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Egyptian Metalstormers

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Posted by Zombie, 12.07.2010 - 23:55
So, the thread that would probably be buried at the bottom of the forum considering the sheer amount of Egyptian Metalstormers
what's next? Antarctic Metalstormers thread ?
there goes nothing...
02.02.2011 - 05:11
I have family in Egypt...they're alright...but its tough for them right now. Hopefully it'll all end soon...and for the better.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
02.02.2011 - 17:29
Hello everyone,
internet access was partly restored (in rich neighborhoods) to give the people the illusion that everything is becoming okay and things are settling, i dont know if i would be able to post again but i wanted to let my friends know that i am okay -for now- and i'd give you guys a brief about the truth behind what happened, as the news is HEAVILY biased.

Day 1:
Tuesday 25/1/2011

Protests in the Central square in Cairo; Tahrir sq. and in most major cities in Egypt such as Alexandria, Suez, Mahala, Port-Said, Mansoura... with numbers not exceeding 5000 except in Alexandria where it reached 10,000 and Cairo where there were about 40,000 protesters.
The protests had one slogan and one chant, we do not want Mubarak's regime anymore,

The police kept bombarding the protesters with tear-gas grenades and they runover protesters with armored vehicles and they used rubber bullets.. but that didnt work, it only made the public angrier and more determined to voice their demands.

In the end of the day, the police had almost crushed the opposition who were mostly middle to highclass families all recording videos with their iphones and their black berries. so, they couldnt stand the beating, and by midnight they had fled into nearby poorer neighborhoods.

the internet connection was still online but Twitter was blocked.

Day 2:
Wednesday 26/1/2011

The police pursued the protesters into the poor neighborhoods and fired the tear-gas grenades into these slums, and that enraged the poor population and they joined forces with the rest of the protesters and they started to push back the police. In smaller cities where the majority are poor the situation was going out of hands for the police, and they had to back out.

All internet access was shut down allover the country, and the SMS-service by cell phones was shutdown too.

Day 3:
Thursday 27/1/2011

Things got bad in Suez, the police were shooting live fire on protesters and hundreds were killed, and this further enraged people allover the country... protests in every city .... the army set a curfew in Suez, and sent forces to the city and ALL cell-phone communications were shut down.

Day 4:
Friday 28/1/2011

"The Friday of Rage", people allover the country went rioting in the streets after what had happened in suez, and after 3 days of being totally ignored by government officials .. Millions of egyptians went protesting peacefully, which soon turned aggressive after the police had emptied their stock of tear-gas grenades and rubber and live ammunition on the protesters, the protesters armed themselves with Molotov cocktails, and assaulted the police and police stations, and the ruling party's' headquarters.

The police fled and are nowhere to be seen, and suddenly the news hits us that all the prisoners were set free from every prison in Egypt, a move from our terrorist leader Mubrak, who knows nothing on ruling a people except by terrorizing them... and the streets were being run down by thugs and killers .. they robbed and destroyed everything in their paths .. and a curfew had been forced in Cairo too and allover the country.

The president then waited until his plan was being put into action and until fear gets to enough citizens, so that when he announces his speech (which as he says had been prepared days ago but didnt have the chance to say it, while most of the speech was about the events of the past few hours) ... he said that he will not allow the national security to be at stake so he will do 'whatever is necessary' to ensure the safety of his citizens, and he denounced his government and said he'll change all the ministers

Day 5:
Saturday 29/1/2011

National TV keeps terrorizing people and using fear as an effective weapon, displaying warnings about how its unsafe to walk in the streets, and that the army cannot fully protect the country, and that people have to stay in the streets under their homes armed with melee knives and clubs in the streets to protect their own homes.

Protests still in all cities, in the morning protesters gather in Tahrir sq. to protest and ask for the removal of the president, and at night they go back home to stay in the cold infront of their homes with knives to protect their families.

Day 6:
Sunday 30/1/2011

Protests keep losing support, and simple-minded people start to fall into Mubarak's trap, and wish for the old days of 'security' and they're tired of staying awake all night in the cold streets ... and also food supply is getting scarce, and banks are closed so people can't get any money. things were going bad for the revolution.

Day 7:
Monday 31/1/2011

Same as the last day, nothing new.

