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Marduk - Rom 5:12 review


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Band: Marduk
Album: Rom 5:12
Style: Black metal
Release date: April 24, 2007
A review by: Herzebeth

01. The Levelling Dust
02. Cold Mouth Prayer [feat. Joakim Göthberg]
03. Imago Mortis
04. Through The Belly Of Damnation
05. 1651
06. Limbs Of Worship
07. Accuser/Opposer [feat. A.A. Nemtheanga]
08. Vanity Of Vanities
09. Womb Of Perishableness
10. Voices From Avignon

Holy shit this is the best Black Metal album this year!!! I don't even want to hear anything else I don't need it, Dimmu Borgir and Rotting Christ? I don't care about their poor albums, who wants a Naglfar CD when you can play Marduk until the moon turns black; nobody will be able to top this incredible record, come on I want to see any band trying, compared to "Rom 5:12" they'll just sound like amateurs at best.

Let's not talk about how "Plague Angel" was soft and kind, let's talk about the crushing facts instead. Finally Mortuus decided to make people forget about Legion's shadow, now the true Marduk comes with a more powerful brain, Mortuus just grew enormously in 3 years time, an amazing task if you consider the eagerness which involved the fans when Legion left the band, now they sound stronger than ever and with an outstanding technical approach.

Versatility is what truly marks this album, the songs come heavy as only hell can be and mild like a machine-gun with a silencer. "Rom 5:12" has both sides sharpened, while some structures fit only with mid-paced riffs there are other tunes that unleash speedy execution and bleeding patterns; the album is incredibly balanced, the songwriting becomes so tight and intensely carved that every song sounds fresher than the previous one, the whole album will keep you ear stamped in the speakers until black blood comes out from them.

The length is somehow annoying though, it's hard to replay one straight hour of music don't you think? Most times you'll find yourself skipping through tracks after the first listen, many of us can't afford "time to spare", and if we can we prefer to have sex while Barry White sings in the background right? Anyway, I also would have loved to see the lyrics, but as I only received a promo I can't say much about the booklet or the lyrical content or whatever...

This is a great album and I don't want to discuss anything else, a total and undeniable must for Black Metal fans...good for any other metal collection. TRY IT WITH HEADPHONES!!!

Best Tracks: "The Levelling Dust", "Imago Mortis"

Just in case people is wondering what "Rom 5:12" is about:

A Quote From The Bible "Romans, chapter 5 verse 12"

"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death entered through sin, death came to all men, because they all sinned"


Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written by Herzebeth | 11.04.2007

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Comments: 43   Visited by: 265 users
28.04.2007 - 19:33
Danse Macabre
Account deleted
Nice album! I really like it,it's still on repeat ^^

22nd of September -> MARDUK IN ROMANIA ^^
28.04.2007 - 20:32
Account deleted
Rom 5:12 represents a drastic and in my eyes a very positive change of their selfcreated soundscape.

This album really confused me with his diversity and style change about nearly two decades of brutal
black metal from this group. It seems to be that Morgan and Co. wants everybody to know that Marduk
is more present than ever... well done - Valour to variances gets nearly always rewards. ...great!
30.04.2007 - 02:49
Account deleted
Great review. Not better than the Naglfar album though.
30.04.2007 - 12:51
Throne of Rats
Man this album is sooooooooo good!!!!
Burning Crosses, Invoke the Powers, Rape the Crown, Hell Awaits!!
05.06.2007 - 19:39
After this review, I had to get my hands on a copy... And I can safely say, you were not lying and I was not dissapointed. This album is truely amazing, a Brilliant black metal album...

Along with Rotting Christ, the best of the year...
06.06.2007 - 03:49
Written by __Az__ on 05.06.2007 at 19:39

After this review, I had to get my hands on a copy... And I can safely say, you were notlying and I was not dissapointed. This album is truely amazing, a Brilliant black metal album...

Along with Rotting Christ, the best of the year...

I'm so glad that you liked the review tried the album and liked it too...

thanks man
09.06.2007 - 17:17
Account deleted
Well after "Panzer..." I thought that, that was it and they were going downhill big time, but this album took me by surprise, fucking amazing, "Imago Mortis" is my favourite track.
"Holy shit this is the best Black Metal album this year!!! I don't even want to hear anything else I don't need it, Dimmu Borgir and Rotting Christ? I don't care about their poor albums, who wants a Naglfar CD when you can play Marduk until the moon turns black;" HELL YEAH, totally agree!
Very well written review, great work!
17.06.2007 - 08:04
Jason W.
Hmm, the CD is decent, though nothing groundbreaking. I agree the "Imago Mortis" is one of the standouts; I also prefer "Womb of Perishableness" (though the title sounds lame, no one would ever say "perishableness" that I know of, though perhaps it's referring to something!). My favorite disc is still "World Funeral," without question, and this CD does nothing to change that. It does add a few songs they could play live, but it's just more Marduk IMO. 7 or so from me, because certainly doesn't fail, but it's no BM album of the year, sorry
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
01.09.2007 - 10:59
Rating: 9
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Doc G. on 12.04.2007 at 03:40

havnt heard a bad thing about this album yet, I tried to download it but it screwed up, oh well, Ill definitly be buying it when it comes out.

good choice. This review rules, almost as much as the album itself, everything this guy says is true! I cant quite put my finger on what makes this so....unique sounding.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
10.01.2008 - 03:25
Rating: 9
Lactation Cnslt
When I first bought this not too long after it came out, I listened to it on my old car stereo and for some reason my speakers didn't agree with the album and I didn't feel like listening to it clearly until the other day. I'm not really a Marduk fan, but I agree with most of the people here that said how much of an improvement Rom 5:12 is from the all too linear previous releases, and while I'm still unsure if it's better than Opus Nocturne or not, I still think it's awesome. I especially love the chamber choir at the end of Accuser/Opposer, and then hearing the following track blast my eardrums into pulp. There does seem to be some filler on it, however.
10.01.2008 - 15:43
this album is a strong improvement form the very overated and boring legion years, I hope they keep this path.
29.04.2009 - 13:30
Rating: 7
Fire from Above
I'm sorry but I miss Legion in vocals. This album is good but Legion carried the vocals really well in this band.
21.10.2010 - 01:13
Rating: 10
Sonic MrSumo
This album gets better and better with every listen!
All the bridges in the world won't save you, if there's no other side to cross to.
- Rock poetry from Silverchair.

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