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Unheilig - Grosse Freiheit

7.8 | 19 votes |
Release date: 2010
Style: Gothic rock


16 have it

Disc I
01. Das Meer (The Sea)
02. Seenot (Distress)
03. Für immer (Forever)
04. Geboren Um Zu Leben (Born To Live)
05. Abwärts (Down)
06. Halt Mich (Hold Me)
07. Unter Feuer (Under Fire)
08. Große Freiheit (Great Freedom)
09. Ich Gehöre Mir (I Belong To Me)
10. Heimatstern (Home Star)
11. Sternbild (Constellation)
12. Unter Deiner Flagge (Under Your Flag)
13. Fernweh (Wanderlust)
14. Schenk Mir Ein Wunder (Give Me A Miracle) [bonus]
15. Auf Kurs (On Course) [bonus]
16. Neuland (Newland)

Disc II [Limited Edition]
01. Human Nations [First Musical Steps in 1992]
02. The Beast [First Musical Steps in 1992]
03. Lost Heaven [Unpublished song from the early Unheiligzeit]
04. Faded Times [Unpublished song from the early Unheiligzeit]
05. Seenot [Demo]
06. Für Immer [Demo]
07. Unter deiner Flagge [Demo]
08. Geboren um zu leben [Demo]
09. Geboren um zu leben [Demo 2]

Staff review by
"The cities have fallen and become one; Progress determines existence. Humans have become numbers and fear their drive. Free thought, desire and love are subject to censorship. Millions accept this from the beginning to their end. Will you also go the way presented, or do you belong to those who rise in these modern times?" (Der Graf)

published 28.09.2010 | Comments (16)

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Comments: 3   Visited by: 37 users
03.03.2011 - 22:56
Really getting into lot's of German bands right now. Enjoyed this immensely, I admire how they make both music for the mainstream and the underground. Also quite a lot of good "Personal songs" sometimes they're a bit cheesy but most of the time they hit the spot just right.
22.07.2012 - 22:31
Cüca Beludo
Account deleted
I liked it a lot, much better than Eisbrecher
03.11.2013 - 03:15
Account deleted
Geboren Um Zu Leben is the best song I've ever listened in my life.

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