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Posted by Unknown user, 22.10.2006 - 20:47
A few years ago the leader of the national organisation for women- and girl-helpcenters (dont know the proper english translation) said, in public, that all men are pigs. How the hell can she say something like that? How the hell can women draw the conclusion that ALL men are bad?
Afterwards, when it had been on the first page in every newspaper, there was a reporter who asked her if she still meant what she said. She answered "But all men ARE pigs. Don't YOU think so?"
When I heard that I was like "whoa!" I mean, she sounded like a freakin maniac. I was honestly scared.
Another feminist debate in Sweden was whether we would boycott the FIFA World Cup just because prostitution is legal in Germany. Some stupid feminist (can't remember name) wrote a blog about that men "should take their responsibility". She said that if you're not against it, you're with it. How the hell can she really believe that i can't enjoy football without having to fuck a prostitute after a game? Talk about preconceived opinions.
"Men are pigs" pfff... That fucking feminist blogger is nothing but a filthy animal.
Since a new party started in Swedish politics, Feministic Initiative, I am no longer a feminist. I do believe that men and women should be equal to eachother, but the word feminist has got a new meaning to me. Feminism is now a synonyme to the word "sexism".
This party wanted all men to pay a certain tax that would pay for the rehabilitation of beat up women. Fucking fascists!
And have you heard about the book "The SCUM-manifest"? The author basically says that men are the reason why the world is as bad as it is, and that all women should exterminate the male gender. Hmm, that sounds familiar somehow. Could it be MEIN KAMPF, written by freakin ADOLF HITLER??? Only the word "jew" has been replaced by the word "male".
I am not a feminist, but I am a feminimasculinist. I don't want women to run the world. I want both men AND women to do it. Therefore, I am a feminimasculinist.
All feminists should burn in hell. Boycott feminism.
VIG Account deleted |
Ilham Giant robot |
What I find baffling is that rape or sexual assault/harassement is never treated like any other offense. If I had anyone around me that had their car stolen and pointed to an accuser, and that matter was pending trial/investigation, no one would fly in their face and spread a logorrhea about how western society is such-and-such and pushes people to claim false theft for so-and-so reasons. I'd love to see people get as upset about "false victims of theft" as much as about "false victims of rape", and then run to the rescue of a presumed-thief's reputation. No one falls for it, if it were all about defending presumption of innocence, then we'd have public debates of the magnitude of the Weinstein case for any mis-filed invoice hiccup in Hollywood.
TheMAGAmvm Soycrusher |
25.12.2017 - 19:04
"Really, there's as much evidence for a global socialist takeover as there is a global alt-right nazi takeover." Just that the global nazi takeover, even when it is just an unfounded rumor, is thoroughly punished by the predominantly socialist media. See the events during Charlottesville, or whatchamacallit. Neo-nazis got their portion of punishment, well deserved, not the Antifa and BLM, which are considered the good guys, although they use the same tactics. Sure, socialists DID NOT YET takeover the entire globe. But much of Western society they did. Whether we speak about Scandinavian countries (with Sweden holding the flag), Germany, France (which has embraced frigging socialism since the French Revolution and the only conservative leader they had since then was ironically, Charles de Gaulle; now they are lead by a guy married with his mother or Maman, how the french love to joke about her), UK (since Thatcher the so called Conservative party became not that much different than the Laburist Party, Thatcher was cast aside precisely because she did tried to cleanse the party of the progressive stench) and the less said about Canada (with that mentally ill Trudeau), Belgium, Netherland, etc. the better. What I consider true conservatism, the basis on which the European civilization was founded on, and on which EU was originally founded on can today only be found in Eastern Europe, the exact same countries that experienced what the Western society today tries to 'progress' towards. The cultural war between Eastern and Western Europe today is still an ideological one, as it was during the Cold War. Only that the roles were reversed. Those who once considered themselves cucks are now conservative while those who once considered themselves conservative are now cucks. "Yeah, the study you showed is about how male victims also exist. No one has denied that. I fail to see how male victims of spousal abuse automatically means the false report rate amongst women is higher. At a glance I couldn't find any specific data showing a 50% false accusation rate. There was data on men being disproportionately