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Clandestine Cuts #3 - feat. Razorwyre, Disintegrated, Everfailed, Apsis, Gallowbraid, Magrudergrind, Catuvolcus

Written by: Doc G., Thryce, BitterCOld
Published: December 10, 2010

Clandestine Cuts #3
The Metal Storm Demo/EP Spotlight

Welcome to the 3rd edition of Clandestine Cuts, where you get to be on the cutting edge of the future of metal (excuse the terrible pun.) 2 noteworthy things about this issue: #1 - it is probably the most extreme C.C. to date - be prepared. #2 - We've introduced a new voting feature, where you choose your favourite from each issue! What's the point of all this voting? Well, the top 6 voted for (from all the issues combined by the start of January 2011) will be nominated in 2010 MetalStorm awards in a brand new category known as the Clandestine Cut Of The Year! A nomination or even being given the belt may be a huge boost in many of these bands budding careers! You get 1 vote per issue, so make sure you give each one a good listen, and decide which you think is best. For the purpose of making things as impartial as possible, all results will remain hidden until the nominees are announced in early 2011.

That being said, don't forget to go back and vote for your favourite from our first 2 issues!
Issue #1
Issue #2

Update: Voting closed January 14th, 2011

Razorwyre - Coming Out
Some humorous bands can leave you feeling satisfied musically while still being funny, others are funny but lack any artistic merit whatsoever...Then you hear something like this. It's another old school revivalist band mixing thrash and NWOBHM. Occasionally, the music matches the ridiculousness of the pairing of the title & cover art, and just when you're about to discard this band as a ludicrous waste of time, they pull out some totally awesome riffs. Coming Out is an EP that flips between those two states; stupid bullshit & a kick ass NWOBHM thrash hybrid. The final verdict? Who the fuck knows, this one is best left to personal interpretation.
by Luke Godin

Disintegrated - This Is Art
There's ground-breaking, genre crossing, boundary stepping, envelope pushing, avant-garde death metal, then sometimes, there's just death metal. Granted, Disintegrated do borrow some subtle elements from black metal and some not so subtle elements from grindcore, but overall, these guys just play unabashed death metal. It's not the most creative and original piece of metal you'll ever hear, but these guys kick a lot of ass within the parameters they set for themselves. Sometimes you need to broaden your horizons, other times you just wanna clench your teeth and bash something hard over your head (your keyboard should suffice - do it now.) Disintegrated offer a satisfying soundtrack for that.
by Luke Godin

Everfailed - Biological Order
There's no stoppin' the Cretins from stomping! Hailing from Crete, Greece, Everfail don't fail this go around with Biological Order. Straddling the line between melo-death at some points with nice twin guitar harmonies and more direct and brutish at others they hit a nice mix between the two, not too slick for the hardcases nor too sick for the melo yello crowd. Not particularly innovative, their HELLenic take on DM is enjoyable nevertheless. And "Flaming Mass of Pain" is a great title for a track, although the instrumental piece is a bit on the mellow side given the title.
by BitterCOld

Apsis - Demonstration
Ethereal black metal like this is always a daunting task to get into. You can't just pop it on your Ipod in shuffle and expect to "get it". No, you need a good 30 minutes of solitude to let the music soak in. Apsis are no exception - it's all about haunting tranquil passages building into grandiose black metal sound-scapes at a glacial pace (comparable to Wolves In The Throne Room in many aspects). Having the patience and dedication to let music like this hit you at it's full potential can be tiring if you're not in the right mood. However, given the right mindset, Apsis provide some great music to drift off to.
by Luke Godin

Magrudergrind - Crusher
The armored panzer tank rolling you over this time is the new release of Magrudergrind, one of those kickass yet criminally underrated modern grindcore acts in today's world. The title of this EP is, well, pretty much self-explanatory, really. What you're about to hear is an act of punishing brutality that will almost literally floor you in style. The kind of hateful stuff that makes you want to bang your head off, rip something apart, punch someone in the teeth and have hot, blasphemous sex all at the same time. Classy, huh?

Only turbo-nerds will not stream this shit on Soundcloud and/or download it for free (available until its online sale date of January 18th).
by Thryce

Gallowbraid - Ashen Eidolon
Now that the new Agalloch album turns out to be a bit of a letdown (there, somebody finally said it), I need to look elsewhere for my quick fix of atmospheric folk-ish, uhm, black-ish, uhm, whatever the heck it's called Agalloch are good at. Luckily there are enough Agalloch clones bands heavily inspired by said band floating around; one of them being one-man project Gallowbraid. His music is decidedly dark, eerily atmospheric and fueled by melancholy. Just the stuff I need to get me through these cold winter days.
by Thryce

