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Savage Circus - Thomas Nack Replaces Thomen Stauch

The band has posted theese following messages on their official website:

Thomen Stauch: July 4th

Dear Savage Circus fans, friends and business partners,

Once again I unfortunately have to surprise you all with really sad news!

Due to ongoing serious private problems in the past months my psychological and physical constitution is completely broken and makes me unable to play the upcoming shows planned for this year! I know you all have been waiting a long time already to see Savage Circus live for the first time and I have been really curious to meet you all again as well, but there is just nothing I can do to change this situation

The doctors are convinced, that a long-term rest along with several psychological and physical treatments for the next months is the only way to make me feel better. After fighting this reality for a longer time I am ready now to take this road. It is the only way to get back on my feet. My entire body is totally power-drained and I am almost unable to concentrate on anything. Furthermore I am suffering from a chronic tonsillitis for almost 10 weeks by now which even with antibiotics is not getting better. According to the docs it seems that all is based on my stressed body and mind, which do not get a recovery if I go on like this. So I will take this advice and will give my body and soul a break to regain my powers and charge up my battery for the upcoming Savage Circus production in 2007.

Please understand that I cannot give you any information about the nature of my private problems since they should stay private. I am not exaggerating in saying, having still some power left in me is already a miracle under this circumstances. I hope you all do understand this serious situation. It breaks my heart to post this message, but I see no alternative.

But there also is some good news: all shows will happen as planned! For good luck Piet could manage to hire Thomas Nack once more for the upcoming gigs, so the shows will happen for sure and with a more than worthy stand-in for me! So don't be sad, friends! Kick ass, as Piet, Thomas, Jens, Emil will do as well! Make every show a big party for me and have fun! This will give me the strength to go through all this. Right now I am not in the position of giving. This time I need you and your support. I know that none of you will let me down and this makes me feel better already.

I truly hope to see you all again soon!

Love and respect,

The band: July 4th

Dear fans, friends and partners,
As you can imagine we are quite shocked by this truly bad news, though it does not take us by surprise completely. We have been aware, that Thomen was having a real hard time in the past but it seemed as if he would be strong enough to deal with all his strokes of fate. Unfortunately we overestimated his powers? just as he did himself, too. Please understand, that we also cannot talk about the nature of his problems, but we can say for sure that they are massive.

Of course Thomen gets all the support we can give. The band is behind him as one! Therefore, besides our personal feelings about the live shows, it is our duty to play all 2006 shows for Thomen. There is no good in cancelling the gigs since Savage Circus is the only way to give Thomen what he needs most in those times: Support. Support by us, by our friends and partners and by you, the fans! He needs you! For decades it has been Thomen who was giving his heart and his music to you. 2006 it is your chance to pay him back. Come to the shows to party and kick ass with us so we can tell Thomen, what all our great fans are doing for him. This will be the ultimate medicine!

As Thomen already said, we know that you will not let us down. We will start rehearsing with Thomas Nack right away to guarantee for killer Savage Circus shows in 2006!
Hope to see all of you at the 2006 shows.

Jens, Emilio and Piet

Band profile: Savage Circus
Posted: 10.07.2006 by Spyroid


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Comments: 5   Visited by: 7 users
10.07.2006 - 07:53
Account deleted
Hope Thomen Stauch can get some good treatment and make a good recovery in the future,
10.07.2006 - 15:23
Account deleted
They were supposed to be playing Bloodstock Open Air but cancelled due to Thomen's condition. I hope he gets better.
10.07.2006 - 18:17
Rosetta Stoned
I also feel very sorry for this, but since Thomas Nack is one of my... let's say 3 favourite drummers ever (or in power metal maybe ^^) I am still happy I'm hopefully seeing them in august
Just let's hope Thomen gets better
11.07.2006 - 09:51
That's terrible, I wish Thomen all the best. He'll be returning to Savage Circus once he's recovered though, won't he?
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
21.03.2007 - 18:50
The Voice
Account deleted
I m concerned. Really concerned. Forget the band... good luck Thomen

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