arrested for domestic violence, but couldn't find that specific issue you raise. So humor me and direct me to the page on false accusations, please?" I think you did not bother reading the full study. "Of the average 1000 rapes committed, 7 lead to conviction. So applying your logic (that any not leading to conviction automatically makes them liars) shouldn't the number be closer to 500 then? That leaves 500 that are truthful. I don't know about you, but thats hardly enough to start labeling them all as lying cunts and bitches. But once again, I'm not seeing any evidence that one study discounts the other." If it doesn't lead to conviction, or any other form of punishment due to a guilty sentence, it means that a huge chunk of the reports are false. If the court establishes that you are innocent and closes a case, then that report is false by default as it is based on no proof or false witnesses. As I said, when you make an accusation, you have the job to prove it. Whether it is a rape accusation, a murder, a burglary, etc. the accuser has to bring the proof that IT HAPPENED, while the defender that IT DID NOT HAPPEN. I do label them as cunts and bitches because instead of settling this in a court, like civilized people, they wash their stained clothes in the public, for ratings, fame, attention and cash. But then again this is the progressive culture in which we live in today, which is now considered as art (which even you said it), women flaunting their sexuality for financial gain and then complain about equality between sexes and non-existent sexual abuse/harassment. These women do not deserve pity, as they are vile. Even a regular street harlot has more integrity than they do. "Your logic also assumes that the justice system is always fair and without fault - based on your double-standards regarding the judicial system, this is where I begin to suspect your resentment of women. When a man is falsely convicted of rape, thats a judicial error caused by feminist sympathetic courts, but when a man is acquitted, the woman is a lying cunt? Surely you see the double standard there?" It is the only place where you can settle a legal case. Sure, they are not 100% fair and without fault, after all they are human-lead, thus subject to mistakes. But then again, a mistake is when you take a rape allegation from a woman who mentions that it happened 40 years ago and when the natural question comes forward 'why did you not report it when it happened?' the bullshit starts to pour. In Romania such stuff do not reach courts. They are reviewed by a judge, he/she laughs ass his/her ass off and closes the case. As it is a joke. Of course when a man is acquitted it means that the accusing part lied about the whole deed. When you are not able to prove it, what else could it be? No double standard at all. ""In Canada "consent means�the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in sexual activity" without abuse or exploitation of "trust, power or authority", coercion or threats."" In cucked countries like Canada it can mean anything, just to suit the perverse need of Canadian courts to send innocent men to prison for a deed they did not commit. In normal countries, like in Eastern Europe, consent means when you accept the deed and that is it. Abuse or exploitation are beyond consent, that is called constraint. See the difference? "As I said, I was merely using 2 extremes as a way of illustrating how judicial standards vary from country to country, making conviction rates a poor indicator of actual crimes committed. Not to mention the whole "No conviction = no crime" logic doesn't make sense when you apply it to other crimes. For example, my house was broken into a few years ago. They never caught the guy - sort of. They caught someone who was breaking into houses throughout my area. However, due to certain circumstances, no formal charges could be brought against him. That doesn't mean my house wasn't burgled, nor does it make me a liar in the eyes of the law." You compared two countries with 2 very different system of values. From Pakistan I cannot expect more, as it is today. If it still were a British dominion (with Britain as it was in the 20s or 40s for example), it would've been VASTLY different. Europe as a whole pretty much cast aside religious dogma in judiciary for over 2 centuries, thing that the muslim world did not do yet (some did, most did not, they still have Islamic courts). Also, no conviction does man no crime, as the moment when you are considered not guilty, you are cleared of all accusations. Or would you like to be both not guilty and still bear the label of a criminal? Pretty dystopian way of thinking there. That's precisely how men accused of rape and cleared of charges are labeled today, so no wonder. Ok, they never caught the guy. Does it make it easier if you blame every burglar caught that he broke your house? "So in a pussified marxist society I imagine you presume this happens more? As for the rest - your argument rests solely on speculation about people you don't know personally. Given