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Posted by Guib, 22.10.2011 - 23:24
So lately I've been playing Dark Souls, the recent follow up of Demon's Souls. Don't know if you guys played this one but hell its hard, harder than Demon that is.
Anyways, for those who don't know the game, its a third person RPG where you are left on your own, with not much hope and a huge variety of deadly creatures. Lets just say that... YOU WILL DIE. No matter how good you think you are, you'll die impaled, burned, crushed, sliced, poisoned, cursed, falling down endless holes, decapitated (and more). Basically you can build your character the way you like, you can use Magic, Melee weapons, Shields, Ranged weapons and a great variety of items for people who like long investment games, this is one of them.

So that said, I've been trying to kill the Moonlight Butterfly.. after dealing with the gargoyles on the church I was wondering if anyone could give me some hints on defeating that flying piece of shit cos I've been trying again and again, can't seem to do much against it ... lol

Discuss !!!
29.08.2012 - 21:07
I think I've never been so pissed at a game before, not even when Virgil from Devil May Cry 3 landed that lucky hit on me and killed me when I was 2-3 hits away from beating him after approximately 30 consecutive attempts (which equals to about 2 hours of fighting the same boss non-stop).

Apparently, those little frog-looking pieces of disgusting shit that live in the Depths exhale some fumes that Curse you, which kills you instantly and halves your maximum health until you cure it. So, not only did that drop me from full health to nothing completely unexpectedly, but now I have to grind three fucking thousand souls to get some piece of shit rock to cure me.

Fuck you, Dark Souls, just fuck you.
30.08.2012 - 05:01
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Written by Slayer666 on 29.08.2012 at 21:07

I think I've never been so pissed at a game before, not even when Virgil from Devil May Cry 3 landed that lucky hit on me and killed me when I was 2-3 hits away from beating him after approximately 30 consecutive attempts (which equals to about 2 hours of fighting the same boss non-stop).

Apparently, those little frog-looking pieces of disgusting shit that live in the Depths exhale some fumes that Curse you, which kills you instantly and halves your maximum health until you cure it. So, not only did that drop me from full health to nothing completely unexpectedly, but now I have to grind three fucking thousand souls to get some piece of shit rock to cure me.

Fuck you, Dark Souls, just fuck you.

I've managed to avoid getting cursed so far. I didn't even realised those things cursed you until I came across some more in the Great Hollow.


Just noticed a few hours ago the resolution patch had been updated to include a depth modifier. The game looks so much better with it turned off. Being able to see detail for miles around is most pleasant. No more horrible giant pixels for everything in the background.
30.08.2012 - 19:12
Written by [user id=4365] on 30.08.2012 at 05:01

I've managed to avoid getting cursed so far. I didn't even realised those things cursed you until I came across some more in the Great Hollow.

Lucky. There is no greater pain in the ass than being cursed. Funny thing is, there are 2 merchants that sell those Purging Stones which cure you, one for 3k the other for 6k souls. I'm at least lucky I saw the cheaper one first.

At lvl 42 currently, I'm not playing a lot, so my progress is slow. Finally managed to get the Drake Sword, works like a charm. Gonna check out that soul grinding exploit in Darkroot, and then I'll finally brave the Depths again.

Btw, did anyone kill that Dragon thingy that spits flames at you and kills Hollow soldiers on the bridge in Undead Burg? I've only recently discovered he's killable, but he seems pretty impossible to defeat, what with his attacks that cover the entire area and can't be dodged.
30.08.2012 - 20:15
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Written by Slayer666 on 30.08.2012 at 19:12

Lucky. There is no greater pain in the ass than being cursed. Funny thing is, there are 2 merchants that sell those Purging Stones which cure you, one for 3k the other for 6k souls. I'm at least lucky I saw the cheaper one first.

At lvl 42 currently, I'm not playing a lot, so my progress is slow. Finally managed to get the Drake Sword, works like a charm. Gonna check out that soul grinding exploit in Darkroot, and then I'll finally brave the Depths again.

Btw, did anyone kill that Dragon thingy that spits flames at you and kills Hollow soldiers on the bridge in Undead Burg? I've only recently discovered he's killable, but he seems pretty impossible to defeat, what with his attacks that cover the entire area and can't be dodged.

I managed to make it across the bridge and the fucker flew off. I then came back later on and was walking across across the bridge and he flew up from behind me and flamed me to death in one hit, despite me being level 105. I think you can just arrow him to death from the same area you shoot at his tail (from the left hand side rather than the right).

