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Crappiest Songs That You've Ever Heard?

Posts: 527   [ 6 ignored ]   Visited by: 395 users

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Posted by Metalguaska, 17.05.2006 - 02:51
Well, here is the new crappy music thread, so here you can spite all the bad music you want... by the way, i hate all that reggaeton crap, but that gasolina's just nauseous... makes me sick
17.06.2006 - 05:45
The Alchemist
Generally, those catchy songs which are played everywhere the whole time for around 2 months are just crappy, like asereje, and stuff like that

And for the people who know what reggaeton is. I think that most of us agree that this music is just bulls**t, full of annoying and dirty things

I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid to be alive without being aware of it
Sensorium - Epica
17.06.2006 - 18:39
There is too much crappy stuff... if you want crappy music go to myspace and search for hip-hop or pop and you'll get it... tons of it, I'm sure... If you're brave enough, try it
...cause I don't give a fuck if you hate me!
22.06.2006 - 22:31
Metal Master
What about Sexy Motherfucker by so fucking cool guy called Prince? I think it could be titlesong for this thread...:)
22.06.2006 - 23:10
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by marinBG on 17.06.2006 at 18:39

There is too much crappy stuff... if you want crappy music go to myspace and search for hip-hop or pop and you'll get it... tons of it, I'm sure... If you're brave enough, try it

btw you'll also get tons of crappy metal on myspace. Crappy songs have been written by a lot of metal bands too.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

23.06.2006 - 00:43
The Ancient One
Amen Oz, every genre is diluted with crappy musicians or crappy bands writing crappy songs.

Even good bands write crappy songs - like Iron Maiden's "Bring your Daughter to the Slaughter" - which is cosmically crappy given who wrote it and their other wonderful works.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
23.06.2006 - 01:43
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 22.06.2006 at 23:10

Written by marinBG on 17.06.2006 at 18:39

There is too much crappy stuff... if you want crappy music go to myspace and search for hip-hop or pop and you'll get it... tons of it, I'm sure... If you're brave enough, try it

btw you'll also get tons of crappy metal on myspace. Crappy songs have been written by a lot of metal bands too.

Haha, tell about it... we all are trying to give our humble contribution to the crappy metal music... Actually there are quite a lot of jokes of a band that record and release on mp3 quite a lot of stuff... and it goes for metal also... most of the amateur metal,especially in my country is crappy... and by crappy I mean really really crappy:) Thake my bands for instance... pure s**t
...cause I don't give a fuck if you hate me!
04.07.2006 - 15:43
Cookie Mistress
I just saw Paris Hilton´s new music video on tv and that was probably the crappiest thing I´ve ever seen/heard. Who is so crazy that lets her in the studio tho record that shit?
You'll never walk alone.
11.07.2006 - 17:32
Account deleted
One of the most crappiest music is surely made by those pop-stars or idols-TV competitions' winners. Here in Finland like Antti Tuisku, Hanna Pakarinen, Jane... and all the others. Those commercial s**ts
19.07.2006 - 02:55
Praise the Lard
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That weird clud techno/ hill billy song..something like" Where did you come from? Where did ta go? Where did ya come from cotton eye joe?" God just typing that song is going to imbed it in my brain for the next week!! Excuse me i need to ram a fork up my nose now.
19.07.2006 - 07:12
Well, i f***n' hate all that reggaeton crap and other non-sense music genres, that are widely spread in my country... but lately i have come face-to-face with the ultimate crappy music, some stupid puerto rican crap called Calle 13, and their annoying song Atrevete-te, that's the worst shit i have ever heard... it's some kind of ghetto rap, using cumbia-like instruments... oh god... it so bad...
Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea
19.07.2006 - 12:20
Cookie Mistress
@ Callette I definitely agree with you. They don´t know how to sing or perform and sell their cd´s only because their face is on the cover of the album. And still they are on the top of the lists every time they release something new...
You'll never walk alone.
19.07.2006 - 13:28
Rhianna's new single, Unfaithful or whatever it's called. It's constantly played on the radio and it's so crap and ubelievably self-pitying, it makes me want to slap her. And Paris Hilton, bien sur. I also hate all that -core rubbish, but there is a lot of shite black/death metal as well as crap hip-hop/pop bands. As a parting shot, James Blunt sucks balls as well. Can't sing, can't write coherent lyrics, and can barely play simple piano chords/a 3-bar repeating guitar intro...*sigh*
28.07.2006 - 06:12
Account deleted
I dont mind rap before the year 1995

but most new rap sucks bad donkey dick


anything by 50 cent, beyonce or any of those ghetto sluts.
I hate panic! at the disco
Can't stand that song grillz by nelly..... uhh.... too many to name....
snap ya fingers by lil john....
28.07.2006 - 07:19
The worst song I have ever heard is "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas I can't believe they are even trying to pass that shit off as music. Everytime I catch a glimpse of MTV it reminds me of why I listen to metal because the shit they are playing all of the time is completely pathetic what ever happend to bands who wanted to write great albums with meaning?
28.07.2006 - 14:43
Account deleted
Six Feet Under - Amerika The Brutal
This is probably one of the top 10 crappiest most stupid songs that I have ever heard in my life!!! I dont really like Six Feet Under ....well actually I dont like them at all....but this song just crossed any line there's pure CRAP!
28.07.2006 - 20:36
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
hahahaha six feet under's song is crap, the worst genre of all times is the psycho, pure shit.
28.07.2006 - 21:05
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Okay I am gonna quote Bitter Cold here...

