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Sonata Arctica

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Posted by SteTech, 19.05.2006 - 18:33
I couldn't help noticed there wasn't a thread for Sonata yet. They're one of my favourite bands, and I just got their new live DVD today. Watched it, and loved it! I have all the albums as well, with my fave's being Ecliptica and Reckoning Night. Winterheart's Guild is good, but for me, Silence just lacks the magic of the other albums. I know a lot of Sonata fans will argue that Silence is their best and all that shit, but I fail to see what you lot see in it. I'm not saying it's bad, just not their best
01.05.2007 - 21:58
Cookie Mistress
@ Judas Me writing a review... I can put the songs I remember here (not in the right order except from the first and last song):

Black and White
Victoria's Secret
8th Commandment
Don't Say a Word
Black Sheep
Last Drop Falls
For The Sake of Revenge
My Land
Paid In Full
Maamme (the national anthem of Finland)
The Cage

I'm sure there are some songs missing, but those are the ones I can remember. Alcohol might have affected my memory...
You'll never walk alone.
08.05.2007 - 23:17
01. Intro
02. In Black And White
03. Victories Secret
04. Broken
05. Kingdom For A Heart
06. Last Drop Falls
07. Fullmoon
08. Gravenimage
09. Black Sheep
10. Tallulah
11. 8th Commandment
12. For The Sake Of Revenge
13. Replica
14. My Land
15. Guitar Solo (Elias Viljanen)
16. Don't Say A Word
17. Maamme laulu
18. Paid In Full
19. The Cage
20. Vodka
21. Outro

Think twice before you buy furr!
09.05.2007 - 17:31
Account deleted
I don't really get you guys, I think Unia is just great. I love it. It has really different atmosphere than the earlier ones and it doesn't have that much that benumbing power metal -stuff. It seems that Sonata has found a new direction with their music and that kinda makes it exciting, the new songs are so much more interesting and in a way there is that playful feeling all the way through.
Nice job, seriously. New Sonata is awesome.
18.05.2007 - 00:48
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My first impressions on Unia:

The only really negative thing I see in the new album is that Sonata Arctica realized that "White Pearl, Black Oceans" is a great song, but forgot that it's not their ONLY great song! The beginning of the album has exactly the same sound ("Paid in Full", "For the Sake of Revenge"), but it gets better afterwards. They decided to avoid catchy choruses (remember Ecliptica songs like "Kingdom for a Heart" and "Full Moon"?) and fast-paced Power Metal hits (in fact, I would have enjoyed another "Wolf & Raven" or another "My Selene"). This new album is exactly what you do not expect from an Euroflower Metal band, especially Sonata Arctica. For example, there is quite a long 12/8 part in "My Dream's But A Drop Of Fuel For A Nightmare", a measure they almost never used before, and overall a bigger instrumental register. Favourite Unia song so far: "Caleb". Summing up,

Pros: broader instrumental register and variety, longer and more complicated instrumental parts, a feeling of maturity which Sonata Arctica generally lacks.
Cons: No speed, no catchy Power Metal, no balls! I want more balls in my Power Metal!

Comparison with earlier discography: This album is too different from the rest to make any comparisons. Anyway, I liked it more than Reckoning Night (where I only really liked "My Selene" and a couple of other songs).
18.05.2007 - 02:18
el parcero
I've only heard the mp3 samples they have on the link in their website, so I can't say anything about unia. although I read the lyrics the other day, and even if they're not the best tony has written, they're still good, and the are reaaally good fragments. still, I can't wait to listen to it, and then I'll post my thoughts on it
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
18.05.2007 - 17:01
Daru Jericho
I've given Unia quite a few spins now. It's not a bad album, but disappointing for Sonata. I applaud them for their experimentation though. 'The Harvest' is probably my favourite track on it. There doesn't seem to be a whole good song. It's just parts of songs that are good. Also, the additionally heaviness seems to me like it's being heavy just for the sake of being heavy.
Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.

27.05.2007 - 15:07
Mr. Noise
Been a while since I last listened to Sonata Arctica. Don't really like them anymore.

Though, I am going to see them live in November! Reason: my best friend (and girl I secretly love) loves Sonata Arctica. Because of me. So when they I read there tourdates, we decided to go. Fuck yeah.

I reeeeeeaaaaaally hope they are going to play some romantic songs. Wish me luck.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
27.05.2007 - 15:46
@Nervel: hope you have a good show. Hope you'll enjoy it (and maybe get into SA again). Also hope that you get your romantic songs

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
27.05.2007 - 15:54
Account deleted
This band was one of my favourites some years ago. But since I got more intersted in doom and black metal I rarely listen to them anymore, only if a song pops up on my mp3 player. Still I think Ecliptica and Silence are both good albums, worth having in a power metal collection.
27.05.2007 - 16:12
Mr. Noise
Seems like Kurzag's story is similar to mine.

@GT. Thanks. First some romantic songs.. and then some very fast power..

Hope she won't read this..
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
29.05.2007 - 17:57
Im in the same place as most of you just got the album heard it once a couple of days ago... NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL at times bored which is really hard for me since i love Sonata but still not the best album im hoping with a couple of more listens ill be able to like it but i havent heard it since my first time perhaps im not that interested in it.. I dohave to say i really liked the cover...
-At live's eve our flames will cease-
03.06.2007 - 13:03
Cookie Mistress
I bought Unia a week ago, so I've had some time to listen to it. It may not be their best album, but I still like it. Maybe there are a couple of too many songs on the album and it'd work better if there were less songs. I like the first 6 songs the most. Especially "Caleb" is good.
You'll never walk alone.
08.06.2007 - 20:00
Melodeath Master
I think Unias great. But you can't just put it straight Power Metal like I've seen many have done here. If you're into both Progressive Metal and Power Metal I think you will like it more. Their new direction is more Progressive/Power. And the reason for that was that they HAD to do something new, they were almost spliting up after their last tour. It was to reinvent the happiness to play, so they needed something they had never done before. Just simple as that Unia's a strong album. And as Woodsy says "let thier fans down badly by making such a weak album", it's not good to say "their fans" as not all was let down by Unia. Just because you were it dosn't mean that every fan of Sonata is. I sure ain't! So please, don't drag every fan with you when you say something
11.06.2007 - 17:53
Account deleted
I really didn't like Unia at first, but it seriously grows on you. One of my fave Sonata albums now.
11.06.2007 - 22:37
Account deleted
Unia was 'alright - nothing groundbreaking' on the first listen, but I'm liking it more and more.
13.06.2007 - 21:47
Account deleted
They're last album was a real good surprise. I was a little bit unsure with their future but this new album is quite good. It's deeper than all the others and has another touch! The song Caleb is really nice I just still have a disapointment with the drummer who is not good in my opinion... The rest of the band has really matured these days. Unia is really The album of Sonata Arctica that IMO will be the base of their future ones, it's a solid base a good and strong album for this kind of band!

A really nice surprise...
20.06.2007 - 17:31
I R Serious Cat
Personally, I found Unia dissapointing. it lacks of something. it's still fast, it's still cool, it's not a bad album, it's enjoyable a bit but it lacks of something... I didin't even finished it. I topped it at song 5. Maybe I haven't heard it enough, but I think this is their less good release.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
23.06.2007 - 08:48
I agree, Unia isn't from their best. Still release after release they are telling me we won't continue as we started, the first two albums were the best for them.

But to be totally true, the new album still have good parts, vocals and atmosphere.

What I love about this band the most is Tony's voice really amaaazing!
I saw her standing by the crimson sea...
Isolated by the silent thoughts...
Her gazing was intense but so dead...

The teardrops corroded the soil.. She couldn't say a word to me...
25.06.2007 - 12:47
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
Sonata Arctica writes the song 'Da Best Song Ever' for Revolver Magazine. You can hear the song at this location.
25.06.2007 - 23:36
Melodeath Master
Written by White Winter Sun on 25.06.2007 at 12:47

Sonata Arctica writes the song 'Da Best Song Ever' for Revolver Magazine. You can hear the song at this location.

hmm... it's missleading calling it "Da Best Song Ever" >__< it really sucked
25.06.2007 - 23:42
Mr. Noise
Probably a joke.. ?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
26.06.2007 - 00:03
Account deleted
Written by [user id=989] on 27.05.2007 at 15:54

This band was one of my favourites some years ago. But since I got more intersted in doom and black metal I rarely listen to them anymore, only if a song pops up on my mp3 player. Still I think Ecliptica and Silence are both good albums, worth having in a power metal collection.

Same happened to me. I like the sound at first but then got more interested in other stuff, though I still listen to some of their songs from time to time, but I don't like them as much anymore. The keyboard sound blending in with guitars doesn't seem to be so good to me in their songs, from time to time there are melodies that annoy me a bit. But overall I still like the band and my favourite song is probably Weballergy or Fullmoon.
26.06.2007 - 00:31
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Lucas on 25.06.2007 at 23:42

Probably a joke.. ?

Just like all them songs specely from newest albums
Even Die Hard fans of band say new album -->
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.06.2007 - 01:35
The Sasquatch
Think they are just another finnish boy band, with little to no talent whatsoever.... Cheap generic power metal, their albums are way overproduced, I think they are a shame to powermetal =(
26.06.2007 - 02:33
Dark Cornatus
I havent heard Unia yet, its not exactly on my 'must buy' list due to 75% negativeness from others. I will prob get it someday to complete my collection.

I agree with Woodsy, 'Ecliptica' and 'Silence ' define the band, and they really were a brilliant new band at the time, 'Winterhearts Guild' was decent, a little repetitive though. 'Reckoning Night' was very disappointing, despite songs like White Pearl Black Oceans and even Wildfire.

I just find them boring now though, like many have said, my tastes are broader and they arent a band that you can listen to for long.
29.06.2007 - 13:40
Account deleted
New album is really good imo I had to listen 'Unia' many many times before i started to like and understand it.
Sonata has taken new way, towards progressive metal, not that many power metal songs on this record. I was so suprised of Tommy Portimo's drum parts. There r some cool and nice drum fills and beats, not all the time the same shit as always before on every single song. I like this new style of SA, not that basic power metal i was used to hear before.

Nice album by the men of Finland, again..
03.07.2007 - 00:31
Well I like their ballads and Tony Kakko's voice..but that's kind of all.
Let me tell you something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'till it goes CLICK!
04.07.2007 - 16:23
Melodeath Master
Written by Bad English on 26.06.2007 at 00:31

Written by Lucas on 25.06.2007 at 23:42

Probably a joke.. ?

Just like all them songs specely from newest albums
Even Die Hard fans of band say new album -->

Just because they are afraid of changes. I'm a Die Hard fan just as my best friend. We both love Unia.
06.07.2007 - 19:17
they are very good, almost even so good as kamelot. im gonna see them live in 013:)
07.07.2007 - 21:12
Written by Dark Cornatus on 26.06.2007 at 02:33

I havent heard Unia yet, its not exactly on my 'must buy' list due to 75% negativeness from others. I will prob get it someday to complete my collection.

I agree with Woodsy, 'Ecliptica' and 'Silence ' define the band, and they really were a brilliant new band at the time, 'Winterhearts Guild' was decent, a little repetitive though. 'Reckoning Night' was very disappointing, despite songs like White Pearl Black Oceans and even Wildfire.

I just find them boring now though, like many have said, my tastes are broader and they arent a band that you can listen to for long.

I totally agree with you. I've already heard Unia, and I'd say it's even more disappointing than Reckoning Night. So yah, if you buy it, do it just to complete your collection. It's a pity, cause I really liked their old style.
*All Blood Runs The Same*