Just got into the area with the new content. It's quite a nice area. I killed the Sanctuary Guardian literally in 5 hits which is a bit disappointing as I didn't get to see his moves. I'm clearly over-leveled / abusing the tank abilities. Knight Artorias took a couple of goes but I could see him being very difficult if you weren't leveled up or unprepared.
31.08.2012 - 04:54
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Done. Took me about 80 hours. Looks like grinding/tanking does work because after I started doing so (after the Gargoyles) I only died once each on Knight Artorias (overzealous carelessness), Bed of Chaos (that one only because I mis-timed a jump and fell to my death) and Sif (and that one only because I wandered in there totally unprepared and not expecting it). Actually I died more from certain enemies; the giant cat things that spin at you in Darkroot Garden woods bit and the fucking giant skeletons that move on all fours in The Tomb of the Giants (hardest level of the game). The rest of the bosses I did in one shot. Admittedly this method essentially turns the game into a standard adventure RPG where each boss becomes block, attack, heal, repeat. Should probably try it the proper way sometime... Oh well, I enjoyed it a lot. Definitely the best game I've played since Mass Effect 2 probably, perhaps even Mass Effect 1 at that, despite having zero story.

Great game.
31.08.2012 - 09:14
Written by [user id=4365] on 30.08.2012 at 20:15

Written by Slayer666 on 30.08.2012 at 19:12

Lucky. There is no greater pain in the ass than being cursed. Funny thing is, there are 2 merchants that sell those Purging Stones which cure you, one for 3k the other for 6k souls. I'm at least lucky I saw the cheaper one first.

At lvl 42 currently, I'm not playing a lot, so my progress is slow. Finally managed to get the Drake Sword, works like a charm. Gonna check out that soul grinding exploit in Darkroot, and then I'll finally brave the Depths again.

Btw, did anyone kill that Dragon thingy that spits flames at you and kills Hollow soldiers on the bridge in Undead Burg? I've only recently discovered he's killable, but he seems pretty impossible to defeat, what with his attacks that cover the entire area and can't be dodged.

I managed to make it across the bridge and the fucker flew off. I then came back later on and was walking across across the bridge and he flew up from behind me and flamed me to death in one hit, despite me being level 105. I think you can just arrow him to death from the same area you shoot at his tail (from the left hand side rather than the right).

Just got into the area with the new content. It's quite a nice area. I killed the Sanctuary Guardian literally in 5 hits which is a bit disappointing as I didn't get to see his moves. I'm clearly over-leveled / abusing the tank abilities. Knight Artorias took a couple of goes but I could see him being very difficult if you weren't leveled up or unprepared.

Yeah, it was a bit weird, because I went up the tower where the black knight is, saw the dragon, shot him in the back once and he died. I was like wtf? Got 10000 souls for it though .
Haven't played the new stuff yet, any good?
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
31.08.2012 - 15:56
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Written by whatsacow on 31.08.2012 at 09:14

Yeah, it was a bit weird, because I went up the tower where the black knight is, saw the dragon, shot him in the back once and he died. I was like wtf? Got 10000 souls for it though .
Haven't played the new stuff yet, any good?

Yeah the new areas are pretty nice (apart from the Chasm of the Abyss bit which isn't that interesting). The bosses are all very nice looking and good to fight against. I was expecting the new areas and bosses to be dotted around the world but it's all accessed via one point.
31.08.2012 - 19:31
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Just realised I got a similar feeling with this as I did with Shadow of the Colossus. Vast open spaces, great sense of isolation and that unmistakable fear of dread when you see a giant boss that looks like it could pound you to death with one hit.
31.08.2012 - 21:49
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.08.2012 at 19:31

Just realised I got a similar feeling with this as I did with Shadow of the Colossus. Vast open spaces, great sense of isolation and that unmistakable fear of dread when you see a giant boss that looks like it could pound you to death with one hit.

This game is a work of art. It's a singular vision of bleakness, despair and fear, wrapped in a veil of hope. No game has ever made me feel this way, not even Shadow of the Colossus. To me, this game represents something no other medium can achieve. It doesn't try to be a film, or a book, or anything else. I may come off as pretentious, but this game is on par with my favourite albums or favourite games, and it just speaks to me. If anyone else feels the same, please tell me.