the combined facts, its incredibly destructive, hateful, irresponsible and ignorant to assume that the majority of these women are all lying cunts." Even more. In Romania it happens from time to time as a lot of our politicians, magistrates and other officials have been cucked by socialist dens like SNSPA, where most of the modern marxist ideologues in our society crawled from to infest our lives. But in Romania their reach can only go so far. At the very least most of our university campuses, institutions, businesses and the whole society is not marxist-socialist, despite the fact that we had a marxist regime for 45 years in its full splendor. Romanian society is extremely conservative, libertarian, very religious, anti-LGBT, anti-feminist and allergic to anything progressive. Sure, we do have a so called socialist party in power, but they are nothing alike socialists in Western countries, they are social-conservative and nationalists, even christian conservative I would daresay. Given the combined facts, they truly are, and they deserve no pity. If anything, it is a lesson for women, do not flaunt your sexuality and then brag about equality between sexes and sexual abuse. Live a honest life, with dignity and integrity, treasure yourself more than anything else and think twice before you compromise. There is no excuse in selling yourself for cash and fame. It is fine to do it, but that doesn't render you a victim, but a perpetrator once you are part of the phenomenon.
TheMAGAmvm Soycrusher |
25.12.2017 - 19:13 Written by Ilham on 21.12.2017 at 23:18 Both victims are the same in my eyes, the difference is that someone accused of rape and cleared of charges is still under scrutiny from society, particularly as the rapist label still sticks to you, particularly if you are a man. The repercussions of such an accusation is tremendous. You may find your life ruined even before you have the chance to defend yourself. Look at most of the #metoo accusations. Most men fired from their jobs did not even get the chance to defend themselves and clear their names. Yet most people do not criticize the abolition of 'innocent until proven guilty' malarkey, they praise the companies for being cucks. Way to go, and we still love to speak about democracy. Throughout the last few decades there has been a cavalcade of campaigns against rape, some of them going as far as even permitting false rape accusations (and considering them a must), just to show good in reports, like one that was listed above for ideological and political reasons. 'Cause there is a rape industry under which cash is reaped as well. A lot of men are made to pay damages after this, and women exploit this as it is easy money. Western society is quick in convicting men accused of rape. Weinstein is just among very few who are facing legal issues. Most of the accusations made were not provable, launched in social media, not in the face of a prosecutor or attorney. Weinstein is used a scape goat in a sense. He is one of the very few who WAS PROVEN that he is a sexual abuser, but people refuse to see the whole picture, that most of the accusations associated with #metoo were not proven, and most of the people making the accusations, had very weak cases. Nowadays pretty much anything can mean sexual harassment.
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
Written by TheMAGAmvm on 25.12.2017 at 19:04 And so I repeat: So humor me and direct me to the page on false accusations, please? Quote: *sigh*. I'm not entirely sure what is so difficult to grasp about legal grey areas. I don't think I can spell it out any more simply. A lack of conviction could simply mean lack of compelling evidence to convict. Think of it more as the legal system erring on the side of caution. Quote: With a murder there's typically a body. With a burglary its almost unheard of to be assumed a liar if you are unable to bring legal action against someone. Its a double-standard that tilts the system against sexual assault victims. Quote: Once again, entirely speculation. You do not know these people. Your argument has largely revolved around this premise which is nothing more than projection. No one is asking you to be without skepticism, but your profile of "cunts and bitches" is built around a preconceived notion you created in your own head based 100% around other preconceived notions. Quote: Acting. Acting is an artform. It may not be one you understand, but that doesn't make it any less legitimate. This is truly, examplary bubble-thought right here. Quote: The fact that you fail to make the distinction between an actor as a person and the products of their work is really concerning. It is quite literally a failure to make a distinction between fantasy and reality. Quote: For "cucked countries" who are "pussified by cultural marxism", and you seem to be holding Romania as approaching an ideal society (based on previous posts), here are some things to consider: Freedom of press (countries ranked, according to reporters without borders) Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, UK, Canada, France