes. Let's face it, your average teeny-bopper won't want to hear 'Chainsaw Gutsfuck' by Mayhem as their first taste of metal, and if they do, then it's not exactly rocket science to guess what they'd think. On the other hand, play them 'Trail of Broken Hearts' by DragonForce, and chances are they'll say, "That's not bad!"

Teenagers love their agression,
Black metal is unintentionaly really accessible, especialy image heavy bands like Mayhem, bands liek Keep of Kalessin may be more mellodic but without the controversial image the teens dont flock to them.
The fact that you dismiss Sonata Arctica for being 'wimpy' proves that one of their intentional strongpoints, the honest emotion in their music, the lack of trying to play the 'tough guy', is beyond you, and is too intense for you, because it would make you feel less manly to listen to it. If you hate music that's friendly on the ears then you should only listen to Drone and Noise, or perhaps stop lsitening to music because its art and I suspect that makes 'it wimpy, gay and is for girls', maybe you sohuld jsut watch wrestling so you could feel nice and tough all the time? Or is that too mainstream also... Nothing as horrendous as liking some one else actualy enjoys!
29.03.2007 - 00:36
Account deleted
Written by Judas on 23.03.2007 at 13:18

I'm agreeing with the majority, Heavy and Power Metal are definitely the easiest paths into Metal for the uninitiated. Almost everyone has heard at least one song by Motörhead, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or Judas Priest, but many stop there, with their tastes more focused on other genres (hence the live shows of these bands attracting a really wide range of people). However, if someone listened to Maiden then Saxon then Dio and so on, they'd eventually get hooked. The same goes for those who hear Sonata Arctica (probably the wimpiest and most pop-sounding Power Metal band around that everyone still loves) and then Rhapsody or Nightwish, these bands are so friendly on the ears that it's obvious why they're also some of the most popular bands in their genres.

There are some people I know who thought of Metal solely as 'Death, Blood, Kill, Scream' music, who then heard some Sonata Arctica and Helloween, and now say Power Metal is their favourite music! It's to do with these genres being those closest to the mainstream tastes. Let's face it, your average teeny-bopper won't want to hear 'Chainsaw Gutsfuck' by Mayhem as their first taste of metal, and if they do, then it's not exactly rocket science to guess what they'd think. On the other hand, play them 'Trail of Broken Hearts' by DragonForce, and chances are they'll say, "That's not bad!"

*reads your profile and realises you weren't dismissing these bands* Sorry, I apologise for my mistake. But I shall leave that message as a comment to posers who do actualy claimt o not like music for being 'wimpy'.
29.03.2007 - 09:28
The Amputator
Written by [user id=5431] on 29.03.2007 at 00:36

Written by Judas on 23.03.2007 at 13:18

I'm agreeing with the majority, Heavy and Power Metal are definitely the easiest paths into Metal for the uninitiated. Almost everyone has heard at least one song by Motörhead, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden or Judas Priest, but many stop there, with their tastes more focused on other genres (hence the live shows of these bands attracting a really wide range of people). However, if someone listened to Maiden then Saxon then Dio and so on, they'd eventually get hooked. The same goes for those who hear Sonata Arctica (probably the wimpiest and most pop-sounding Power Metal band around that everyone still loves) and then Rhapsody or Nightwish, these bands are so friendly on the ears that it's obvious why they're also some of the most popular bands in their genres.

There are some people I know who thought of Metal solely as 'Death, Blood, Kill, Scream' music, who then heard some Sonata Arctica and Helloween, and now say Power Metal is their favourite music! It's to do with these genres being those closest to the mainstream tastes. Let's face it, your average teeny-bopper won't want to hear 'Chainsaw Gutsfuck' by Mayhem as their first taste of metal, and if they do, then it's not exactly rocket science to guess what they'd think. On the other hand, play them 'Trail of Broken Hearts' by DragonForce, and chances are they'll say, "That's not bad!"

*reads your profile and realises you weren't dismissing these bands* Sorry, I apologise for my mistake. But I shall leave that message as a comment to posers who do actualy claimt o not like music for being 'wimpy'.

No harm done. I do agree with you, there's nothing wrong with a soft sound, a lot of the time there's no sense in being harsh or heavy if such a stance/sound won't convey your message. Reinforcing the Power Metal argument, you've made me think of the lyrical component - Power and Gothic Metal lyrics are generally a lot more accessible than those of more Extreme Metal.