Catuvolcus - Terres De Sang
What a bunch of assholes. Seriously, who releases something this awesome but only as a 6 track EP? Catuvolcus play a sort of black/folk metal with progressive touches, picture Enslaved meets Ensiferum. On top of being jerks, these guys are obviously well trained in the art of mind reading as well - in each song just as you're about to think to yourself "Ok, enough blast beats" they bring out some outrageously epic sounding melody or acoustic guitar segment. It would take some kind of moron to not check this out.
by Luke Godin


Comments: 19   Visited by: 196 users
10.12.2010 - 11:00
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I think it's already obvious who my vote went to. Though I can honestly say it was pretty tough, as this is probably our most solid collection to date.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
10.12.2010 - 18:00
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Agalloh let down well for me I voted for Gallowbraid but it was hard to choose between Gallowbraid and Razorwyre
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
10.12.2010 - 18:23
the stranger
The first sentence says: "Clandestine Cuts #2". Shouldn't it be #3?
10.12.2010 - 18:29
Account deleted
New Agalloch... a letdown? WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
10.12.2010 - 19:01
Unasuming Madnes
Written by [user id=100131] on 10.12.2010 at 18:29

New Agalloch... a letdown? WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN

Yes believe it or not there are SOME people who actually didn't care much for the album, me being one of them, but then again I'm one of those weirdos who wank off to that overrated trendy pop known as The Mantle.

As for my pick, kind of an obvious, if not unpriorly characteristically of myself. It was all about Apsis for me. Maybe it was its the one that just stuck out as different to me or perhaps I'm finding it harder and harder to grasp the entire "heavy" element of metal (seriously I am I turning into some pretentious dough who sniffs his own farts or what), or perhaps I'm just looking for something in my music which I have a challenge deciphering. My second pick would have been Gallowbraid. Melodic, earthy yet strangely head bop worthy, although I found myself enjoying the second track on the Myspace more. Maybe I've been in a kick for enjoying the mesmerizing aspect of lo-fi (thanks to such craptastic bands as How to Dress Well)
10.12.2010 - 19:45
The Ancient One
I love the fact the Magrudergrind "Crusher" artwork is a re-working of the old Earache Grindcrusher comp.

get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
10.12.2010 - 20:16
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Nice job as usual, staffers! Haven't voted yet, need to listen to them all first. Listening to Razorwyre right now and the song "F*ck You Tonight" sure made me lol (Imagine singing it to your gf or some random girl), but yeah, great riffs indeed
loves 小巫
10.12.2010 - 20:56
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by the stranger on 10.12.2010 at 18:23

The first sentence says: "Clandestine Cuts #2". Shouldn't it be #3?

Clearly you're hallucinating, it doesn't say that at all. Never did.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
10.12.2010 - 21:52
Ag Fox
Angel No More

anyway, I've listened to all of them and I surprisingly like at least half of them. The strongest being Gallowbraid and Everfailed. Probably need some time to decide b/w the 2
loves 小巫
11.12.2010 - 04:39
Underpaid M.D.
This articles are really good for us to know some more bands lying in the underground scene, thank you staffers.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
11.12.2010 - 08:16
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=35732] on 11.12.2010 at 05:58

I think this pole thing gives that right amount of excitement to listen these bands, then vote for those, and after that see how other users have reacted/voted. i'll promise i go through these part 3 bands and vote for the best one. nice adding staff.

Definitely be sure to go back and vote in parts 1 & 2 as well, we don't want those bands getting the short end of the stick!
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
11.12.2010 - 19:14
Lactation Cnslt
Magrudergrind, brought to you by Scion. Magrudercar
12.12.2010 - 19:36
I clearly voted Catuvolcus ! What a powerful voice , wow !!And the quality of the E.P 'Terres de Sang' is just AWESOME !!
15.12.2010 - 05:51
The Ancient One
Written by [user id=35732] on 14.12.2010 at 23:41

There were pretty decent bands overall, but one of the bands disintegrated itself above the others.

i think you mean "distinguished itself" ... either that or i missed the newsflash about one of these bands being reduced to subatomic particles.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
21.12.2010 - 01:54
As I have seen Apsis live already (where I also acquired one of their rare demos ) before this edition of the Clandestine Cuts, I was kinda biased at first. But Gallowbraid and Magrudergrind are two very strong contenders for my vote. Magrudergrind already have a strong enough following, so it's between the Agalloch worshippers and the WITTR worshippers for me now. Will have to give this some more thought, I guess.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
22.12.2010 - 12:18
Could someone tell me how to place my vote? I'd really like to vote Apsis as they are one of my all time favourites, but how can i do this?
22.12.2010 - 18:29
Written by Antime on 22.12.2010 at 12:18

Could someone tell me how to place my vote? I'd really like to vote Apsis as they are one of my all time favourites, but how can i do this?

Between the last review (Catavolcus) and the comments section you see a poll ("Clandestine Cut #3 - What's Your Pick?") - just cast your vote there
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
28.12.2010 - 03:06
Catavolcus... Amazing!!
31.01.2022 - 18:54
Hey, there's Magrudegrind in here!
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?

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