and USA all rank higher than Romania. Earnings (monthly income adjusted for PPP of local currency Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, USA, Ireland, France, UK are just a few of the many countries that rank higher than Romania Further wealth & earnings (employment rates) Romania doesn't place in the top 47 for countries with highest employment rates, or job security. Life expectancy Romania doesn't rank in the top 34 with Canada, USA, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Ireland, etc Safety According to the global peace index (2017), Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Norway all rank higher. General (according to the HDI) Romania places #38, below Norway, Netherlands, Canada, Ireland, France, USA, UK and so on and so forth. Keep in mind, I'm not saying Romania is a shithole, as I'm sure its got its lovely parts and problems like any other country, but you can knock off the "my country is better than all these other countries" bullshit (as you've done at least twice so far), because by almost all quantifiable measurements, its not. What you call a "cucked, pussified culturally marxist" society is actually pretty nice. Quote: Yes. I did. That was kind of the goddamn point. Its hyperbole used to illustrate a finer point. I thought considering your inability to grasp nuance you might appreciate it, but I guess my expectations were a little lofty. Alright, so how about this as an example: Canadian parliament is trying to introduce Bill C-337. Its a bill requiring judges to get special education on how to handle sex crimes cases. After a quick perusal of American and UK bills and laws I see nothing comparable. Culturally speaking, those are the most similar to Canada (though still being vastly different), compared to any other country in the world. Not only that, compare the Southern United states vs the north. A world of difference in culture. These merely go to show how conviction rates of sexual assault are not an accurate indicator, as judicial standards are different. Quote: A crime hasn't "unhappened" by a lack of conviction. Its an incredibly basic, simple fact. Whats not to get? Apply that same idea to a murder - if a body is found, but a murderer is never caught, that doesn't mean a murder was not committed. It would be flat out, brain-dead moronic to deny that fact. Thats where this double-standard becomes apparent again. Does a woman have to be raped to death before we start listening to them? Quote: No. I'm not sure I see your metaphor here. You are saying that when a woman gets raped she goes about blaming every other rapist? Do you mind elaborating on this a little bit? Quote: Its not pity they're looking for. I don't think you're grasping what the actual overarching issue is here. Quote: Aaaaaand there it is. This is the epitome of sexism right here. The oldest trope in the book. Men are allowed to express sexuality, and its fine. In fact, with this desperate cultural obsession amongst men to maintain all appearance of super-masculinity (which has lead to damaging psychological issues - but thats a whole other ball of wax), mens sexual exploits are directly linked to their perceived worth amongst their peers. If a woman expresses any sign of sexuality publicly, shes a whore who deserves to be raped. Another basic concept I'm sure you'll have a hard time comprehending: Just because a woman enjoys sex, does not mean she would arbitrarily enjoy sex with you. Here's an anology: I collect books. I have a personal library I'm quite proud of. In addition, I enjoy lending my books to friends. If somebody broke into my house and stole a bunch of my books, I'd be rightfully goddamned pissed, nor would that negate any right to file a police report, nor would I be a cunt in the eyes of the law. ...but comparing a womans sexual rights to lending out books is a bit disproportionate. Quote: Treasure yourself by suffering sexual assault out of fear of being labelled a lying cunt? Quote: I have a question: Do you have any argument regarding this that isn't built around speculating about people you don't know? Here's the thing: You are seeing these people through the lense of the media, then basing your mindset on what you see through that lense. You're happy to call people lying cunts based on glamorized, 3rd hand information.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
TheMAGAmvm Soycrusher |
27.12.2017 - 15:46
