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The most abused word in metal?

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Posted by Got Mayhem?, 16.03.2010 - 03:02
It's probably been said before, so excuse me if I've resurrected the body of a beaten horse.

Something that's irked me for quite a while now has been the use of the word "Progressive". It isn't exactly the word that bothers me, instead it is the way that it's often use that gives me a sinking feeling.

Progressive - adj, making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, new or experimental methods.

Certainly, there have been many bands in metal that have earned the title of a truly progressive band. I don't want to mention names because I'd like to keep the discussion away from squabbling over band genres. But seriously, does anyone else feel we use the word progressive too often? It seems all a band needs to do these days to have 'Prog' put in front of their main genre is add some middle eastern element or set of obscure South American instruments played only by a single tribe in the deepest part of the amazon. It doesn't seem to matter if another band has already done it or not. Once a single band does something progressive, is every band that follows suit also progressive? Or just a bunch of copy cats.

Discuss, I guess. If you want.
13.01.2011 - 00:12
"masterpiece" and "gods of..." are most stupid words for describing bands and their work ...
I hate reviews of some mainstream bands' work which contain such words....
"Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..."
"Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
15.01.2011 - 09:45
:sips wine: ....................................................Satan :sips wine: Lol. had to do it

But seriously I think "Progressive" is just way too much abused, at least from what I know. Every new band that pops here and there like a mushroom after the rain MUST have "black" and "progressive" in it's tags.
17.01.2011 - 09:52
Written by ANGEL REAPER on 13.01.2011 at 00:12

"masterpiece" and "gods of..." are most stupid words for describing bands and their work ...
I hate reviews of some mainstream bands' work which contain such words....

I agree, one of the reasons I don't read reviews is because of the language typically used by most critics. It's either pretentious or just a recycled opinion.
21.01.2011 - 08:21
Written by ANGEL REAPER on 13.01.2011 at 00:12

"masterpiece" and "gods of..." are most stupid words for describing bands and their work ...
I hate reviews of some mainstream bands' work which contain such words....

I agree 100%. I hate when I see people talk about Metallica and call them Gods of Metal. If you release an album like St. Anger, you pretty much flushed all your potential to be a metal god down the toilet.

I also agree with everyone else about the word "progressive" being thrown around. Some bands don't deserve that label at all, like say, System of a Down. I remember how everyone was saying Mezmerize was progressive rock but I'd label System as mainly alternative metal myself.
25.01.2011 - 02:00
I didn't read the whole post so I don't know if anyone mentioned it but: Brutal
25.01.2011 - 14:41
Written by SlaytanicGonzo on 25.01.2011 at 02:00

I didn't read the whole post so I don't know if anyone mentioned it but: Brutal

And that one too...
"Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..."
"Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
25.01.2011 - 18:32
Elodie Artour
My suggestions are: tr00, br00tal and kvlt. Sorry, couldn't choose just one of them.

@Got Mayhem?: Btw, fairly said man- nowadays, many metal bands try to be as original as possible which sometimes turns out to be a total disaster/joke.
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
30.01.2011 - 10:26
Account deleted
Written by whatsacow on 29.03.2010 at 07:23

Epic, tr00 and br00tal. They seem to be used in every single album review these days. I mean, i heard korn's new album is going to be epic, brutal and true. WTF!!!!

Agreed! IMO "br00tal" is the most abused one!
30.01.2011 - 17:26
Account deleted
The word "goat" seems to be mandatory for every black metal album. Also have you noticed how often metal bands use the word "cunt". Its the only place you get to hear/read it.
31.01.2011 - 01:46
Written by [user id=112141] on 30.01.2011 at 17:26

The word "goat" seems to be mandatory for every black metal album.

And what about christian black?

And... I see no reason for saying "gothic metal". Because it has nothing in common whith gothic rock. I don't like when people draw wrong conclusions about it.
"Da dies so ist, legt der Galeriebesucher das Gesicht auf die Br¨¹stung und im Schlussmarsch wie in einem schweren Traum versinkend weint er, ohne es zu wissen. (§ã) Franz Kafka
31.01.2011 - 12:21
Account deleted
Written by LIGHTBRINGER on 31.01.2011 at 01:46

Written by [user id=112141] on 30.01.2011 at 17:26

The word "goat" seems to be mandatory for every black metal album.

And what about christian black?

