I'm wanting to record some practice stuff using a Rocksmith Realtone cable so I can share with some people over the internet and I need some kind of simulator for amplifier effects. What I want from this are: Free, includes these effects: Overdrive (Distortion), Reverb, Volume and Tone. Nothing else needs to be messed with or touched. As long as the distortion feels heavy and similar to what early Heavy Metal bands had (Black Sabbath for example) and some Thrash-ish distortion. Oh don't forget the fact that I want it to be a simple stand-alone program that I can open and start messing around for sounds and then if I record it, the software picks it up with those effects (Example: Audacity). (The graphics can be plain and not even reminding you of an amp to make it simple for me.) So what do you guys use for this kind of thing? Oh, I also don't want to edit stuff later on. Just do it live and on the spot.