Also, thats a shame that the new areas are all in one location. How much time does it take to complete these new areas? Are they proper fully formed areas, or just mainly there for boss fights?
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
31.08.2012 - 22:03
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Written by whatsacow on 31.08.2012 at 21:49

Also, thats a shame that the new areas are all in one location. How much time does it take to complete these new areas? Are they proper fully formed areas, or just mainly there for boss fights?

Hmm it's hard to say but it could probably be done in about 4 hours perhaps? The area starts off with a boss fight and then tends to have an area or two in between the next boss fights. I suppose there's 4 distinct locations really.
31.08.2012 - 22:06
Written by [user id=4365] on 31.08.2012 at 22:03

Written by whatsacow on 31.08.2012 at 21:49

Also, thats a shame that the new areas are all in one location. How much time does it take to complete these new areas? Are they proper fully formed areas, or just mainly there for boss fights?

Hmm it's hard to say but it could probably be done in about 4 hours perhaps? The area starts off with a boss fight and then tends to have an area or two in between the next boss fights. I suppose there's 4 distinct locations really.

Huh. With the amount of grinding i do, it'll probably take 16
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
01.09.2012 - 10:28
Written by whatsacow on 31.08.2012 at 21:49

This game is a work of art. It's a singular vision of bleakness, despair and fear, wrapped in a veil of hope. No game has ever made me feel this way, not even Shadow of the Colossus. To me, this game represents something no other medium can achieve. It doesn't try to be a film, or a book, or anything else. I may come off as pretentious, but this game is on par with my favourite albums or favourite games, and it just speaks to me. If anyone else feels the same, please tell me.

Eh... I dunno, in order to achieve the atmosphere of bleakness and despair I usually need some context. The game doesn't give you any. All I know of my character is that he's an Undead guy who escaped from the asylum. While being undead does suck, it's repaired simply by... breaking those Humanity crystals? Which are found in bosses and rats, mostly. So there isn't a whole lot of reasons to feel the main character's tragedy.

What's his goal? To save the world? If so, why the hell would I want to do that? All that I've seen from the world are a bunch of fuckers trying to kill me and a mere handful of NPCs, each with only a couple of lackluster lines delivered through crappy voice-acting. So the game is not giving me too many reasons to care the world either.

I understand what you're trying to say, though, but that just doesn't work for me.
01.09.2012 - 15:00
Written by Slayer666 on 01.09.2012 at 10:28

Written by whatsacow on 31.08.2012 at 21:49

This game is a work of art. It's a singular vision of bleakness, despair and fear, wrapped in a veil of hope. No game has ever made me feel this way, not even Shadow of the Colossus. To me, this game represents something no other medium can achieve. It doesn't try to be a film, or a book, or anything else. I may come off as pretentious, but this game is on par with my favourite albums or favourite games, and it just speaks to me. If anyone else feels the same, please tell me.

Eh... I dunno, in order to achieve the atmosphere of bleakness and despair I usually need some context. The game doesn't give you any. All I know of my character is that he's an Undead guy who escaped from the asylum. While being undead does suck, it's repaired simply by... breaking those Humanity crystals? Which are found in bosses and rats, mostly. So there isn't a whole lot of reasons to feel the main character's tragedy.

What's his goal? To save the world? If so, why the hell would I want to do that? All that I've seen from the world are a bunch of fuckers trying to kill me and a mere handful of NPCs, each with only a couple of lackluster lines delivered through crappy voice-acting. So the game is not giving me too many reasons to care the world either.

I understand what you're trying to say, though, but that just doesn't work for me.

Like everything in the game, understanding the plot and story are something you have to work at. You learn from reading item descriptions, by looking at the world and exploring every inch of it. It doesn't explain everything, but it gives you enough to form an idea. And that's what art is, it isn't a story that explains everything, moving from one plot point to another. That's entertainment. Art is a series of fully formed ideas explored through a specific medium. If it doesn't grab you the same way as me, thats fine. Not everyone likes the same thing. Not my fault I'm more of a pretentious douche than you. You enjoy getting laid more, being more fun to talk to and in general a better person, and I'll continue delving too deeply into things that don't really matter
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
01.09.2012 - 17:04
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I think Dark Souls is definitely one of those games that works better for the lack of exposition and general plot. Definitely adds to its bleak minimalism. Lets the environment do the talking.
01.09.2012 - 17:17
I get both of you guys, but that doesn't work for me. I can dig minimalism in music, but I need my games to be rich and filled with content.

