Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath
Posts: 2322 |
Beheaded, another great Brutal Death metal band out of Malta. Their Ominous Bloodline album is kick arse, killer riffage. From my point of view, its put together and structed well. Reminds me a bit of Disavowed's 'Perceptive Deception' album vocal wise, but other than that its got its own style. Has a couple of narly solos thrown in too.
Its the only release Ive so far managed to get a listen to from the band, but pretty sure I've seen their first full length Perpetual Mockery in a second hand record store.
Others thoughts of the band?
Hellcunt Smurf
Hembrom Diabolic Priest
Posts: 1388 |
I got reco from one of my friend few months back , and i tripped over 'Ominous Bloodline' .... damn its fast version of Suffocation and fking drum machine \m/. Havnt heard the other albums so cant comment them properly , but Ominous Bloodline is a masterpiece i must say.
Posts: 5537 |
Well I truly like these guys, I first tried them because a friend of mine said "they sound exactly like Suffocation"...they do actually, I even think they stole some Suffocation riffs, but in the end they manage to sound fucking brutal and interesting.
Ominous Bloodline is a fucking amazing album!
Southern Wind Account deleted |
Southern Wind Account deleted
Good band, but I don't feel like listening to them if I own any Suffocation album... brutal death metal seems to be a genre unable to evolve.
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt
Posts: 7262 |
Yeah, these guys are pretty good, but they're on a record label where all bands sound strikingly similar to each other. I own Ominous Bloodline and like everyone else has said, it is a dandy album. Yes that's right, I said dandy.
They do show flairs of creativity though, with some of the instrumentals and song openers...
Posts: 5537 |
Written by Dangerboner on 07.06.2007 at 20:27
Yeah, these guys are pretty good, but they're on a record label where all bands sound strikingly similar to each other. I own Ominous Bloodline and like everyone else has said, it is a dandy album. Yes that's right, I said dandy.
They do show flairs of creativity though, with some of the instrumentals and song openers...
what's dandy??
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt
Posts: 7262 |
lol dandy is a gay way of saying you like something
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath
Posts: 2322 |
I think they're more Waldo than dandy
Hellcunt Smurf
JD Account deleted |
JD Account deleted
Are they still active?
Posts: 19
I believe that there is a new album on its way. But i'm completely sure on that.
JD Account deleted |
JD Account deleted
Written by Synodeathmetal on 26.06.2011 at 03:22
I believe that there is a new album on its way. But i'm completely sure on that.
Do you have any source?
Posts: 19
Posts: 12
No way i think dandy is far far better than Waldo.