"And so I repeat: So humor me and direct me to the page on false accusations, please?" Link was there. Get the full study. "*sigh*. I'm not entirely sure what is so difficult to grasp about legal grey areas. I don't think I can spell it out any more simply. A lack of conviction could simply mean lack of compelling evidence to convict. Think of it more as the legal system erring on the side of caution." Not enough evidence also means that the defendant is not guilty. It doesn't change the fact. Especially with rape. "With a murder there's typically a body. With a burglary its almost unheard of to be assumed a liar if you are unable to bring legal action against someone. Its a double-standard that tilts the system against sexual assault victims." And with a rape there are typical markings of violence. Well, of course, if you consent for it to happen and wait 40 years to tell how you were raped, no markings are left. But then again since you gave your consent when it happened, that is no longer rape, but consensual sex. "Once again, entirely speculation. You do not know these people. Your argument has largely revolved around this premise which is nothing more than projection. No one is asking you to be without skepticism, but your profile of "cunts and bitches" is built around a preconceived notion you created in your own head based 100% around other preconceived notions." Nope, it is sadly based on what the Western society has degenerated into in the last 2-3 decades. You can see it with normal, everyday people, not to mention in Hollywood, where it is in your face. "The fact that you fail to make the distinction between an actor as a person and the products of their work is really concerning. It is quite literally a failure to make a distinction between fantasy and reality." Because there isn't. As I mentioned, selling yourself for your career does not give you the right to act all innocent 40 years later when you have already established your career. You want to be the victim? Then don't agree with the deed from the start. We all have to make compromises in life, it's not like actors live only a life filled with tragedies. "Freedom of press (countries ranked, according to reporters without borders) Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, UK, Canada, France and USA all rank higher than Romania." Same countries that are quick to censor alt-right opinions. The press in Romania is shitty, as it is a copy from the Western press, but I find more liberty in it than in the Western one. "Earnings (monthly income adjusted for PPP of local currency Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, USA, Ireland, France, UK are just a few of the many countries that rank higher than Romania" This is subject to debate as well. In 3 of these countries I lived and worked, and I can say that the life standard in Romania is higher. Generally speaking food is less expensive in Romania, rents, utilities too. Romania has a more developed middle class compared to some of these countries. "Further wealth & earnings (employment rates) Romania doesn't place in the top 47 for countries with highest employment rates, or job security." Compared to most of Europe, Romania has a very low unemployment rate. As for job security, that is socialism in its splendor. There should be no job security. "Life expectancy Romania doesn't rank in the top 34 with Canada, USA, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Ireland, etc" That is not due to poverty. Romania has a low life expectancy due to bad eating behavior, heavy alcohol drinking (common in Eastern Europe) and smoking. Safety According to the global peace index (2017), Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Norway all rank higher." Now I do question this, and most likely who made this poll was biased. Sweden? Really? The country with over 50 no-go zones due to the religion of peace? I'll be damned. Even the most infamous bad neighborhood in Romania, the Ferentari neighborhood in Bucharest is less dangerous than the no-go zones in Malmo. Sweden has become like a Latin American country in regards to security. When you need the army to make order in a neighborhood because they police can't, then you have no security in your country. I lived in plenty of Western countries, and I can say life is much better in Romania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia or Czechia compared to many of the countries mentioned. And the main reason is because these countries still uphold the Christian conservative moral values on which the European civilization was built and shaped. Degeneracy is not rampant here as it is in Western Europe. Much of the Western society was ideal to live in, like 30-40 years ago. Not any longer. They are a nightmare. "Yes. I did. That was kind of the goddamn point. Its hyperbole used to illustrate a finer point. I thought considering your inability to grasp nuance you might appreciate it, but I guess my expectations were a little lofty." It wasn't. It is a pointless comparison. Why don't you start comparing an European country with an Amazonian tribe still living in the stone age then? "Canadian parliament is trying to introduce Bill C-337. Its a bill requiring judges to get special education on how to handle sex crimes cases." Just that the special education is question comes from cucked universities that preach socialism and feminism. Guess who will benefit from this? Men surely not. "Not only that, compare the Southern United states vs the north. A world of difference in culture." Southern US, the Bible belt is actually the most libertarian and developed part of the US. Compared to the degeneracy in California or NY, it is decades ahead. "A crime hasn't "unhappened" by a lack of conviction. Its an incredibly basic, simple fact. Whats not to get? " It does. A lack of conviction means being exonerated, means being not guilty, i.e. innocent. Simple fact. "Apply that same idea to a murder - if a body is found, but a murderer is never caught, that doesn't mean a murder was not committed. It would be flat out, brain-dead moronic to deny that fact. Thats where this double-standard becomes apparent again. Does a woman have to be raped to death before we start listening to them?" A body can also mean a suicide, not necessarily a murder. Furthermore, if a murder occurs, you need solid evidence to blame someone of being the murderer. Same with rape. When you blame somebody of rape, you need solid evidence. No, but the woman needs to prove that the rape happened. Otherwise, it did not. Why should women who were presumably were raped do not need to prove their accusations? This is why false rape charges are so rampant. "No. I'm not sure I see your metaphor here. You are saying that when a woman gets raped she goes about blaming every other rapist? Do you mind elaborating on this a little bit?" Yes, this can happen too. Especially those who lie about being raped, which are many. "Its not pity they're looking for. I don't think you're grasping what the actual overarching issue is here." Yes, I forgot, they look for fame, cash and image. There is no overaching issue here. Just a laughable situations where some cunts regret selling themselves for fame in the past, acting all innocent and pure-hearted when they used to be nothing better than street harlots. Save your pity for those who really need it. "Men are allowed to express sexuality, and its fine." Rarely. Men rarely flaunt their sexuality to obtain fame and money. And that is because they cannot obtain it this way. And even if they do, you do not really hear men complaining later about inequality between sexes and all that bullshit. This is the realm of women, and particularly women who embrace feminazism. "Just because a woman enjoys sex, does not mean she would arbitrarily enjoy sex with you." And this does not give her the right to say she was raped when she consented. Again, would a street harlot blame her partner that paid her for the deed as a rapist? No. Same thing here. And cut me the crap of saying that there is a difference between a street harlot and a Hollywood harlot. "Treasure yourself by suffering sexual assault out of fear of being labelled a lying cunt?" You don't need to suffer anything if you refuse and walk away. But money and fame are tricky. "Do you have any argument regarding this that isn't built around speculating about people you don't know? " No speculation, just the reality. Were you raped? Report it to the police when it happened. Not 40 years later and not at a police section (because they will laugh) but with #metoo. "You are seeing these people through the lense of the media, then basing your mindset on what you see through that lense. You're happy to call people lying cunts based on glamorized, 3rd hand information." I am seeing these people through the lens of the reality around us. This is the society in which we live today, and just because we refuse to acknowledge, it does not go away. Yes, I am happy when I know that I am right in calling them cunts, because they truly are. Nobody sane would pity or believe these accusations.
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
Written by TheMAGAmvm on 27.12.2017 at 15:46 I read through it. I can't seem to find the part that supports your argument, hence why I am asking you to direct me. Because, it is in there, and you read it, right?...Right? Quote: Yes, that is correct. However, if it outright made the accuser a liar, there would be a FUCK TON more perjury charges being laid. In fact, by your logic, a perjury charge would be pretty much compulsory with every failed prosecution. Quote: For 1st degree rape, yes. There's a reason why 2nd and 3rd degree charges exist. Quote: Every generation thinks the next one coming is destroying the world. People have been spouting that shit for centuries. We're still here. Life for humanity (pollution aside) has gotten better. Its this panic caused by change. A lot of people don't like that the world they grew up in isn't the same world they live in now, so they convince a bunch of equally sour chumps that its because the world is going to hell...Which ties into this topic nicely; it seems why so many men are recalcitrant when it comes to accepting feminism is that it means they have to change their approach to life. Slapping their female coworkers ass is no longer accepted and they bitch and moan about it as if its some unfair detriment to their way of life. For a group of people that like to toss around words like "cuck" and "snowflake", anti-feminists sure come across as a bunch of insecure pussies. And as for your speculation on Hollywood - I assume you speak from experience? That you know all these folks personally, and you're not just viewing these people through a sensationalized media