In other news, my new Lightning Spear (which I upgraded to +3) has definitively opened many doors for me. At lvl 60 right now, and I'm not being challenged very much. Other than falling off ledges. God, I fucking hate ledges. Beat Queelag, Iron golem and the giant wolf thingy all on my first attempt. The Homing Soul Mass and Soul Spear I bought from Big Hat Logan sure do help tremendously against bosses.

One tip I need though: is it better for me to go finish New Londo first or go straight to New Londo Ruins + Abyss?
01.09.2012 - 17:46
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New Londo = New Londo Ruins. Do you mean Anor Londo?

I don't think you can finish New Londo Ruins without getting the Lordvessel from completing Anor Londo. Unless you kill that guy on the roof in New Londo Ruins and get his key, I think. I'd probably finish Anor Londo first as that's kinda how the game is supposed to progress. I actually did the bonus content straight after Anor Londo though, then went to New Londo Ruins.

It's funny how many people moaned about the sniper archers in Anor Londo. I did it first time, just ran up with a shield held high.

I need to get a PS3 at some point soon for Demon's Souls. From what I've read most people prefer that over Dark Souls, but I suspect in many cases it's because they played that first. It doesn't have the open world element that this one does so I suspect I won't like it as much as this.
01.09.2012 - 19:53
Written by [user id=4365] on 01.09.2012 at 17:46

New Londo = New Londo Ruins. Do you mean Anor Londo?

I don't think you can finish New Londo Ruins without getting the Lordvessel from completing Anor Londo. Unless you kill that guy on the roof in New Londo Ruins and get his key, I think. I'd probably finish Anor Londo first as that's kinda how the game is supposed to progress. I actually did the bonus content straight after Anor Londo though, then went to New Londo Ruins.

It's funny how many people moaned about the sniper archers in Anor Londo. I did it first time, just ran up with a shield held high.

I need to get a PS3 at some point soon for Demon's Souls. From what I've read most people prefer that over Dark Souls, but I suspect in many cases it's because they played that first. It doesn't have the open world element that this one does so I suspect I won't like it as much as this.

Demon's Souls I managed to get into right away and I would play it quite a bit no matter how many times I died. With Dark Souls, I just couldn't do it. Wasn't able to really get into it. Id like to still try it again and eventually beat it but Im too busy with other games.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
02.09.2012 - 12:00
Written by [user id=4365] on 01.09.2012 at 17:46

I need to get a PS3 at some point soon for Demon's Souls. From what I've read most people prefer that over Dark Souls, but I suspect in many cases it's because they played that first. It doesn't have the open world element that this one does so I suspect I won't like it as much as this.

Dark Souls is better IMO, The only thing Demon souls gets better is the Atmosphere, everything else goes Dark Souls way.
02.09.2012 - 16:23
Written by [user id=4365] on 01.09.2012 at 17:46

New Londo = New Londo Ruins. Do you mean Anor Londo?

Goddamnit, what a brain fart. >_<

That Dragonslayer and Executioner duo in Anor Londo was the first challenging boss in a while. People bitch about how they're too difficult, but magic takes care of that. Got 'em on my 3rd attempt, when I figured out Executioner was the one whose attacks are easier to dodge/block so I focused the Dragonslayer guy and took him down in the first 20 seconds with 4 well-placed Soul Spears.

It's kinda weird, how magic works in this game. Downright useless against normal enemies as soon as you leave the first few areas, because it's clunky, slow and inaccurate (and just doesn't have enough uses to make it worthwhile). Against bosses, however, it really shines. It can melt 1/4 of their health before they even get close, and after that you just run away and continue poking from a distance.
02.09.2012 - 16:26
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I never used magic, aside from the basic healing spell a few times between enemies. I'll have to do a magic-type one day. The problem is I tend to play games the same way through every time. I found the Great Scythe to be the most useful weapon in this game, I can't see myself going through it using a club or something.
02.09.2012 - 16:58
I like spears myself. They don't have high STR/DEX requirements, allowing me to pump points into INT, VIT and END, they have awesome range and you can poke with them even whilst blocking with a shield. Those things make up for their rather mediocre damage, methinks.
02.09.2012 - 20:14
Written by @gent_-_orange on 02.09.2012 at 12:00

Written by [user id=4365] on 01.09.2012 at 17:46

I need to get a PS3 at some point soon for Demon's Souls. From what I've read most people prefer that over Dark Souls, but I suspect in many cases it's because they played that first. It doesn't have the open world element that this one does so I suspect I won't like it as much as this.

