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Born Of Osiris - The Discovery review


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Band: Born Of Osiris
Album: The Discovery
Style: Progressive deathcore
Release date: March 2011
A review by: Thryce

01. Follow The Signs
02. Singularity
03. Ascension
04. Devastate
05. Recreate
06. Two Worlds Of Design
07. A Solution
08. Shaping The Masterpiece
09. Dissimulation
10. Automatic Motion
11. The Omniscient (An Interlude)
12. Last Straw
13. Regenerate
14. XIV
15. Behold

If you strongly believe deathcore isn't worth a damn, well congratufuckinglations, you're officially a total tool who doesn't know what's good for him. Here's how the rest of the "I hate deathcore because I'm a wuss"-scenario plays out: soon you become the laughing stock of your friends (even the ones you made up), your loving mommy and daddy think you're a disgrace and kick your ass out of the house and eventually you end up being that weird guy in the subway who does headbanging tricks for a nickel. All this because you refused to listen to some hq deathcore shit... like Born Of Osiris' latest.

All exaggeration aside, the new Born Of Osiris album is probably the most forward-thinking deathcore album since, well, pretty much the dawn of fucking time. The Discovery is all things deathcore - i.e. mutilating br00tality - though served with a strong-tasting progressive and keyboard-driven sauce. The album shows a band giving in to their compulsive need to cram a fuckload of short-circuiting melodies in the listener's ears. The outcome is plain br00tal, be it in an intelligent way and without ever getting generic or repulsive. In fact, it's probably the tremendous amount of technicality and virtuosic skills along with the syncopated rhythms and uncountable progressive outbursts that are responsible for melting off your face. Either way, shit is tight.

A delightfully complicated and intense listening experience awaits you. Even if you were already familiar with the works of Born Of Osiris (brofist) this blistering album will still be an eye-opener. This six-piece band really stepped it up a couple of notches and made a huge improvement since 2009's slightly monotonous and rather cliché-ridden A Higher Place. God knows where they found it, but I'm really digging their new bag of devastating tricks.

In conclusion Born Of Osiris are hotter than a black leather couch in hell. You can either believe me or completely miss out on one of the best releases this year. Your choice, gay boys.

Written by Thryce | 30.05.2011


Comments: 66   Visited by: 505 users
30.05.2011 - 20:00
Account deleted
The absolutely gorgeous cover artwork is what sparked my interest in them in the first place. Fortunately, the music lived up to the hype created by the cover. A pleasant surprise indeed. I'm playing this record months after its release. Awesome stuff.
Great (although a bit aggressive) review.
31.05.2011 - 03:53
Rating: 6
The Voyager
The Table
In my honest opinion, this is really, really bland. Bland guitars, bland synths, bland vocals. Just bland. I know I'm in the minority here, but that's my stance on it.
31.05.2011 - 04:19
Rating: 9
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Oh yes! great review
loves 小巫
31.05.2011 - 04:40
hi-fi / lo-life
Great album
31.05.2011 - 04:47
Rating: 7
Agreed, this album should not be missed.
31.05.2011 - 05:04
Account deleted
I saw this band live and I must say its amusing at first but gets real old when you see the keyboard player play some keys, hop off for some short-haired headbanging and then do some backup vocals, hit a few more keys, jump off, and continue his shorthaired headbang dance. Fail.
31.05.2011 - 05:08
Troy Killjoy
I'll probably give this a test run eventually, but even with the review and the general hype on the internet, I've never had a good relationship with deathcore - even "good" deathcore.

I'll give it time to make sure I'm not going in with any expectations other than it's a metal album I've never heard before. After that it's anyone's guess.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
31.05.2011 - 05:12
Account deleted
...makes me wanna go ride the subway
31.05.2011 - 05:35
Rating: 8
Pyramid God
Good stuff. Who knew they had it in them?
31.05.2011 - 07:09
Metal Addict
Written by The Voyager on 31.05.2011 at 03:53

In my honest opinion, this is really, really bland. Bland guitars, bland synths, bland vocals. Just bland. I know I'm in the minority here, but that's my stance on it.

Actually I second that.
"And we are not who we think we are
We are who we're afraid to be"
- Lux Occulta "The Opening of Eleventh Sephirah"
31.05.2011 - 09:56
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by The Voyager on 31.05.2011 at 03:53

In my honest opinion, this is really, really bland. Bland guitars, bland synths, bland vocals. Just bland. I know I'm in the minority here, but that's my stance on it.

Absolutely, 100% agreed.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

31.05.2011 - 10:24
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=109200] on 30.05.2011 at 20:00

Great (although a bit aggressive) review.