Day 8:
Tuesday 1/2/2011
Strangely, more than 3 million gathered in tahrir sq. and demanding the immediate removal of the president and his trial for the crimes he committed in terrorizing his own people and letting go of the prisoners. at night, the president would give a 'poisoned' speech to absorb the anger of the people, and instead of meeting their demands, he simply says that he's not going to tun for the next elections (as if we're in monarchy and it was his RIGHT to run for another term in office while he's 85 years old)

Day 9:
Wednesday 2/2/2011
After a week of non-stop protesting, and sleeping in the cold streets, the number of protesters was at minimum, and those few left were exhausted.. mubarak found that this is the perfect time to execute his last strike... he sent thousands of police in civilian clothing (police who had been resting for about 4 days) and some other criminals and paid bullies and mercenaries who organized a 'pro-mubarak' demonstration and went to tahrir square and started beating mercilessly the protesters in tahrir sq. the revolution looks like a failure now
i guess the Devil mubarak has won once again

anyways, i'm probably going to seek asylum in any western country soon as i have been stopped several times by police and my information and photos are with the police now .. so as soon as this is over i'm surely to get arrested and tortured or maybe even killed. I just hope i am able to leave the country and not get caught at the airport.

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
02.02.2011 - 17:56
Angelic Storm
Ezz, Im sorry, that all sounds very horrible. Its disgraceful that Mubarak can stay in power after all that he's done. Freeing all prisoners? That's insane!

I've been really worried about you, and am glad you are okay. Hope you can find asylum somewhere soon hun. Im thinking of you, and you should be proud of yourself, and the other millions of protesters, even if ultimately, it didnt do any good.
02.02.2011 - 18:33
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What the fuck is wrong with this guy Moubarak ... we all ready know that he is a bastard unwilling to give up but sending civilians to hurt the protesters is just evil ..... I feel the blood boiling in my body
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
02.02.2011 - 18:52
Angelic Storm
Written by InnerSelf on 02.02.2011 at 18:33

What the fuck is wrong with this guy Moubarak ... we all ready know that he is a bastard unwilling to give up but sending civilians to hurt the protesters is just evil ..... I feel the blood boiling in my body

Just by doing that one thing, he proved exactly why he shouldn't be in such a position of power. Someone who does that to their own people is not fit to lead the country.
02.02.2011 - 18:59
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Written by Angelic Storm on 02.02.2011 at 18:52

Written by InnerSelf on 02.02.2011 at 18:33

What the fuck is wrong with this guy Moubarak ... we all ready know that he is a bastard unwilling to give up but sending civilians to hurt the protesters is just evil ..... I feel the blood boiling in my body

Just by doing that one thing, he proved exactly why he shouldn't be in such a position of power. Someone who does that to their own people is not fit to lead the country.

Through ou his 30 years of presidency he has done a lot of awful things but to let prisoners out and make them attack his own people , I can't figure it out
the situation is really bad and army and the police is just stabding and watching as if they were ordered to stand aside and let Egypt burn
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
02.02.2011 - 19:49
Angelic Storm
Written by InnerSelf on 02.02.2011 at 18:59
Through ou his 30 years of presidency he has done a lot of awful things but to let prisoners out and make them attack his own people , I can't figure it out
the situation is really bad and army and the police is just stabding and watching as if they were ordered to stand aside and let Egypt burn

I read yesterday in a paper over here that the army were not willing to use force against the protesters. Im not sure if that is true or not, and if so, what this will mean for the president.
02.02.2011 - 20:31
Account deleted
Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

Amen for that, i heard on news that Israel authorities supporting Mubarak
02.02.2011 - 20:47
News update: all the anti-mubrak protesters in tahrir square in Cairo and alexandria were evicted by 'civilian' pro-mubarak groups who were armed with weapons, knives, whips, and electric tasers and riding horses and camels who were later found out to be POLICE in civilian clothing and some paid bullies !!

i repeat, some of the captured raiders were found carrying police ID cards ! Mubarak has sent his police to murder his opposition !
Holy shit !

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
02.02.2011 - 22:06
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Written by Angelic Storm on 02.02.2011 at 19:49

Written by InnerSelf on 02.02.2011 at 18:59
Through ou his 30 years of presidency he has done a lot of awful things but to let prisoners out and make them attack his own people , I can't figure it out
the situation is really bad and army and the police is just stabding and watching as if they were ordered to stand aside and let Egypt burn

I read yesterday in a paper over here that the army were not willing to use force against the protesters. Im not sure if that is true or not, and if so, what this will mean for the president.

