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Planet AIDS - Apokalyptik AIDS review


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Band: Planet AIDS
Album: Apokalyptik AIDS
Style: Industrial metal
Release date: 2005
A review by: KwonVerge

01. Apokalyptik AIDS

What would someone expect from a band bearing the name Planet AIDS? I, personally, really didn't know what to expect from them and thus I managed to find their first attempt, "Apokalyptik AIDS", which was released this year (2005).

The cover artwork definitely prepares the listener for something ominous, oppressive and unearthly and this is what Planet AIDS offer with their first 1-track EP "Apokalyptic AIDS", music filled with dismay, chaos and torture in an ultra slow way. Yes, what Planet AIDS offer is doom (metal?), the real problem appears when the time comes to categorize them since they incorporate various elements and they harmonize them together in a twisted way so that the outcome will sound as if it was one of the final chapters from the book of the Apocalypse, which means death, terror, anarchy?

The one and only song of the EP is the title-track "Apokalyptik AIDS" and it was composed to keep on shattering your whole existence for about 28 minutes. Funeral doom meets industrial, noise meets drone doom and all together create the schizophrenic world of Planet AIDS that is always ready to consume your soul and take it on a trip to Hell and back. The guitar riffing is distinctive in parts of the song, especially in the first half of it, and it lends a funeral doom essence to the overall atmosphere. FX and sounds terrorize the overall structure of "Apokalyptik AIDS" through its whole duration making its feeling more paranoid and soul-crushing! Of course we shouldn't forget the industrial elements that make their appearance from a moment and on in a more intense way (somewhere around the 9th minute) and make the already freezing aesthetic way colder and emotionless.

Apart from the industrial references, noise as a philosophy and song structure as well penetrates the soundscape with various sequences floating in the air making the overall disharmony more intense. The vocals now? The one standing behind the microphone screams like a lunatic spitting curses here and there while seeing the end approaching. Really, the song is 28+ minutes long and he interprets almost through the whole duration of it and, believe me, he sounds like a prophet of dissonant visions trying to give voice to all these nightmares! No need to talk about the production and I really don't think that many of you reading this review would expect a good one. The production is just like the music, chaotic and twisted, fitting perfectly the apocalyptic soundscapes of Planet AIDS, nothing more nothing less.

Well, I don't think many of you will check this band out, but those who will try to check it know who they are, so enjoy a trip to Hell and back to realize that "hell" can have alternative meanings and ways of expressions, judging from the dictionary of Planet AIDS.

Written on 15.12.2005 by "It is myself I have never met, whose face is pasted on the underside of my mind."


Comments: 1   Visited by: 16 users
17.08.2009 - 23:29
Rating: 10
Whispering Gloom
Planet AIDS is absolutely insane - check it out if you like apocalyptic music!

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