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Ayat interview (02/2009)

With: Filthy Fuck
Conducted by: Lucas (e-mail)
Published: 19.02.2009

The opportunity to interview the Arabic Black metal band Ayat came by and I thought interviewing them would result in an interesting and entertaining read. So I gathered a bunch of questions and asked for Filthy Fuck's response and here's what it turned out to be. Enjoy.

- Hello, this is Lucas from Metal Storm! Thanks for agreeing to do this interview with me, I'd like to take this opportunity to get to know more about your band and your beliefs. But first and foremost: how are you man?

Like shit. Thanks for asking.

- Now, you're often referred to as "the world's first Anti-Islamic Black metal band". After a little research though, I discovered that you're not at all pleased with that claim. So here's your chance to put the record straight, explain why you received that reputation and why it's wrong.

We received this reputation because we are against Islam as individuals. Yet we are not the first and we are not only that. In any case, this is the only thing people talk about when they mention Ayat and we’re sick of it. So here it is again: AYAT IS AGAINST THE RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT IN ALL ITS FORMS.

- What does "Ayat" mean?

Miracles, or verses (or rather stanzas) from the Koran. It’s Arabic.

- You're from Lebanon, which is a country most of Metal Storm's readers won't know much about, so can you give us a little insight in the situation over there? What's the political climate like?

Your readers should google it. Believe me, it’s effortless.

- And how does your band relate to that? In an older interview I found this quote: "Islam, although being the dominant faith that it is with more than a billion adherents, was a topic that was never explored in Black Metal. It was as if Christianity was that much worse and that the Muslim countries are paradises on earth and there was actually nothing to complain about. There IS a lot to complain about." With all due respect, but is the attitude you have really the best way to deal with a subject like this? Or is Ayat just a way of venting your anger, with themes concerning the things that affect your daily life, and not an attempt at starting up a political debate?

If this attitude is the best way to deal with a subject like this? I see you have an opinion there. Care to share it?
As for the attempt to start up a political debate, Ayat has been here since 2001 and we always worked at an underground level, we have always been outcast and rejected, and we never complained and we never asked for help we would never get anyway. We worked hard instead of making asses of ourselves in public. And it’s not until we became “known” because of our work that our name and our beliefs started to become a problem. Now people, especially Arab Metalheads, are stepping up and are voicing their opinions regarding our existence, discussing if we should be allowed. Well, how grand. Allowed where? In the tame, broken, bashed-with-boots, authority-obedient Muslim Metal Scene? We are giving Arab metalheads a bad name? NO. We are the forefronts of Arab extreme Metal and that’s plain to see. We’re giving them a hard time? Well fuck them, I’m not the one who dictatored their asses to submission. I am a member of that same society, and I chose to speak up and risked my life thereof, they needn’t take the step with us, just refraining from stabbing our backs repeatedly would be enough. Muslim Metalheads are personalizing all their fears and hatreds in us because they can escape authority by blaming us, making us in the process THE anti-islamic band par excellence. We ruined the image they were trying to give to their local police. I’m sick of pampering those fuckers. The Muslim world is in terrible shape, if that’s the best Muslims can do then I don’t see why my ranting is so out of place.
Ok, here goes: Take our records as motivators. When you get better we’ll stop playing music. It’s a promise.

- To stick to the Lebanon subject, what can you tell us about the metal scene over there? Besides you, as far as I know, the only other band that ever got a little attention in the underground is the doom act Kimaera… what else have you got to offer?

We're not part of the Lebanese Metal scene anymore and Damar is the only band worth checking out.

- Is the scene close, are there many gigs (or are they not allowed)? How many people are there to support the band?

We don't play live events. Last time we did, we had a hundred maybe. Everyone we thought would come was there. That’s about it. A little more than hundred.
There are gigs of course with lots of lights and awesome stuff happening on stage and female vocalists in gothic corsets and cavalcades of keyboards but we don’t watch them nor take part in them.

- Your style is characterized by a primitive, raw and hateful approach to punkish Black metal. What are your influences?

Bands with a primitive, raw and hateful approach are a great inspiration to our work.

- Do you have sources of influence or inspiration, outside of metal/music?

Oh yes.

- And what are your thoughts on Black metal's evolution, after the prime of the Second Wave? Depressive Black metal, the recent Orthodox Black metal movement, a tidal wave of bands mixing Black metal with innumerable non-Black influences? The only possibility for Black metal to survive, or exactly that which might kill it?