one of the crappiest songs ever is Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter by Iron Maiden, man this relly sucks goats' nuts. I'd rather be given a a blowjob by a bunch of rabid pitbull terriers and doberman pincher than listen to this utter crap.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.08.2006 - 20:28
Account deleted
My sister listens to this shit loud but I ususally drown it out with a copy of Reign in blood or Hate Crew Deathroll Top 5 annoyances:

1. Any Song by the Pussycat Dolls * Proof that anorexia and no brains can get you somewhere in california *

2. My chemical Romance - Helena * She calls this Metal*

3. 50 Cent - Does the song title matter? * They all sound the same *

4. S CLub 7 - Pure Unadulteratd Shit * Can feel...Braincells....Dying.. *

5. Good Charlotte - * Annoying wannabe punks with endorsments up the ass. If you asked one of them who Glenn Danzig Was , Im sure one of them would say : " Sorry Dude dont know any Foreighners"

Having this type of shit in the house makes me proud to listen to metal and be supporting artists who HAVE TALENT. Not just a pretty face...... Unless your Angela Gossow and have both ....Call me
01.08.2006 - 21:26
Account deleted
anything from Simple, Good Charlotte, those lame "punk" bands on MTV
03.08.2006 - 03:05
Account deleted
Freak Me - Another Level.
08.08.2006 - 18:40
Account deleted
eagles of death metal truly suck ass.why do they call themselvess a rock band??????
10.08.2006 - 08:11
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Some of you might thing this is a pretty ridiculous song with in the realms of crap:

Or how about this new wave classic that a lot of people call mundane and uninteresting...I have mixed feelings about it myself really...
10.08.2006 - 11:50
Forever Dead
Anything from Madonna . She is ... very lousy
Heaven queen , carry me away from all pain

No reason to live for
One reason to die for

... To live for my death ...
13.08.2006 - 07:52
ooh man, i downloaded this Ulver album, Blood Inside, and it was obnoxious, by far the worst metal album i've ever heard... please don't download, unleast you want to start asking yourself questions like, what stupid thing is this? and why i'm living right now?...
Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea
13.08.2006 - 08:25
Lactation Cnslt
Written by [user id=1119] on 28.07.2006 at 14:43

Six Feet Under - Amerika The Brutal
This is probably one of the top 10 crappiest most stupid songs that I have ever heard in my life!!! I dont really like Six Feet Under ....well actually I dont like them at all....but this song just crossed any line there's pure CRAP!

ahh dude, I was just about to post that! That is definitely one of the worst metal songs I've heard.

Breadline by Megadeth is another horrible song. It's so cheesy
16.08.2006 - 22:47
Account deleted
Hard to say actually... But 99% of the songs that I've heard from radio channels are horrible. Also I could say that from MTV or TV in general. That's kinda why I don't support media...
17.08.2006 - 05:10
Deus Ex Machina
Panic! at the disco..."I write sins not tragedies"
That song is so goddamn stupid and after spending a whole day in front of the TV,showing very little signs that i'll ever got stuck in my head.
That lame singer with that whiny voice...."Haven't you people everrr hearrrd oooof closing the goddamn doooooor noooo"

*the voices in my head..shut up SHUUUUT UUUUP"
18.08.2006 - 22:08
mortal enemy
Account deleted
Written by heresiarch on 10.08.2006 at 11:50

Anything from Madonna . She is ... very lousy

I agree. Though her "Frozen" i do like. Sandra - Hiroshima sucks big time.
19.08.2006 - 00:06
Erotic Stains
Awwww, c'mon! So easy, like all Hip-Hop shit that's out there!
24.08.2006 - 08:22
Darth Satanious
Post Destroyer
Patience is a virtue that some of us have and thus not too many music gets on our nerves with just a few exceptions. From among them a Nu Metal band pops to my mind but since this is a thread found in the General Music forum I will limit myself into mentioning an artist outside of Metal.

If I have to pick someone the title would go to this singer (?) called Sean Paul. He just seems to be speaking a lot of shit, two words by second, which no one understands and without having his singing (?) with any relation or concordance to the music, the samples which are being played at the background of the music. His songs end up being just some fast spoken words with music there in the background, really pathetic.