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Egyptian Metalstormers

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Posted by Zombie, 12.07.2010 - 23:55
So, the thread that would probably be buried at the bottom of the forum considering the sheer amount of Egyptian Metalstormers
what's next? Antarctic Metalstormers thread ?
there goes nothing...
22.11.2010 - 12:51
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Written by 0rpheus on 22.11.2010 at 12:40

Did anyone listens to Myrath - Desert Call (2010) one of the greatest progressive albums of the year. This Tunisian band is so outstanding Arabian band.

I have heard of it, but I didn't listen to it. I am not a big fan of progressive, but I think I will listen to it since you mention outstanding Arabian band.
22.11.2010 - 13:06
Written by [user id=108163] on 22.11.2010 at 12:51

I have heard of it, but I didn't listen to it. I am not a big fan of progressive, but I think I will listen to it since you mention outstanding Arabian band.

Yep, and maybe you should try their album Hope (2007) too. Elyes (Keyboards) Tunis conservatory Graduate, he is currently attending Tunis college of music. Zaher (Vocals) is best clean vocals I've ever heard in the Arabian metal scene he said he took several private lessons in basic music theories with well known music teachers. Malek (Guitars) is a Guitar school (Music Academy International - Nancy -France) Graduate. Saief (Drums) & Anis (Bass) both attended Tunis conservatory during 4 years. I think that's how they can play Progressive metal with ease! it's pretty hard subgenre for amateurs musicians.
I would prefer not to.
22.11.2010 - 19:28
Written by [user id=108163] on 22.11.2010 at 11:41

Written by MetalSpider on 17.11.2010 at 04:18

Im an Egyptian/Lebanese/Canadian (Canadian because its where Ive lived just about my entire life and my home).

Welcome to the thread, or chat like Zombie likes to call it. Nice combination of nationalities!
Do you speak Arabic? (Please don't get offended.)

Amon Amarth ftw!

Thanks! And yeah there are a lot of different nationalities.

Don't worry Im not offended lol. I actually don't speak arabic. I never learned lol. I know a very few words.

And yes...Amon Amarth ftw!

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
22.11.2010 - 23:10
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Written by Zombie on 18.11.2010 at 21:06

Mmm... good, even though i wouldnt be so proud to say i'm Egyptian, its such a shit-hole lol

Come on! it's not that much of a s*-hole...
22.11.2010 - 23:12
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Thanks! And yeah there are a lot of different nationalities.

Don't worry Im not offended lol. I actually don't speak arabic. I never learned lol. I know a very few words.

And yes...Amon Amarth ftw!

Which album do you think is their best album? I am predicting "With Oden On Our Side." Am I right?
23.11.2010 - 00:55
Written by [user id=108163] on 22.11.2010 at 23:12

Thanks! And yeah there are a lot of different nationalities.

Don't worry Im not offended lol. I actually don't speak arabic. I never learned lol. I know a very few words.

And yes...Amon Amarth ftw!

Which album do you think is their best album? I am predicting "With Oden On Our Side." Am I right?

You got it! lol! Its still my favourite album by them. I hope their next one is amazing though.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
23.11.2010 - 01:49
I like "Versus the world" and "Fate of Norns"more, well, not more, but as much as "with oden on out side" ... those albums are underrated even though they're great

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
23.11.2010 - 04:47
I love all of their albums, but its With Oden On Our Side that really stuck with me the most. Twilight was awesome, but not as good as With Oden. Fate of Norns and Versus the World are both amazing Amon albums as well. Some great classic songs on both of those albums.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
23.11.2010 - 10:39
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I really hope their next would top With Oden On Our Side.
23.11.2010 - 10:43
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Written by Zombie on 23.11.2010 at 01:49

I like "Versus the world" and "Fate of Norns"more, well, not more, but as much as "with oden on out side" ... those albums are underrated even though they're great

I have never heard Versus The World, I only heard Fate Of Norns, With Oden, and Twilight...
I think I should now...
23.11.2010 - 10:49
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I noticed the both of you have Bloodbath in your favorite bands. (It's a badass band!) So, which album is their best in your (opinions)?
23.11.2010 - 20:48
'Nightmares made flesh' without a doubt !
it's the album that got me into death metal.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
23.11.2010 - 20:51
Nightmares Made Flesh for me too!

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
23.11.2010 - 20:52
Written by [user id=108163] on 23.11.2010 at 10:43

Written by Zombie on 23.11.2010 at 01:49

I like "Versus the world" and "Fate of Norns"more, well, not more, but as much as "with oden on out side" ... those albums are underrated even though they're great

I have never heard Versus The World, I only heard Fate Of Norns, With Oden, and Twilight...
I think I should now...

Versus the World is definitely a great album. I think I like it more than Fate of Norns.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
24.11.2010 - 01:14
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Written by MetalSpider on 23.11.2010 at 20:52

Written by [user id=108163] on 23.11.2010 at 10:43

Written by Zombie on 23.11.2010 at 01:49

I like "Versus the world" and "Fate of Norns"more, well, not more, but as much as "with oden on out side" ... those albums are underrated even though they're great

I have never heard Versus The World, I only heard Fate Of Norns, With Oden, and Twilight...
I think I should now...

Versus the World is definitely a great album. I think I like it more than Fate of Norns.