Black Metal is doing fine I believe. I know no Metal Heads and know no scene so I can tell you, from here, it’s looking great. I’m still listening to the old stuff and some of the new is awesome and some of it is crap and it’s always been like that (the Second wave had its array of shit as well). And I don’t think of Black Metal as a movement anymore, it’s just a certain intensity in the music. A violent epileptic mimic of hatred. A way to sublimate the worst in us. If you need to combine other influences to get to that feeling, by all means then do it.
And Black Metal will always survive, especially in our age of conservation and archiving, and it will be BOTH, 1. more refined and corrupt and 2. more orthodox and boring. We will inevitably have more of the two. Any single band introducing anything new will be looked upon with awe for their ingenious ideas, then classified, then viewed, then copied, and will generate a whole new branch of “Orthodox” bands. And Orthodoxy after all is a matter of timing.
I don’t care where IT goes, I don’t think IT is going anywhere for starters. First wave, second wave, third wave, I don’t buy that crap. There’s just a bunch of people playing music at different time intervals. But still, the more varied it is, the better I think. Yet with avant-gardism comes great responsibility. You have to make it work. For example, if I hear of a band mixing Zulu culture imagery and music into Black Metal, I’m gonna throw an ear no doubt. At worst, I would piss on myself so much I’m laughing and that alone would be worthwhile. Much better than enduring the horrendous experience of another Darkthrone worship band.

- And in that light: what about the internet and downloading? A blessing for Black metal because the amount of exposure skyrocketed, or a curse because of all the "bed room Black metal bands"?

Well you always have to start somewhere and a bedroom is as good as any place. If the music is good it’s gonna get the attention it needs sooner or later. The internet keeps the option of later open.

- Should we read anything into the "Six Years" part of the album title "Six Years Of Dormant Hatred"? Anything that happened six years ago? Something that recently happened that caused an important change for you? Or is it just a fun title?

No, it's just a fun title, Lucas. We thought we'd be cute and we came up with that.

Ayat's 2008 début "Six Years Of Dormant Hatred

- That about wraps it up, anything interesting concerning the band we should all know? Upcoming tours, interesting news, that sort of stuff?

Doctor Cripples is foregoing medical attention in London to regain use of his paralyzed lump of a body so you can expect some nasty drumming on the next album. Sadogoat is fucking prostitutes by the score of gazillions instead of making music. And I’m growing more insane I feel by the minute, I’m drinking like a hole and I can’t sleep. Three or four songs ready for the next album. Still working on the rest. Like always, we will take our time.

- Once again thanks for the interview, and as is Metal Storm's tradition, the last words are yours:


Posted on 19.02.2009 by If you're interested in extreme, often emotional and underground music, check out my reviews. I retired from reviewing, but I really used to be into that stuff.


Comments: 28   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 129 users
19.02.2009 - 18:51
Baz Anderson
I never read interviews of bands I don't know, but this I couldn't help.

What an attitude problem, seriously... There's putting on a facade of a black metal being (think Gaahl), and then there's just being an impolite idiot.

Oh well, amusing read, won't check them out.
19.02.2009 - 19:47
hi-fi / lo-life
Actually I had a good laugh reading this. Good interview.
19.02.2009 - 21:20
Yeah, great job Lucas, but that Dude was being very UN-dude. He seemed to at least know what he was talking about though. There is NO reason to play the whole bad-ass or asshole cliche in black metal. Some people are just....human paraquats, lol.

Is Lebanon in Australia, lol.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
20.02.2009 - 04:08
Winter is Coming
If I had more knowledge about Lebanon I would recommend a good shrink, so he'd deal with his "issues", oh wait a minute let me google it's effortless :
"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died."
Ser Jorah Mormont
20.02.2009 - 04:26
Eternal Pain
Account deleted
What a arrogant !!! ayat sucks......Kimaera is good band Dethroned is Great too
20.02.2009 - 08:30
Pazuzu much i hate the attention that Ayat got here and all over the digital metal scene...and IMO..for no good reasons...

so what to be Anti-Islam...cause for Muslims to be anti-religion, anti-Christianity, is the same...
so i guess those guys just because they live in Lebanon, and Lebanon suffered from many wars, the sectarian violence & sectarianism was the main they wanted something to blame it...and as always we blame religion in the first place...not our minds and our choices

For a Muslim...and respect my religion a lot...but am not bothered by such bands...let them say what they want...and express what they want...that what music is founded for and specially the metal music...