The people welcomed the army and were actually happy that they were sent to the street thinking that the presence of the army in the street will stop any kind of violence towards the protesters but now it seems that they are not willing to use any kind of power to forbid any of this evil actions

Egyptians ... we are behind , I know that saying that is not appropriate since you are the ones who are there facing hell but this is actually everything that we can do
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
04.02.2011 - 14:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Looking news, I have feeling Egypt can go same way what hepen in Iran in 70's islam revolution, muslim brotherhood and remeber Taleban in Afganistan blow Buda statues, what would muslim brotherhood do nwhit piramides .... Egypt is not reday for such democraty like Europe whit porno, prostituation, alcoholism, drug use, homosexuality, so Mubaraqe regime give to Egypy wrigts what if islam fundumentalist will ban, it can be liek Afganistan , Mubarak regimne band and artested islam activists,(maybe better be kill? ) now western tourists beaten, all goes to way how Iran and Iraq, if its not ready for western democracy better democratic tyrany whit some wrights...and I dobt torists ever go to Egyp if its be like Iran and whatever,,, Muslim brotherhood time to time blow up torist busses....well what is better?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
04.02.2011 - 14:31
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Written by Bad English on 04.02.2011 at 14:16

Looking news, I have feeling Egypt can go same way what hepen in Iran in 70's islam revolution, muslim brotherhood and remeber Taleban in Afganistan blow Buda statues, what would muslim brotherhood do nwhit piramides .... Egypt is not reday for such democraty like Europe whit porno, prostituation, alcoholism, drug use, homosexuality, so Mubaraqe regime give to Egypy wrigts what if islam fundumentalist will ban, it can be liek Afganistan , Mubarak regimne band and artested islam activists,(maybe better be kill? ) now western tourists beaten, all goes to way how Iran and Iraq, if its not ready for western democracy better democratic tyrany whit some wrights...and I dobt torists ever go to Egyp if its be like Iran and whatever,,, Muslim brotherhood time to time blow up torist busses....well what is better?

I can't understand where you are coming from .... I think what you mean is for the people to stay supressed by a tyrant rather than changing towards what's better. The Muslims brotherhood will NOT take over Egypt , it is funny how easy your media brainwash you
and about your statement : (maybe better be kill?) , shame on you
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
04.02.2011 - 20:46
Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

Well... I heard that Israel demanded that this mess should stop and Mubarak be left alone...
It is so sad to see how it's once more made into some awful catastrophe with grave results for innocent people, the fruits of which are useful only to those who have been "cooking" the people for some time and now are happy as hell. There has been no revolution which hasn't been "cooked" for a long time already and the results have always been the same... douchebags make people's live miserable, at one point people come to protest, then the douches turn the protest into a bloodshed (you said it... with hired robbers and criminals and maniacs and with police/army/officials pretending to be "protesters" creating a massacre)... and at the end another douchebag (or the same douchebag but updated) will emerge, "save the day" and the whole cooking cycle will start over... but hey! You can make some cleanup, some population reduction and you can update the power structure... it's just another moving of pieces in a boardgame.

All in all... Fuck Hosni very much indeed!

Ezz... we pray for you and your compatriots. You will never be alone nor forgotten. And consider moving to Finland... it's nice there : )

Written by InnerSelf on 04.02.2011 at 14:31

I can't understand where you are coming from .... I think what you mean is for the people to stay supressed by a tyrant rather than changing towards what's better. The Muslims brotherhood will NOT take over Egypt , it is funny how easy your media brainwash you
and about your statement : (maybe better be kill?) , shame on you

He's from Latvia which, just like Estonia, is an ex-communist banana republic ruled by former Soviet henchmen who are US's concubines...

In Banania people always believe what media says (media is always heavily biased) and the Egypt thing is a disaster for all people who used to visit Egyptian resorts for booze and beach clubs and camel rides... where the hot Russian/bananian girls went to feel the hot ahem... love... of the mediterranean dudes... with Mubarak gone, all the dreams are crushed... well... no problem... they still can visit Israel and Turkey and Tenerife...
04.02.2011 - 22:21
LOL @ Banana republic !!

True, Very True.
Egyptians should bear the tyranny of the dictator so that western tourists could enjoy booze and cock.

anyways Mubarak is leaving protesters to bark like dogs and his ass is still super-glued to the throne, it looks like he's driving the country into Iraq's fate and the only way for him to go away is that the USA comes to 'liberate' the fuck out of us with their military arsenal and special forces.