Anyway, continue the discussion please, it's quite interesting.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
29.03.2007 - 18:57
Valentin B
Written by Xtreme Jax on 27.03.2007 at 05:30

Thrash Metal
If you actually look and the bands that you grew up with and started listening to first, its hard to not to say Thrash Metal. Take a look at Metallica, I'd say atleast 50% or more of us metalheads (here and in general) got into this band as their sole reason for breaking into the metal scene inside of music. Then from there, band names from the style that were closely linked with Metallica would popup - Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and others from the German Thrash Metal scene.

thrash is definetely NOT the one. sure metallica is the most well-known band in metal, but "real" thrash metal is definetely hard to catch. slayer's "show no mercy" is just so fuzzy and fast and wtf that a typical metallica groupie wouldn't even see these 2 bands in the same genre, megadeth's first albums(especially killing is my business) also count, except maybe for the song "peace sells", which is quite a good anthem and a really pop-oriented song.

i said a page back that nu-metal is the one. well, i realised it's not, the easiest genre to get into is definetely classic old school heavy metal. judas priest-british steel(pretty much every single one of their albums up to painkiller) or iron maiden's debut, or the number of the beast(for the 13yo trendslaying wannabe brvtal satanist kid, this is THE HOLY FUCKING GRAIL, no competition whatsoever)

just listen to songs like run to the hills, the trooper, hellbent for leather, breaking the law, rapid fire, living after midnight, you've got another thing coming(yet another wannabe brvtal evil as fuck 13yo anthem), paranoid(wtf? maybe they don't know it, but everyone of us has heard the tune at least once and it's so catchy the guy will immediately get hooked)
29.03.2007 - 19:37
Xtreme Jax
Written by Valentin B on 29.03.2007 at 18:57

Written by Xtreme Jax on 27.03.2007 at 05:30

Thrash Metal
If you actually look and the bands that you grew up with and started listening to first, its hard to not to say Thrash Metal. Take a look at Metallica, I'd say atleast 50% or more of us metalheads (here and in general) got into this band as their sole reason for breaking into the metal scene inside of music. Then from there, band names from the style that were closely linked with Metallica would popup - Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and others from the German Thrash Metal scene.

thrash is definetely NOT the one. sure metallica is the most well-known band in metal, but "real" thrash metal is definetely hard to catch. slayer's "show no mercy" is just so fuzzy and fast and wtf that a typical metallica groupie wouldn't even see these 2 bands in the same genre, megadeth's first albums(especially killing is my business) also count, except maybe for the song "peace sells", which is quite a good anthem and a really pop-oriented song.

i said a page back that nu-metal is the one. well, i realised it's not, the easiest genre to get into is definetely classic old school heavy metal. judas priest-british steel(pretty much every single one of their albums up to painkiller) or iron maiden's debut, or the number of the beast(for the 13yo trendslaying wannabe brvtal satanist kid, this is THE HOLY FUCKING GRAIL, no competition whatsoever)

just listen to songs like run to the hills, the trooper, hellbent for leather, breaking the law, rapid fire, living after midnight, you've got another thing coming(yet another wannabe brvtal evil as fuck 13yo anthem), paranoid(wtf? maybe they don't know it, but everyone of us has heard the tune at least once and it's so catchy the guy will immediately get hooked)

I really need to write myself reminders to come back and finish posts... Thrash IS only one of the three that Id consider the easiest to get into. You just named the other two right there in the post; Traditional and Nu metal.

Basically, alot of people get through into metal by hearing the names of the likes of Metallica and Iron Maiden. Whilst starting of in a genre of music (like any 10-13 year old would with something new) they would hear of this one band that everyone knows and they'll start getting only their music for a while and say that they are a fan to this band because they no nothing else in the genre.

Thats the main reason why I said Thrash Metal, because Metallica are the core base around my view and most new kids on the scene with get more into metal through them. My thoughts are the same with Iron Maiden. I see now over the last year (here) that alot of kids* are wearing the Iron Maiden shirts are thats their main platform from getting into metal. Again, because of the fame that these big bands have create a stepping stone into more bands.

*kids = 10 to early teens

Its a bit like a computer game. Early on is the easy levels, then moves onto the harder ones. The easy levels act as almost training, thus being both the band Metallica and Iron Maiden. Its not very often you see someone go straight into bands like Nortt or Mortician or some other Extreme band, alot of listeners would need stepping stones to get into that type of sound.