The word "christian" itself. Why do people think that if they put the christian prefix to (insert genre here), that it puts them in a different category, or makes them different in any way. Its foolish IMO
31.01.2011 - 21:28
Tranquillizer, christian can sound like usual black metal, but I use to find some kind of conception or even philosophy, not only sound in all music I listen to. Maybe I'm not right, but it's just my opinion)
"Da dies so ist, legt der Galeriebesucher das Gesicht auf die Br¨¹stung und im Schlussmarsch wie in einem schweren Traum versinkend weint er, ohne es zu wissen. (§ã) Franz Kafka
31.01.2011 - 22:45
I don't see how masterpiece is overused. Every band that has come into their own will have made/ought to have made a masterpiece. A masterpiece isn't a perfect album, it's a display of skill that shows your transition from apprenticeship to mastery. Its roots are in the master-apprentice education system of handicraft. So I think it's reasonable to say that any band who've stepped up their game at some point have a masterpiece album. Or maybe they start out really tight on their debut, which would make it their masterpiece.

Something that really irks me is the word commercial. What is that supposed to say about a band or an album? Any music that is for sale is commercial, any band that gets paid for their concerts or merchandise is commercial.
31.01.2011 - 22:52
The Ancient One
Written by [user id=112141] on 31.01.2011 at 12:21

Written by LIGHTBRINGER on 31.01.2011 at 01:46

Written by [user id=112141] on 30.01.2011 at 17:26

The word "goat" seems to be mandatory for every black metal album.

And what about christian black?

The word "christian" itself. Why do people think that if they put the christian prefix to (insert genre here), that it puts them in a different category, or makes them different in any way. Its foolish IMO

it's an adjective used to indicate the ideology within the music. some people don't care, others do. i guess it is helpful to those who seek out such music, or to those who avoid it.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
01.02.2011 - 14:20
Written by IronAngel on 31.01.2011 at 22:45

Something that really irks me is the word commercial. What is that supposed to say about a band or an album? Any music that is for sale is commercial, any band that gets paid for their concerts or merchandise is commercial.

Commercial means targeted at gaining mainstream success. Soft, radio-friendly music easily accessible for non-metal fans. I would also apply the word to any crap targeted specifically at teenagers in an obvious cash grab (see Dimmu Borgir or Children of Bodom for an example).

All bands get paid when they sell albums but not all bands make money or a living out of it. Also, not all bands play live.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
01.02.2011 - 19:02
That's exactly the kind of abuse I was talking about, thanks. >_< You 1) assume to know the motivations of an artist which is often unfounded and always rude and 2) you at least indirectly suggest it has any bearing on artistic merit ("any crap"). Besides, your idea about what is commercial is pretty narrow and biased, if you think metal fans are not the target audience of commercial music. Metal is about as commercial as it gets, these days. Metal is far from a niche, there are plenty of less "commercial" scenes out there. Whether something is soft or even radio-friendly has little to do with its commercial motivations or mainstream appeal (though radio play also plays a big part, but not everything technically "radio-friendly" gets played). So in short, you abuse the word commercial by alluding to meanings it doesn't inherently imply.

Every musical subculture has their elitists who like to decry "commercialism" and advocate true, selfless art made for its own sake, but this is especially rampant in metal. If you go to an indie rock board (probably also notorious for its elitism and self-importance), not even there will you find such a fuss about supposed commercialism as you will on a metal board.

I do get that people try to say a lot of things with the word commercial, and I'm not saying there aren't bands that I find distasteful, too easy and too obvious wave-riders. But most of that criticism is usually very personal and subjective, and people should explicitly state what they mean instead of hiding behind the unclear accusation of "commercialism" when they actually mean something else.
02.02.2011 - 01:58
Written by IronAngel on 01.02.2011 at 19:02

That's exactly the kind of abuse I was talking about, thanks. >_< You 1) assume to know the motivations of an artist which is often unfounded and always rude and 2) you at least indirectly suggest it has any bearing on artistic merit ("any crap"). Besides, your idea about what is commercial is pretty narrow and biased, if you think metal fans are not the target audience of commercial music. Metal is about as commercial as it gets, these days. Metal is far from a niche, there are plenty of less "commercial" scenes out there. Whether something is soft or even radio-friendly has little to do with its commercial motivations or mainstream appeal (though radio play also plays a big part, but not everything technically "radio-friendly" gets played). So in short, you abuse the word commercial by alluding to meanings it doesn't inherently imply.

Every musical subculture has their elitists who like to decry "commercialism"

Sometimes, the real motivations are obvious and no matter what people say, it won't change my point of view. The way some musicians, labels, reviewers etc deny blatant truth at times is only marketing. Don't be a victim of marketing.

Yes, the word 'commercial' has a derisive connotation for me. It has to do with music done more for monetary reasons than genuine art.

As for metal being commercial nowadays, I agree that it gets very commercial at times and we see lots of lame things you did not (or very rarely) see long ago. That's among the reasons why I hate the current metal scene.