Mubarak is a traitor, if he gives the tiniest crap about his country he would stop the bloodshed and leave peacefully without dragging us into either a civil war, or a western invasion in the name of 'spreading democracy'.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
04.02.2011 - 22:32
And about Israeli interference thing; i can't really see what's the point of that ... Even if most Egyptians have a general disliking towards Israeli policies towards palestinis that does not mean that we want to go to war with Israel, suppose we do -which we dont- we cannot afford such war in the first place.
I think the only reason for Israel to feel worried is that in the far future if;
1) Egypt is ruled by fundamentalist islamists (which the vast majority of the public do not support)
2) Egypt's economy recovered and we've rebuilt our country and became capable of building an army strong enough for aggression
3) If the motivation (arab-israeli conflict) is still there by then, as these reforms in Egyptian economy would take no less than 10 to 15 years in my opinion, which by that time the peace in the middle east would've already been established and there would be no reason for war.

so, kindly .. let the US and Israel mind their own business and not worry, Breaking the 1979 peace treaty is not an option, at least not in the next 10 to 15 years (which eitherways are a non-mubarak years as the old bastard is 85 years old now) and depending on alot of factors that i'm sure Israel would work on in the next decade, they surely do not want the tension with arabs to last another decade.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
04.02.2011 - 22:53
Written by Zombie on 04.02.2011 at 22:21

LOL @ Banana republic !!

True, Very True.
Egyptians should bear the tyranny of the dictator so that western tourists could enjoy booze and cock.

Even more so... so many people here say that "But they deserve that! They have always lived like that. It's normal for these towel-heads to live under islamic/military/xxxx/etc dictatorship because they love it... it's so NORMAL. They are lower type of people, face it! They will never have democracy."

As if we ever had it here ourselves...

When I go to a western country, I will, no matter how hard I attempt, I will always remain an dude from eastern block... (you know... with the stereotype of us being alcoholic, drug addicts, HIV-infected, criminals, whores, thieves, mafia etc... speaking with heavy Russian accent and having tattoos all over) And I actually don't feel insulted by it... I think I am even proud of my heritage of having been grown in a culture space not so "slutty" as some western countries are... It's hilarious to see when some Bananian youngsters try to pretend they're Scandinavian or Western... for the western people, we actually are on the same level with muslims, eastern people, gypsies and other immigrants... That's why it's especially ironic when our people call for instance muslims "black-asses"... they don't realise we ain't any better at all... it's funny...
07.02.2011 - 00:05
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Written by [user id=28526] on 29.01.2011 at 22:56

Written by Angelic Storm on 29.01.2011 at 22:50

Written by [user id=28526] on 29.01.2011 at 22:41
2000 Egyptians get injured in the past 4 days more than 100 get killed! it's gettin shitty there, just heard that on news.

The situation there is really bad by the sounds of it. We're meant to be in the 21st century, but you wouldnt think so, the state the world's in. I hope Ezz is okay.

I hope he is okay too, but the weird thing since they cut the Internet i saw Lovecraft online

Yeah, I wasn't in Egypt that time.
I hope everyone's okay.
07.02.2011 - 00:08
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Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

07.02.2011 - 01:57
Darkside Momo
I somehow managed to miss this thread...
As I followed closely the events in Tunisia (thanks to Altair), I quickly became interested in those in Egypt, of course.
The same site that provided a great gallery of pics from the Tunisian uprising posted a great about Egypt here
Written by Zombie on 04.02.2011 at 22:21

Mubarak is a traitor, if he gives the tiniest crap about his country he would stop the bloodshed and leave peacefully without dragging us into either a civil war, or a western invasion in the name of 'spreading democracy'.

Why would he care? He's got shitload of monay, and power, that's all that matters to him and his ilk.

@ Viggo: I'm not sure your stereotyping of the western view is totally accurate, but that's another topic entirely

Anyway, I sincerely hope you'll finally oust him and have a better country after, however that might be...
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
07.02.2011 - 02:34
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Those bastards...

07.02.2011 - 02:42
Darkside Momo
Written by [user id=108163] on 07.02.2011 at 02:34

Those bastards...

And they're probably safe in Saudi with Ben Ali and others now...
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
07.02.2011 - 02:45
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07.02.2011 - 12:03
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Written by Darkside Momo on 07.02.2011 at 02:42

Written by [user id=108163] on 07.02.2011 at 02:34

Those bastards...

And they're probably safe in Saudi with Ben Ali and others now...

Sadly true
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
07.02.2011 - 12:16

- no comment -

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
07.02.2011 - 14:29
Angelic Storm
Just further proof that human beings can be the most vile species on the planet. Horrible...
07.02.2011 - 14:46
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Written by Angelic Storm on 07.02.2011 at 14:29

Just further proof that human beings can be the most vile species on the planet. Horrible...

They sure are.
07.02.2011 - 15:44
08.02.2011 - 00:50

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
08.02.2011 - 00:58

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
10.02.2011 - 00:00
Account deleted
LOL at Tamer Hosny! What a hypocrite!