lens? Quote: Emblematic. Please google that word. No one is saying actors are the only ones facing tragedy, but they do have the power to change societal mindset, believe it or not. You don't hear any stories about the actors who got their careers torpedoed because they didn't play ball. They don't have the power or presence to change the system. These women do. If they can use their stories to change a rigged system it gives strength to up-and-comers who don't have such a public voice yet. Quote: No, they probably just publish viewpoints more in line with your beliefs. I'll take consensus research over your personal beliefs. Quote: Hence "PPP adjusted for local currency", in other words, yes, cost of living overall has a lower price tag in Romania, but the currency is also worth less. Purchasing power of Romanian currency is lower. Quote: Yes, that is a point in its favor. As I said, the intent wasn't to make Romania out to be a shithole. Quote: If I'm competent at my job, I don't see any problem with having confidence that I will have my job on Monday, or failing that, that I will be able to find other work in my field. Removing the stress that comes from income insecurity is beneficial to overall quality of life. You're so vehemently opposed to socialism that you reject an idea you perceive as "socialism in its splendor" even if it leads to a happier population. You literally reject a quality of life indicator because of nebulous ideology. Your inability to distinguish Stalinist communism from moderate liberalism is a good sign you lack the rationality to discuss something as complex as sexual abuse. Quote: I never said it was due to poverty. There could be hundreds of things that contribute to this. Quote: The whole no-go thing has been largely debunked. Even Fox News had to retract a large amount of their story regarding this. This debunked story focuses mostly around specific neighborhoods in Malmo. If bad neighborhoods, regardless of severity, are an anomaly, they are a poor indicator of overall safety in a country. Quote: Your view. Based on speculation, anecdotes and a debunked news story. I'm really curious what you're seeing? If I took your statements as truth, western society would look like something from Mad Max...As a person who lives in western society, I'm a little baffled as to what it is you're seeing. Quote: Because Amazonian tribes (as far as I'm aware), don't have judicial proceedings for rape. I guess I'll have to spoon feed this concept to you: In many countries, it is within a mans right to rape his wife. In many countries it is not. Records for rape convictions would then obviously differ from country to country. There is still 2 victims. That is another extreme case. Take this how you want, but just an observation - you seem to view everything at face value, very literally with no shades of grey. Things like nuance, subtlety and ambiguity seem beyond you. Hence why I felt the need to use extreme contrast to get my point across. Unfortunately it conflicted with your lack of capacity to understand metaphor. We could compare specific laws from 2 similar countries, to prove a simple, obvious point: judicial standards and proceedings change from country to country. Meaning conviction rates are going to change despite the exact same type crime may have been committed in two different places, meaning conviction rates are an inaccurate view of actual number of rapes committed. Quote: First of all, I wasn't arguing the validity of the bill, but merely using it to illustrate the previous point. But fuck it, I'll bite: This bill doesn't change any actual laws regarding sexual abuse, but is just to give the judges insight into the subtleties unique to sex crimes. Secondly, and this is where your hypocrisy is showing again, the bill isn't specifically about sexual abuse regarding women, but sexual abuse as a whole. The previous research you posted argued that sexual violence against men is underreported but just as prevalent. So, if that is to be believed, (and judging by the fact you posted it as supporting evidence in your argument, I assume you believe it) then yes, this bill will benefit men. So question: was your faith in that article bullshit, or are you bullshitting now? Thirdly, lets pretend this bill is specifically about sexual violence against women (which it isn't): Why do you think that just because something benefits women, its automatically a detriment to men? Further evidence of your sexism, you're drawing a line of "us vs them" that shouldn't exist. Men are just as instrumental in putting a stop to sexual violence and exploitation as women...if not more so. Quote: - Mississippi & Alabama are the lowest for family and household income, aside from that, I fail to see any distinct patterns in region when it comes to wealth distribution. - The lowest unemployment rates (by state) go to mostly northern states, however, there's once again no consistent pattern of employment by region. (for example, New Jersey is right between Mississippi and Louisiana) - New York & California are 4 & 6 for