I should listen to it then.
24.11.2010 - 01:15
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Me three. It's really their best. It is one of the few death metal albums I can listen to without getting bored.
24.11.2010 - 01:21
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Well, I also noticed Nile and Megadeth... What's your guys' fave album?
No more similarities now.

Random question: Current favorite movie?
24.11.2010 - 01:54
Nile - Those Whom the Gods Detest
Megadeth...I don't really know. I guess I can't name a favourite one.

Current Favourite Movie? Hmmm...again...can't really think of a favourite. The last few movies I saw were decent, but nothing special. Star Trek was the last real good movie that I saw. And Dark Knight too. But there's still quite a lot of movies I havent even watched yet.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
24.11.2010 - 06:43
Written by [user id=108163] on 24.11.2010 at 01:21

Well, I also noticed Nile and Megadeth... What's your guys' fave album?
No more similarities now.

Random question: Current favorite movie?

Well, both Nile and Megadeth are among the 'most fav. EVER' bands so its extremely difficult to say an album or even two,
but i guess my 'very best 2 albums of each' would be:

Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked
Nile - Those whom the gods detest

Megadeth - Rust in Peace (obviously)
Megadeth - Youthansia

mmm .. movies, that's a tough one.. as i'm not really a movies guy.. but i guess anything by Tim Burton, i love that freak !!
'Nightmare before Christmas', 'Corpse Bride', 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory', 'Sleepy Hollow', 'Edward Scissorshand', the first three batman movies...etc

i'm also a huge fan of Al Pacino, if Tim Burton is the best director ever than Al Pacino has got to be the greatest actor of all time; 'the Godfather' trilogy, 'Scarface', 'the Devil's advocate', ...etc

i have few other favorites; 'Fightclub', 'Pulp fiction', 'the Big Lebowski', and a few others
and, i like all of Jim Carrey's movies, and Tarantino's stuff too !

PS: wow, i guess i AM a movies fan, lol

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
25.11.2010 - 12:39
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Another good band from Egypt have anyone heard of "Digla" oriental\rock\post-grunge, I've just listened to "Highlights" i really enjoy it, i want their album so bad.
26.11.2010 - 07:29
Yep, went to a 'Degla' and 'Zabaleen' concert about a month ago, 'Degla' were really good, and their lyrical themes are fine as well. But i doubt if they already have an album out, they're relatively new and not that well-known, i'm amazed how did u even know about them lol

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
27.11.2010 - 01:20
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Written by Zombie on 26.11.2010 at 07:29

i'm amazed how did u even know about them lol

Ana 3ars
27.11.2010 - 14:45
LOL, does that mean in syria what it means in Egypt ? lol
coz it sure is offensive in Egypt, lol

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
28.11.2010 - 14:18
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28.11.2010 - 15:25
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Written by Zombie on 27.11.2010 at 14:45

LOL, does that mean in syria what it means in Egypt ? lol
coz it sure is offensive in Egypt, lol

Yes sure do, anyway does Digla means something or it's just a name?
28.11.2010 - 20:42
Degla is a protected habitat (ma7meya tabe3eyya) for endangered species, near maadi, on the outskirts of cairo. so, yep, it's a place

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
30.11.2010 - 23:36
Guys! Do you know anyone voted in the Egyptian parliamentary election?
I would prefer not to.
02.12.2010 - 21:16
Written by 0rpheus on 30.11.2010 at 23:36

Guys! Do you know anyone voted in the Egyptian parliamentary election?

You show me a traitor who had participated in such disgraceful joke of a parliament and i'll show you one dead motherfucker.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
02.12.2010 - 22:24
Written by Zombie on 02.12.2010 at 21:16

Written by 0rpheus on 30.11.2010 at 23:36

Guys! Do you know anyone voted in the Egyptian parliamentary election?

You show me a traitor who had participated in such disgraceful joke of a parliament and i'll show you one dead motherfucker.

Easy! man... there are some women participate this time so we should be more optimistic for the love of CHICKS
I would prefer not to.
02.12.2010 - 23:03
Nope, all those whores joining the NDP to vote on whatever the fuck they want them to vote for, and fulfilling their secondary role in making the 'play' look legitimate and democratic.

anyone who took part in this staged comedy and absolute forgery should be trial for high treason, weather it is the candidates who ran in the elections knowing it will be forged, and up til the people who went and voted and made this elections look like it's real, no body answered Dr. Elbaradei's call to boycott the elections and what do we get? a parliament with dominant majority of NDP MPs who were 'appointed' these seats not elected, and due to the other cocksuckers who ran against them, now it 'looks' legitimate and democratic as it had multiple candidates 'competing'... while if all patriotic candidates had boycott the elections and made a stance and refused to participate in such farce they could later say that the NDP was running without competition, and that they were simply 'appointed' the seats.

anyways, crime rates, and prices would triple, quadruple, and even quintuple during the next year, the Nile-basin countries would cutt off water supply to Egypt, and gamal muabark would 'inherit' his father's kingdom. and the people would just get poorer, hungrier, and more thirsty, and eventually perish.

so, thank the people who went and voted for the bright future they set for Egypt, i'd give this country 11 more months maximum before exploding into total chaos, by the time of presidential 'elections' next October/November. I'm already packing my shit and leaving, not gonna wait till all hells break loose.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832