As for elitism, yes I have some elitist views. I never tried to deny it and always assume it. For me, being called an elitist is more a compliment than an insult, as I think as long as you don't push it too far elitism is a quality. Elitism means the ability to make your own choices, know your tastes, focus on what you like, not loosing your time with stuff you don't like, and assuming your choices no matter what other people can say or think, in my book. And these are all positive things.
It only shows strenght of character.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
02.02.2011 - 14:03
Maybe so. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. I just think that people tend to use the word "commercial" to suggest more than what the word actually means, and in my book that's abuse.
02.02.2011 - 17:09
The Turbanator
Avant - garde (wtf does that mean actually?)
In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
02.02.2011 - 17:43
Fag. faggy album. faggot band. fagish guitars. fag on the drums. sings like a faggot.
leaving the intolerance question, it just is hillbilly insecurity.
hey, you ignorent bastards, to quote another one of your hated bands: "So Goddamn easy to write this, You make it spill on the page."
03.02.2011 - 04:52
The Turbanator
And I also hate it when bands tend to 'create' new genre by just changing a few riff styles or sound heavier or thinner.

I mean, technical death metal. Why don't just stick to Death Metal?

Soon we'll see Atmospheric Black Alloy or Sludge-Grind-Techno-Metalcore-Shoegaze metal.
In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
04.02.2011 - 16:39
Written by The Turbanator on 02.02.2011 at 17:09
Avant - garde (wtf does that mean actually?)

Get some culture, man.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
04.02.2011 - 17:16
The Turbanator
Written by vezzy on 04.02.2011 at 16:39

Written by The Turbanator on 02.02.2011 at 17:09
Avant - garde (wtf does that mean actually?)

Get some culture, man.

What you mean dude?
In the name of forests; In the name of stars; In the name of all the seas; In the name of storms... Proud sons of ancient nation; Proud sons of sacred song in the wind; Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told... Fathers of the icy age!!
04.02.2011 - 17:38
Written by The Turbanator on 04.02.2011 at 17:16

Written by vezzy on 04.02.2011 at 16:39

Written by The Turbanator on 02.02.2011 at 17:09
Avant - garde (wtf does that mean actually?)

Get some culture, man.

What you mean dude?

It literally means "advance guard" in French, or "vanguard".
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
04.02.2011 - 18:30
You are right, of course. Paraphrasing the first line of the Wikipedia article stands testimony to how cultured you are. That said, it's used too much on Metal Storm. There are English words better used to describe what is labelled "avant-garde metal" here. People talk about avantgardism more in other arts. In popular music, I've seen it mostly refer to jazz. Usually I would opt for something like experimental, innovative, crossover or better yet, describe the music itself and its influences. Most of these so-called avant-garde artists just mix genres in unusual ways, after all. Avant-garde suggests the music is somehow ahead of its time and a positive herald of things to come (a vanguard), but usually it's just deviations from the norm of the day that don't lead anywhere. But most importantly, it's a little snobby to use French when you could use English. It's like au contraire: it has an easy translation and the French loan doesn't add any connotations you'd otherwise miss.
05.02.2011 - 17:53
Fils du Lys
"sellout" and "poser"

Pisses me off when people tag great bands as such bcause they actualy meet some popularity. Having more than 3 fans doesn't mean you have no integrity
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
06.02.2011 - 02:15
I posted in this thread awhile ago saying "Christian" was terribly overused but now "Sellout" is definitely the worst. It seems like if a band moves forward in their career, grows stylistically as they mature, plays a little differently than when they first hit the scene as kids, they're a sellout. Of course there is a line, there are loads of sellouts, but bands are made of human beings that change over time! Just because a band looks good and makes alot of money doesn't make them pop
06.02.2011 - 14:34
Written by CzirjakMan on 06.02.2011 at 02:15

I posted in this thread awhile ago saying "Christian" was terribly overused but now "Sellout" is definitely the worst. It seems like if a band moves forward in their career, grows stylistically as they mature, plays a little differently than when they first hit the scene as kids, they're a sellout. Of course there is a line, there are loads of sellouts, but bands are made of human beings that change over time! Just because a band looks good and makes alot of money doesn't make them pop

First, changing doesn't automatically mean that a band moves forward, grows stylistically or gets more mature. Trouble is lots of people get offended as soon as others use the word sellout, even when it's true.

"Just because a band looks good and makes alot of money doesn't make them pop".
No, but the music some supposedly metal bands play makes them some kind of pop. If you compare current Avantasia to the old, for example. Or the gay emo shit Elvenking released recently. Or if you check many of those female-fronted gothic 'metal' bands and female-fronted so-called 'symphonic metal' shit.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
06.02.2011 - 18:30
Fils du Lys
Now I guess "gay" is another overused word...
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
06.02.2011 - 20:27
Written by MétalNoir on 06.02.2011 at 18:30

Now I guess "gay" is another overused word...

o yes very very very overused...can't we just go back to the word "lame" instead or is that to gay to do?
Don't fuck with sweden
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