Written by Curumir on 20.01.2014 at 13:04
It's sad that this kind of music is that underrated. Whenever I show it to other people I get positive reactions like "Wow that's beautiful, didn't know such music existed", and yet the genre remains mostly unseen. But that might aswell be part of the fun, digging in the web to find more amazing artists.
I suppose that this is mainly due to the fact that this isn't, let's say, iPod music. I mean, there isn't a "hit" you put on as a single track, it isn't music for workout or stuff like that. It's music that needs to be listened as a whole, and therefore it's less accessible.
On the other hand I'm listening right now to Agalloch as background music while studying public law and it feels awesome.
We could be so much more than we are. Stop.