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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


1989-  Steve Von Till - all instruments, vocals
2021  Dave French - guitars, synthesizers, percussion
2000  Kris Force - violin, backing vocals
2000  Jackie Perez Gratz - cello
2000  Annabel Lee - violin
2000  Martha Burns - cello
2000  Erika Little - backing vocals
2002  Desmond Shea - organs
› 2008  -//- bass, keyboards, organs
2002  Dough Adams - fiddle
2002  Louis A. Von Till - vocals
2002  Joe Goldring - drums, guitars
2008  David Philips - guitars
2008  Alex Hall - guitars
2008  Jeffrey Luck Lucas - cello
2008  John Hofer - drums
2015  Randall Dunn - synthesizers
› 2020  -//- mellotron
2015  Eyvind Kang - viola
2015  Pat Schowe - percussion
2015  Jason "Jay" Kardong - guitars
2020  Brent Arnold - cello
2020  Aaron Korn - french horn
2020  Tucker Martine - percussion

Latest reviews

You may know Steve Von Till from his pensive and forlorn metal outfit Neurosis, but it seems that his solo output is just as pensive and forlorn, just sans the metal.
Review by RaduP ››

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