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ingarsu - Album collection


1998 - Siége Perilous9
1999 - The Fourth Legacy10
2000 - The Expedition [Live]10
2001 - Karma10
2003 - Epica10
2005 - The Black Halo10
2006 - One Cold Winter's Night [Live]10
2006 - One Cold Winter's Night [DVD]10
2007 - Ghost Opera10
2008 - Ghost Opera - The Second Coming10
2010 - Poetry For The Poisoned10


Top styles

Power 85%
Heavy 8%
Progressive 8%


We analyze favorite bands, album collections, ratings and try to find users with similar tastes. The number on the right is the 'similarity rating' - hover the mouse for explanation.

Lucretia Irkalla 209
regmighty 207
KodokSangJibrieliant 200
Elaryan 200
insundet 144
Enissa 141
Metal_4Ever 140
__SpOO__ 139
Knight Templar 132
dunskii 130
sinsxshadows 129


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