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Egyptian Metalstormers

Posts: 315   Visited by: 67 users

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Posted by Zombie, 12.07.2010 - 23:55
So, the thread that would probably be buried at the bottom of the forum considering the sheer amount of Egyptian Metalstormers
what's next? Antarctic Metalstormers thread ?
there goes nothing...
10.02.2011 - 00:07
Account deleted
Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

anyways, i'm probably going to seek asylum in any western country soon as i have been stopped several times by police and my information and photos are with the police now .. so as soon as this is over i'm surely to get arrested and tortured or maybe even killed. I just hope i am able to leave the country and not get caught at the airport.

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

Nah, you won't. Don't worry. The country will be fixed soon. It will rise again and become better than before. I am optimistic about it. Mr. scumbag won't last long. He doesn't have the tenacity to do so. You will see.
Btw, Egyptians rock.
And Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.
10.02.2011 - 01:26
Darkside Momo
Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

anyways, i'm probably going to seek asylum in any western country soon as i have been stopped several times by police and my information and photos are with the police now .. so as soon as this is over i'm surely to get arrested and tortured or maybe even killed. I just hope i am able to leave the country and not get caught at the airport.

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

If you really want to implement that idea, I don't suggest France, as our government would be all too happy to bring to back to Egypt. Sadly, it's the same in most European countries these days... Our governments too use fear to govern, just in a far subtler manner than yours.
But hopefully you won't have to leave. Sure, Moobarak has not left yet, he will cling to the last second I fear, but for now there's still hope...
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
10.02.2011 - 02:44
Their curfew fails! I'm just back 1 hour ago.
I would prefer not to.
10.02.2011 - 12:03
Valentin B
Written by Darkside Momo on 10.02.2011 at 01:26

Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

anyways, i'm probably going to seek asylum in any western country soon as i have been stopped several times by police and my information and photos are with the police now .. so as soon as this is over i'm surely to get arrested and tortured or maybe even killed. I just hope i am able to leave the country and not get caught at the airport.

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

If you really want to implement that idea, I don't suggest France, as our government would be all too happy to bring to back to Egypt. Sadly, it's the same in most European countries these days... Our governments too use fear to govern, just in a far subtler manner than yours.
But hopefully you won't have to leave. Sure, Moobarak has not left yet, he will cling to the last second I fear, but for now there's still hope...

yup, there was the questionable deportation of certain Romanian citizens that's been used by that asshole Sarkozy to simply score some points with the nationalist scum. France is not the best place to migrate..

@Zombie you could try Spain, it seems a country with less xenophobic policies, but without any knowledge of Spanish it's gonna be verrry difficult.
10.02.2011 - 12:57
Darkside Momo
Written by Valentin B on 10.02.2011 at 12:03

yup, there was the questionable deportation of certain Romanian citizens that's been used by that asshole Sarkozy to simply score some points with the nationalist scum. France is not the best place to migrate..

Yeah, that's one of the latest, but sadly not the only one.
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
10.02.2011 - 13:03
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Zombie, you wanna go away ?
Fuck man sorry hear about you been stoped by police
Mediterania is noin sence whit out knowing local langadge, ok if you have millions in a bank, you pay taxes youi can live whit out knowing local langadge but otherwise its be werry hard, same Scandinavia, Germany etc, move is one, but start life get a work is other, if you decide to move move whyle you are young and you have no kids
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 13:06
Written by Valentin B on 10.02.2011 at 12:03

Written by Darkside Momo on 10.02.2011 at 01:26

Written by Zombie on 02.02.2011 at 17:29

anyways, i'm probably going to seek asylum in any western country soon as i have been stopped several times by police and my information and photos are with the police now .. so as soon as this is over i'm surely to get arrested and tortured or maybe even killed. I just hope i am able to leave the country and not get caught at the airport.

Last words, Fuck Hosny Mubarak !

If you really want to implement that idea, I don't suggest France, as our government would be all too happy to bring to back to Egypt. Sadly, it's the same in most European countries these days... Our governments too use fear to govern, just in a far subtler manner than yours.
But hopefully you won't have to leave. Sure, Moobarak has not left yet, he will cling to the last second I fear, but for now there's still hope...

yup, there was the questionable deportation of certain Romanian citizens that's been used by that asshole Sarkozy to simply score some points with the nationalist scum. France is not the best place to migrate..

@Zombie you could try Spain, it seems a country with less xenophobic policies, but without any knowledge of Spanish it's gonna be verrry difficult.

Seeking asylum in Sweden might work, but it's a bit of a gamble (Swedish right-wing government is still not sure about whether to support Mubarak or not). Swedes also generally speak really good English. If you have some kind of education (or come from at least a middle/upper middle class background), that will also massively improve your chances of getting asylum in Sweden (at least usually, and on a completely unofficial basis).

