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Posted by Karlabos, 17.04.2014 - 01:44
Be it for hobby, for boredom, for real, for whatsoever?
Post anything you feel it's related here.
As for me, I play sporadically. In some times of my life I play seldom, in some I become kinda addicted to it.
Once I played it pretty good, now I'm back to sucking. It's one of those things that you sort of forget if you don't practice.
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro Contributor |
Written by Redel on 23.05.2024 at 22:44 True. I did it originally cause I expected many usernames to be taken already. But Feynman seems rather unknown (or unpopular) in these parts, perhaps Edit: changed Edit 2: oh God it looks so weird and short in the top left corner
Redel Moderator |
24.05.2024 - 13:08 Written by F3ynman on 23.05.2024 at 22:48 I like it.
Karlabos |
Nice game I had against the hippo Or is it the rat? Some kind of animal opening. The idea of my opponent was to close everything and aim for a draw, it seems. As soon as I saw him repeating moves I knew I HAD to break the position. And with some trickery, I managed to do it. 1. d3 e5 2. e3 d5 3. h3 Bf5 4. g3 Bc5 5. Bg2 c6 6. a3 Nf6 (I start getting the center myself since he was doing a funny) 7. b3 Nbd7 8. Bb2 O-O (I prefer this setup rather than developing symetrically. Ideally I don't want to push the f pawn, but it is ok to push the c pawn to enforce d5, and because of that the knights end up in that position. The knight on d7 ends up contributing to enforce e5, so basically we cover very well the squares his snipers are aiming at. 9. Ne2 Qe7 10. O-O b5 (Here I didn't know what to do. I didn't wanna bring my rooks to the center since no file is open anyway, so I figured I'd try to open the position since I finished developing. I stormed on the queen side) 11. Kh1 a5 12. Ng1 a4 13. b4 Bb6 (By the time I realized this guy was doing weird stuff on purpose and was not going to allow any breaks) 14. Nd2 Bc7 15. Rb1 Rfe8 16. Re1 Qd6 17. Nf1 Qe6 18. Qd2 Rad8 (The second breakthrough I was considering was pushing e4, but if he traded there was some line where my knight on d7 would be hanging, so I did some prep first) 19. Qe2 e4 20. d4 Nb6 (Then he closed the center instead of trading... I considered that but I didn't count he was gonna keep doing the stuff, since that gives an outpost for my knight on c4. Obviously I went straight to get it) 21. Nd2 Re7 (His knight d2 kinda kills my outpost. I really wanted to have a knight there, not a pawn, so since everything is closed anyway I figure I had time to maneuver my other knight to there as well) 22. c3 Ne8 23. Bc1 Nd6 24. Bb2 Ndc4 There got it. Now what? Since the knight alone dominated the entire queenside, and since his pieces are all blocked off, I figure I could storm on the kingside then. So I pulled up a weirdie: 25. Nxc4 Nxc4 26. Ra1 Kh8 27. Rab1 g5 28. Red1 g4 29. h4 Qd7 (Of course he would do that. But on the other hand trying it with the other pawn would yield the same result. Now I was trying to find some battery where sacking would work. First I aimed for g3 30. Qe1 Bd6 31. Ne2 Qc7 32. Kh2 Bg6 (g6 was too well covered so I changed the plan to trying and pushing the f pawn instead. I was even willing to sac a pawn to open that file, the problem is that he'd take with another pawn instead... I really wanted to break in but wasn't really sure if it was possible. (without giving the advantage to him, that is) 33. Bc1 Rf8 34. Qf1 Re6 (In this position I changed my plan yet again: since his queen is on the f file, instead of pushing the pawn... I brought a rook there! In front of my pawn) 35. Bb2 Rf6 36. Kg1 Nxe3 And finally I breakthrough. The opponent didn't see that coming 37. Qe1 Nc4 38. Bc1 Re8 With the e file open I just needed to push and find squares to attack, but even that pawn pushing needed some preparations 39. Bg5 Rfe6 40. Bc1 e3 Now e3 is monstrous.I'm threatening to take on f2 and open up two aligned rooks on the queen and also the rook is hanging 41. fxe3 Bxb1 Here I even considered taking the pawn instead of the free rook, since it's that juicy. I ended up grabbing the material, anyway. And now the rest od the game is just a one-sided battle. 42. Nf4 Bxf4 43. gxf4 Nxe3 44. Bxe3 Rxe3 45. Qf2 Bf5 46. Rc1 Re2 47. Qf1 Bd3 48. Qd1 Qxf4 49. Qxd3 Qxc1+ 50. Bf1 Qe3+ 51. Kh1 Qxd3