I think I agree with him to some extent... I mean, I hardly find them the best deathcore I've heard this year but is still pretty damn good and there are just too many people who don't check out this bands, don't even give them a fair chance just because of the -core tag, they want to "stay trve"... That's really weak imo.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

31.05.2011 - 10:40
Well the reviewer was unnecessarily abrasive, and aggressive to the point of seeming defensive. That put me off from the start, but my unbiased opinion of the album is one that several people here seem to share. Its bland. That is my problem with alot of deathcore. It is bland, bland, bland. I appreciate music in alot of different forms, unfortunately one of the forms I don't appreciate is the insipid, repetitive playing of Born Of Osiris. You can hate me for my opinion or you can grow up.
31.05.2011 - 12:40
I agree with Hellhound, Marcel Hubregtse, NocturnalStalker and The Voyager. Damn, this music is bad. I don't think I've ever seen so much hype (as in a review) for something so uninteresting.

There is absolutely, and I mean zero, br00tality, agressiveness or devastation whatsoever. And the reason for that: There are several, the biggest one being the kindergarten keyboards. Those are really annoying and covers everything in pink clouds, ponies and rainbows. It's gives the music a bad vibe of epic power metal, which for sure does not belong there. Maybe someone likes the keyboards - personally I can name very few metal bands that doesn't shoot themselves in the foot with keyboards, exceptions being somehing like Opteh. But they don't aim towards an agressive sound.
More reasons Born of Osiris isn't br00tal: The riffs are just plain boring. And the songs isn't really allowed to unfold. There are a lot of experiments with sound effects and whatnot. But they don't dwell there for long. For each time something interesting happens, there are 5-6 mindless rythm based riffs packed into 30 seconds. I'd wish they would use more time to get a good groove going and stick with it for a bit longer. I personally find a riff more agressive and brutal if it is able to endure for longer than 15 seconds and keep the listener in its grip without letting go.
Acutally, I could write a lot more about why this doesn't get me off. I'm listening to it right now, and I'm seriously hating the christmas keyboards.

On a more positive note. They try to vary the music a lot with different electronic passages (rythm box, weird sound effects and so on). Most of the time I don't get why it should there. It's like the Metalcore ballad chorus that just has to be in every song. However, on the seventh track, "A Solution", it's works pretty well, because they do stay focused on that alternative part for quite some time and lets it develop.

In short; less is more. Cut 3/4 of the riffs. Keep the better ones, and give them time to actually show off some nerve.
31.05.2011 - 13:59
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 31.05.2011 at 10:24

Written by [user id=109200] on 30.05.2011 at 20:00

Great (although a bit aggressive) review.

I think I agree with him to some extent... I mean, I hardly find them the best deathcore I've heard this year but is still pretty damn good and there are just too many people who don't check out this bands, don't even give them a fair chance just because of the -core tag, they want to "stay trve"... That's really weak imo.

Yeah, agreed on the purpose, although my personal take on this is that aggressive ploys usually lead to counter reactions and mindless backlashing of sorts. Many of these "tr00ists" will simply laugh it off, while some of the others are going to have a go at it without thinking straight.
31.05.2011 - 14:04
Elodie Artour
Dunno about the album itself (couldn't really judge deathcore, it's not my thing) but this review is just too damn offensive. Learn to appreciate other people's opinions, Thryce.
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
31.05.2011 - 14:30
X-Ray Rod
Written by Elodie Artour on 31.05.2011 at 14:04

Dunno about the album itself (couldn't really judge deathcore, it's not my thing) but this review is just too damn offensive. Learn to appreciate other people's opinions, Thryce.

I disagree...I don't find it particularly offensive. The review doesn't criticize people who don't like Deathcore... It criticizes people who don't even check it out and give them a fair chance before saying "this band sucks" just because it has a -core tag... Those people need to be criticized.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

31.05.2011 - 14:34
Elodie Artour
Written by X-Ray Rod on 31.05.2011 at 14:30

Written by Elodie Artour on 31.05.2011 at 14:04

Dunno about the album itself (couldn't really judge deathcore, it's not my thing) but this review is just too damn offensive. Learn to appreciate other people's opinions, Thryce.

I disagree...I don't find it particularly offensive. The review doesn't criticize people who don't like Deathcore... It criticizes people who don't even check it out and give them a fair chance before saying "this band sucks" just because it has a -core tag... Those people need to be criticized.

Surely there are such people (lots of them, tbh.) However, there's something about the way this review ends. It's like, if you don't appreciate the album you just don't have a good taste in music. That's the point where I personally disagree.