Swedish law does however state that if it can be ascertained that there is a risk of a person facing torture or death if said person is deported, they are not allowed to deport said person. However it sometimes still seems to come down to whatever the authorities feel like doing.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
10.02.2011 - 13:08
Account deleted
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 00:07

Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.

Nice words you!
I hope so, and i hope foreigns don't hates Arab just for being Arab, that's will be the perfect world.
10.02.2011 - 13:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=28526] on 10.02.2011 at 13:08

Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 00:07

Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.

Nice words you!
I hope so, and i hope foreigns don't hates Arab just for being Arab, that's will be the perfect world.

Nobody (ok i cant say nobdoy, Im not all, but I dont)hates arabs being arabs, all hates al qauida, hammas, hezbollah, muslim brotherhood, and other those terrorsitical organisation, and extrime jihad belovers n supporters
saying and writing on t shirt fuck bin laden and hammas is not a racistic writing
and I supose normnal arab shood hate those thinks to
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 13:43
Valentin B
Written by Bad English on 10.02.2011 at 13:16

Nobody (ok i cant say nobdoy, Im not all, but I dont)hates arabs being arabs, all hates al qauida, hammas, hezbollah, muslim brotherhood, and other those terrorsitical organisation, and extrime jihad belovers n supporters
saying and writing on t shirt fuck bin laden and hammas is not a racistic writing
and I supose normnal arab shood hate those thinks to

well, there is still widespread discrimination against arabs/muslims solely because of being arabs/muslims. as a very small-scale analogy there also is discrimination against Romanians in Western Europe, but no-one who has done nothing to deserve that discrimination should feel bad about it, and i know i never did feel like this while in Spain(where there is quite a preconception here that Romanians are viewed like scum which i assure everyone is not true).

if people say or write on a forum or whatever "all romanians/gypsies/jews/arabs are terrorists/thieves/drink too much milk/etc." it's their own problem and not in any way the problem of the discriminated.
10.02.2011 - 13:51
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Vali Bala , there is and always will be somebody who discriminate, but I dont belong there , image you see some cool europian who looks cool, but he say lets go kill niggas, or fuck arabs, I dobt I ever talk whit such ppl, I hate such idiots , I belive I have more intelect how those ppl and I try stay out of such companies, even in nordic Swe has no such rasists, or if we have I dont know personaly non and never have seen , idiot are weywhere and be eweywhere
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 14:00
Account deleted
Written by 0rpheus on 10.02.2011 at 02:44

Their curfew fails! I'm just back 1 hour ago.

Welcome back! How's it there?
10.02.2011 - 14:07
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 10.02.2011 at 13:51

Vali Bala , there is and always will be somebody who discriminate, but I dont belong there , image you see some cool europian who looks cool, but he say lets go kill niggas, or fuck arabs, I dobt I ever talk whit such ppl, I hate such idiots , I belive I have more intelect how those ppl and I try stay out of such companies, even in nordic Swe has no such rasists, or if we have I dont know personaly non and never have seen , idiot are weywhere and be eweywhere

Agreed, those people are morons for saying so. At my old school, the teachers used to be prejudiced to an extent that's unbearable. They only talk properly with the students who have the same nationalities. Racial discrimination is stupidity and ignorance.
10.02.2011 - 14:13
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 14:07

Written by Bad English on 10.02.2011 at 13:51

Vali Bala , there is and always will be somebody who discriminate, but I dont belong there , image you see some cool europian who looks cool, but he say lets go kill niggas, or fuck arabs, I dobt I ever talk whit such ppl, I hate such idiots , I belive I have more intelect how those ppl and I try stay out of such companies, even in nordic Swe has no such rasists, or if we have I dont know personaly non and never have seen , idiot are weywhere and be eweywhere

Agreed, those people are morons for saying so. At my old school, the teachers used to be prejudiced to an extent that's unbearable. They only talk properly with the students who have the same nationalities. Racial discrimination is stupidity and ignorance.

Islam world, are lil ''retired'' (dunno how say) its close to Europe, but still live like old days when religion was only law, there hepens such thinks what in Europe start at 50's 60's now your generation and your kids might kill all old systhem , like in Europe hepen in hipies era
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 14:13
Account deleted
Written by [user id=28526] on 10.02.2011 at 13:08

Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 00:07

Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.

Nice words you!
I hope so, and i hope foreigns don't hates Arab just for being Arab, that's will be the perfect world.

Perfect world is impossible to achieve, sadly. There will always be some people who'll ruin it.
Some people have that idea about Arabs only because of the terorrists they see/hear about on TV, which doesn't represent us at all. It's really provocative! Some people even confuse the terms Arabs and Muslims, which is pathetic. I remember this woman who meant to ask Obama if he was a Muslim, but instead, she asked him if he was an Arab...
10.02.2011 - 14:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 14:13

. I remember this woman who meant to ask Obama if he was a Muslim, but instead, she asked him if he was an Arab...

Ghahhahahahahahahha ROLF
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 14:17
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 10.02.2011 at 13:51

Islam world, are lil ''retired'' (dunno how say) its close to Europe, but still live like old days when religion was only law, there hepens such thinks what in Europe start at 50's 60's now your generation and your kids might kill all old systhem , like in Europe hepen in hipies era

Retired as in old?
10.02.2011 - 14:19
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 14:17

Islam world, are lil ''retired'' (dunno how say) its close to Europe, but still live like old days when religion was only law, there hepens such thinks what in Europe start at 50's 60's now your generation and your kids might kill all old systhem , like in Europe hepen in hipies era

Retired as in old?

somethuink like that old, lil stoped in growing something like that ---- but Europe was same till 50's live in own dogmatic world after Roma fall and hells angels shown in existence in San Bernandino Europe was shit hole to
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.02.2011 - 14:23
Account deleted
Damn those people. Isn't it provocative when people are praying and they are being attacked while doing so?

So disrespectful!

10.02.2011 - 14:29
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 14:13

Written by [user id=28526] on 10.02.2011 at 13:08

Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 00:07

Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.

Nice words you!
I hope so, and i hope foreigns don't hates Arab just for being Arab, that's will be the perfect world.

Perfect world is impossible to achieve, sadly. There will always be some people who'll ruin it.
Some people have that idea about Arabs only because of the terorrists they see/hear about on TV, which doesn't represent us at all. It's really provocative! Some people even confuse the terms Arabs and Muslims, which is pathetic. I remember this woman who meant to ask Obama if he was a Muslim, but instead, she asked him if he was an Arab...

Yes, this is a problem with western media. It's crooked like crazy. I attended a protest a few days ago in support of the revolution. One of my friends was a speaker at said protest, and he was interviewed by a local newspaper whom several times during the interview tried to turn the discussion in such a way that he would seem like a crazy motherfucker who thought that the muslim brotherhood was the best thing to ever happen. The protest was mostly directed towards our government and other western governments for not picking sides clearly, but that part was completely gone in the subsequent article. They can't really tone down a protest against dictatorship, but they will tone down any criticism directed closer to home.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
10.02.2011 - 14:33
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 10.02.2011 at 13:16

Written by [user id=28526] on 10.02.2011 at 13:08

Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 00:07

Egypt will become the mother of the world once again.

Nice words you!
I hope so, and i hope foreigns don't hates Arab just for being Arab, that's will be the perfect world.

Nobody (ok i cant say nobdoy, Im not all, but I dont)hates arabs being arabs, all hates al qauida, hammas, hezbollah, muslim brotherhood, and other those terrorsitical organisation, and extrime jihad belovers n supporters
saying and writing on t shirt fuck bin laden and hammas is not a racistic writing
and I supose normnal arab shood hate those thinks to

I agree but i don't hate those are defend about their countries like in Palestine, am not good in political stuff so i don't know, but for all terrorists around the world fuck them we all hates them.
10.02.2011 - 16:26
Written by [user id=108163] on 10.02.2011 at 14:00

Written by 0rpheus on 10.02.2011 at 02:44

Their curfew fails! I'm just back 1 hour ago.

Welcome back! How's it there?

It's better these days, but I've seen terrible nights in my neighborhood, we've clashed with some thugs but there was an amusing side which is inspecting police cars while we were getting high!
My family are just fine, thanks to my neighbors bladed weapons and praise be to my katana sword.
I would prefer not to.
10.02.2011 - 16:29
The curfew will start from 4pm tomorrow; the weekly holiday, millions will be in streets, the authorities know it's going to be a tough day.
Wish us luck.
I would prefer not to.
10.02.2011 - 16:58
Good luck. Hail the revolution from Sweden. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and no dictator will be safe.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
10.02.2011 - 23:30
Darkside Momo
Well, Now I hope you will be 10 millions in the streets this friday. Saw Moobarak's speech - he's clinging to his power like crazy...
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
11.02.2011 - 01:21
Account deleted
Written by Darkside Momo on 10.02.2011 at 23:30

Well, Now I hope you will be 10 millions in the streets this friday. Saw Moobarak's speech - he's clinging to his power like crazy...

Yeah, and it's frustrating. He acts like nothing happened in that speech. I hate that cold look on his face. 300 deaths for him to stay alive? No, no, no...
11.02.2011 - 02:03
Darkside Momo
I'm more and more thinking it's somehing recorded in advance... Maybe he already left Egypt? I don't know...

That said I have a question: why the shoes?
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
11.02.2011 - 02:49
I would prefer not to.
11.02.2011 - 14:10
More than TWENTY MILLION (20 Million) Egyptians hit in the streets today protesting in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Ismailia, Mahala, Mansoura, Tanta, Areesh, Souhag, and Port-Said.
and more protesters are joining, its only 2:00 PM in Cairo Time.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
11.02.2011 - 14:13
Account deleted
Did you go with them Zombie?