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei
Karlabos |
Geez, what a game I just had. It starts as a boring queen's pawn game, but then it suddenly becomes a weirdass open game with both sides having mating attack on each other I am the black pieces: 1. d4, Nf6 2. Nf3, d5 3. e3, Bf5 4. Bd3, Bg6 5 Nbd2, e6 6. Bxg6, hxg6 7. b3, Nbd7 8. Bb2, c5 9. Ne5, Bd6 (I was thinking that his knight looked a bit weird there, what with me being able to attack the square several times. But he does have a sniper on b2 defending it. I didn't wanna trade it for my d7 knight, though, since I want to weaken his diagonal not strenghten it. I saved for trading on d4 later, when it brings a good weakening to his center) 10. Qe2, Qc7 11. f4, cxd4 (so here he is saying he wants to consolidate the knight there, so I traded the pawn to see if I could weaken the center and counterattack there) 12. Ndf3, dxe3 (I don't really understand why he didn't take back?? Well, more center pawns for me to grab) 13. O-O-O, Qa5 (here I wanted to force a trade of the black bishop, since it's one of his strongest pieces) 14. Kb1, Ba3 15. Qxe3, Bxb2 16. Kxb2, Rc8 (we traded the bishops and now, even though his knight is well established in front of my king, he kinda is in the way of his other pieces, so I just brought a rook and started an attack on his king. At this point I wasn't sure where my king was going, but his attack is kinda disorderly, he can't do anything immediate, so I just left the king there) 17. Rd4, Nc5 (if he forks me I can pin the file with the queen, in fact I wanted that because it'd weaken his kingside. But he didn't fall for it) 18. Kb1, Ng8 19. Rhd1, Nh6 (looking back this maneuver was really bad. The whole point is threatening Nf5 but instead of protecting the Q and R he could just push g4... But he didn't!) 20. Nd3, Nf5 21. Qe5, Nxd4 (I was wondering why did he fall for the fork, so that was his idea: he would take on g7 and start an attack of his own) 22. Qxg7, Rf8 (ugly but necessary) 23. Nxd4, Qc3 (he regains material but now I wanted to exploit the pin: since his N cannot check me, I though it'd be good to align the queen to his diagonal. But... It turns out he finds a weird sac:) 24. Nxe6, The knight protects the queen, and now my queen is hanging. At this point I had Nxe6 but I didn't see it. So I played: 24 ..., Nxd3 We could trade the queens and knights here but I anticipated he wouldn't since I would have better chances, I anticipated he would go for Qxf8+ which is scary... But with his queen outside the black diagonal my pieces are actually threatening mate! And he indeed goes for that line: 25. Qxf8+, Kd7 Here his queen is attacked and I'm threatening mate. He saves it by checking me while saving the queen: 26. Qxf7+, Kd6 I think Kd6 is only move (I don't wanna close the connection between the R and the Q) but now my opponent has several problems with my mate threat. It's crazy because it looks like he can "just" take the knight and be done with it since his queen is not in trouble anymore, but if you stop to think about it: taking with the rook allows Qxc2+ followed by Qc1# taking with the pawn allows Qxc2+, then QxR plus... he doesn't have any more checks with neither the knight and the queen! Well, none that don't lose the queen, at least. He ends up going for: 27. Qf8+, Rxf8 (now my queen cannot mate with the rook-queen battery so he can at least take the knight) 28. Rxd3, Qe1+ 29. Kb2, Qxe6 (and I end winning his knight also, so he resigns) During the game I didn't know if he was gonna win or not with my king on the middle of the board and his queen and knight over him like that, so that was fun.
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro Contributor |
Karlabos |
Hehe, "most played opponent"
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei