stef82gr - Album collection
- Band - A Canorous Quintet (5) A Perfect Circle (4) Abattoir (3) Abigor (15) Ablaze My Sorrow (6) Aborted (19) Aborym (8) Absu (8) AC/DC (22) Accept (22) Acheron (11) Acid Reign (3) Agathodaimon (7) Agatus (6) Agent Steel (7) Agnostic Front (13) Akercocke (6) Alice In Chains (10) Altar (6) Alter Bridge (7) Amon Amarth (14) Amorphis (3) Anathema (13) Ancient (9) Ancient Rites (8) Angel Dust (6) Angelcorpse (7) Annihilator (21) Anthrax (28) Apocalyptica (10) Arch Enemy (18) Arcturus (6) Artillery (12) Asphyx (14) Assassin (6) At The Gates (13) Atheist (5) Atrophy (3) Audioslave (3) Aura Noir (7) Autopsy (17) Bathory (12) Behemoth (26) Beherit (9) Belphegor (14) Benediction (10) Bewitched (SWE) (8) Black Sabbath (25) Blaze Bayley (13) Blind Guardian (22) Blind Illusion (3) Bloodbath (10) Body Count (2) Bolt Thrower (10) Bonded By Blood (4) Broken Hope (7) Bruce Dickinson (9) Burzum (13) Cannibal Corpse (21) Carcass (14) Carpathian Forest (9) Cavalera Conspiracy (4) Celtic Frost (7) Children Of Bodom (16) Chimaira (10) Coroner (5) Cradle Of Filth (22) Crowbar (13) Cryptopsy (11) D.R.I. (10) Dark Angel (5) Dark Funeral (10) Dark Tranquillity (20) Darkane (7) Darkthrone (23) Death (9) Death Angel (3) Decapitated (9) Deeds Of Flesh (11) Deep Purple (22) Def Leppard (6) Deftones (20) Deicide (15) Destruction (21) Deviser (6) Dimmu Borgir (16) Dio (14) Dismember (12) Dissection (8) Disturbed (9) Down (4) Dream Theater (19) Dying Fetus (12) Edge Of Sanity (10) Emperor (10) Enslaved (21) Enthroned (14) Entombed (21) Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (7) Evildead (2) Evile (5) Exhorder (4) Exhumed (9) Exmortus (3) Exodus (12) Exumer (2) F.K.Ü. (2) Faith No More (8) Fight (3) Flames (1) Flotsam & Jetsam (2) Flotsam And Jetsam (6) Forbidden (5) Fueled By Fire (1) Gama Bomb (7) Gamma Ray (18) Gary Moore (2) Gates Of Ishtar (3) God Dethroned (12) Gojira (10) Gorefest (10) Gorgoroth (13) Grave (15) Grave Digger (30) Grip Inc. (3) Guns N' Roses (4) Halford (4) Harakiri For The Sky (1) Hate Eternal (8) Hatebreed (10) HatePlow (2) Havok (7) Heathen (1) Heaven And Hell (1) Heaven Shall Burn (11) Hecate Enthroned (8) Hellhammer (1) Helloween (46) Hexen (2) HIM (10) Hirax (1) Holy Terror (2) Hyades (1) Hypocrisy (20) Iced Earth (17) Ill Niño (7) Immolation (13) Immortal (12) Impaled Nazarene (18) In Flames (18) Incantation (19) Infernäl Mäjesty (1) Insomnium (1) Iron Maiden (68) Isengard (2) Judas Priest (24) Kalmah (9) Kataklysm (18) Kawir (10) King Diamond (14) Korn (4) Krabathor (8) Kreator (24) Krisiun (15) Kyuss (5) Lamb Of God (13) Led Zeppelin (10) Legion Of The Damned (3) Limbonic Art (9) Lock Up (6) Lord Belial (11) Machine Head (19) Malevolent Creation (14) Manowar (19) Marduk (27) Massacre (6) Master (7) Master's Hammer (1) Mastodon (12) Mayhem (14) Megadeth (18) Mekong Delta (2) Mercenary (8) Mercyful Fate (10) Meshuggah (15) Metal Church (4) Metallica (14) Monstrosity (6) Morbid Angel (12) Morbid Saint (2) Morgoth (6) Mortal Sin (1) Mortem (2) Mortician (8) Mortification (16) Motörhead (32) Municipal Waste (4) Naer Mataron (9) Naglfar (9) Napalm Death (23) Necromantia (8) Necrophobic (11) Nekromantheon (1) Nevermore (10) Night In Gales (10) Nightfall (13) Nile (11) Nuclear Assault (11) Obituary (13) Old Man's Child (7) Onslaught (9) Opeth (12) Order Of The Ebon Hand (2) Origin (7) Overkill (15) Ozzy Osbourne (21) Pantera (12) Paradise Lost (31) Paradox (5) Pestilence (12) Possessed (5) Primordial (15) Pro-Pain (17) Queens Of The Stone Age (10) Rage (35) Rage Against The Machine (6) Rainbow (11) Raise Hell (5) Rammstein (10) Razor (10) Riverside (10) Rotting Christ (25) Running Wild (2) Sabaton (1) Sacramentum (4) Sacred Reich (7) Sacrifice (1) Sadus (6) Samael (17) Sarcófago (6) Satyricon (14) Savatage (15) Scorpions (24) Sentenced (13) Septicflesh (14) Sepultura (15) Serj Tankian (3) Sinister (16) Six Feet Under (20) Skeletonwitch (3) Slayer (16) Slipknot (9) Sodom (24) Soilwork (14) Soulfly (12) Soundgarden (8) Spiritual Beggars (10) Suffocation (12) Suicidal Angels (9) Suicidal Tendencies (3) Summoning (9) System Of A Down (6) Tankard (21) Testament (5) The Abyss (2) The Black Dahlia Murder (10) The Crown (11) The Elysian Fields (5) The Haunted (2) The Kovenant (2) Therapy? (16) Therion (2) This Ending (6) Thorns (1) Thou Art Lord (6) TOC (2) Tool (6) Torture Squad (3) Toxic Holocaust (2) Toxik (1) Trivium (11) Ulver (3) Unanimated (5) Unida (2) Unleashed (16) Vader (24) Varathron (11) Vektor (3) Venom (14) Vindicator (4) Vio-lence (1) Vital Remains (6) Voivod (5) W.A.S.P. (18) Warbringer (3) Whiplash (6) Witchery (3) Yngwie Malmsteen (23) Zemial (7)
- Year - 2025 (3) 2024 (20) 2023 (27) 2022 (49) 2021 (39) 2020 (54) 2019 (37) 2018 (49) 2017 (57) 2016 (55) 2015 (53) 2014 (56) 2013 (79) 2012 (72) 2011 (65) 2010 (83) 2009 (75) 2008 (80) 2007 (78) 2006 (80) 2005 (97) 2004 (92) 2003 (103) 2002 (97) 2001 (96) 2000 (99) 1999 (108) 1998 (125) 1997 (107) 1996 (132) 1995 (120) 1994 (100) 1993 (101) 1992 (86) 1991 (69) 1990 (59) 1989 (47) 1988 (55) 1987 (51) 1986 (39) 1985 (37) 1984 (29) 1983 (21) 1982 (14) 1981 (13) 1980 (15) 1979 (9) 1978 (7) 1977 (5) 1976 (8) 1975 (7) 1974 (4) 1973 (3) 1972 (4) 1971 (3) 1970 (4) 1969 (3) 1968 (2)
- Media - CD (3046) > (3046)DVD (36)
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