life expectancy. Bottom 5? Mississippi, West Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas. - Southern states typically lower on the HDI scale. - Northern states rate higher on basically every scale: healthcare, education, crime & corrections, infrastructure, opportunity, economy & government: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states But sure, "decades ahead". Quote: It doesn't mean a crime hasn't been committed. Jesus Christ. Quote: False rape charges are not rampant. You haven't proven shit about that, I asked you to point me to the evidence on that article, twice you've declined. So you can go ahead and stop beating that dead horse. Put up or shut up. A womans testimony should be solid evidence. When I reported my burglary, no one questioned my motives, no one jumped to the assumption that I broke my own window, trashed my own house and falsely reported missing items. Its conceivably possible that I did that, however. Just as its conceivable that a woman may be falsely reporting a rape. Its just unlikely given what we know. Quote: It's ok, and common to blame society as a whole for creating an environment that, at the very least, turns a blind eye to sexual violence, but I have yet to hear a real life example of what you're describing here. I suspect you're making shit up again. Quote: Yawn. More speculation. Repeating the same baseless bullshit only serves to make you look foolish, sir. Quote: That's because the cost set by the men in control of the industry. Men flaunt sexuality for different reasons. Usually it's for appearance of masculinity in front of their peers. It hasn't been a requirement made by the powers that be. That's what this "feminazi" movement is changing - a womans success needn't hinge on her sexuality. Quote: If a street harlot was forced into something she didn't agree to, then yes, she could. Sometimes she has to put up with that abuse in order to avoid facing further violence from the john, or her pimp. That's not "consent". Quote: There is. But I suppose you can continue sticking your fingers in your ears. Live in your sad, sexist little bubble. Quote: And the ability to be part of great projects. Mira Sorvino and Ashley Judd both got blackballed by Weinstein which got them kicked off the cast of Lord Of The Rings. You can't honestly tell me that isn't symptomatic of a corrupt system that needs to change. Quote: And we come full circle back to the whole "you have no idea what you're on about", given your limited understanding into the nature of abuse, gaslighting and exploitation. Quote: "Reality" you've seen through tabloids, and TV. Quote: Interesting choice of language. Pretty indicative. I'm not sure I'd know anyone who gets as much self-satisfaction from calling a large swath of people "lying cunts". You can't say with 100% objectivity what is going on in these peoples lives. You're either lying or completely, pitifully deluded, to the point of probable mental illness. It takes some sort of God complex to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have informed, accurate insight into something that is unequivocally impossible for you to know. I said it before, and I'll say it again, nothing is wrong with skepticism, what makes you disgustingly wrong is how comfortable you are denigrating people, potential victims, based on "information" which is absolutely impossible to be certain about.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
IronAngel |
This is unreadable even for me. I think it's pretty obvious ManiacBlasphemer is a terrible person, he cannot be persuaded by argument, and arguing only serves to make it look like there's an argument to be had.
Karlabos |
---- "Aah! The cat turned into a cat!" - Reimu Hakurei
Ilham Giant robot |
30.12.2017 - 00:48
If anyone ever asks why we still have centuries of work to do on the "please try not to treat people with 0 or 1 (or more) penises like garbage" front, direct them to this page. Then maybe we'll start working on the "people with less than 1 penis have exactly the same brain as people who have more than 0 penis, they are not aliens" front.
Kennoth |
The movement of feminism has been birthed out of good intentions and necessity, but the current so called "third wave" of feminism we see today is nothing short of cancer, deeply rooted in misandry. Look no further than the current sexual harassment scandal shaking up Hollywood, where the court of public opinion acts as a judge, jury and an executioner, and many men who haven't even been put to trial yet suddenly find themselves without jobs, and their reputations ruined. This is not how the justice system works. Innocent until proven guilty, no matter the crime.
---- *insert something deep and profound*
Maco Pvt Funderground |
08.03.2018 - 16:21
Good thing I was born a man.
---- Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
(o> . <o> ) |
02.06.2020 - 18:18
OG feminism is still valid until this day, unfortunately pop-feminism was a cluster fuck (the so called third wave). Excessive focus on purity tests and severe lack of composure.