I do releise, however, that I am generalising the whole of the genres; Metallica = Thrash & Iron Maiden = Traditional; but if you can see the point of view that these bands are some of the easier stuff to get into by kids and other people that arent into metal then wouldnt that be a good reason to say that these genres are more easier than other to get into?

Hellcunt Smurf
29.03.2007 - 21:35
Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2007 at 01:56

if you a tipcal american, who wants to listen music to be "cool" is mainstreen trash and crapy death metal

Hmm...what do you consider as crappy dm?
30.03.2007 - 00:07
totally mainstream kinds like nu metal and symphonic
give praise for the blood it bled,
grant a rose for the dead...
30.03.2007 - 00:10
The Sasquatch
Written by Sunioj on 29.03.2007 at 21:35

Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2007 at 01:56

if you a tipcal american, who wants to listen music to be "cool" is mainstreen trash and crapy death metal

Hmm...what do you consider as crappy dm?

They like act all hardcore and stuff but they are acctually listening to CoB(nothing against it) Disturbed, Slipknot, and some others Nu metal bands (I know CoB is not nu metal but its far from being DM) and think that they are listening to fucking Death Metal and it just pisses me off, I fucking hate these people =P
31.03.2007 - 06:06
Daru Jericho
Symphonic, heavy or power metal. They're marketed heavily here. And by power metal, I mean more so the Finnish bands than the German ones.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

31.03.2007 - 23:04
Account deleted
Well in first place it's gotta be that mainstream Nu-Metal, alternative crap, just look how sold out bands like Korn are.

But if we're talking about real metal for underground metal fans i'd say cheesy power metal bands (i won't give examples cause you guys already know lots) and heavy metal, maybe some not so heavy Thrash bands.
01.04.2007 - 19:26
Written by 4look4rd on 30.03.2007 at 00:10

Written by Sunioj on 29.03.2007 at 21:35

Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2007 at 01:56

if you a tipcal american, who wants to listen music to be "cool" is mainstreen trash and crapy death metal

Hmm...what do you consider as crappy dm?

They like act all hardcore and stuff but they are acctually listening to CoB(nothing against it) Disturbed, Slipknot, and some others Nu metal bands (I know CoB is not nu metal but its far from being DM) and think that they are listening to fucking Death Metal and it just pisses me off, I fucking hate these people =P

haha, I know what you mean, when I first starting listening to "metal" I was convinced that slipknot was Death metal, I pissed off alot of people but that got me on track
02.04.2007 - 14:05
Account deleted
I think it would be just straight up heavy metal. It's just metal, no sub genres. Definitely easier to "get into" then or death metal.
03.04.2007 - 11:55
The Bard
Hmmm, probably gothic/power, like Nightwish and similar, when my sister listen Nightwish or something like that no one in the house complains but when I am listening Darkthrone or Belphegor no one is very happy, many people here, younger people of cause, start listening to metal with bands like nightwish and it is easier for someone to understand music like that than Dark Funeral.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
03.04.2007 - 12:07
Dark Phoenix
Thrash. I can harly imagine someone liking rock music, especially hard rock and not liking thrash.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
03.04.2007 - 16:00
Pop-Punk like Blink 182. Also, hit-oriented stuff like Evanescence, Green Day and My Chemical Romance.
03.04.2007 - 22:28
Nu-metal most definately!

It got me into metal. Man, LInkin Park was the only thing i listened to back in my 50 cent days. System of a Down and Korn also act as a portal to getting people into the "real stuff". So i definately think nu-metal is the easiest metal genre to get into. You can also tell by record sales (i'm pretty sure Korn and System of a Down are loaded).
Procrastinate, NOW!
04.04.2007 - 23:43
The Alchemist
Written by APOHAKC on 03.04.2007 at 11:55

Hmmm, probably gothic/power, like Nightwish and similar

I couldn't agree more, in fact, Nightwish is one of the bands that got me into metal, besides Therion

I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid to be alive without being aware of it
Sensorium - Epica
05.04.2007 - 01:02
I R Serious Cat
Written by The Alchemist on 04.04.2007 at 23:43

Written by APOHAKC on 03.04.2007 at 11:55

Hmmm, probably gothic/power, like Nightwish and similar

I couldn't agree more, in fact, Nightwish is one of the bands that got me into metal, besides Therion

Niightwish is not gothic/power my friend.. It's Symphonic Power.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
05.04.2007 - 01:14
The Bard
Whatever man
God, why everytime some wise guy must appear?
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!