Dark Souls is better IMO, The only thing Demon souls gets better is the Atmosphere, everything else goes Dark Souls way.

I preferred the magic system in Demon's Souls and some of the bosses were amazing. They're both great titles, though Dark Souls is definitely the pick.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
05.09.2012 - 14:44
Wow. Bed of Chaos. I've seen some poorly designed boss fights in my time, but this takes the goddamn cake. There's bad, and then there's so bad someone should loose their job over it. I'm so glad I had to attempt him only 5-6 times, because the fight is so boring I would have probably given up on the game if I had to spend more time on this section.

At least the Four Kings and Demon FIresage were pretty cool. Difficult and fun, they really showcase the "trial and error" approach of the game. Almost made it to Seath the Scaleless, so we'll see how that goes.
05.09.2012 - 15:02
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Written by Slayer666 on 05.09.2012 at 14:44

At least the Four Kings and Demon FIresage were pretty cool. Difficult and fun, they really showcase the "trial and error" approach of the game. Almost made it to Seath the Scaleless, so we'll see how that goes.

I thought the Demon Firesage was naff. One of the re-skin bosses (the third one encountered at that point) and easy to beat just by hugging him and staying on his rear.

Pretty sure you should have fought Seath the Scaleless before Bed of Chaos and Demon Firesage though.
05.09.2012 - 15:44
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.09.2012 at 15:02

I thought the Demon Firesage was naff. One of the re-skin bosses (the third one encountered at that point) and easy to beat just by hugging him and staying on his rear.

Pretty sure you should have fought Seath the Scaleless before Bed of Chaos and Demon Firesage though.

Yea, that might have been easier. I could have bought better spells from Logan and gotten the Moonlight Greatsword before Demon Ruins, which would have made the Firesage and Ceaseless Discharge much easier. Oh, well.
05.09.2012 - 15:47
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Written by Slayer666 on 05.09.2012 at 15:44

Yea, that might have been easier. I could have bought better spells from Logan and gotten the Moonlight Greatsword before Demon Ruins, which would have made the Firesage and Ceaseless Discharge much easier. Oh, well.

You can just run away from the Ceaseless Discharge; it tries to leap a chasm and gets stuck. You're then free to hack away at its hands for a bit without attack ;]
06.09.2012 - 11:04
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.09.2012 at 15:47

Written by Slayer666 on 05.09.2012 at 15:44

Yea, that might have been easier. I could have bought better spells from Logan and gotten the Moonlight Greatsword before Demon Ruins, which would have made the Firesage and Ceaseless Discharge much easier. Oh, well.

You can just run away from the Ceaseless Discharge; it tries to leap a chasm and gets stuck. You're then free to hack away at its hands for a bit without attack ;]

You cheating bastar- I did the same
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
07.09.2012 - 15:26
Finished at level 82 and after about 55-56 hours. Seath and Nito were surprisingly easy, I only had to attempt Seath twice (because I fucked up the tail cutting bit) and Nito was dead 20-30 seconds after I first met him. Gwyn was also a bit too easy to take down after I figured out the right strategy (took about 5-6 attempts).

Fun game. Nowhere near worthy of all the praise people seem to have for it, but pretty fun nonetheless. I'm gonna go through NG+ because there's nothing else to play atm, and because I wanna know how it feels when your Endurance is at a decent level.
07.09.2012 - 15:45
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Written by Slayer666 on 07.09.2012 at 15:26

Finished at level 82 and after about 55-56 hours. Seath and Nito were surprisingly easy, I only had to attempt Seath twice (because I fucked up the tail cutting bit) and Nito was dead 20-30 seconds after I first met him. Gwyn was also a bit too easy to take down after I figured out the right strategy (took about 5-6 attempts).

Fun game. Nowhere near worthy of all the praise people seem to have for it, but pretty fun nonetheless. I'm gonna go through NG+ because there's nothing else to play atm, and because I wanna know how it feels when your Endurance is at a decent level.

Did you go through the new content as well? Sanctuary Guardian, Knight Artorias and the dragon thingy?
07.09.2012 - 15:57
Written by [user id=4365] on 07.09.2012 at 15:45

Did you go through the new content as well? Sanctuary Guardian, Knight Artorias and the dragon thingy?

No, I had no idea there even was any extra content.

How do I access the new areas?