and for their music....ok they just a raw aggressive black metal...not the first of its kind, yet not the last...i know this is something great for BM fans...but i guess they got this sound just because lack of good equipments, instruments and and good recording studios...[ IMO at least]

and for Lucas...really thanks for the review and now the interview...but, as i guess you heard before, there are many more bands in the arabian metal scene deserve reviews and interviews, such as Bilocate...which was a very nice thing to nominate their last album for an MS award... and many more....
20.02.2009 - 23:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Well good interwiew interesting to read but I see hate, hope they wont burn Mosheah(dunno how spell it)

It was good interweiw, good band, and tehy can say opinium loud to, I gonna listen this band soon, but he caould ansver some quastens lil more
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
22.02.2009 - 23:19
"I'm rising in power through murdering rain
Stronger than Faith allows
Braver than heroes vows
...My head is bloody
but I am unbowed
I am power..."
24.02.2009 - 12:34
White Metal

well said ,,, I agree with U 1000%
24.02.2009 - 19:39
What the fuck is this cover? Totally unfit for an anti-Islamic-claimed-to-be album. cross...
At least, this guy's name, "Filthy Fuck" fits his personality perfectly.
You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all
Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness
That you've not had to face
25.02.2009 - 11:49
"- You're from Lebanon, which is a country most of Metal Storm's readers won't know much about, so can you give us a little insight in the situation over there? What's the political climate like?

Your readers should google it. Believe me, it's effortless."

What's the problem with that answer? I think it's THE answer that makes sense.I dont see any swedish or czech band member has to explain their country geography and/or politics.You expect him to write you a thesis about mid east just because he lives in there? If someone doesnt know where it is or whats the situation in mid-east than thats their problem/ignorance, why should he have to spell it out for you? Maybe by googling it the person will learn a few things if they are so curious about it eh?
i'm super, thanks for asking
09.03.2009 - 23:37
Gonna try em out...
ah...Damaar.., they really take the whole Blasphemy/Conqueror style of black/death to a new level... good band!

somewhere (not so)far away a mosque is burning
Written by Konrad on 10.12.2009 at 22:41

Hey, if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it...just don't give up.

14.03.2009 - 20:15
Muhannad Saleh
Written by pazuzuovbabel on 20.02.2009 at 08:30 much i hate the attention that Ayat got here and all over the digital metal scene...and IMO..for no good reasons...

so what to be Anti-Islam...cause for Muslims to be anti-religion, anti-Christianity, is the same...
so i guess those guys just because they live in Lebanon, and Lebanon suffered from many wars, the sectarian violence & sectarianism was the main they wanted something to blame it...and as always we blame religion in the first place...not our minds and our choices

For a Muslim...and respect my religion a lot...but am not bothered by such bands...let them say what they want...and express what they want...that what music is founded for and specially the metal music...

and for their music....ok they just a raw aggressive black metal...not the first of its kind, yet not the last...i know this is something great for BM fans...but i guess they got this sound just because lack of good equipments, instruments and and good recording studios...[ IMO at least]

and for Lucas...really thanks for the review and now the interview...but, as i guess you heard before, there are many more bands in the arabian metal scene deserve reviews and interviews, such as Bilocate...which was a very nice thing to nominate their last album for an MS award... and many more....

well said man . and that dude is kidding me Lebanon is the most successful metal scene in middle east from all what i have saw in the middle east scenes the bands are really professionals on stage and off it but they are facing few problems between each other and am sure they will solve them
as for this idiot who are blaming relgions and thinking of himself as the only true metalhead around well
let him take a look at iran they face more power than we all do as i read in heavy metal islam in iran they do concert sitted without vocals and unplugged that if they did concerts which can only happen in private but in the other hand lebanon has the most opened minded society in middle east . so bands there dont face half of what the bands faces in jordan, iraq, k.s.a Tunisia and iran ...etc
anyway as what have been said before me thank you for the interview and review but there is many bands in middle east that worth this effort more than ayat or this filthy fuck dude
17.03.2009 - 20:36
Account deleted
Written by Baz Anderson on 19.02.2009 at 18:51

I never read interviews of bands I don't know, but this I couldn't help.

What an attitude problem, seriously... There's putting on a facade of a black metal being (think Gaahl), and then there's just being an impolite idiot.

Oh well, amusing read, won't check them out.

Agree 100%
I'm from Syria, a country next to Lebanon, and I don't find anything interesting about this band. Anything that would make me say: "look, we have some interesting metal stuff in the Arab World."
Like someone pointed out earlier here, there are many metal bands from the Arab World that deserve much more attention that this Lebanese Gaahl.
20.03.2009 - 14:18
Haha, that was an amusing interview. It doesn't look like he's trying to be all kvlt and shit, but rather he does seem to have an attitude problem (which is fine with me). Otherwise, it seems like most of his opinions are pretty sincere and I can totally see where he is coming from.