(Seemingly, I'm not the only one.)
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
31.05.2011 - 14:41
Written by X-Ray Rod on 31.05.2011 at 14:30

Written by Elodie Artour on 31.05.2011 at 14:04

Dunno about the album itself (couldn't really judge deathcore, it's not my thing) but this review is just too damn offensive. Learn to appreciate other people's opinions, Thryce.

I disagree...I don't find it particularly offensive. The review doesn't criticize people who don't like Deathcore... It criticizes people who don't even check it out and give them a fair chance before saying "this band sucks" just because it has a -core tag... Those people need to be criticized.

I have to say I don't find the review offensive either. And I really don't dig that particular record. Yes, the review has a very primitive angle. The reviewer almost tries to intimidate the reader to listen to the album. And I think that's fine. It's an honest review that does not in the least try to sound objective about music. I find it easier to get something valuable from a review, if I know excactly what the angle is, and where the reviewer stands in terms of musical taste. And it's pretty clear that the reviewer in this case really enjoys the music in question. And, with fear of sounding very untrue, metal is all about passion!
31.05.2011 - 15:02
All I understand from the review is that its a death- core band
Metal News Community!!

RIP Juhani Palomaki (1977-2010)
31.05.2011 - 15:39
Account deleted
I feel like my sexuality has been brought into question here and therefore can only respond by listening to this album.

Nice review though, I enjoyed it.
31.05.2011 - 16:47
Fat & Sassy!
Alright, brah. *brofist* Free brewski for the good review. I feel... feel like this album will make me more of a man. And chicks like men. And I like chicks. Win/win, broseidon.
31.05.2011 - 16:53
Daydream Nation
Account deleted
I thought it was a very good review. Thryce's objective was to get people to give deathcore a try instead of remaining stagnant in the sea of prejudices that surround it. He did a great job describing their sound and even put it into context with the last record (appreciated, since I listened to that one before and found it to be absolutely terrible). It was far from being offensive-- it was simply trying to stop people from "knocking deathcore until they tried it." While I thought the album was bland, his opinion was certainly justified based on his very nice description of BoO.
The use of the word "gay" at the end, however, is actually offensive, and he used it in the context of an insult. Just so we know, sexual orientation does not equal insult. Ever. Just not the best way to end it....
31.05.2011 - 17:10
Headbanging tricks for money, that might be a future job for me.
31.05.2011 - 18:21
"... who does headbanging tricks for a nickel." @^#% YEAH!!! *headbangs to generic deathcore riff*
31.05.2011 - 18:50
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 31.05.2011 at 09:56

Written by The Voyager on 31.05.2011 at 03:53

In my honest opinion, this is really, really bland. Bland guitars, bland synths, bland vocals. Just bland. I know I'm in the minority here, but that's my stance on it.

Absolutely, 100% agreed.

I could not agree more.
This album just seems like they threw some stuff together.
31.05.2011 - 18:57
Account deleted
With all the above attempts to intelligently describe deathcore and this band....basically this band will shred for a second and then piss you off a second later and thats deathcore for you.
31.05.2011 - 19:32
Fils du Lys
This band, along with All Shall Perish, is one of the very few deathcore acts worth listening. The review is pretty stupid though... If you lack vocabulary, try a dictionnary instead of replacing words with "fuck", "shit" or "gay"...
Notre destinée n'est pas encore tracée....
31.05.2011 - 20:35
X-Ray Rod
Written by MétalNoir on 31.05.2011 at 19:32

This band, along with All Shall Perish, is one of the very few deathcore acts worth listening. The review is pretty stupid though... If you lack vocabulary, try a dictionnary instead of replacing words with "fuck", "shit" or "gay"...

Somehow I don't understand why I'm trying to explain the obvious but I will anyway:

Most of Thryce's reviews are like this and I love them that way because they are trashy on purpose, completely over-the-top and mostly tongue-in-cheek. I can bet money he wrote "Gay" just to piss people off. Quite down-to-earth instead of the classic pretentious description of the music (like... a huge amount of reviews here and other music forums).
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

31.05.2011 - 22:23
Retired Staff
Thought it was kinda common knowledge that Deathcore is an authentic tough guy-genre... so no wonder you guys don't "get it" if you're already upset over some curse words. Jeez, grow a pair.

Some others are either completely missing the point, or don't have a single clue what's relevant in today's metal scene. But hey, if dinosaur metal is still your thing, good for you!

So long, gay boys!
Your favorite band sucks.

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