The Last Concert You Attended
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Original post
Posted by Deadsoulman, 16.10.2007 - 09:33
I'll start by pasting my last message in the old thread:
I saw Behemoth, Kataklysm, Aborted and Lyfthrasyr on Sunday.
As I may write a report about this one, I won't say much. Just that Kataklysm, and above all Behemoth, were amazing. Really. Absolutely amazing. I've been blown away, even if it was the third time this year I was seeing Behemoth live (after the No Mercy fest and the Hellfest). But, as headliners, they are even better.
Ok, I'll just give you the setlists of the last two bands, for those who care
Setlist Kataklysm:
Like Angels (Weeping The Dark)
Let Them Burn
Ambassador Of Pain
The Resurrected
Crippled & Broken
Serenity In Fire
Where The Enemy Sleeps...
Beyond Salvation
As I Slither
Face The Face Of War
Manipulator Of Souls
In Shadows And Dust
Setlist Behemoth:
Rome 64 C.E.
Slaying The Prophets Of Isa
Antichristian Phenomenon
From The Pagan Vastlands
Conquer All
Christgrinding Avenue
Drum Solo
Slaves Shall Serve
As Above So Below
Summoning Of the Ancient Gods
Christians To The Lions
Decade Of Therion
Chant For Eschaton 2000
I Got Erection (Turbonegro cover)
To reply to another post in the old thread, both bands played approximately 75 minutes.
Next to come is Enslaved and Keep Of Kalessin tomorrow
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