I don't think he understand what Orthodox BM is though.
22.03.2009 - 03:21
He's right,it doesnt mean that islam is the best religion and muslims are happiest people if there is not many anti-Islam bm bands, i dont wana speak about racial shit, so i shut up
I cant completely agree with Filthy Fuck, but he's one of the very few arab people who i like.
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


23.03.2009 - 00:04
Black Winter
I don't know really, see hatered is bagage, those anti-christian BM bands grow in a culture that has history of dealing with religious oppression, a lot of persecution in the name of religion,while in the case of Islam,most muslim countries haven't had such times,exept I'll say for Iran,KSA or afghanistan,I could understand an anti-islam band coming out from one of those places but elsewhere it's kind of unjustified,you don't make such a band just because you hate the teachings or something,in my opinion that is not enough for motivation,I am sure if Ghru-akal ever makes a band it will sound a lot better.;D
Once the people decides to live, destiny will definetly obey..

T u n i s i a F r e e !
28.03.2009 - 21:39
Written by Black Winter on 23.03.2009 at 00:04

I am sure if Ghru-akal ever makes a band it will sound a lot better.;D

that's just the best comment on this interview, Arabs must be proud of their religion, its all of their glory, its exactly all of what they had before they even have oil, its exactly what brings them to civilization and gave them power, science and solidarity, so an Arab can not sing against his religion!!! NEVER!
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


28.03.2009 - 22:35
Black Winter
Written by Varegan on 28.03.2009 at 21:39

Written by Black Winter on 23.03.2009 at 00:04

I am sure if Ghru-akal ever makes a band it will sound a lot better.;D

that's just the best comment on this interview, Arabs must be proud of their religion, its all of their glory, its exactly all of what they had before they even have oil, its exactly what brings them to civilization and gave them power, science and solidarity, so an Arab can not sing against his religion!!! NEVER!

He can if he wants to,espatially if he wants to get some attention.
Once the people decides to live, destiny will definetly obey..

T u n i s i a F r e e !
29.03.2009 - 01:21
Written by Black Winter on 28.03.2009 at 22:35

Written by Varegan on 28.03.2009 at 21:39

Written by Black Winter on 23.03.2009 at 00:04

I am sure if Ghru-akal ever makes a band it will sound a lot better.;D

that's just the best comment on this interview, Arabs must be proud of their religion, its all of their glory, its exactly all of what they had before they even have oil, its exactly what brings them to civilization and gave them power, science and solidarity, so an Arab can not sing against his religion!!! NEVER!

He can if he wants to,espatially if he wants to get some attention.

Being a little bit more optimist, If they want to compensate their ancestors' irreparable blunder.
You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all
Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness
That you've not had to face
17.04.2009 - 00:35
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Personally, I found this interesting. Yes, this dude seems like an asshole, but he has some interesting ideologies, and It has atracted me to their music. I haven't been able to find anywhere to listen to at least a sample (All I knew where to look was Myspace, Youtube, official website, official label cite, etc.)
Does anyone know where I can check their sound out?

And good job with the interview, Lucas.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
22.05.2009 - 13:38
Account deleted
I enjoyed reading it. Some amusingly immatureish opinions and on the other hand some actually worthwhile opinions..
11.06.2009 - 16:20
An interview filled with sunshine...good job, Lucas...made my evening....
18.06.2009 - 22:25
Mountain King
K i K o
I'm from Lebanon...all i can say is that the Lebanese metal scene needs more heavy metal and power metal bands...good ones, cz the extreme, death and black metal bands are making me sick!
06.07.2009 - 18:26
You who will come to the surface
From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all
Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness
That you've not had to face
01.11.2009 - 06:04
His unprofessionalism and crude behaviour is startling, but rather amusing at the same time. Certainly a candid interview, but a pity his attitude is as such. Being a Muslim myself, I found his words a tad offensive, but he is entitled to his opinion afterall, never mind the fact that it's ignorant, politically incorrect, prejudiced, near sighted and full of generalizations.
22.07.2010 - 13:38
I love Ayat hahaha. Great interview !
19.10.2012 - 23:50
Hi Lucas, very interesting interview. I'm a norwegian film maker working on a documentary about arabic black metal who have a relation in some way to norwegian black metal. I'm very interested in the band Ayat and have tried to get in touch with them, but my skills wasn't good enough to finde a way to contact them, if you know how i posibly could get in touch with the band i would be realy glad to have you're help.

hope to here from you.


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